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The TrapFire also known as the Tripwire Fire is an unreleased grenade for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Counter-Strike 2.


Tripwirefire icon

TrapFire icon

The grenade's function is unknown, but it is likely intended to be used as a tripwire that, when activated, creates a fire in a certain radius, similar to a Molotov or Incendiary Grenade.

The first mention of this weapon was added in the November 18, 2019 update to the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game files.[1] The model for the weapon was introduced in the game files during the Counter-Strike 2 Beta launch.[2]

Information about TrapFire can be found in localization files:

"SFUI_WPNHUD_TripWireFire"	"TrapFire"


  1. ↑ In csgo_english
  2. ↑ Pak01_dir.vpk - models/weapons/v_tripwirefire.vmdl_c