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Your search for: 'author:("Berti, Valentina")' has returned 8 results. (0.012s)

The Association Between Positive Amyloid-PET and Cognitive Decline Is Not Always Supportive of Alzheimer’s Disease: Suggestions from a Case Report

Contribution of Bilingualism to Cognitive Reserve of an Italian Literature Professor at High Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Price: EUR 27.50

Pre-Clinical Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using FDG-PET, with or without Amyloid Imaging

Price: EUR 27.50

High Frequency of Crossed Aphasia in Dextral in an Italian Cohort of Patients with Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia

Price: EUR 27.50

Low Florbetapir PET Uptake and Normal Aβ 1-42 Cerebrospinal Fluid in an APP Ala713Thr Mutation Carrier

Price: EUR 27.50

Association of the New Variant Tyr424Asp at TBK1 Gene with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Cognitive Decline

Price: EUR 27.50

Alzheimer’s Disease Progression: Factors Influencing Cognitive Decline

Price: EUR 27.50

Challenges in Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostic Work-Up: Amyloid Biomarker Incongruences

Price: EUR 27.50