Random set of the day: Wolverine's Chopper Showdown

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Wolverine's Chopper Showdown

Wolverine's Chopper Showdown

©2012 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 6866 Wolverine's Chopper Showdown, released during 2012. It's one of 16 Marvel Super Heroes sets produced that year. It contains 199 pieces and 3 minifigs, and its retail price was US$19.99/£19.99.

It's owned by 11,339 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $172.90, or eBay.

43 comments on this article

By in Canada,

Definition of awful build, amazing figures

By in United States,

Our only non-comic con Deadpool figure, one of only two non-Mighty Micros Magnetos, and one of only three non-Mighty Micros Wolverine's, *and* this is the only one of those to not have that weird mask? No wonder it's so expensive now, even with that lackluster build.

By in United States,

Picked the worst characters to pit up against Magneto.
One dude's skeleton is coated in metal, and the other one only ever has weapons that are made of metal. Although Wolverine and Deadpool can't die, so maybe Wade just needs to bring in a nice big wooden mallet (although guess what's not present in this set?), or borrow some of those plastic guns from the Days of Future Past movie. Still not sure what Logan can do since he'd have to be from a distance and Magneto's powers are too great for anything even from a distance.

By in United States,

In the comics, Magneto did actually yoink all of the adamantium right out of Wolverine's bones. And it was a pretty brutal recovery. But when it was all said and done, it turned out that Wolvie's healing factor was working overtime to counter the toxic effect of having that much adamantium in his system, so it was basically like supercharging it once all the metal was gone. And that was a one-time trick. Once it was gone, there's no large quantities of metal to rip out of his body the next time. I don't remember what happened between them after that, but I'm pretty sure Logan was a bit grumpy.

By in United States,

@Randomness said:
"Our only non-comic con Deadpool figure, one of only two non-Mighty Micros Magnetos, and one of only three non-Mighty Micros Wolverine's, *and* this is the only one of those to not have that weird mask? No wonder it's so expensive now, even with that lackluster build."

The hair isn't that hard to get ahold of, so if you really want him sans cowl, that's not difficult to achieve The S2 Judoku hair is another good option, if you want a less crazy hairstyle. And the price of this set would probably be a lot higher if it weren't for the fact that at least two people have flooded the market with counterfeit prints sold as authentic. The price for a Deadpool minifig should have hit triple digits by the time the movie came out, but nobody would pay that much when they could buy whole minifigs or loose parts for under $50.

By in United States,

When there's money to be made on a licensing deal, who needs corporate values?

Cute and wholesome is over there in the Creator tubs, kid.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @MCLegoboy:
In the comics, Magneto did actually yoink all of the adamantium right out of Wolverine's bones. And it was a pretty brutal recovery. But when it was all said and done, it turned out that Wolvie's healing factor was working overtime to counter the toxic effect of having that much adamantium in his system, so it was basically like supercharging it once all the metal was gone. And that was a one-time trick. Once it was gone, there's no large quantities of metal to rip out of his body the next time. I don't remember what happened between them after that, but I'm pretty sure Logan was a bit grumpy."

I want to say that Magneto can also manipulate the iron within someone's blood, but he'd have to be really in dire circumstances or just really hate someone to do that. When you're an Omega Level Mutant (or is he perhaps even Beyond Omega Level), the only way you lose is when the plot demands it.

By in United States,

So, what's the betting Lego never gives us another Deadpool figure, or that they'll at least wait until the movies are somewhat forgotten? I always liked the little touch of giving Magneto a little metal platform to fly around on, reminiscent of his prison escape in X2. Speaking of which, @MCLegoboy: Of course, if someone's gone to the trouble of adding iron to someones blood, things are made much simpler for him. "Mr. Laurio, never trust a beautiful woman. Especially one who's interested in you."

By in United States,

@Randomness said:
"Our only non-comic con Deadpool figure, one of only two non-Mighty Micros Magnetos, and one of only three non-Mighty Micros Wolverine's, *and* this is the only one of those to not have that weird mask? No wonder it's so expensive now, even with that lackluster build."

Wierd, I just picked up the Magneto today to go along with the other two I had previously from this set. Huwbot is spying on me.

The rest of this set isn't just lackluster. It's undoubtedly nothing but shards of dark red. That color of that era is brittle as a potato chip. There's a bunch of cheese slopes in dark red!!! There's no WAY those are going to last. Cheese slopes from that era are also hard to keep from cracking.

By in Canada,

@AllenSmith said:
"When there's money to be made on a licensing deal, who needs corporate values?

Cute and wholesome is over there in the Creator tubs, kid."

* Tries not to mention the Carnage and Venom helmets to avoid all that rehashing. Fails. *

By in United States,

I remember freaking out that they actually made a Deadpool fig back when this came out.

By in United States,

Oh yes, the amazing twin tail rotor chopper! It has a propeller on each side of the tail boom.
This has never been done in the history of aviation because it's dumb and wouldn't work.
Definitely a set to get for the minifigs only.
This set earned a place on my list of Stupid Helicopter Designs From LEGO.

By in Australia,

That helicoper or 'choppa' is terrible, really awful like LOL what is up with the front of that thing??

I do really like Hugh Jackman's vintage motorcycle though! I wish that was available in other sets in that colour :(

By in United States,

Hemoglobin in blood already has quite a bit of iron. That's why blood turns brown on exposure to atmosphere (it's basically rusting). There's not a lot, though. For every iron(II) ion, there are four nitrogen atoms, four oxygen atoms, six carbon atoms, and 18 hydrogen atoms. And the quirky thing is, hemoglobin is only magnetic when it's depleted of oxygen. Once it visits your lungs and picks up an oxygen atom, it becomes iron(III), which is that non-magnetic rust thing again. Since your circulatory system is pretty evenly split between arteries and veins, half of your hemoglobin is probably carrying oxygen at any given moment, and the other half is magnetic.

Adding lots of iron probably wouldn't make a difference. If it's just free iron, and it gets into your blood stream that regularly gets infusions of oxygen molecules, the iron is just going to rust, and it won't release the oxygen when it's just iron oxide.

Then again, it's possible none of this really matters. Magneto's power is supposed to be limited to magnetic metals, but that would mean that either adamantium is ferrous and therefore magnetic, or that he was able to use Wolverine's blood to push the adamantium free of his skeleton.

Why wouldn't it work? I mean, the first rotor will create a bunch of turbulence that will impact the effectiveness of the second rotor, but that should just mean you made it needlessly complex for little to no actual gain vs just putting a bigger rotor on the tail, or gearing up the speed at which it rotates.

By in United States,

This was my first Marvel set growing up as a kid. I was a huge Wolverine fan at age 6, so I begged my mom to get it for me. Very nostalgic set for me, got me into Lego Marvel.

By in United States,

Loved this set. My son had lots of fun with all the characters.
Then we got the 76022 X-Men vs. The Sentinel set (w/the other Magneto and another Wolverine) and had one big battle scene.
Great stuff.

By in Turkey,

Chopper looks nice actually, nothing so over the top. This is not something I'ld collect but with the figures it's a nice playset.

By in Australia,

Got this off a friend last year. The figures are definitely the highlight here (until recently, most LEGO Super Heroes builds sucked), but the chopper doesn't look awful. I have a feeling that this is one set that LEGO does want to forget though, given the fact that this was four years before Deadpool got his own film... which was certainly not for kids.

By in United States,

@RaiderOfTheLostBrick said:
"Got this off a friend last year. The figures are definitely the highlight here (until recently, most LEGO Super Heroes builds sucked), but the chopper doesn't look awful. I have a feeling that this is one set that LEGO does want to forget though, given the fact that this was four years before Deadpool got his own film... which was certainly not for kids."

Well, when both Marvel and DC are so varied in their depictions of their various characters, what are you going to do? I certainly grew up with the 80s-90s cartoon versions of the X-Men and various others, never imagining the sorts of things I’d hear about the comics as I grew older.

By in United Kingdom,

I thought the build was OK, but even better as a parts pack for trains. Some good dark red parts for the time too. And they were dirt cheap when clearanced at £9.

By in United Kingdom,

For many years this was my most sought-after set until I picked it up for £25 on ebay a few years ago. The helicopter isn't that bad. And the minifigures are brilliant.

By in United Kingdom,

One of those sets that was clearly just done for the minifigs

By in Australia,

The name of this set is just making me picture a showdown between Wolverine and Chopper from rebels. It's tough to say who'd win.

By in Netherlands,

This is one of those sets that's on my BL "want"-list, that I just can't bring myself to pull the trigger on. I like Deadpool and Wolverine, and Magneto is one of my favourite Marvel-villains (or anti-heroes, or anti-villains, or... it's Magneto, the Master of Side-Switching).

But do I like them enough to pay this kind of moolah for a set of red shards? No, not really. I'm really hoping that that "X-Men '97"-line pans out, and that we'll get cool minifigs and bigfigs from it. Such as Magneto, Mister Sinister, Juggernaut, Magneto, Mister Sinister and of course, Magneto, just to name a few.

@MCLegoBoy :
In fairness, all of the weapons in this set are very sensibly made of plastic. As for Magneto's vulnerabilities, he's currently dead (and chose not to use Krakoa's weary old respawn-system out of principle). I'm sure he'll be back within a year or so, but it was a pretty grandiose send-off either way. It was moving, I was moved.

@PurpleDave :
There surely was some bad blood between Wolverine and Magneto for quite some time afterwards, with multiple mentions of grudge-matches. But then 'HoX' happened, and Krakoa became a big old drunk lovefest, and all grudges and love-dodecahedrons were all forgiven and resolved.

Marvel's 'Fatal Attractions' was pretty good in an of itself, even though Wolverine's weird noselessness was never adequately explained, and seemed to go away on its own. We got some good fighting-games out of it, too.

By in Netherlands,

We got Punisher in 76178, so I don't see a reason why we wouldn't get another Deadpool.

By in Australia,

@SearchlightRG said:
" @RaiderOfTheLostBrick said:
"Got this off a friend last year. The figures are definitely the highlight here (until recently, most LEGO Super Heroes builds sucked), but the chopper doesn't look awful. I have a feeling that this is one set that LEGO does want to forget though, given the fact that this was four years before Deadpool got his own film... which was certainly not for kids."

Well, when both Marvel and DC are so varied in their depictions of their various characters, what are you going to do? I certainly grew up with the 80s-90s cartoon versions of the X-Men and various others, never imagining the sorts of things I’d hear about the comics as I grew older."

Fair enough. However, in today's pop culture zeitgeist, Deadpool is very much a 'grown-up' superhero thanks to his films. Like it or not, LEGO Super Heroes today focuses more on the films then comics (as inferred by Mark Stafford in an interview last year), so it's completely understandable if they distance themselves from the character.

But then again, LEGO's morals are impossible to define: mature characters like Punisher and Blade were seen in 76178, so never say never!

By in United States,

I've had this set for ages, but only now is it occurring to me the the gag behind the title, and the type of 'Chopper Showdown' that Deadpool is likely to have with Wolverine!

By in United Kingdom,

Personally, I don't see much wrong with this set . . .

By in Netherlands,

This darn set. When it came out I didn't really care much for it. I'm not a comics guy nor did I grow up with marvel characters beside the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films. I just found it odd, being the only one that wasn't an Avengers tie-in set.

A few years after it came out (I believe 2014?) I saw one in a store somewhere out of the way. And I thought 'huh? That's unusual. That one has been retired for a while."
When I got home I looked up the value. It was sky high already! I could have sold that one below the then-market value and still easily made some nice money for the hobby. Now all I hear of it is the high aftermarket price.

I hope whoever bought it was a fan of he set and characters at least!

Strangely I bought a Deadpool from Bricklink when the price was reasonable as one of my earlier purchases there. It's now one of the most valuable I own! I've debated getting the rest of the set because I'm not much of a loose minifig guy but every time decided against it. The price of the rest is now just not worth it anymore.

By in United States,

@RaiderOfTheLostBrick now, see, what I don’t get is why ANYONE even uses the term “hero” in the same conversation as Deadpool. Admittedly I try to avoid Deadpool media as much as possible, but what little I’ve seen convinces me that he’s a dirtbag who happens to occasionally take issue with other dirtbags in a way that happens to-in spite of himself-benefit society as a whole. He doesn’t even have the “dirtbag with heart” aspect of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

By in Netherlands,

@NotProfessorWhymzi said:
"not to humble-brag, but i got this when it was new, and before i knew who Deadpool even was. had i known the demand for the Merc with a Mouth that would follow, i would have bought twelve.

also, this Magneto is way superior to the one that came in the X-Jet set. that version looked like he was wearing a v-neck tracksuit!"

We don't talk about Galactus' short shorts, we don't talk about Hawkeye's old miniskirt, we don't talk about Captain America's Nomad-costume, and we don't talk about Headmaster Magneto's adult romper. Even though we really, really should talk about those costumes, at great length. Why, Mags? Why did you think it was a good idea to educate children while wearing silk pajamas and spaceboots? We trusted you!

I'd pay through the nose for a Marvel Queer Eye set. 'Queer Hawkeye'? 'Queer Eye of Agamotto'? Honestly, this stuff writes itself.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave: Are you saying that the writers of comic book movies are ignorant of science? Surely not! /sarcasm

@CliveyB: My money's on Wolvey, simply because I don't think Chopper has a healing factor.

By in United States,

Someone who joined one of the LUGs that spun off my own built a large X-Mansion and has a few dozen of the Sentinels attacking it.

You got Go-Go Boots Punisher, who’s really hard to take seriously as a bringer of ultra-violence.

Oh, I’m sure they know that science is a thing. They may not know what that thing actually is, however. Certainly McFarlane doesn’t, since he once drew Spiderman swinging over the Empire State Building (possibly from some low-flying aircraft?) with his legs wrapped around the back of his neck. Liefeld doesn’t either, since Cable’s power set has never been described as including unbreakable ankles.

By in Puerto Rico,

Three star characters in one cheap set, I kick myself for not buying it.

By in Romania,

@Ridgeheart said:
" @NotProfessorWhymzi said:
"not to humble-brag, but i got this when it was new, and before i knew who Deadpool even was. had i known the demand for the Merc with a Mouth that would follow, i would have bought twelve.

also, this Magneto is way superior to the one that came in the X-Jet set. that version looked like he was wearing a v-neck tracksuit!"

We don't talk about Galactus' short shorts, we don't talk about Hawkeye's old miniskirt, we don't talk about Captain America's Nomad-costume, and we don't talk about Headmaster Magneto's adult romper. Even though we really, really should talk about those costumes, at great length. Why, Mags? Why did you think it was a good idea to educate children while wearing silk pajamas and spaceboots? We trusted you!

I'd pay through the nose for a Marvel Queer Eye set. 'Queer Hawkeye'? 'Queer Eye of Agamotto'? Honestly, this stuff writes itself."

Magneto's purple wrestler outfit with the huge M on the chest and the elbow-high gloves is what they're going for in X-Men '97. Imagine that as a minifigure ??

By in United States,

Back in the day I worked part time at a toy store, our LEGO rep had us buy a TON of these and they languished on our shelves for a LONG time (the franchise had certain rules for LEGO, not sure if those were THIER rules or if those were rules imposed on us by TLG, never got an answer to that question).
Anyway, kicking myself for not scooping them all up. I could have made about $2K (and generally I'm not all about the resell market but clearly Little Johnny and Suzy didn't want these, it took us almost 3 years to sell through 20 of them).

By in United States,

LEGO: No, we can’t put Deadpool in the Daily Bugle, he’s too violent, controversial, evil for a “good guy,” and uses guns too much!
Also LEGO: We should totally put The Punisher in the Daily Bugle!

By in Netherlands,

@busyman said:
" @Ridgeheart said:
" @NotProfessorWhymzi said:
"not to humble-brag, but i got this when it was new, and before i knew who Deadpool even was. had i known the demand for the Merc with a Mouth that would follow, i would have bought twelve.

also, this Magneto is way superior to the one that came in the X-Jet set. that version looked like he was wearing a v-neck tracksuit!"

We don't talk about Galactus' short shorts, we don't talk about Hawkeye's old miniskirt, we don't talk about Captain America's Nomad-costume, and we don't talk about Headmaster Magneto's adult romper. Even though we really, really should talk about those costumes, at great length. Why, Mags? Why did you think it was a good idea to educate children while wearing silk pajamas and spaceboots? We trusted you!

I'd pay through the nose for a Marvel Queer Eye set. 'Queer Hawkeye'? 'Queer Eye of Agamotto'? Honestly, this stuff writes itself."

Magneto's purple wrestler outfit with the huge M on the chest and the elbow-high gloves is what they're going for in X-Men '97. Imagine that as a minifigure ??"

Oh. Oh, dear. Lucha Libre Magneto, from the original 'Trial of Magneto'?

That certainly was a phase, and one I had hoped we could all forget about. Hey, wait - that was back in 1985, not in 1997! Rogue still wore a mullet and a poncho in those days! We're being bamboozled, I call shenanigans!

Rob Liefeld rightfully gets called out on his terrifying art, but when it comes to fashion-disasters, John Romita Jr. is an absolute criminal mastermind.

By in United Kingdom,

That’s quite a jump - $19.99 to $172.90. Would be interested to read an article about sets that have gone from pocket money level to small bank loan.

By in United States,

Deadpool would be a great candidate for a mech. Popular character but movies are R rated. Easy workaround.

By in United States,

I put Deadpool and the mech Wolverine in 2x3 brick costumes at my LUG’s last show, but I’ve been eyeing the mech parts to see what I might want to do to give one to Deadpool. It would go nicely with the Mighty Micros taco I’ve already got him driving in a unicorn costume.

By in United States,

Ahh, the absolute golden era of the $20 Marvel set ! I still remember when I got this, same day as the Avengers truck chase too

By in Canada,

*SIGH*...TLG states they can't make DC characters like Peacemaker and such, as they're 'too violent',...but then THESE TWO...and PUNISHER...AND BLADE...yes, yes: "But Brick_r, Blade's violence is against vamp..." NuhUh, Blade's done 'violence' against vampire's minons/henchmen, and others too...Right NOW, there should at very least be DC 'mechs', and wave 2 of CMF, instead it's a mismatched, uphill, non-level playing field...

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