National Environmental Policy Act


Welcome to NEPA

Welcome to the Department of Defense Environmental Planning website. This is the new home of National Environmental Policy Act policy information for DoD.

NEPA requires the Federal Government to make environmentally informed decisions when implementing major Federal actions and to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions.

What’s New
Council on Environmental Quality released guidance on implementing National Environmental policy Act after budget lapse shutdown. The guidance addresses concerns that resource agencies may not have been available to analyze and the public may not have been able to comment issues during the budget lapse.
Implementing NEPA After Budget Lapse Shutdown memo 10-18-13

Existing DOD Policy – DoD Directive 4715.6

Improving the Quality of Environmental Documents Report
This report documents an initiative of transportation practitioners nationwide to improve the quality of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) and Environmental Assessments (EAs) written to comply with the NEPA.

NEPA Desk Guide
This guide will help GSA staff, contractors, and other GSA associates carry out the requirements of the NEPA.

Environmental Protection Agency

Fed Center

Guam EIS

Guam EIS
Department of the Navy: Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) Guam