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Questions tagged [python]

Python is an interpreted, general-purpose high-level programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Use the python tag for all Python related questions. If you believe your question may be even more specific, you can include a version specific tag such as python-3.x.

222 votes
4 answers

Calculate SHA1 hash from binary and verify with a provided hash

I applied for a job and they asked me to write code with the following requirements: Get a "toolbar offer" description from Parse the ...
user26614's user avatar
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127 votes
6 answers

How clean is my snow?

I just wrote a snow animation in Python. I think this is fairly clean but I have a few things that I don't like. ...
J Atkin's user avatar
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84 votes
4 answers

Function to print command-line usage for a program [closed]

The following function works well to print out a help message for the program I have written. It prints a multi-line string message that describes the command line usage with some examples: ...
noisy's user avatar
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74 votes
3 answers

Monopoly simulator

I was advised by a Reddit user to get my code reviewed on this site. The complete code is on GitHub. ...
ohjuny's user avatar
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73 votes
5 answers

Send a tweet to ISP when internet speed drops

I have written an app in Python 3 which monitors internet speed and will send a tweet to an ISP when the speed drops too low. The app has a config file where the ISP and target speeds can be ...
Sir_Steadman's user avatar
71 votes
2 answers

Redirecting subprocesses' output (stdout and stderr) to the logging module

I'm working on a Python script and I was searching for a method to redirect stdout and stderr of a subprocess to the logging ...
DracoJem's user avatar
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69 votes
4 answers

Flappy Bird game clone for a beginners' programming class

I'll soon begin teaching a beginners' programming class. It's voluntary, so I thought I'd make it interesting by teaching Python programming and then introduce the kids to Pygame, so that they can ...
Timo's user avatar
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62 votes
6 answers

Accurate email syntax validation (no seriously)

So a friend happened to show me how odd and specific the general email syntax rules are. For instance, emails can have "comments". Basically you can put characters in parentheses that are just ignored....
SuperBiasedMan's user avatar
61 votes
10 answers

Using separate functions for Project Euler 1

I started programming with Java and C++, so I'm used to having a 'main' function that calls other functions that do the actual work. At university I was always told that doing actual computation in ...
Basil's user avatar
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59 votes
9 answers

Project Euler problem 1 in Python - Multiples of 3 and 5

I'd like suggestions for optimizing this brute force solution to problem 1. The algorithm currently checks every integer between 3 and 1000. I'd like to cut as many unnecessary calls to ...
Robert S Ciaccio's user avatar
58 votes
3 answers

Dynamic programming knapsack solution

I wrote a solution to the Knapsack problem in Python, using a bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm. It correctly computes the optimal value, given a list of items with values and weights, and a ...
voithos's user avatar
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57 votes
2 answers

Counting all the vowels in a passage of text

My son just started high school and in Math, he was asked to do some stats homework. The exercise was to count all the vowels in a passage of text, then answer some questions about frequency. Out of ...
nedlud's user avatar
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52 votes
3 answers

Finding the closest point to a list of points

I'm trying to find the closest point (Euclidean distance) from a user-inputted point to a list of 50,000 points that I have. Note that the list of points changes all the time. and the closest distance ...
dassouki's user avatar
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48 votes
1 answer

The right way to hang a man

Problem: I have seen a few questions around hangman. Usually this is done in a very hackish way, which usually can not be generalized any further. My thought or question is about the creation of the ...
N3buchadnezzar's user avatar
47 votes
8 answers

Prettify math formula in code

I have a function to calculate the normal distribution in Python: ...
alvas's user avatar
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