Global Shapers Community

Global Shapers Community

Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen

Cologny, Geneva 97.494 Follower:innen

Local ideas. Global support. Real-world impact.


The Global Shapers Community is a network of Hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements, and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. The Global Shapers Community is an initiative of the World Economic Forum.

Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Cologny, Geneva
youth und impact


Beschäftigte von Global Shapers Community


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    We are hiring! Are you passionate about driving positive change and making a global impact? Join our dynamic team in Geneva! We have two exciting opportunities: Impact Communications Specialist – Craft compelling narratives, engage diverse audiences, and amplify our mission to shape a better world. Apply here - Data & Analytics Specialist – Harness the power of data to drive insights and strategies that enhance our global impact. Apply here -

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    We’re proud to announce the Riohacha Hub’s Water Ambassadors project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 Over one million people in Colombia lack access to clean water. In Riohacha Hub, Global Shapers are providing water filters that last up to ten years to vulnerable families and children who are facing critical health issues due to a lack of clean water access. The project looks at holistic community health and hygiene and educates Indigenous communities—saving lives and safeguarding basic needs. With the support of the Global Shapers Innovation Prize, the Hub will be able to provide even more people with clean water and additional hygiene products to improve community health. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to the Global Alliance for YOUth and Accenture for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Rio de Janeiro’s Agroecology and Climate Change in the Favelas project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 Over 33 million Brazilians, including many in growing favelas, are experiencing hunger. In Rio de Janeiro, Global Shapers have built keyhole gardens and mobile greenhouses to boost local agriculture. These projects focus on traditional farming methods and have already helped 60 families across 3 favelas, training over 100 urban agriculture entrepreneurs. With the support of the Global Shapers Innovation Prize, the Hub will be able to expand to 50 additional keyhole gardens, benefiting 500 families within the next year. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to Accenture and the Global Alliance for YOUth for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Prague Hub’s UDesign project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 Public spaces have the power to connect people and cities. In Prague Hub, Global Shapers offered over 200 free public courses on urban planning to young people aged 4 to 16. Many students were newcomers to the city, including refugees and asylum seekers, and classes built a sense of belonging while providing hands-on opportunities to explore urban design challenges and petition for meaningful changes to public spaces. With the support of the Global Shapers Innovation Prize the Hub will be able to cover class spaces and build out the curriculum even further. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to the Global Alliance for YOUth and Accenture for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Phnom Penh Hub's Riel Hackathon project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 In Cambodia, Global Shapers are empowering young people with essential financial literacy training, teaching them how to budget, save, and invest. This incredible project has already reached 4,000 young people, breaking down educational and cultural barriers to pave the way for an equitable financial future. With support from the Innovation Prize, the Phnom Penh Hub aims to extend its impact to another 1,000 students in the coming year! Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to Accenture and the Global Alliance for YOUth for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Nairobi Hub’s Technovation project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 In Kenya, young people aged 15 to 30 make up 35% of the population but face a staggering 67% unemployment rate. Each year, over one million young Kenyans enter the job market without the necessary skills. In Nairobi, Global Shapers are leading a program to teach STEM and software development skills to young women and girls. Participants apply their learning by creating mobile applications to tackle local challenges. The support from the Global Shapers Innovation Prize will help the Nairobi Hub invest in hardware and internet access to expand access to training programs. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to the Global Alliance for YOUth and Accenture for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Hub Morelia's Forest Guardian project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 In the last year, Mexico has lost more than 5 million hectares of tree cover, severely affecting carbon sequestration, water capture, microclimate regulation, and the livelihoods of rural communities. In Morelia Hub, Global Shapers developed a satellite surveillance tool to track deforestation through data contextualization and AI. By subscribing to the app, environmental defenders receive real-time forest cover change alerts. With the Global Shapers Innovation Prize funding, they will operationalize the tool within Michoacán's state infrastructure and train relevant government personnel. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to Accenture and the Global Alliance for YOUth for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Mohammedia Hub’s Glissa Binatna project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 Glissa Binatna is transforming mental health support in Morocco by providing online sessions with specialized coaches and psychologists for young adults. With a vision to impact over 2,000 young adults in the next three years, Glissa Binatna is committed to creating lasting change in the mental health landscape of the Mohammedia University community and beyond. With the support of the Global Shapers Innovation Prize, the Mohammedia Hub will be able to build out their technology infrastructure to provide more young people with accessible psychological support. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to the Global Alliance for YOUth and Accenture for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Kathmandu Hub’s Shaping Political Futures project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 Disproportionately, young people are under-represented in these decisions. Despite representing more than 50% of the global population, only 2.6% of parliamentarians are under 30 years old (and less than 1% of these young MPs are women). In Kathmandu Hub, Global Shapers are equipping young people with the skills they need to participate effectively in the electoral process, both as voters and as future electoral candidates. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to Accenture and the Global Alliance for YOUth for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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    We’re proud to announce the Global Shapers Islamabad Hub’s Career Counselling for All project as one of the winners of the Innovation Prize! 🌍 Islamabad hosts over 1,380 schools, with nearly half being public institutions. Despite this, many students lack crucial career guidance. Career Counselling For All (CC4All): Islamabad Hub's initiative offers comprehensive counselling to middle and high schoolers citywide empowering them with essential skills for future success through personalized sessions on career options and educational opportunities. With the support from the Global Shapers Innovation Prize, the Hub will expand outreach beyond Islamabad, introducing innovative workshops and enhancing faculty training to ensure sustainable impact across communities. Congratulations to all the Global Shapers who participated, and thank you to the Global Alliance for YOUth and Accenture for making the Innovation Prize possible. #GSAS24 #InnovationPrize #GlobalShapers

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