Scaling Asia

Scaling Asia

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung

Scaling brands in the epicenter of growth!


Gemäß unserem Motto "Scaling brands in the epicenter of growth" ist es unsere Aufgabe, europäische Unternehmen mit den enormen Möglichkeiten des ASEAN-Marktes zu verbinden. Mit Sitz in Deutschland und engen Verbindungen nach Indonesien begleiten und unterstützen wir Marken beim Markteintritt und der Skalierung in Südostasien. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen an, die von strategischer Beratung, Positionierung, Unterstützung bei Logistik und Vertrieb, Produktplatzierung bis hin zur Steigerung der Markenpräsenz reichen. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihrem Unternehmen zu helfen, in einem neuen Markt zu wachsen und gleichzeitig die Integrität und Kontrolle Ihrer Marke in einer unbekannten Landschaft zu gewährleisten. Möchten Sie in diesen lukrativen Markt eintreten? Unser Fachwissen liegt in der Beurteilung der Marken- und Produkt-Markt-Passung, um Sie reibungslos durch den komplexen Markteintrittsprozess zu führen. Für Marken, die bereits in der Region aktiv sind, konzentrieren wir uns auf die Identifizierung und Nutzung ungenutzter Wachstumschancen. Mit unserem tiefgreifenden Verständnis für lokale Marketing- und E-Commerce-Strategien sind wir bereit, Ihre Marke auf die nächste Stufe zu heben und sicherzustellen, dass sie ihrem Kern treu bleibt, während wir die Kundenbindung stärken. Darüber hinaus unterstützen wir Marken und Agenturen, indem wir ihnen Zugang zu erstklassigen Marketingexperten zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen bieten, damit sie sich auf das konzentrieren können, was Sie am besten können.

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung
2–10 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Growth, Scaling, Marketing, E-commerce und Market Entry


Beschäftigte von Scaling Asia


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    You have a business that needs scaled expansion?📈 You want to tap into the markets of #SoutheastAsia?🌏 Or maybe you’d just like someone to talk to?🤗 We would love to hear from you! ❤️ In whichever way you feel most comfortable: 📨 Fan of the good old-fashioned e-mail? Come and say 👋🏼 ⌨️ Prefer the uncommitted text message? Drop us a line on WhatsApp: 👋🏼 🗓️ More of a fixed schedule person? Book a date with us: 👋🏼 📱 Want to connect right here on LinkedIn? Slide into our DMs: David Fichtner & Hauke Janowsky 👋🏼 No need to be shy – reach out today and let’s start scaling together! 🌟 #ContactUs #GetInTouch #LetsTalk #Indonesia #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

    • The background is dark grey. We see a big blue headline "Don't be shy!" followed by lighter grenn text stating "Get. in. touch!". On the left there is a woman shyly peaking around a corner, surrounded by icons of possible ways of contact. In the bottom left we see the Scaling Asia company logo in white.
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    Let's gooo! 🏆 Look at our partners go! An incredible achievement fueling our pride to be part of this group! 🚀 Now let's all cross some extra fingers to get the 7 out of 7! 🤞🏼 #MobexAwards2024 #LeverateGroup #ScalingAsia

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    Guess What? 🎉 We’re super excited to share that we’ve been shortlisted in 7 categories at the Mobex Awards 2024! Best Launch / Re-launch Best Mobile Storytelling Campaign Best Results-Driven Mobile Campaign Best Use of KOLs / Influencers Best Campaign - Banking & Finance (2) Best Campaign - Health & Wellness We are eagerly awaiting the winner announcement on July 18, 2024! Fingers Crossed! 🤞 #GameChanger #LeverateGroup #MobexAwards2024

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    What does a hamster have to do with e-commerce growth?! 🐹 First of all, did you know that Indonesia's e-commerce sector is set to grow at a staggering 10.4% CAGR between 2024 and 2029? 📈 That's right! This Southeast Asian giant is poised for phenomenal #growth, offering immense opportunities for businesses ready to tap into its dynamic market. 🌟 Now, you might be wondering, "Who on earth is this CAGR?!" 🤔 Well, #CAGR stands for Compound Annual Growth Rate, which is a fancy way of saying "the yearly average of growth over a certain period of time." You can think of it like this: Imagine you get a little baby hamster, let’s call him Sir Fluffington 🐹 Every year, Sir Fluffington grows a little bigger and in 3 years he has grown into quite the chunky little fella. Knowing the weight you got him at and his current weight, you can calculate the CAGR. It would give you the percentage on how much bigger Sir Fluffington has gotten on average each year. Being the loving pet owner that you are, we know you always fed him well helping with is growth, so Sir Fluffington is really glad to have you! ❤️ At Scaling Asia, we are excited about the potential this growth represents for our clients. Well, more so the e-commerce sector’s growth than the hamster’s. 📱 Our expertise in navigating the #ECommerce landscape ensures that brands not only enter the market smoothly but also scale efficiently. Whether it's through targeted digital marketing strategies, robust logistics solutions, or insightful market analysis, we have the tools and knowledge to help your business thrive in this fast-growing sector. 💡✨ Ready to boost your e-commerce business in the Epicenter of Growth? Let's start scaling! 💬 🌏 #MarketTrends #BusinessGrowth #DigitalMarketing #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

    • This image features a fluffy brown and white hamster with a slightly quizzical expression, perched on a ledge against the backdrop of a modern cityscape filled with tall skyscrapers. The hamster is centered in the foreground, looking directly at the viewer, giving it an endearing and engaging presence. In the background, the city buildings are slightly blurred, drawing focus to the hamster. The top section of the image has a black banner with the "Scaling" logo in white. In the bottom section, there is text in large, bold numbers reading "10.4%" with the subtext "e-commerce CAGR (2024-2029)" written below in a sleek, modern font. The overall aesthetic combines a playful element with professional graphics, illustrating the concept of growth in an engaging way. The hamster serves as a metaphorical representation for the CAGR, tying into the theme of e-commerce expansion in Indonesia.
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    🌙 Welcoming the Islamic New Year with Joy and Reflection 🌙 Scaling Asia wishes everyone a blessed Muharram and a joyful Tahun Baru Islam! 👐🏼 As we embark on this new year’s journey, may it be filled with peace, prosperity, and new opportunities. This special time offers a moment to reflect on the past year and embrace the hopes and aspirations for the year ahead. 🌟 We celebrate the rich traditions that bring us together and strengthen our global community. Happy Muharram and Selamat Tahun Baru Islam to all our friends, partners, and colleagues around the world! 🌏 #IslamicNewYear #Muharram #TahunBaruIslam #ScalingAsia

    • The image is a greeting card from Scaling Asia, wishing a Happy Muharram, the Islamic New Year. It features a modern design with a dark background and teal accents. The top left corner shows clouds and stars, while a green lantern hangs from the top right. The main text reads "Happy Muharram" in large blue letters, with "Islamic New Year" in smaller text above. Below, in green text, it says "Selamat Tahun Baru Islam!" The background subtly depicts mosque domes and minarets, adding to the festive theme.
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    1,660,000,000,000,000 IDR 💰 Absolute All-Time High in #ConsumerSpending! 🚀 We know, that’s a lot of Zeros and Commas! In words, that is 1.66 Quadrillion Indonesian Rupiah, or 99.6 Billion Euros. With a steady growing recovery after the pandemic, this number is a record high for #Indonesia’s consumer spending. Over the past 10 years that is a growth of 47% percent! 💥 Quick comparison: Germany’s growth over the same 10 years was just above 8%… This remarkable rise is a testament to Indonesia’s increasing Consumer Confidence and the expanding middle class. Let's dive into what this means for the market and businesses like yours: The #ConsumerConfidence is a critical indicator of economic health, reflecting how optimistic people feel about their financial situation and the #economy. In Indonesia, this optimism is driving more spending, particularly on goods and services that enhance quality of life. This trend indicates a robust economic environment where people feel secure enough to invest in their future. 🤩 The #MiddleClass growing and growing is another significant factor contributing to this surge. With more disposable income, middle-class consumers are not just spending more but also seeking higher-quality products and services. This shift creates an incredible opportunity for businesses to innovate and cater to these evolving preferences. 💎 At Scaling Asia, we are at the forefront of these changes, helping brands adapt and thrive in this dynamic and ever-growing market. Our expertise in understanding local trends and consumer behavior positions us perfectly to support businesses aiming to tap into this vibrant market. 🌏 Want to learn how we can help you scale in this Epicenter of Growth? Simply get in touch and let's start scaling! 📈 #Economy #Growth #Consumer #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

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    Meet our Scaling Asia crew! 🌟 🔎 Spotlight on: David Fichtner 🧩 What He Does As our Co-Founder and Managing Director, the question isn’t “What are his responsibilities?” but rather “What aren’t they?!”. Responsible for basically everything, the current focus is on client acquisition and development, alongside managing the usual chaos of CEO tasks. Combining the holy trinity of knowledge and skills in marketing, e-commerce and management, David excels as an all-rounder in media management in all its facets. Add to that his natural skill for improving organization and processes, it quickly becomes clear, that he is very well placed at the helm of our endeavors. ⚖️ Work Life Balance As far as running a start up allows, David likes to spend time doing a variety outdoor activities. Among his favorites are bouldering, ski touring, and climbing, which offer him not only physical challenges but also moments of reflection and personal growth. David also has a passion for photography, capturing stunning landscapes and candid moments during his adventures. Along with his friends, another trusty companion on his trips into the great outdoors is his campervan, Gustaff. 🔧 Hidden Talent In working with (or rather on) Gustaff, David has become quite the skilled car mechanic as well. As good as he is at helping companies thrive, he is at bringing cars back to life. His hands-on approach and problem-solving skills also come in handy maintaining and enhancing his beloved campervan. Whether it's troubleshooting mechanical issues, upgrading the interior, or causing and fixing engine issues, he has become quite the car nut. 🎩 Fun Fact David is an absolute woodworking enthusiast. His passion for crafting with wood runs deep, and most of the furniture in his home is either built by his grandfather or crafted by David himself. This hobby isn't just about creating functional pieces, but adding a personal touch to his living spaces. Drop a like to show some love, and comment, what else you want to know about David! ❤️ #CEO #Founder #Team #MeetTheCrew #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

    • This image collage showcases David, the dynamic CEO of Scaling Asia. The top left photo features David smiling confidently with his arms crossed, wearing a tan cap and a black shirt. To the right, a serene lakeside view with David’s blue campervan, Gustaff, open and set up for a scenic adventure. The bottom left photo captures David in action, walking outdoors while talking on his phone, embodying the hashtags #AlwaysAvailable, #FounderLife, and #StartUp. The bottom right image shows David in a picturesque snowy mountain landscape, focusing through a camera, indulging in his passion for photography. The Scaling Asia logo is prominently displayed at the bottom. This collage highlights David’s multifaceted life, balancing leadership with personal passions.
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    GDP, FDI, PwC, pGDP, IMF, CEIC and other letter combinations 🔠 All a testament of Indonesia’s blazing economic growth! 💫 Did you know that #Indonesia is on track to become an even more influential economic powerhouse than it already is? According to forecasts by PwC, Indonesia's GDP is expected to skyrocket, propelling the nation into the ranks of the G9 by 2030. Even further, it’s predicted that Indonesia will hold the 4th largest global economy by 2050! 🌍📈 Here are some eye-opening stats: 🚀 GDP Growth PwC forecasts that Indonesia's #GDP will grow at an annual rate of 5-6% over the next decade. That is almost double the projected global GDP growth rate of around 3%, forecast by #IMF. In contrast, Germany’s annual GDP growth is expected to only be a mere 1-1.5%. 💰 Investment Surge Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia reached a record $45.6 billion in 2023, highlighting global confidence in the country's economic potential. In the first quarter of 2024 the #FDI is already at around $12.6 billion, which is over 15% more than Q1 of 2023, according to CEIC Data. ⛰️ Surpassing Giants With a projected GDP of $10.5 trillion, Indonesia is set to far surpass other long-time economic top powerhouses like Germany ($6.1 trillion pGDP) and Japan ($6.8 trillion pGDP) by 2050. This phenomenal growth is fueled by a diverse range of industries, from tech startups and e-commerce to manufacturing and natural resources. Indonesia's strategic position in the #ASEAN region also plays a crucial role, offering unparalleled opportunities for businesses looking to expand. 🗺️ At Scaling Asia, we're excited to help European brands tap into this booming market and hitch a ride on Indonesia’s soaring economic rise! 🌌 Are you ready? Then let's start scaling! 🚀 #Economy #Growth #PwC #CEIC #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

    • This vibrant, high-quality image captures Jakarta's skyline at golden hour, showcasing the city's iconic skyscrapers, modern buildings, and bustling urban life. In the foreground, an Indonesian flag waves proudly alongside visible construction cranes, symbolizing growth and investment. The warm and inviting atmosphere is enhanced by digital graphics highlighting Indonesia's economic forecast: joining the G9 by 2030 and reaching the G4 by 2050. The sleek design features the Scaling logo and a futuristic layout, underscoring Jakarta's dynamic development and Indonesia's rising economic potential. This image effectively conveys optimism and progress, making it a powerful visual statement of Indonesia's bright future.
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    One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Two percent! 💥 Quite the big number, right? It gets even more impressive, when you put it into context! The number in fact describes the skyrocketing growth of Indonesia’s #economy since 1998 – 1382%! 📊 This phenomenal growth is not just a statistic – it's a testament to the country's dynamic transformation and burgeoning potential. 🚀 Over the past two decades, #Indonesia has experienced a robust increase in per capita GDP, reflecting the rise of a strong and influential middle and upper class. This shift is driving consumer demand, fostering #innovation, and creating a fertile ground for businesses to thrive. 🌱📈 At Scaling Asia, we see Indonesia as a corner stone in the Epicenter of #Growth. The expanding middle class means more opportunities for brands to connect with an eager and affluent consumer base. Not only Indonesia in particular, but the #ASEAN market in general offer boundless possibilities and we're here to help your brand tap into them. 🌟 Ready to scale your business in this thriving region? Then what are you waiting for? 🚀 Get in touch to learn how we can support your journey in Indonesia and beyond. 👋🏼 #EconomicGrowth #opportunities #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

    • This image showcases a stunning aerial view of Jakarta, Indonesia, during a vibrant sunset, emphasizing the city's economic dynamism. The skyline features modern skyscrapers bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, with prominent buildings standing tall against a backdrop of an orange-pink sky. The foreground captures a bustling urban scene with a busy highway filled with cars, reflecting Jakarta's fast-paced growth and development. Overlaying the image is a bold text "1382%," highlighting the impressive economic growth since 1998. The top-right corner features the Scaling Asia logo, integrating the company's brand into the dynamic cityscape. This visually compelling image captures Jakarta's essence as a thriving metropolis, symbolizing opportunity and progress.
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    Did you know Indonesia has the 4th largest population in the world? 🌏 Well, now you do! 😉 With over 275 million people and still growing, #Indonesia's diverse and vibrant population presents incredible opportunities. Let's dive into the details: 🌟 A Young and Dynamic Workforce More than 40% of Indonesia's population is under the age of 25. This youthful demographic means a vast and energetic #workforce ready to embrace new technologies, trends, and opportunities. Businesses can tap into this pool of talent for innovative ideas and fresh perspectives. 💼 Expanding Middle Class Indonesia's middle class is rapidly expanding, projected to reach 141 million by 2030. This group is characterized by ever-increasing purchasing power and a growing demand for higher-quality products and services. The middle class drives robust market growth, presenting vast opportunities for consumer brands, from FMCG to luxury products. 🏙️ Urbanization and Smart Cities More than half of Indonesia's population lives in urban areas, with major cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Bandung becoming bustling economic hubs. The government's commitment to developing #SmartCities opens doors for tech companies, infrastructure projects, and urban development ventures. 🤖 Digital Savvy Population Indonesia is home to over 202 million internet users, making it the largest internet economy in #SoutheastAsia. Indonesia's thriving #ECommerce sector is set to surpass $95 billion by 2029. #Fintech, #Healthtech and #DigitalServices are similarly booming, providing immense opportunities for businesses in the tech sector. 🪷 Cultural Diversity Indonesia boasts over 300 ethnic groups, each with unique traditions and consumer behaviors. This #diversity allows businesses to tailor products and marketing strategies to cater to specific local needs and preferences. The growth story of Indonesia is just beginning, and the potential for businesses is immense. 🚀 Ready to explore these #opportunities? Get in touch and let's start scaling in the Epicenter of Growth! 📈 #Indonesia #ScalingAsia #EpicenterOfGrowth

    • Das Bild zeigt eine belebte Stadtstraße in einer großen Metropole, vermutlich Jakarta, Indonesien, gesäumt von hohen Bürogebäuden. Auf der Straße sind viele Menschen zu sehen, die zu Fuß unterwegs sind. Am oberen Rand des Bildes ist das Logo von Scaling zu sehen. Unten rechts im Bild steht in großer Schrift: "4th largest global population and still growing!" Das Bild betont die enorme Bevölkerungsgröße Indonesiens, das die viertgrößte Bevölkerung der Welt hat, und hebt das Potenzial für wirtschaftliches Wachstum und Marktchancen hervor.
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    🌙 Selamat Hari Raya and Eid Mubarak from Scaling Asia! 🌙 We wish everyone a joyous and blessed Idul Adha! 🌄 May this special occasion bring you peace, happiness, and prosperity. Enjoy the festivities with your loved ones, and may your days be filled with joy, love and laughter. ✨ In case you didn’t know yet, Idul Adha, or the "Festival of Sacrifice", is a major Islamic holiday celebrating Ibrahim's (Abraham's) willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to God. Muslims around the world mark the occasion with prayers, feasts, and the ritual sacrifice of an animal, sharing the meat with family, friends, and those in need 🫱🏽🫲🏼 So, Selamat Raya and happy Eid to all our friends, partners, and colleagues around the world! ☪ #IdulAdha #EidAlAdha #HariRaya #ScalingAsia

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