As of June 30, the state police reported 38 shootings on Chicago-area highways, down from 59 a year ago. Compared to 2021, when the number of shootings hit an all-time high, shootings have dropped 65% from the midyear total of 109.
Names for four new chicks born to Imani and Sea Rocket at Montrose Beach will be selected through the public contest. Entries are due Thursday.
NASCAR Chicago Street Race begins this weekend, and sections of DuSable Lake Shore Drive and Michigan Avenue have closed to make way for the event.
La cadena con sede en San Diego tiene previsto abrir ocho restaurantes con servicio de 24 horas en la ciudad y los suburbios en 2025 y 2026. Uno estará cerca del Aeropuerto Midway y el resto en los suburbios.
The San Diego-based chain is planning to open eight 24-hour restaurants in the city and suburbs in 2025 and 2026. One will be near Midway Airport, with the rest in the suburbs.
Muchos visitantes se dirigirán a la ciudad para asistir a la carrera callejera NASCAR de Chicago. Muchos más saldrán de la ciudad en automóvil, avión o autobús, según la AAA. Se aconseja a todos los viajeros que eviten los embotellamientos, se mantengan frescos y planifiquen con anticipación.
Many visitors are heading to town for the NASCAR Chicago Street Race. Many more will drive, fly or bus out of town, AAA says. All travelers are advised to work around congestion, stay cool and plan ahead.
After a successful collaboration with Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Brookfield’s third Humboldt hatchling has adjusted to its new home successfully under the care of veteran penguin foster parents.
La votación estará abierta hasta las 5:00 p.m. del martes. Las personas que voten podrán inscribirse en un sorteo de entradas gratuitas al zoológico.