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Your search for: 'author:("Honea, Robyn A.")' has returned 10 results. (0.014s)

Impact of APOE on the Healthy Aging Brain: A Voxel-Based MRI and DTI Study

Price: EUR 27.50

Neural Correlates of Impaired Functional Independence in Early Alzheimer's Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

The Default Mode Network and Related Right Hemisphere Structures may be the Key Substrates of Dementia

Price: EUR 27.50

Reduced Limbic and Hypothalamic Volumes Correlate with Bone Density in Early Alzheimer's Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

Bone Density and Brain Atrophy in Early Alzheimer's Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

The Default Mode Network may be the Key Substrate of Depressive Symptom-Related Cognitive Changes

Price: EUR 27.50

Maternal Family History is Associated with Alzheimer's Disease Biomarkers

Price: EUR 27.50

A Combined Measure of Vascular Risk for White Matter Lesions

Price: EUR 27.50

Increased Functional Connectivity of the Precuneus in Individuals with a Family History of Alzheimer’s Disease

Sex Differences in Resilience and Resistance to Brain Pathology and Dysfunction Moderated by Cerebrovascular Response to Exercise and Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Price: EUR 27.50