Random set of the day: Friendship Frame / Mirror

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Friendship Frame / Mirror

Friendship Frame / Mirror

©2004 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7504 Friendship Frame / Mirror, released during 2004. It's one of 40 Clikits sets produced that year. It contains 15 pieces, and its retail price was US$4/£1.99.

It's owned by 74 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $1.90, or eBay.

23 comments on this article

By in United States,

When you stare into the void, the void stares back... now with pretty hearts and flowers!

By in United States,

Thank god it's Clickits!

By in United States,

Okay I can cancel my appointment with my therapist tomorrow I’m fine now.

By in Canada,

Finally something good…

For friendship.

By in United States,

The Friendship Mirror!

So you can see just how lonely you are.

By in United States,

If they're framing you, are you really sure they're your friend?

By in United States,

$1.90… what a steal

By in United States,

I was worried, it’s been a while since we had a clikits article. The world makes sense again.

By in United Kingdom,

The Clikits accessories have the same pin size as other Lego accessories right? You could decorate this frame up a whole bunch of ways

By in Netherlands,

The mighty clickets has graced us with its presence once more!

'Look at this to see your best friend!'
*it's a mirror.
Be kind to yourself... I guess? It's a bit small to be shared with friends.

@NotProfessorWhymzi I can directly see my nose. Close enough XD.
You're still right though

By in Australia,

It's just been too long between Clikits for my liking.

By in Netherlands,

"Friendship Frame"? Sounds like something Nova might do. Look over your shoulder, Zac. No one is safe, not even you. Especially not you, since you just know too much.

By in Belgium,

Unbelievable! The last time Huwbot picked a Clikits set was on 31 August 2022! I was getting worried that Huwbot had been infected by malware that prevented him from providing us with our regular fix of Clikits… Hopefully more sets will get picked soon to compensate for this months-long gap!

By in United States,

@NotProfessorWhymzi said:
"this is a true fact: you have never directly seen your own face.

sure, you've seen photos, videos, and reflections, but you've never seen your face in the exact same way you can see other faces."

I do when I look at the mirror that I hold up to the mirror that has my reflection in it.

By in United States,

Can't believe I decided to go to sleep earlier instead of staying up to see the glorious return of Clikits.

Or maybe it's because Huwbot was not being so vigilantly watched that he felt less pressured to choose something so grand...

By in United States,

I mean, I've seen _parts_ of it. I can see my nose, eyebrows, a bit of my cheeks, and with a bit of contortion I can see both lips. Technically I can see my corneas, but I don't have cataracts, so I don't exactly notice them.

Clikits had an exclusive connector. It looked a bit like a Technic pin, but very stubby. I think it was the female side that was sorta compatible with System parts, but I've never heard of anyone trying to connect any Technic parts to the frames.

By in United States,

@Randomness said:
"The Friendship Mirror!

So you can see just how lonely you are."

mirror, mirror one the wall,
who is the loneliest one of all?
*dead silence*

By in United Kingdom,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Brickalili:
Clikits had an exclusive connector. It looked a bit like a Technic pin, but very stubby. I think it was the female side that was sorta compatible with System parts, but I've never heard of anyone trying to connect any Technic parts to the frames."

I was thinking less technic pins and more the little points that stuck plumes into knights’ helmets, or flowers into Friends’ hair. The way you’re describing it, sounds too big for those though

By in United States,

@Brickalili said:
"I was thinking less technic pins and more the little points that stuck plumes into knights’ helmets, or flowers into Friends’ hair. The way you’re describing it, sounds too big for those though"

Oh, no, hatpins are right out.

By in United Kingdom,

@Randomness said:
"The Friendship Mirror!

So you can see just how lonely you are."

"There comes a time when you look in the mirror and realize the man you see is all you will ever be. And you learn to accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors."

By in United States,

@SDlgo9 said:
" @Randomness said:
"The Friendship Mirror!

So you can see just how lonely you are."

"There comes a time when you look in the mirror and realize the man you see is all you will ever be. And you learn to accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors.""

dear God, that got dark really quick!

By in New Zealand,

Comes with a picture of a friend to insert. Just in case you don't have any of your own.

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