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Questions tagged [fastest-code]

The winner of a fastest-code challenge is determined by the runtime performance of the submissions. For fairness, all submissions should be benchmarked on the same machine, which usually means all submissions have to be tested by the host of the challenge. Alternatively, the submission can be compared to a reference program. For scoring by asymptotic time complexity, use [fastest-algorithm] instead.

3 votes
2 answers

Non-Decreasing Fibonacci Sequence modulo M

Given integers \$a,b,m, k, n\$ and array \$F = (f_1, f_2,...,f_n)\$ defined as: \begin{cases} f_1 = \text{a}\\ f_2 = \text{b}\\ f_i = (f_{i-1} + f_{i-2}) \text{ mod m},∀i > 2 \end{cases} When \$F\$ ...
TruongVi's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

9-16-25 2D Matrix

Given three grids and the sum of rows and columns of each grid, your task is: Grid \$3×3\$: Fill the grid from \$1\$ to \$9\$, ensure no repeats within the grid. Grid \$4×4\$: Fill the grid from \$1\...
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-1 votes
3 answers

Sum of Positive and Negative Powers of 2

Given a binary string equivalent to \$n\$, write out the least possible number of terms needed to express \$n\$. A term is defined as an addition of either \$2^k\$ or \$(-2^k)\$, where \$k\$ is a non-...
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3 votes
4 answers

Fastest count of certain hypercubes with labeled vertices

CHALLENGE This is a fastest-code challenge. Count how many n-dimensional hypercubes with n=1,2,3,4 exist, with vertices labeled with either 1 or 0, such that there does not exist any rectangle formed ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Binary expansion and partition numbers [closed]

Not sure if it's correct to ask such a question on this site, but let's try. Let a(n) be a sequence of positive integer such that a(1) = 1. To reproduce the sequence a(n) through itself, use the ...
Notamathematician's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Random factorized numbers

Input The code should take an integer \$n\$ between 1 and 1000. Output The code should output positive integers with \$n\$ bits. Accompanying each integer should be its full factorization. Each ...
Simd's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Count the size of the Levenshtein neighborhood

Input A binary string \$s\$ of length \$n\$ and a positive integer \$k \leq n\$. Output The number of binary strings with Levenshtein distance exactly \$k\$ from the string \$s\$. Example outputs Each ...
Simd's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Compute convolution quickly and accurately

Input An array A of integers of length 100,000. The array will contain only integers in the range 0 to 1e7. Output The convolution of A with itself. As this will be of length 199999 you should time ...
Simd's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Compute the chromatic number of special graphs

This challenge is about computing the chromatic number of special types of graphs. Input The input will consist of two integers. A positive integer \$n > 1\$. A distance \$d < n\$. Task The ...
Simd's user avatar
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12 votes
10 answers

Calculate max depth of JSON data

Challenge Given some JSON data, calculate the maximum depth reached. (Both arrays and dictionaries increase the depth) Input/Output The program is expected to read a JSON string from stdin and as soon ...
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21 votes
7 answers

How many sorting networks?

Below on the left is a picture of a sorting network that can sort 4 inputs. On the right you can see it sorting the input 3,2,4,1. A sorting network of size ...
AnttiP's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Generate all possible equations from a list of numbers [closed]

This is my first codegolf post so let me know if I have missed anything. Thanks :) Description You are given a list of numbers with 2 < n <= 6 length i.e. [1, ...
Kyle Sharp's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Record Least Uncommon Multiple Counts

The Greatest Common Divisor, or gcd, of two positive integers \$x\$ and \$y\$ is the largest positive integer that divides both \$x\$ and \$y\$. The Least Common Multiple, or lcm, of two positive ...
Kip the Malamute's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Find the linear transformation

Given a set of bit vectors \$A\$ and a binary matrix \$M\$, we can define the set \$MA = \{ Mx : x \in A \}\$, where \$ M x \$ is the result of the matrix multiplication of \$ M \$ by \$ x \$ over \$\...
Command Master's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Triangularly embed a graph on a surface

This challenge arises from a claim made in a MathOverflow answer and a paper linked in that answer which seems to back up the claim: Searching for triangular embeddings is much quicker than ...
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