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Ari Keränen
(Ari Keranen)


Role Group Email
Chair Thing-to-Thing (t2trg)
Chair Internet of Things Directorate (iotdir)
Member Internet Research Steering Group (irsg)
Reviewer Internet of Things Directorate (iotdir)
Secretary Internet of Things Directorate (iotdir)

RFCs (20)

RFC Date Title Cited by
RFC 5770 Apr 2010 Basic Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Extensions for Traversal of Network Address Translators 7 RFCs
RFC 6028 Oct 2010 Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Multi-Hop Routing Extension 1 RFC
RFC 6079 Jan 2011 HIP BONE: Host Identity Protocol (HIP) Based Overlay Networking Environment (BONE) 3 RFCs
RFC 6261 May 2011 Encrypted Signaling Transport Modes for the Host Identity Protocol 1 RFC
RFC 6309 Aug 2011 IANA Rules for MIKEY (Multimedia Internet KEYing)
RFC 6544 Mar 2012 TCP Candidates with Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) 11 RFCs
RFC 6586 Apr 2012 Experiences from an IPv6-Only Network 2 RFCs
RFC 6920 Apr 2013 Naming Things with Hashes 16 RFCs
RFC 6948 Jul 2013 Some Measurements on World IPv6 Day from an End-User Perspective
RFC 7086 Jan 2014 Host Identity Protocol-Based Overlay Networking Environment (HIP BONE) Instance Specification for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) 2 RFCs
RFC 7228 May 2014 Terminology for Constrained-Node Networks 42 RFCs
RFC 8387 May 2018 Practical Considerations and Implementation Experiences in Securing Smart Object Networks 1 RFC
RFC 8428 Aug 2018 Sensor Measurement Lists (SenML) 10 RFCs
RFC 8445 Jul 2018 Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Protocol for Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal 30 RFCs
RFC 8516 Jan 2019 "Too Many Requests" Response Code for the Constrained Application Protocol 1 RFC
RFC 8790 Jun 2020 FETCH and PATCH with Sensor Measurement Lists (SenML)
RFC 8839 Jan 2021 Session Description Protocol (SDP) Offer/Answer Procedures for Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) 10 RFCs
RFC 9028 Jul 2021 Native NAT Traversal Mode for the Host Identity Protocol 2 RFCs
RFC 9178 May 2022 Building Power-Efficient Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Devices for Cellular Networks
RFC 9193 Jun 2022 Sensor Measurement Lists (SenML) Fields for Indicating Data Value Content-Format

Active Internet-Drafts (4)

Expired Internet-Drafts (27)

(Excluding replaced Internet-Drafts.)

Internet-Draft Activity