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JMarroquin9 on July 15, 2024
Hi there, My organization currently records all upcoming meetings, and these are sent out every first day of the week manually on Slack. Is there any way for the Hubspot integration in Slack to send out meetings occuring within the week on each read more
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Community Manager
July 16, 2024 04:42
Hi @JMarroquin9 and welcome to the Community! 🎊 We are so glad to have you here! ❤️ I love you asked this question, thank you! First I'd l...read more
CMartin20 on July 08, 2024
My custom deal views keep resetting when I leave or refresh the page. I create a new view, updated the columns to what I want and change all the filters to create the view I am looking for. As soon as I leave and return to the page or refresh the pa read more
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Hall of Famer | Partner
July 08, 2024 15:34
Hi @CMartin20 , You need to save the view for it to persist: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/records/filter-records-and-save-views#filter-recor...read more
CPacana on July 04, 2024
Can we merge contacts in bulk using Operations Hub?
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Hall of Famer | Partner
July 04, 2024 00:50
Hi @CPacana , No, this is not a feature of Operations Hub. However, there are great integrations on the HubSpot app marketplace for this: h...read more
00000 on July 02, 2024
Hello, I think I missed a part of documentation. Could someone please point me in the right direction to solve the issue below? How do I get the dataset forumla field value to display in the custom report? Dataset forumla field value is not app read more
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July 10, 2024 15:08
HubSpot support was able to assist. Sharing answer here in case someone else ever needs this. The error was in parenthesis. While all were closed...read more
JoshuaW on July 01, 2024
We have need to update a semicolon separated list string that is within a single text property by removing multiple values from the string. I've gotten as far as removing a single value using a workflow with the following steps: Copy multi- read more
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Hall of Famer | Partner
July 01, 2024 08:50
Hi @JoshuaW , Just to confirm, a HubSpot single-line property has, for example, the value 'A;B;C;D' and you want to translate this into anothe...read more
CNicolaou4 on June 26, 2024
Hi, I'm looking to update some Contact properties via the CRM API. Can anyone confirm for me if that will trigger the 'Property value change' trigger in a workflow? I worked with a tool before that if you did a manual change to a property it w read more
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Hall of Famer | Partner
June 26, 2024 10:43
Hi @CNicolaou4 , Yes, it would. Best regards!
MPenfold on June 24, 2024
We use a lot of workflows for email campaigns and the automatic switch-off feature has been a godsend. However, it would be great if we could filter the workflows on the list page by whether they're set to automatically switch off or not, or even b read more
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June 25, 2024 07:18
Thanks Karsten, got mixed up between the help and ideas section. Have now resubmitted as an idea here: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/HubSpot-Idea...read more
FransLeys on June 24, 2024
👋🏻 Frans here, product manager for Data Sync at HubSpot. We've built a feature, now available in closed beta , to help you customize how records match in a sync, or turn it off all together. We'd love to talk to some of yo read more
2 Replies
Most Valuable Member | Elite Partner
June 25, 2024 12:10
Thanks for thinking of me (Impulse Creative) @PamCotton . @FransLeys i'll share with my team and see if we have folks interested!
VPankoke on June 21, 2024
Hi! I'm trying to synchronize my google contacts with hubspot. While setting up the synchronization with the official integration, I can't assign a field (address work) from google contacts to a user-defined field in hubspot. It's of the same ty read more
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Guide | Elite Partner
June 24, 2024 05:13
@VPankoke so in data sync some HubSpot properties are actually off-limits, what you can do is Create a custom property and map that to Google Conta...read more
DEstillero on June 20, 2024
Hello, I'd like to know if it is possible to get the string of the association label on a Contact that is associated with a deal. Then using that string to copy it over to a Contact property. I've got the below custom code where I'm able to read more
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Community Manager
June 20, 2024 13:54
Hey @DEstillero , thank you for posting in our Community! You can use the HubSpot API to retrieve the association label from a contact assoc...read more
hanno on June 19, 2024
Hi, Suppose I have filled in 2 Deal properties: Start date of the license (date) Length of the license (in years) Calculation of End date License Now, I want the dnd date of the license (property) to be automatically calculated ( read more
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Guide | Partner
June 24, 2024 16:30
@hanno - faced with a similar challenge some while back, I ended up using a calculated property (assuming you have not used all tehse up for you in...read more
FabioLangbein on June 18, 2024
I would need to use the logarithm log() or even better the natural logarithm ln() in order to create a customer valuation score. I need to use the ln() because I don't want explosive behaviour in my function if for example the value of a variable is read more
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Recognized Expert | Partner
July 15, 2024 15:55
Hey @FabioLangbein If you've got access to custom code workflow actions (ops pro or ent), you could create a custom property on the record a...read more
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