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Questions tagged [master-games]

Games played by demonstrably skilled players such as FIDE IMs and GMs, or those of similar strength pre-FIDE.

11 votes
2 answers

Why does black have a higher win rate on Lichess in Exchange French?

In the following position, databases of master games show black has a higher win rate (Lichess says 20% for white vs 25% for black). Why does black have a higher win rate here? [FEN ""] [...
Lucenaposition's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

A game I might have read about, Kasparov had to analyse an opening line from scratch and ended up winning anyway?

If my memory isn't tricking me, didn't Kasparov once get a game where early in the opening he didn't know the line, so he sat down for 45 minutes and worked out that the best move is Qc7, and went on ...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Have any full rank-and-file piece specifications ever been required in a masters level game of chess?

According to the rules of algebraic notation, in order for a move to be recorded with rank and file for both starting and ending square (eg, Be5f4), there would need to be, at a minimum: three pieces ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Mutual Zugzwang positions from practical play

The following fascinating position recently arose in Round 5 of the ongoing Tata Steel tournament. [Title "Ju Wenjun - Alireza Firouzja, Tata Steel, 2024"] [FEN "8/2pk4/6p1/2P4p/3PR2P/...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Searching games by chess positions

I have a somewhat weird question that is only indirectly related to chess. I am trying to solve a chess-related puzzle in which I have to find games played by Soviet chess players based on positions. ...
Vosoni's user avatar
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1 answer

Blunders that they didn't realise for some time

Any high-level GM games where somebody makes a big blunder but was in blissful ignorance about how bad the move was until several moves after the blunder? EDIT thanks to comment: classical time format,...
Chris Sanders's user avatar
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Do the majority GM losses came from "Not seeing the [opponent] move" or being outplayed in calculation/positional play

The best way to understand this question is probably imagine a situation where the player can peek at his opponent next move after each potential move of the player. In other words, The player knows ...
user35118's user avatar
4 votes
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Grimshaw in practical (OTB) game

Does anybody know of an example of the Grimshaw-Theme being used in a practical game? For the Nowotny there are several examples (e.g. Navara-Dergatschova, Ordix, 2007) and for the Plachutta there is ...
bakunin's user avatar
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1 answer

King + 2 Knights vs King + Pawn - win rate at master level at standard time controls?

After 80 moves of his game against MVL, Carlsen reached this theoretically winning endgame position, which ended in a draw: [Title "Carlsen - MVL, Superbet Rapid & Blitz Poland, 2023"] [...
Brian Towers's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

8 pieces on one file in a master game at standard time control?

In today's (21st May 2023) game in the Superbet Rapid and Blitz between Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and Levon Aronian they reached a position where the c-file was fully occupied with pieces and pawns. [...
Brian Towers's user avatar
  • 99.3k
12 votes
2 answers

What is the fastest loss by a GM in a FIDE classical game?

What is the shortest FIDE classical game a grandmaster lost? It can be either resigning or checkmate. The opponent doesn't necessarily need to be GM. Forfeits don't count. Only serious games count, ...
cmgchess's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How many games would Magnus Carlsen need to win to get an ELO of 3000?

For the purposes of this question, assume that he wins every game. Go according to his current schedule. Assume the opponents keep their current rating. If you run out of schedule, assume the rating ...
Starship's user avatar
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Has simultaneous partial queen pinning, besides mutual queen pins, happened in a master game?

In a 3+0 blitz game, this humorous position arose. Have such mutual partial pins, wherein both players pin the others queen to their king, occurred in master games? [FEN "r3k2r/1ppb1ppp/p2bqn2/...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Positions where pawn promotion to queen is worse than to other piece

I'm looking for games from famous grandmasters, in which pawn promotion to a rook, a bishop, or a knight is a better move than queen promotion. I tried to Google some, but I couldn't find anything.
Ginger Bread's user avatar
0 votes
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How rare are double forks in high-level games?

I was playing a blitz game, when I saw my chance to produce an amusing position, to which my opponent unknowingly obliged; I was able to fork their rooks with my queen and rook simultaneously. [Title &...
Rewan Demontay's user avatar

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