• Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter

    <h1>Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75273-1/Poe-Dameron-s-X-wing-Fighter'>75273-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-IX'>Episode IX</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2020'>2020</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2020 LEGO Group</div>

    Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter

    ©2020 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    This is the reason why I love Lego

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Czechia,

    ... and so will you.

    Well it is here my dear friends, a new and refined X-wing straight from the newest Star Wars movie. We already have two Poe's X-wings from the past but I do not own those so there will be a very little comparison to the previous models. But judging by the pictures of the old models, their engines do not look as good and the handle on the wing-opening mechanism looks down right stupid. It kinda reminds me of the fans made out of plastic bottles that you can see around every single country cottage owned by a Slav elderly in Eastern Europe. The previous models are the following: 75102 and 75149.

    Anyway this new model was and is an absolute joy to own, build, play with or engage in whatever endeavours you fancy. And honestly I have never been so close to giving a set perfect 5 out of 5 in my long review career consisting of whole 4 reviews here on this lovely website. But even this beauty is not without its flaws so let us get right into it.


    There really is no controversy surrounding this model's pricing so there is not much I can rant about here which makes me little sad. But it did not make my wallet sad so that is a good thing.

    Is the price worth of what you get here? Absolutely! Unless your mail is overflowing with letters filled with hateful words from your one night stand in Bulgaria, which has turned into a lovely family of four without a father, asking you to pay your alimony or you are a sworn enemy of the X-wings in which case you probably should not buy this model, you will be probably very satisfied with your purchase. The model consists of 761 pieces which is fair for 90$.


    • Vicrul. Probably the edgiest of the Knights of Ren calling himself a reaper of souls or whatever looks brilliant as a minifig. Lego captured his clothing made out of a lizard skin meticulously and the helmet looks superb compared to its movie counterpart. The head is a classic black face without any expression just like my face was upon seeing the movie. The only real downsize I see to this minifig is a part of his scythe. Lego used bright red lightsaber handle as a middle section for this weapon. In the movie the handle has some dark reddish accent but it is not as shiny. It is more of a brownish red like the bloodstain left on the floor of your car after a fun time weekend in Glasgow which you have barely any memory of after 8 pm of that faithful night. But that I would say is just a minor complaint.
    • Peo Dameron. A gorgeously detailed print on the oddly dark orange suit paired with the new dual molded helmet makes for a fantastic figure. Also, the fact that Lego cared enough to throw in Poe's hair piece throws a bad shade on other sets where Lego did not care enough to do such generous deed such as in the case of otherwise brilliant set 75256. As I have already mentioned the pilot suit is not the same bright orange suit I am used to from other sets. I own roughly 30 sets and only two of them have minifigs in orange pilot suit. Thusly my knowledge of rebellion/resistance pilots is limited so take whatever you will from this. The inclusion of dual expression head is expected here but I would rather mention it.
    • Jannah. A very strange throw in honestly. I have no idea what does she have to do with Poe's X-wing but so do I in case of Vicrul. Only in this case I care very little for her character. She comes with pretty neat torso print and even has a print on her right arm. To balance my excitement out there is no print whatsoever for her legs. The hair piece is LARGE. And I mean so large the quiver on her back scratches her hair regularly and it is impossible to move her head into certain positions. She also comes with an og bow and has a head with two expressions.
    • R2-D2. A classic R2-D2 minifig. I have nothing special to say except for the fact that mine came with a perfectly lined print on its head.


    For some unknown reasons the building experience of the Naruto X-wing was a blast for the most parts. Usually building Lego models is fun but in this case it was a much more enjoyable experience than I had expected. Building the wings four times was little tedious but since the wings are not identical and you do not build them in pairs I still remained joyful during this section. There are plenty of interesting parts which I have never seen in any other Lego set. I am not absolutely sure about how rare they are but some of them are not included in any of my Lego sets. You can check them out on my profile.

    The finished model look is sleek, elegant and very well polished. Many parts of this ship are done with bulky round parts so the ship does not look blocky and there are not as many studs visible. The engines are constructed from 4 quarter ring pieces and it gives the engines a real round look. Unlike in the previous iterations where the front of the engine looked like a number zero. The handle on the opening mechanism is finally a decent looking part which does not stick out like a sore thumb. And like great many other Lego models the colours here are extremely bright so the ship is very pleasant to look at and makes for a perfect display set. Furthermore, the X-wing is a very sturdy build and you can grab it and play with it with no worries of some parts falling apart except for a few exception which you will be able to deduct.

    There are only 3 stickers in the whole set and they are very easy to apply.

    And as for the shortcomings I will go from the front of the ship to the end. The very tip of the body is connected with the rest by a short axle and on the bottom by a round two by two piece which makes this part quite easy to tear off. But if you do not touch it everything will be fine and it will never fall off on its own. The cockpit is nicely detailed but small and it may cause some difficulties putting in the minifig and make it connect with its legs to the studs of the chair. There is a small handle for the weapon which does not cause any space problems. And finally the thrusters at the very back of the ship are attached by axles to axle arm pieces and it makes them not so sturdy. They are not going to fall off or break if you press on them but it makes them little wiggly if you do. It is nothing terrible but it is worth mentioning.

    The set comes with a leader on a small platform.


    Only the bottom wings are armed with spring-loaded shooters not all four of them as was the case with some previous models. There are also two stud shooters under the cockpit.

    The wings do open upon moving the handle at the back of the ship, and they close when you make the ship land on a hard surface. This feature I find very cool. But the wings do close with kind of a hard clap and it makes the spring-loaded shooters shoot off in some rare cases.


    In all honesty I bought this set only to get the Vicrul minifig as I am a big sucker for the Knights of Ren. I did not hate the ship I just did not care too much for it and I was not thinking I was going to like it this much. I was wrong and I am pleased that I was. This set is a blast with few drawbacks. Some minor some little less minor. But in general I would recommend buying this set may it be for kids, to be played with or just to be displayed.

    Good job Lego!

    13 out of 15 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter

    <h1>Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75273-1/Poe-Dameron-s-X-wing-Fighter'>75273-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-IX'>Episode IX</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2020'>2020</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2020 LEGO Group</div>

    Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter

    ©2020 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    It’s a good build but the colors got to me after a while...

    Written by (TFOL) in United States,

    this set is pretty good the minifigures are decent with some exclusives figures and some great playability. Where this set gets its bad review is because the colors... I just fell out of love with the colors. They just don't math the other ships on my shelf. It's been almost a year since I've got this and it's a strong build but the building experience sucked for me. I had to re-do the whole s-foil because I build it wrong and I constantly had trouble with them.

    thanks for reading!

    0 out of 3 people thought this review was helpful.