Random set of the day: Meteor Monitor

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Meteor Monitor

Meteor Monitor

©1990 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 1875 Meteor Monitor, released during 1990. It's one of 8 Space sets produced that year. It contains 29 pieces and 1 minifig.

It's owned by 1,220 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

45 comments on this article

By in New Zealand,

I would be very worried piloting this thing both in atmosphere and in space.

By in United States,

The only Blacktron set I don't own. :(

By in United States,

Holy Alliteration Blacktronman!

By in United States,

The white pieces should be replaced with yellow to match the Blacktron I color scheme (or replace the trans-red with trans-neon green to make it Blacktron II). Also, the back could use...something (A tool box/rack? A droid? More thrusters? Technic pin/hole pieces to make it modular with the other Blacktron sets?)

By in United States,

So do you monitor the meteors, and then shoot them off of the top of the wing things, or... How would this work? How would you even monitor from that? There's not even any pilot protection. Blacktron's usually great at all that, but this just seems impractical.

By in United States,

I always imagined little sets like this were for low altitude hovering around and surveying.

By in United States,

Real Blacktron, slumming it with a Super B Blacktron Cadet/Target Corps craft.

By in Brazil,

The unique "transition" Blacktron set, with elements from both Blacktron 1 and 2. It is in my collection though I built the set with parts I already owned.

By in United States,

Having this as a kid, I was never sure if it was Blacktron or not. The minifig definitely is, but as @LordDunsany points out, the color scheme isn't.

By in New Zealand,

Also, now the only Blacktron I set not to be RSOTD is 6894 Invader (Blacktron Cruiser) AKA the one that actually got a remake tribute!

By in United States,

This poor guy is out there monitoring all the meteors, wishing he could be detecting the vectors with the cool kids

By in United States,

What the heck?

I thought Bricklink was broken because I was looking at Blacktron sets because I just put the new Cruiser together tonight and was showing my wife the Invader, and of course this is at the top of the set list page.

Haha! What a coincidence!

By in United States,

Blacktron 1.5, a series of one set.

By in Canada,

I think the reason they didn't make this yellow and black as usual is because that would have required a recolour of the white "popcorn" brick (holding the trans red dishes at the top of the wings). I guess they figured it wasn't worth it. As far as I know there still is no (official) yellow version of that piece, though BL lists a few.

By in Brazil,

@MeisterDad said:
"I think the reason they didn't make this yellow and black as usual is because that would have required a recolour of the white "popcorn" brick (holding the trans red dishes at the top of the wings). I guess they figured it wasn't worth it. As far as I know there still is no (official) yellow version of that piece, though BL lists a few."

Good theory, but back then Lego still didn't worried too much about "pointless" recolors, it seems like a more recent thing. White is an uncommon color for that part, the last appearance was in 1991 (another Blacktron set, 6933 from the second generation). They could have used it in the color black (the most common for the part) and yellow for the hinges and 1x2 plates (also common occurences), pretty easy. The set remains peculiar.

By in Poland,

One of the best "tiny flier" designs from ye olden days.

By in United States,

Sounds like something the US Airforce would shoot down.

By in Canada,

Pilot: "There's a meteor...there's a meteor...(WHAAAACK!!!!)...ThErE'S...A...MetEOr..." [Crashes]:)

Seriously; there are reasons one builds closed cockpit vehicles; and OPEN SPACE would be one of those reasons...

By in Netherlands,

Child-me didn't bother to buy this set in bulk. Child-me was an idiot. I wish I had about twenty of these right now.

By in Germany,

Futuron in disguise…?

By in South Africa,

I thought I moc'd this one from parts as I had a spare Blacktron minifigure, but it turns out that it was the very similar 1620 Astro Dart, but in Blacktron livery.

Also waiting for @ElephantKnight 's words of wisdom...

By in Netherlands,

1 of the 2 Blacktron I sets that got away.

But technically it’s a mash-up between Blacktron I and II.

The other one is the renegade, but that one never got released in the Netherlands.

So I still think I own the complete Blacktron wave.
( GWP included! )

By in United Kingdom,

Looks a bit fragile to be floating around space rocks, could do with a bit more bulk and substance; definitely needs to be a meatier monitor

By in United Kingdom,

Maybe the astronaut is smiling as he is a meteor survivor, while sadly most of the spaceship didn't survive.

By in Sweden,

I want the new updated minifig! They should start selling it!

By in United Kingdom,

@Miyakan said:
"I would be very worried piloting this thing both in atmosphere and in space."

Good point. We shouldn't think of these classic sets from an Adults point of view, practicalities etc, More a child's imagination. I was going to mention that the Pilot cant actually reach either of the controls which also helps but to top this one 1479 where two pilots bravely face all of the elements each with only one control they cant reach...... that must be a nightmare to pilot with half the controls each. To me, to you.,........up a bit.....

By in United States,

What I wouldn't give for a Classic Polybag line.

By in United States,

Well, besides a few CMFs that are ineligible due to piece count, Blacktron I now has one set that won’t be eligible for RSotD until 2033.

C’mon, live a little. Put the top down, and let the solar wind blow through your hair.

By in Germany,

Needs more Blacktron.

Oh, wait...

By in Germany,

Seriously though, this doesn't even look like an official LEGO set, but rather like something a kid would throw together out of some of their spare parts.
Plus the set number indicates it's some regional exclusive and/or promotional item, not a proper thing you'd find in the general consumer catalogue.

By in United States,

@560heliport said:
"The only Blacktron set I don't own. :("

At least the parts are basic enough to piece one together!

By in United States,

@Lego34s said:
" @Miyakan said:
"I would be very worried piloting this thing both in atmosphere and in space."

Good point. We shouldn't think of these classic sets from an Adults point of view, practicalities etc, More a child's imagination. I was going to mention that the Pilot cant actually reach either of the controls which also helps but to top this one 1479 where two pilots bravely face all of the elements each with only one control they cant reach...... that must be a nightmare to pilot with half the controls each. To me, to you.,........up a bit....."

1479 looks like the little training craft that new recruits have to pilot through an obstacle course to teach them the importance of cooperation.

By in United States,

Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's METEOR MONITOR!

(sorry, but the set name just makes me think of a superhero for some reason)

By in Netherlands,

@Murdoch17 said:
"Look, up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's METEOR MONITOR!

(sorry, but the set name just makes me think of a superhero for some reason)"

Not a particularly useful superhero, I imagine. "Haha, yes indeed! That was indeed a monitor that smashed into Capitol City! I have monitored it succesfully. Another triumph for... Meteor Monitor! Awaaaaay!"

By in United States,

Well, Stan Lee did seem to have a fetish for using alliterative names for his characters…

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Murdoch17:
Well, Stan Lee did seem to have a fetish for using alliterative names for his characters…"

Wait... Did Stan Lee moonlight for TLG, naming sets?

By in United States,

So ... the picture shows our Blacktronaut with their visor up, as the Meteor Monitor descends the last several (insert galactic measure of altitude) to land on the surface of (planet name redacted by Blacktron security), with its comfortably minifigure-safe atmosphere.

Not pictured: the Blacktronaut and the Meteor Monitor in space, with the pilot's visor firmly sealed and their advanced, life-sustaining EMU operating within its normal parameters.

By in Netherlands,

Ah, the lego equivalent of a Blacktron Future Generation early bird cameo. Complete with preliminary color scheme from before the actual faction appears in the story in full force!

I always imagined this one sinisterly appearing from behind a meteor at the end of an episode or movie or comic issue just... monitoring the heroes. Threateningly! And to the audience it would show that not only is Blacktron still around. But they're out there... planning something in the shadows.

By in United States,

No trans-yellow? I've always assumed he stole this from the Futurons and couldn't bare to fly it without at least spray painting -some- of it black first.

By in Netherlands,

Gotta love these tiny space vehicles that hardly made any sense, but showed so much creativity with a minimum of parts. For something this small, it just looks cool!

By in New Zealand,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Miyakan:
Well, besides a few CMFs that are ineligible due to piece count, Blacktron I now has one set that won’t be eligible for RSotD until 2033.

C’mon, live a little. Put the top down, and let the solar wind blow through your hair."

Bricsket has that one in the ICONS range, but yes, not eligible for quite a while. There are also a few minifigure packs with blacktron figures that fall under Miscellaneous rather than any one faction.

@Lego34s: 1479 would be truly terrifying. But hey, two minifigures in a small set. Great army builder. (You're going to need them, I can see many a crash happening.)

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart said:
"Child-me didn't bother to buy this set in bulk. Child-me was an idiot. I wish I had about twenty of these right now."
Child-me made so many mistakes too—including this exact same one. I wish I could go back and talk some sense into that boy!

By in United States,

Best ice cream brand in the galaxy.

By in Canada,

Ah, the transitional Blacktron set. The "ship" clearly is Blacktron 2, minus the trans neon green, but the pilot is clearly Blacktron 1.

Blacktron harmony, is this set. Perfection does not exist anywhere else.

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