<h1>AT-AT</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75288-1/AT-AT'>75288-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-V'>Episode V</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2020'>2020</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2020 LEGO Group</div>
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Almost a perfect set.. almost

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Czechia,

    Ever since I was a wee lad I desired this vehicle badly and my wish was never granted as my parents never possessed sufficient funds to buy me any version of this fan-favourite Walker. Now as an adult I got extremely excited when the AT-AT was announced for I knew I would be able to make the purchase. And I knew this set is going to be a good one. I could see my problems with it immediately and what I would eventually like as well, so the set itself did not bring too many surprises. Anyway let's dive into the review and see if it is worth the money.


    I must say I did expect this set to include a Rebel Snow Speeder when the price was clear earlier this February, but I was pretty shocked to see the AT-AT alone. Later I got used to the price and since the set contains 1267 pieces for $160 I do not find it that bad. It is around the same value as the forthcoming and already beloved 75929 Razor Crest. The vehicle is obviously pretty substantial and there is a lot of improvement over the last iteration and as such I take this set as somewhat alright priced. It is an expensive set, but there are far worse in this wave alone.


    The minifig selection I find to be the most lacking part of the set. The minifigs are gorgeous to the last, but there is just not enough given the price. I think two more Snowtroopers would work far better and the set would give a much richer vibe. I know it is just two minifigs, but trust me, the smallest adjustments can do a lot! None of the minifigs have an arm printing.

    • Luke Skywalker. The only real improvement I see at this point is an arm printing which is not present here as the print on torso, the back and the legs is astonishingly detailed and well done. Not even the orange of the body bleeds through the white vest too noticeably in this case. Maybe at the back it does a little. Luke has two face prints as usual. The first one is a mild smile with a visor down and the second is excited with the visor up. The Rebel helmet is as detailed as it gets. Skywalker has his father's blue lightsaber which blade is not frosted in my version and two thermal detonators.
    • General Maximilian Veers. One of more capable Imperial high ranking officials, considering he does never get chocked by Vader, comes with rather plane torso and back print, but sufficient as it captures his battle armour pretty accurately. There is no leg printing surprisingly which could be a further improvement in the future. There is an excited facial expression and one mildly concerned. Both do not capture general too well as they show him to be little too old, which is a minor discrepancy. Anyway, the microphone is present in both cases and the helmet is in sand blue colour with no other print beside the goggles. Veers does not come with any weaponry beside his binoculars. Pro-tips and tricks time! If you want to be able to put the binoculars right in front of his eyes, you need to turn the holding hand around and adjust the head a wee bit.
    • AT-AT Driver. My boy did Lego step up their game this time. Not only both drivers do have a different face, but they also have different faces to the two Snowtroopers. So no more angry clone faces here! The print feels very well finished and detailed enough. There are some panels at the chest to further the detail game here. Funnily enough one of my pilots does have a print where the middle stripe is going down his knickers at the belly lines up with the print on the waist while the other does not. The helmet is a standard pilot mold with new printing which I find excellent. The only drawback to this mold is the revealed back of the head. Both drivers are armed with small blaster pistols.
    • Snowtrooper. Nothing has changed since 2019 with these guys except for the head faces which are not new and were used in previous sets but not in case of Imperial Troopers. The print is pretty well lined up all throughout the torso, waist and the legs. The panels with all the buttons at the back and the front are amongst the finest details and the helmet mold I find perfect. Please, do not change the helmet mold here.I do not know why Lego stopped using the fabric around the legs and the bags for the Snowtroopers, but they did and I find the choice of getting rid of the bags pretty dumb. Their absence is my only real criticism towards the minifig selection in this set. The missing fabric does not pain me since the print is enough of a compensation.

    By the way, the use of Luke Skywalker is inaccurate here, since this is NOT the AT-AT he blows up in the picture. General Veers makes it out alive while Luke bombs a different one. This is just a fun fact, and I am not mad at Lego for including both of these characters here at all.


    E-web heavy repeating blaster canon lacks the small connectable battery station here but I do not mind as the build is pretty sleek and I like it this way better. I am not even sure if this is supposed to be said weapon, but it looks nice and minifig can stand right behind it and hold it without any issue.

    The Imperial Snow Speeder bike is in its newest rendition here and shows some surprisingly advanced building techniques for such a small build. The handlebars can not only move horizontally e.g. forward and backward, but since they are attached to a joint, the can move in their base forward, creating sort of a circular rotation if you were to look at the Speeder from the top. A single minifig can sit in the Speeder Bike while holding onto the handlebars. Speaking of which they present the only downside somewhat as removing a minifig holding them might rip them from the Bike.

    The main build is a magnificent one, and I am more than confident that this is the best AT-AT produced by Lego to this day. It has the most play features, it has solved the previous issues, is the most accurate model and is built with the best building techniques yet.

    There are basically no part falling from the build upon a slight touch and the Walker is pretty sturdy. You can move it around while holding the body, head or even a leg and the build should stay together. If you play with the model recklessly, some panels might get unattached, but that is usually an easy fix. Most of the panels are held by smooth joints to provide a seamless movement. The only panel connected by hinges is the backdoor for the Speeder. The Speeder can get stored in the walker easily since there is a compartment. It does not prevent any minifigs being placed inside. There are railways so that the Speeder is securely held in there. The main area of the body can be accessed from both sides by lifting the large middle side panels. Those are attached by technic rods and because of that they can be moved in a surprisingly large angle and a lot of positions. Inside, there are five seats in a sand blue colour, but there is space for much more troops. On the right side, there is a compartment next to the seats for the E-web Cannon. Right above the neck is the last openable panel which hides a gear for the cable under the belly of the AT-AT. The cable is attached to a blaster pistol which can Luke hold onto while getting lifted towards a little openable hatch on the belly of the Walker where he can throw a thermal detonator.

    The neck is surrounded by three large Technic steering wheels. There is a rubber part in the connection of the neck to the body so whenever you move the neck, it will always return to the middle position. As for the head, it can move freely in a roughly 60-degree angle. The head then stays in the position unlike the neck. The head is armed with two side cannons with a full rotation and two smaller cannons under the chin. Those smaller cannons can be plucked off if you push them too hard, so be careful. Right next to those the head holds two spring-loaded shooters. In order to utilise the shooting mechanism, you need to manually press the missiles from the bottom of the head. There is no brick build shooting mechanism incorporated in this model. What is a yet another huge improvement over any previous model is the space in the cockpit which get revealed after opening the hatch that can be moved in various positions since it is connected with Technic rods. The cockpit can house up to three minifigs but not with an absolute easy. Understandably it is quite a tight fit, so you better place the minifig at the back first, and then proceed to seat the drivers without any weapons in hands. The inside is detailed with printed control panel pieces. The face of the head is attached by a hinge and can be move forward slightly.

    The legs are articulable quite a lot. You can move them forward in their upper joint and backwards as well. The knee joints allow for a similar movement and the feet can be moved forward and backward but not to the sides. Thanks to this large possibility of movement, the Walker can stand in various positions, but you have to keep the balance in mind as standing on three legs is not a possibility. Also, if you put the front legs too forward, they might slight pretty quickly making the beast crash with its face down. The sturdy build can usually take it though. The armour plates on the legs are connected by little Technic pins which does not sound as the sturdiest connection, but it works just fine.

    Overall the building experience was a ton of fun, but it took a little while to assemble as there were some redundant and pretty tedious parts, namely legs. Besides that the instruction were very clear and the model easy to build except for the rope part which was painfully dreadful. There are no stickers used during the build which is a great thing for someone with shaky hands like me. There are no special pieces beside the minifig unique parts I think, but there are some parts which I have never seen in this colour variant.


    This is probably the strongest suit of the whole set. Six minifigs from both confronting sides of the conflict are a good start for a battle play. The AT-AT can walk around, has a ton of openable hatches and panels. Furthermore, it provides additional small build to make the experience even better. The spring-loaded shooters are expected nowadays with most of the current models, but they still provide nice play value. The cable gun think at the bottom of the Walker can lift-up a minifig easily. It is clear to say that the playability here is absolutely perfect and any kid can spend a lot of time with this set.


    Now the important question. Is this a perfect and special set deserving a five-star rating? Obviously the building techniques have evolved, and they are spectacular, but the play features and the accuracy of the build is not guaranteed by the modern times and experience and there are still some inaccurate and useless sets. The minifig selection has a lot of going for it, but the lack of a leg print on one minifig, no bags carried by the Snowtroopers and lack of them are valid drawbacks. The playability is fantastic and the set can be utilised as a gorgeous display piece too. But the demerits of the minifigs are not as significant and the designer team really tried to do their best with the model and it shows, so for me, it is a five out of five.

    Should you buy this set? Definitely! If you do not own any previous AT-AT and want one, this is your time. And even if you collections contains any of the Walkers of the past, this is still a major improvement especially for a collector. This model will look wee bit strange next to the others, but as a standalone AT-AT I think it is the best by far. The price is somewhat steep, but it is no Sith Tie Fighter thankfully.

    Overall a great set and my favourite of the whole wave, good job Lego.

    24 out of 25 people thought this review was helpful.

  • 501st Legion Clone Troopers

    <h1>501st Legion Clone Troopers</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75280-1/501st-Legion-Clone-Troopers'>75280-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Clone-Wars'>The Clone Wars</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2020'>2020</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2020 LEGO Group</div>

    501st Legion Clone Troopers

    ©2020 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Stop makings other sets look bad, or don't

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Czechia,

    It comes as no surprise that what is probably the most fan demanded set ever is a total bestseller and is pretty difficult to hunt down in these early days after its release. As with everything somewhat special there is a controversy surrounding this very set, let me explain. Some people are angry that there was a huge social media fuss demanding this set and I can agree that this might occur as wee bit annoying to some, but you are not forced to watch any videos and read comment section on Instagram under the posts of a huge corporate which is probably a sign of you having way too much free time at your disposal. The second part of the controversy is that very similar group of people belive Lego has been bullied into making this set and thus they complain. Nothing could be more stupid honestly. Lego as every brand or company should listen to their fans if they want to make profit. If fans tell them to make a set which will sell incredibly well, it would be foolish not to create such set. Same case is when bands perform fan favourite tracks live. They know what people want to listen to and what will bring in the biggest crowd and thusly the biggest profit.

    Furthermore, this is not a Battle Pack and I will not judge it is as such. Why you may ask? It is not a 15 dollars set with four minifigs and most importantly the set is not called a Battle Pack.

    It is a fantastic army builder, but not every army builder is a Battle Pack, even though every Battle Pack should be one despite recent years proving this statement completely false.


    This has to be one of the most fairly priced $30 sets ever from a licenced line of sets. Two fantastic vehicles, four clone troopers and two battle droids make this an awesome package which definitely pays off. I honestly yet have to meet a person who would claim that this is not a well-priced set.


    I am blown away by how much Lego went above and beyond Call of Duty here. Not only did they include four regular minifig Clone Troopers here one of which is a brilliant Jet Trooper, but they also changed the angry clone face and as a sweet sweet cherry on top they included two Battle Droids.

    • 501st Legion Clone Trooper. A state-of-the-art Lego Clone Trooper and nothing less. These bad boys come with the best and the most detailed chest print yet for a Clone Trooper with equally detailed back print. Legs do have a wee bit more simplistic print, but they come with a toe printing and that is rad. The helmet is as beautiful as ever but has a grey shadow imitation on the cheeks which may throw some people off. And as already mentioned there is a new head print with darker and more accurate skin tone and no more angry clone face. The only possible improvement I see right now is an arm printing.
    • 501st Legion Jet Clone Trooper. The Jet Trooper has the same legs as the regular 501st Trooper, but comes with a pair of blue arms, different chest and back print and a different helmet. The cheek “shadows” are of a regular blue this time and the pattern at the top of the helmet is little different. There is also a red mark at the forehead. As for the armour, there is a different blue pattern in the upper area of the chest and some blue at the otherwise same back print, which is covered by a blue jetpack. All of this make for even more detailed minifig.
    • Battle Droid. A regular Battle Droid with nothing new or changed to my knowledge.

    Everyone here is armed with a regular mid size blaster in a black colour except for one Clone Trooper who will be armed with a long rifle blaster extended by a black candle piece. The BARC speeder also carries two more mid size blasters with lightsaber hilts as extensions on the barrel.


    Or rather builds in this case. The set has two pretty awesome vehicles.

    The BARC speeder is an incredible build and a lot of fun to complete. New building techniques are introduced here with the handlebars and other small areas on the speeder. For the detailing purposes there are 4 stickers and two of those are pretty difficult to apply, so take care here. You can seat one minifig as a driver in this vehicle at the front there are two stud shooters whose removal will not alter the look significantly. As already said previously, the back area provides two handles for blasters and two are standardly attached. There are no major drawbacks to this build as it is fairly simplistic and straight forward with its design. One small trouble is when the pilot holds the handlebars in his hands and you unplug him recklessly, the handlebars might remain the pilot's hands.

    AT-RT is going to be compared to the one from 75261 and in my humble opinion this one is the better of the two. It is smaller and thus feels less awkward. The building technique in few areas is vastly improved and the colour scheme as much as I know is subjective feels better and more outgoing if you will. Legs do have fewer parts used and from the front they look little thin. The front of the seating area looks pretty sharp and is very well detailed with a heavy abuse of stickers. Now I say abuse since applying so many stickers is a great cause of pain inducing headaches to me as I am utterly unable to place at least two of them correctly. The improved part are the handlebars as they do NOT get unattached every time you plug out the piloting Trooper. The back Area has shortened the antennas and there are two handles at the back for binoculars or weaponry. The front shield wings can be moved in a wide angle and the upper middle shield can be slightly moved too. The stud shooter has a huge range of motion here. The antennas at the back can be moved in roughly 200-degree angle. The legs are posable mostly in a backwards fashion and thusly the walking cannot be simulated here. The regular standing position is the furtherest to the front the legs can get. One demerit the vehicle has according to same is the stud shooter at the front without any simulation of the long barrelled anti-personal cannon. I do not mind this and honestly the stud shooter looks better than a long barrel to me as the model is fairly smaller than the previous incarnation. The walker can be manned by one minifig. This model has seven stickers, and they are mostly an easy apply to a person blessed with a regularly working brain unlike me.

    The front of the BARC speeder is a new piece I believe, but other than that this set bring no more new pieces except for the ones in the minifig category I believe. The parts used here are pretty regular and there is nothing too special I would say. Oh yes, the candle at the front of the rifle is probably a rare sight in the Star Wars line as is an actually good army building set.


    I believe that there is a lot of fun to be had with this set. Since there are two whole vehicles with well-incorporated stud shooters and a lot of minifigs from two sides of the conflict. Kids can reenact any battle they want. You do not need to purchase any other sets to make the experience complete as this set works perfectly well on its own. Of course if you want to make the battle even bigger you can get the 75283 and make the droid side much stronger.


    This is the set which will go down in history as one of the better ones. A fantastic value, brilliantly detailed minifigs and vehicles, a lot of playability and the set can work as a display piece too since the builds are very well finished and the colour scheme is just such an eye-candy. Do I recommend you getting one? Yes! Get one, two or twenty. This works perfectly as a stand-alone set and when massed as there are no named characters. Army building perfection.

    Thank you, Ryan and all the fans for making this possible and thank you, Lego, for listening to your fans. This set leaves a very sweet taste in my mouth and is one of the merrier things in this difficult year.

    19 out of 21 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Slave I - 20th Anniversary Edition

    <h1>Slave I - 20th Anniversary Edition</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75243-1/Slave-I-20th-Anniversary-Edition'>75243-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-V'>Episode V</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2019'>2019</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2019 LEGO Group</div>

    Slave I - 20th Anniversary Edition

    ©2019 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    This is how to remake

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Czechia,

    Lego you crazy bastards, you did it. Remaking sets is not the most beloved category for Lego fans for some reasons and in some cases I can see why. And I have had enough with them pesky complainers spreading hatred all across various Internet platforms about these 20th Anniversary sets being just remakes. Fair enough, some of them are better, some of them are worse, but not this one. This is not your wimpy Snowspeeder remake, where Lego just changes few bricks and adds even more stickers, this is a brand new model with a fantastic design. There are actually few interesting tips I can give you about the construction and playability of this set, so bear with me, cause this is going to be probably a long one.


    120$ feels fair when you take a look at the piece count which stands at 1007 pieces, but the price gets even better as you start building this set. Despite this being a special anniversary set with a lot of unique molds, it still keeps its price somewhat optimal. And there are a lot of unique parts to this set. And yes, there are people complaining about the price which is beyond me.


    • Princess Leia. These anniversary minifgs are strange thing to review. They are supposed to be exact replicas of the original minifigs, yet they come with a huge 20 YEARS OF STAR WARS print on their back. A small and much more discrete print would be in order here to distinguish them from the original minifigs. Leia has the same features as the original but the colours might be slightly off, but not noticeably to an unobserving eye. Princess comes with the original hair piece and a megaphone gun and has a buildable stand with the anniversary print to be stationed on. These stand do come with each minifig and can be connected to one another.
    • Han Solo. Han, my boy, what is wrong with your chest skin? The most noticeable demerit of this minifig is its skin print on the torso which is bleak due to the blue colour of the torso piece bleeding through. This is a disappointing theme running through a lot of minifigs lately. And the disappointment is even stranger when you take into consideration how meticulous the detailing sometimes is on these minifigs. Other than that, this is a faithful and accurate recreation of the character. The blue vest has several pockets and a decent cloth folding detail on the back. The white shirt underneath has a slight blue accent due to the torso colour just like the skin. Waist and legs printing shows few belts and there is no arm printing. Both facial expressions succeed in capturing Han's face and everything is finished with a decent hair piece. The hair shaping is pretty impressive here. Han is armed with a regular blaster gun.
    • Zuckuss. This is so far the only set to contain this uncanny tracker and a bounty hunter. The most fascinating feature is the head mold. A brilliant amount of detail on both sides of the mold perfectly capture the gas mask Zuckuss carries and other features of his insectoid head. The eyes even have plenty of lenses printed on. But the rest of the body does not stay behind as there was a lot of care invested into the printing and the detailing. There are two hoses leading from the mouth all across the dirty and battle worn armour to the legs. Speaking of legs, there are no classic legs present here, but instead Zuckuss comes with a skirt piece. The transition between the torso and the skirt print comes with a millimeter wide gap, but thanks to the shaping of the armour it does not end up being too distinct. This hunter is armed with a dual laser blaster extended by mini-binoculars.
    • 4-LOM. A droid bounty hunter designed to be reminiscent of the Zuckuss' species does again come with a fantastic head mold. The breathing apparatus is again captured flawlessly, even though it raises a question why does a droid come with a breathing apparatus. The Eyes have an immense amount of detailing as lenses, typical for an eye of a fly, are again carefully printed here. The body has a similar armour as 3-CPO, but is in dark grey with some orange finish to simulate rusting. The armour is not identical as there are plates in the chest area. Waist is an extension of the torso print and the legs continue in the dark grey and orange rust fashion as the rest of the body. The back print is very rusty and nicely detailed. I think the colour of the body is no dark grey but gun metal grey. The head is lighter shade of grey and is the same as hands here. 4-LOM is armed with a long blaster rifle.
    • Boba Fett. What a minifigure! The whole torso has an armour print with an incredible amount of detail. There are small holes and scratches all across the back and the front of the body to simulate battle damage. A ponytail looking rope is tied around the right shoulder and at the bottom of the print is a belt. Light grey tunic is present underneath the armour. There is some waist printing but I have no idea what is it suppose to represent. Leg printing is again brilliant with knee armour in gold. There is even feet print to simulate shoes. Arms, which are in sand blue just like legs, are left with no print. The sand green helmet resembles the in-universe helmet flawlessly. I know I use this word a lot here, but it is just this good. The black visor is surrounded by dark red lines and the helmet is bruised like a lot. At the top of the helmet lie several yellow lines in a line. The set comes with a package of accessories for the helmet. Funny thing is that there are 4 visors and 4 antennas. You can only attach one of these things to the helmet at one time. The jet pack is again in sand green and the shoulder cloth is in beige with few orange stripes. The only downside of this otherwise perfect minifig is the presence of an angry clone head. Boba is armed with the same dual barrel blaster as Zuckuss but in black. The extension of the bottom barrel is done by a black lightsaber hilt.

    I honestly can say that this is a perfect minifig selection. Boba and Han being an essential part of the group, but I am very pleased that Lego did put here both Zuckuss and 4-LOM as they are often found working together as a team in the Star Wars universe.

    The set includes a Han Solo in Carbonite mold which I do not count as a minifig. You can put a minifigure inside for there are two handles to be held onto.


    The construction of this vehicle was an absolute joy. It took me around 2 or so hours and it felt like much less. Usually, a build of this size would probably take me little longer, but the designers did a marvelous job designing this ship. The build is just so much fun to build as you add brick after brick and see the ship raise from nothing into the final product in front of you. The transition between the technic parts and the system parts is seamless. There is no technic skeleton to the build. Technically there is, but it is just so well integrated and much of the back bone is actually system built, that it hardly classifies as a skeleton. Another noteworthy attribute of the construction is that the most of the ship consists of bigger chunks of blocks. So if you come to realization that you did build something wrong deep in the construction, you can just take off few parts and then put them back easily. These chunks are recognizable especially since while building the vehicle, you usually put them together first and then add them to the rest of the build. I cannot stress enough how well the build is designed. And I think it is still somewhat simple enough for kids. If I can give you one advise it is that while building the parts around the cockpit, do not press them to hard from the sides towards the centre of the cockpit. The rotation mechanism for the seat will then work better.

    The build itself is nearly perfect. There is the right amount of detail and playability, I think the proportions are nailed and the choice of parts to use again, meticulous. The whimsical changes of different shades of green add to the overall aesthetic of the ship, and even though there is a lot of colours present visibly on the build, they all come together with no problems. The praiseworthy design culminates into one of the sturdiest ships I have ever seen. I do own roughly 30 sets and none of them are this sturdy. The main body of the ship never wiggles. If you wonder how big the ship is, just take a look at the box cause it is just as big as the picture depicts. The construction booklet states the presence of several parts which are unique to this set and that is completely true. There is actually plenty of interesting parts which I have never seen elsewhere. The detailing takes its toll in from of 10 stickers, but they are not too hard to apply. The 2 huge double laser cannons at the bottom of the ship are not the only weaponry this ship offers. The wings do have 2 more guns represented by mini binoculars.

    As for the drawbacks, there are few, but not of a high importance. The wings do wiggle a little, and they do strike me as little feeble. When you pick up the ship and look directly into the cockpit, you will se through the whole build as there is a whole at the bottom. This can be fixed by adding a 2 by 12 or 2 by 10 plate. The extended part above the entrance is brilliant but the bottom of it is not covered and the inner construction can be seen a little here. The only way to see this is by picking the ship up and looking from the back. It is just a nitpicking at this point as there are no major flaws I could report with this model. And again this problem can be solved by adding two long skewed plates.


    There are two spring-loaded shooters integrated into the face of the ship right under the cockpit. The firing mechanism is situated at the back and goes off by pulling down two red levers. Speaking of which, there is a handle at the back that you can pull out and put back. The handle allows for an easy maneuvering with the ship while playing with it. The entrance to the ship can be lifted up and hides quite an extensive storage space for Han in Carbonite. The cockpit seat does turn around depending on the placement of the ship to always keep the pilot in the right position. This mechanism sometimes drags a little and in order to keep it as fluent as possible, do not press any parts of the ship in this area too tightly together in the direction to the seat.

    Other than those, the set has 5 minifigs if we count in Leia, so that is something to play with I suppose.


    The strongest traits of the ship are its durability, sturdiness and the outer appearance. There are really no glaring weak points to this set. The minifig selection is awesome, the ship is just great. I am trying real hard to find something objectively bad about this set, but to no avail. Henceforth, I am unable to give this any other rating than 5 out of 5.

    Not only this is a great play set for kids, it is also an amazing display piece. So I do recommend this set basically to anyone in the Lego community.

    12 out of 13 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Kylo Ren's Shuttle

    <h1>Kylo Ren's Shuttle</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75256-1/Kylo-Ren-s-Shuttle'>75256-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-Episode-IX'>Episode IX</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2019'>2019</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2019 LEGO Group</div>

    Kylo Ren's Shuttle

    ©2019 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Lego got it right this time.

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Czechia,

    Well after 4 years Lego has finally released an updated and correctly coloured Kylo Ren's shuttle. I am not going to compare it to the previous model as I do not own that one. But for your convenience here it is 75104.

    I am quite surprised with how low the rating of this set is here and to add to my shock there is only one classic user review. So let's dive into this because this is going to be a long one. Probably.


    Well would not it be Lego community if any set outside the perfect 10c per piece ratio did not spark an outrage. Usually when the set is pricey I tend to hold it in my hands and evaluate whether the amount of stuff included in the set is worth the money. And compared to other sets I must yes in this case. There are 1005 pieces here and some of them pretty large. Half of the set's minifigs are exclusive as for April 2020. Thusly my conclusion here is that the set is fairly priced at the 130$.


    • First Order Stormtrooper. A classic very well printed First Order Trooper. The detailed print is all over the torso, back, waist and legs. There is no arm printing. The helmet is pretty thick and has few small details beside the classic black visors and a mouth. As per usual the face is of an angry clone. A medium blaster is included as a weapon.
    • Sith Trooper. This new trooper is actually pretty different from the First Order Trooper. Obviously the colour is red and not white, but the print is different all over the body and is much more detailed. There is just more going on. Again there is no arm printing and the face is of an angry clone. The helmet is the same mold but the printing is again much more detailed. The weapon is this strange blaster gun with a red lightsaber hilt as a scope. I have replaced this weapon with a medium-sized blaster as I did not like the size of the original weapon. Also, the material is little different. Feels cheaper.
    • Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. There is a print pattern done on the torso and on the legs. It is suppose to represent the vest he wears in the picture. And it does so pretty faithfully. There is again no arm printing. Kylo comes with a large cape and cross bladed lightsaber blade. The hilt is of gun metal grey. The helmet is pretty large but the amount of detail printed on it is excellent. The red scars on the helmet are pretty tame and do not shine. Lego used a darker shade of red here. There are two facial expressions printed here. A regular frown face and a tantrum face. You will not be using these expressions too much since there is no hair piece included here. I think Lego should have given us a hair piece in this set, especially since there is an actual face this time.
    • General Enric Pryde. The first exclusive figure of this set is the weakest of the group. The grey robe print is decent but there is no arm and leg printing done whatsoever. I think that the face looks little older and more tiered than in the movie. The hair mold is great but adds to the elderly feel of the minifig. The first face is with a slight smirk and the second one looks more worried than angry. Honestly this is pretty bad minifig. I like its exclusivity but I think Lego has failed to capture the real person it should represent. General is armed with a blaster pistol.
    • Ushar. This a magnificent minifig. Unlike Vicrul and Trudgen the body is in black. The print is of a splendid quality. There are grenades printed on the torso and the robe print goes from torso through the waist to the legs. The print on the back is pretty mundane but does its job. The helmet mold captures the breathing apparatus very well and it has a cut through for the added depth of the mold. The head is a regular black one. No arm printing here as well. Ushar is armed with two thermal detonators and a mace. The lightsaber hilt is in black but the middle section is done in bright red. I would go for a darker red colouring in this case.
    • Ap'lek. Even though this guy wears just a robe in the movies, Lego managed to make the robe look pretty interesting with the detailed printing. The print is present on the torso, back, legs and the waist. The head is an exclusive face print which looks pretty fierce. The trickster of the Knights of Ren comes with the new hood mold in black and a large cape piece identical to the one of Kylo Ren. The large axe has a red lightsaber hilt in the middle which I would again welcome in a darker hue. Pro tip: If you want your minifig to hold the axe in both hands naturally, just turn the bottom arm around so that the pinky fingers face each other.

    The minifig selection in this set is very strong. Except for the weak print on General Pryde the minifigs are brilliant. There are few details I would do differently, but they do not disturb the overall aesthetics of the set.


    Like the minifigs Lego went full with the build. The shuttle looks menacing and malevolent and is quite simply astonishing. The structure and the colour theme represent the great evil of the dark side perfectly.

    Detailing is one of many strong suits of the set. Once you are done with the building process, you feel like every single stud has a meaning and was placed at that exact spot on purpose. The darker grey does not stick out like a sore thumb. On contrary, it adds to the meticulous detailing of the ship. There are several small transparent red pieces spread over the build to finish the terrible visage of the ship. There are two large thrusters at the back of the ship and one of them is used as a control handle in the wings opening mechanism. Between these two thrusters there is a small storage compartment. The red front glass is just an add-on and cannot be seen through. The wings have two double-barrel laser canons at the front next to the face of the craft.

    I just want to throw in that there are two ice skates used for the detailing on the cockpit of the ship.

    The cockpit can be opened and inside there are 3 seats in the row which are able to accommodate 3 minifigs comfortably. The cockpit area also enables some of the crew members to store their weaponry as there are two carrying handles on the sides. There are no stickers in this set and all 3 panels inside are printed. A section with two seats can be opened by pressing from the top to simulate a loading ramp. But the ship is not large enough to fit a minifig under its body so the loading ramp is pretty useless.

    The large wings do fold and can be transformed into a parked position. The mechanism inside of the ship is operated by the right thruster and as you turn the thruster around, the wings do open. There are also two little handles at the back of each wing which are connected to the folding mechanism. The wings do fold in half so that the ship is more compact in the parked position. You can fold each wing individually but you can never open just one wing to the side and keep one in the straight position. The opening mechanism connects both wings. Furthermore, the wings open automatically once you pick the ship up from a surface. They do not close when you land the ship. In the parked stance the shuttle is quite compact but when you pick it up and transform it into its flight mode its quite large and takes a lot of space. While the wings are opened the overall width is little larger than of the box. When the wings are in the straight but not folded position the height is the same as of the box.

    Are there any shortcomings? Yes, but actually no. The wings in the opened position do wiggle a little bit. The body is not connected air tight so when the craft is landed you can move the body like 5 millimetres up and down. The build is pretty sturdy and strong but you cannot grab the ship by any part you fancy without any care. I have once picked the ship up by its face, pressed little harder and did break into a lot of pieces. The craft is not as fragile as I just made it sound but you have to be little cautious. Beside this I think the vehicle is perfect. Everything works the way it was intended and the sinister look is just incredible.


    Yes the set has some. As you might have guessed there are two spring-loaded shooters somewhere. They are on the right and the left part of the main body. Perhaps a little more discrete inclusion would be in order, but since there is so much going on with this build, I think it is safe to say that these will not disturb anyone. The firing mechanism is at the back. There are two small leavers that you need to press in order to shoot out the missiles.

    I think the whole opening mechanism counts as a playability feature too.


    Do I recommend a purchase of this set? Yes I do! As already thoroughly explained the ship looks just right. The amount of detail, the right amount of working playability features and a damn perfect selection of minifigs all culminate together into what I consider to be a perfect set. Not completely flawless as there are few inadequacies now and there but not enough to have an impact on my rating.

    In conclusion this is a perfect display set which can also serve as an awesome toy for kids.

    Great job Lego!

    9 out of 9 people thought this review was helpful.

  • Mandalorian Battle Pack

    <h1>Mandalorian Battle Pack</h1><div class='tags floatleft'><a href='/sets/75267-1/Mandalorian-Battle-Pack'>75267-1</a> <a href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars'>Star Wars</a> <a class='subtheme' href='/sets/subtheme-The-Mandalorian'>The Mandalorian</a> <a class='year' href='/sets/theme-Star-Wars/year-2020'>2020</a> </div><div class='floatright'>©2020 LEGO Group</div>

    Mandalorian Battle Pack

    ©2020 LEGO Group
    Overall rating
    Building experience
    Value for money

    Apparently Lego still knows how to make a proper battle pack.

    Written by (AFOL , gold-rated reviewer) in Czechia,

    Alright. There probably is not too much of a new light I can shed on this set as there are already plenty of other review that do the job for me. But I am an utter completionist and I would review this set sooner or later anyway. There might be one or two original things I have to say about this set so stay tuned.


    Going through each and every Mandalorian warrior here would be tedious but there is one huge difference among them.

    The green and grey/light blue Mandalorians are female. You see their helmets have a wee bit different visors. The straight one is for a male and the one with the curves is for a female.

    A very mild spoiler for the 1st season of the show follows.

    The heads of the Mandalorians are all black. This little detail makes sense since in the show they are not allowed to take their helmets off in front of another living being. And thusly we never know what their faces look like.

    The end of the pesky mildly spoiler-ish section.

    The minifigs are usually the driving force behind a good battle pack and in this case Lego did really hit home for the majority of the Lego Star Wars fan base including myself. Each minifig distinctly differs from the other in the print, colour, details and the cape. The prints are magnificent. They are detailed to the pinch and except for hand each body part has one. Armour on each minifig looks battle damaged, bruised and well-worn. Even the helmets have bruises on them.

    Furthermore, these minifigs all come with bonus accessories. There are 4 eye shaders and 4 antennas/targeting system/microphones (whatever you imagine them being but I belive in the universe it is the second of these). All of these can be attached to the actual helmets.


    • The speeder. The new speeder is pretty bulky little piece of art. The colour theme perfectly fits the whole mood of the show and the set. It has little red thruster at the back and two stud shooters at the front above the small wings. It can seat a Mandalorian minifig with the cape on comfortably.
    • Rocky .. mountain hiiiiigh .. thing. The little fortress can accommodate one warrior and gives an option for a weapon to get attached to the front so it looks like a little turret. At the back hides a handle for another weapon. If you get a multiple of these sets you can build a bigger fortress. The pieces included do allow that nicely.


    Two stud shooters on the speeder are very well-placed so you can shoot them while holding the speed without the necessity of changing the grip into something unnatural. Unlike in the case of stud shooters carried by the Mandalorian warriors. I really do like stud shooters incorporated into builds of all kinds. But my hatred for stud shooter carried by minifigs instead of blasters is immense. It looks dumb, ugly and ruins the mood and the look of the whole set. And no they do not bring in more playability because shooting them is an awkward process in which you have to hold the minifig down like an idiot or pick it up completely.


    Other than my usual rant about the stud shooters this is a really great step up from the most of the recent battle packs. Four of the same minifigs even when the colour theme varies is the best approach and Lego should realise that. There were times when their battle packs were absolutely stellar and this might be the start of a new and better era for these little convenient army builders.

    11 out of 12 people thought this review was helpful.