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Questions tagged [encryption]

Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext using a cipher into ciphertext to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing the key. Decryption is the process of transforming that ciphertext back into plaintext, using the key.

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What are the recommended parameters for NTRUEncrypt?

I'm looking into NTRU for the first time and I am confused by the variants and the set of parameters. I'd like to use a secure NTRU-based cryptosystem to have a (plausibly) quantum secure PKE offering ...
Itranneo's user avatar
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2 answers

How do cache-timing attacks determine the secret keys of encryption algorithms?

In cache-timing attacks like prime+probe, attacking programs are able to discover the addresses of a victim program's data in main memory. These attacks are often used to determine the secret keys ...
scha's user avatar
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Project: We're looking for a security / privacy expert to fortify an AI chat application [closed]

Project: We're looking for a security / privacy expert to fortify an AI chat application. Please DM me if you are open to project work. Thank you very much. Adam
hopefloats's user avatar
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Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.76 causing "CMSException: exception unwrapping key: cannot initialise algorithm parameters" [closed]

Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.76 causing "CMSException: exception unwrapping key: cannot initialise algorithm parameters: LunaIvParameters: Unsupported engineInit method" error in RSAES-OAEP ...
user118092's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is ElGamal homomorphic encryption using additive groups works only for Discrete Log ElGamal? What about EC ElGamal?

It is known that in Discrete Log ElGamal encryption, the ciphertext $E$ is encrypted as: $a\ =\ g^k$, where $k$ - random scalar from $[0,\ p)$, $g$ - group generator $b\ =\ (Y^k*m)\mod\ p$, where $Y$ -...
Azii's user avatar
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Implementing password recovery in my app

I have an Android App that stores encrypted data using a key derived from user entered password (PBKDF2). If any user forgets their password, they loose access to all their data. Hence, I am trying to ...
Shahid Thaika's user avatar
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Proof of Decryption in a Chinese Remainder Theorem-Based Encryption Scheme

I've been studying a cryptographic scheme that uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) for decryption. Here's a brief overview of the encryption and decryption process: Setup: Alice chooses two ...
wajde's user avatar
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Is it possible to abstract an ElGamal encryption for EC and Discrete Log by using a Group Law?

ElGamal encryption for Discrete Log is defined as: Bob side does: $Y\ =\ (g^x)\ mod\ P$, where $g$ - generator, $x$ - random value among the group elements and $P$ - prime number, typically ultra ...
Azii's user avatar
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Is a salt necessary when using a key and an intialization vector during encryption?

I use OpenSSL to encrypt passwords. For that the parameters - $S $ salt, $K$ key, $IV$ initialization vector are used. Although the command produces the results, I am not sure if the salt is really ...
Bionix1441's user avatar
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lattice RLWE encryption and decryption process

I am here trying to solve an issue that I face a lot during solving RLWE. The issue is that I am not able to retrieve the original message after the decryption process. I use the following encryption ...
A. H's user avatar
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Cryptography elements requested for a plot in a story

experts. I am working on a story that involves a terabyte portable drive that has been encrypted by Person 1 and needs to be decrypted by Person 2 (Person 1 is deceased by that point). Person 1 and ...
Fritz loebl's user avatar
5 votes
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Encrypting a message by calculating the digits of a complicated irrational number

I have no background in cryptography at all so excuse my ignorance if this is a silly question. I was pondering ways in which I could encrypt a message and I came up with the following idea: Me and ...
Cristof012's user avatar
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Zero-Knowledge Proof of a number being generated "randomly" (similar to a dice roll)

If party1 asks other parties to give a random number, for simplicity, say in a range from 1 to 6 (like in a dice). Is it possible for party1 to ensure that the number received is in a given range and ...
user60588's user avatar
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Definition of non-interactive non-commiting encryption

I'm having trouble understanding the definition of non-interactive non-committing encryption (NINCE) from the paper Separating Random Oracle Proofs from Complexity Theoretic Proofs: The Non-committing ...
Mahesh S R's user avatar
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Mental Poker: Can the shuffle of the deck be done Publicaly by a single player at the start of the game

Ref: Mental Poker Revisited by Barnett and Smart. I am looking at mental poker problem. Generally, the shuffling process is done by a single player who starts the game and not by all players. But, in ...
user60588's user avatar
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