Has anyone else had this problem? Neither Semaglutide nor Tiszepatide worked for me at all. So disappointed and slightly envious of all those posting major weight loss stories. I was started on Semaglutide oral suspension 1.0 ml a day. I was told I would see a half pound a week loss and nausea pills were also prescribed. After a month and a half, no nausea, no weight loss, no GI issues, just...

While the media has written many reports about ozempic face an additional complication following the use of semaglutide is now being dubbed ozempic butt. People are reporting loss of muscle tone and fat in their backside causing sagging and excess skin in the area. Has anyone experienced this issue? Do you think your overall weight loss goals are worth the risk of this side effect?

My prescription reads  Semaglutide/cyanocobalamin 2.5mg/0.4 PEI do you know what the PEI stands for or what it is?

I'm not talking about the tabloid celebrity issues, but what are some real problems that could happen on Ozempic long-term? For example, what happens when your body adjusts to the maximum dose? Is that why people gain the weight back?

I got on Ozempic to lose the weight I gained during the pandemic, when I was eating whatever I wanted, drinking wine most nights, and not working out whatsoever. Well, I lost all the weight and I have to admit, it came off extremely easily. I didnt drastically change my eating habits and I didnt work out.  Im now at the weight I want to be and I look good in clothes, but I have...

Once I hit my weight loss goal on semaglutide, I went back to a low starting dose and sometimes skipped a week or two. But after two weeks with no injection, I notice the food noise returns and its hard to make healthy choices. I crave sugar all the time and it feels like I have to give in to the urge to eat chocolate or candy or else I start to feel dizzy. I gained 8 pounds back pretty...

I started the generic forms of Semaglutide and moved to Tripazide after 6 months. I have lost a total of 60lbs in apx 11 months. At 67 years old this is the first time in my life I have actually found something that works. I will be getting a facelife and possible arm lift but that will happen with larger losses.

Ive been on Ozempic since April 2023 and hit my weight loss goal of 30 pounds by early August. The first week, I experienced horrible nausea—the first two days after my injection, I rarely left the bathroom floor—but it got a lot more manageable after that, even at high doses. However, now Im only taking a very low maintenance dose every two weeks and yet the nausea lasts...