
Mona Charen

Mona Charen is policy editor of The Bulwark and host of the “Beg to Differ” podcast.

President Joe Biden’s recent interview answers are consistent with everything else we’ve seen from him since the catastrophic debate — denial, selfishness and appalling judgment.
In a normal year, it would be irresponsible to ask voters to choose an ailing 81-year-old. This year, it is a catastrophe.
Louisiana Republicans are keen to associate themselves with Biblical morality, but Donald Trump flouts seven and a half of the Ten Commandments, which the southern state is requiring by law for schools to display.
A filmmaker and activist secretly recorded Alito at a dinner. Public officials, especially judges, won’t get into trouble if they maintain their composure and remember not to enlist in the culture wars.
A serious country would look back at Donald Trump’s greatest challenge during his presidency, the COVID-19 pandemic, and recall his embarrassing failures in handling it.
If Joe Biden has a serious brain freeze or incoherent digression, he and we are in terrible trouble.
America is staring down the possibility of putting someone back in power who has demonstrated he is willing to use informal violence to achieve his anti-democratic ends.
It’s worth exploring how the Republican Party, the party of “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall,” became the party of Vladimir Putin, trafficking in Russian disinformation and flirting with betraying an important ally, Ukraine, along with all of its principles.
The Republican Party has traded patriotism and uplift for an apocalyptic cult. Democrats have an opportunity here, if they can seize it.