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Notice to Property Owners and Public Corporations Subject

NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND PUBLIC CORPORATIONS SUBJECT TO MCD CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS Property owners and public corporations currently paying a Miami Conservancy District (MCD) Maintenance Assessment are notified of a new capital assessment. The new capital assessment will allow MCD to make prioritized capital improvements to the MCD Flood Protection System. This new capital improvement program has been approved by the Conservancy Court in the total amount of $34,500,000, which will be funded through Capital Improvement Program Assessments beginning in 2025 and ending in 2035. In accordance with Ohio Revised Code (R.C.) § 6101.49, assessed property owners and public corporations may elect to pre-pay the full amount assessed to them rather than that amount being divided into annual installments for the multi-year capital program. As authorized by R.C. 6101.49, pre-payment would enable property owners and public corporations to receive a 10% discount. All pre-payments must be received by the MCD Treasurer by August 15, 2024, in the form of a certified check or money order made payable to The Miami Conservancy District. For more information, contact the MCD Treasurer at 937-223-1271 6-30/2024
June 30, 2024
July 29, 2024
July 25, 2024 6:45pm