Random set of the day: Fire-Cart

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©1998 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 2538 Fire-Cart, released during 1998. It's one of 20 Castle sets produced that year. It contains 20 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$2.

It's owned by 1,765 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $20.60, or eBay.

27 comments on this article

By in United States,

What was LEGO thinking? Fire? At a gas station? *facepalm* Hopefully not too many lives were lost.

By in United States,

See the grand medieval FIRE-CART, go up against the LEGO MANIAC in a battle royale to the near-death!
*sponsored by Shell*

By in United States,

That sure is a cart and it sure has fire

By in United States,

@Harmonious_Building said:
"Bat-farts: silent but deadly "

Hey, that's no joke, dude. Spelunkers in caves that host bat colonies have to wear oxygen tanks because the amount of methane coming off the bat guano will cause you to asphyxiate. And then you'll faceplant in a pile of bat guano and die.

By in United States,

Trump could have used one in The Apprentice.

By in Australia,

Is he delivering the fire? Is the cart on fire? Is it a cart that you'd set on fire for the purpose of keeping warm?

So many questions.

By in United Kingdom,

Really loved this Shell promotion with some great little sets. Also the Town/City themed car wash etc. I’m sad that the collaboration between Shell and Lego is no more.

By in New Zealand,

At least the Cart isn't on fire!

By in Canada,

...Ok...Hey cart...YOU'RE FIRED!!!:D

Although, I can't be the only one here thinking "Shell...on a Castle set...:|"...But guess: if Arthur and the boys can use shells...coconut ones though...:)

By in United States,

This makes total sense.

By in United States,

I want to see this face off against 1288.

By in United Kingdom,

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning, since the world's been turning

By in Canada,

Will that be cash, or CHARGE! ?

By in Netherlands,

I like to think the barrel contains fuel for the flamethrowers. The nice part here is that beside the minifig you even get a bat. It can either be used as a decoration or as an animal itself, which is great value for the budget.

These small little carts used to be everywhere. Not anymore. I guess it's because we don't have any or very few historic themes where using a cart would make sense. Nor do we get as many small impulse sets containing a minifigure, as micro models seem to be the go-to thing now in today's modelling climate.

By in Sweden,

Probably had a couple of those.

By in United Kingdom,

Looking at how panicked that knight seems to be I’m not entirely sure the cart should be doing that. Is it really just a barrel of ale and things have gone horribly wrong?

By in Germany,

One of the better Fright Knight minisets

By in United Kingdom,

Consecutive Castle RSotDs. Verily.

By in Netherlands,

In hindsight, I guess I appreciate Shell's brazenness. At least they were upfront with their message in this set.

"Shell: Setting fire to the world for fun and profit."

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Harmonious_Building said:
"Bat-farts: silent but deadly "

Hey, that's no joke, dude. Spelunkers in caves that host bat colonies have to wear oxygen tanks because the amount of methane coming off the bat guano will cause you to asphyxiate. And then you'll faceplant in a pile of bat guano and die."

The need to obtain bat and sea bird guano to fertilize American farms and feed the growing population led the U.S. to join the rest of the European powers to try its hand at imperalism. The rest is history- imperalism, oil company domination. Sigh.

By in United States,

I dunno. Are you going to trust a lowly foot soldier all by himself with an entire barrel of booze that’s _that_ flammable? Cheap swill, maybe, but that barrel is probably worth more than he makes in a year.

The sticker matches a bug printed in the upper right corner of this set’s box. I would imagine it’s intended as a way to keep track of which sets you’d obtained, so you could try to complete the series. You know, because nobody has writing utensils they can use to mark checkboxes. Although, knowing AFOL tendencies, a checklist with check marks would list for lower than unmarked, where being covered in a complete set of stickers might actually give the resale value a boost.

By in United Kingdom,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Brickalili:
I dunno. Are you going to trust a lowly foot soldier all by himself with an entire barrel of booze that’s _that_ flammable? Cheap swill, maybe, but that barrel is probably worth more than he makes in a year."

I mean I wouldn’t trust him -again-, not after this, that’s for sure! XD

By in Netherlands,

That cart has a severe case of indigestion.

By in United States,

This is... objectively not one of LEGO's finest, but darned if I don't feel somewhat cheated that my adulthood has not included more impulse-sized LEGO sets at gas stations.

By in United Kingdom,

I remember getting this one! ...in 2005, as a free-with-meal gift at Legoland Windsor's pizza restaurant. Not the place I would have expected a shell promo set from seven years earlier to turn up - but hey, free Lego is free Lego!

And it was always nice to have another of those helmet pieces - not to mention my first Lego bat! So I was pretty happy with it ^^

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