Review: 75347 TIE Bomber

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LEGO has introduced various renditions of the famous TIE/ln Starfighter and TIE Advanced x1 since 1999, contrasting with the TIE Bomber or TIE Interceptor. These Imperial craft have each been portrayed only once before at minifigure-scale, in 2003 and 2006.

Of course, such infrequency has increased the collective anticipation for 75347 TIE Bomber, which appears incredibly detailed and accurate to the onscreen vehicle. Additionally, the minifigure selection exceeds expectations, offering not only Vice Admiral Rae Sloane, but exclusive versions of Darth Vader and the TIE Pilot too.


75347 TIE Bomber, 625 pieces.
£59.99 / $64.99 / €64.99 | 9.6p/10.4c/10.4c per piece.
Buy at »

The long-awaited 75347 TIE Bomber is truly excellent, despite underwhelming functions

  • Outstanding display model
  • Brilliant accuracy
  • Strong construction
  • Highly desirable minifigures
  • Very simple bomb mechanism
  • Relatively expensive

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.

Box and Contents

Before examining the minifigures and the TIE Bomber itself, I should mention the packaging and its Return of the Jedi anniversary branding. This does seem odd since the scene presented on the box clearly originates from The Empire Strikes Back, although the TIE Bomber does appear at the beginning of Episode VI, suspended from a launch rack as shown below. I look forward to seeing how else LEGO will celebrate this anniversary.


Darth Vader minifigures have differed remarkably in recent years, only sometimes including the printed arms introduced in 75291 Death Star Final Duel a couple of years ago, or wearing capes of varying materials. Fortunately, this minifigure combines the best properties of the Sith Lord's many designs, so incorporates those printed arms alongside a detailed torso.

The colourful buttons on Vader's chest control panel stand out brilliantly, while accurate stripes and printed fabric continue across the legs. Additionally, the complex helmet originally produced in 2015 returns and looks splendid, as usual. The textured respirator grille appears impressive in particular.

While the minifigure appears outwardly identical to that from previous sets, the head underneath Darth Vader's helmet is new! The more common smiling design is ideal for the climax of Return of the Jedi, but this sombre expression reflects Lord Vader's overriding emotion throughout the Original Trilogy. As normal, this minifigure is also equipped with a red lightsaber.

LEGO has already explored Star Wars films, television series and video games, with books now joining the sources! Vice Admiral Sloane originally appeared as a captain, although books and comics, as well as Star Wars: Squadrons very briefly, have traced her career to the founding of the First Order. This minifigure therefore wears a unique indicator denoting the rank of Vice Admiral.

Nevertheless, the minifigure looks superb and includes a new head, albeit without an alternative expression, while this black hair element suits her nicely. The accompanying TIE Bomber Pilot also comprises several new elements, which were unexpected. The helmet now displays white Imperial symbols, so most closely resembles the pilot from 75211 Imperial TIE Fighter instead of the version from 2020.

Moreover, the torso has been updated with accents on the breathing tubes and bigger buttons on the life-support pack, while the legs include more intricate creasing. Perhaps these changes were unnecessary, but the TIE Bomber Pilot looks great. Both minifigures are equipped with blaster pistols.

An unusual Imperial Gonk Droid completes the minifigure selection, confidently displaying their allegiance to the Galactic Empire! A printed container is used to splendid effect here, even with Aurebesh letters reading 'cargo' on the back of the droid, while the grey colour scheme appears fitting too. However, I think a set costing £59.99, $64.99 or €64.99 could contain more than three minifigures and a brick-built droid.

The Completed Model

LEGO models of TIE-series vehicles have become increasingly accurate and detailed in recent years, taking particular advantage of the wide range of curved slopes available today. 75347 TIE Bomber therefore perfectly replicates the cylindrical shape of this vessel's twin pods, contrasting alongside the angular solar arrays, which are in proportion with those central pods.

When asked in 2020, Jens Kronvold Frederiksen stated that LEGO was reluctant to produce the TIE Bomber at minifigure-scale because the set would need to be rather substantial, relative to 75211 TIE Fighter. Fortunately, the smaller 75300 Imperial TIE Fighter removes that obstruction and the pair look marvellous together. The bomber measures 16cm in length and 18cm wide, so is almost exactly to scale with the TIE/ln Fighter.

Compared with 4479 TIE Bomber, the 2022 bomber is surprisingly similar in size. However, their proportions noticeably vary, as the modern design is much bulkier and therefore more faithful to the source material, as expected. In fact, this comparison exemplifies how LEGO Star Wars has developed across the last twenty years, now achieving greater accuracy than ever before.

However, that accuracy sometimes comes at the cost of functions. The enormous rubber-tipped missile launched from the 2003 TIE Bomber has been replaced with two small stud shooters on this version. The detailing is much-improved though, including a decorated dish on the ordnance pod and another which forms the cockpit.

TIE Bombers feature a smaller viewport than other TIE-series vehicles, so this model integrates a 4x4 dish. Unfortunately, a round brick is needed to secure the dish, so the viewport is actually opaque. There is space for a minifigure inside the cockpit though, surrounded by printed control panels. The laser cannons are also correctly positioned and further differentiate the TIE Bomber from its fellow Imperial starfighters.

An effective bomb-dropping function is essential to any larger version of the TIE Bomber. Four flick-fire missiles form the bombs here, activated by pushing them from above. I appreciate the ability to release the payload gradually, but this function seems very basic and I think something more advanced was possible. Perhaps the rotating rack inside 75172 Y-wing Starfighter should have returned, as I believe there would be enough room.

While not ideal, the tails of those flick-fire missiles are not too distracting. The fuselage includes ample texture and I like the combination of dark and light bluish grey. Moreover, the bomb chute looks excellent, despite not actually releasing the bombs, while the trans-red engine nacelles on the back are absolutely perfect.

The solar array wings appear basic by comparison. They are attached to the fuselage using the 6x6 plate with Technic holes originally found in 75300 Imperial TIE Fighter and comprise layered plates. The light bluish grey frame thus seems relatively wide in some areas, although the black solar collectors are accurate. Also, I like the printed power convertors on each wing, which have been updated with new decoration.

My dislike for small supplemental models accompanying starfighters is well-documented, given these rarely provide significant play value. This transport conveys the aesthetic associated with Imperial technology and accommodates two bombs. I like the trans-yellow headlights, but would still rather these pieces were devoted to the TIE Bomber.


Despite the presence of an unnecessary transport vehicle, 75347 TIE Bomber definitely satisfies my long-held expectations for a new TIE Bomber. This model looks absolutely fantastic and that is probably its greatest strength, as the curvature of the pods is impressive and the entire vessel features exceptional detail, given its modest scale.

However, I am slightly disappointed with the bomb-dropping function, which seems as though it could have been more interesting. This feeling is only intensified by the price of £59.99, $64.99 or €64.99. Considering the size of the model, the simplicity of its functions and the presence of four minifigures, that feels expensive. Nevertheless, I am delighted to bolster my Imperial forces with an updated TIE Bomber, finally!

87 comments on this article

By in United States,

Star Wars: can't figure out what to do with Rae Sloane.

The revised expanded universe introduced a flood of new characters who've only recently started popping up in larger media (Cobb Vanth and Black Krrsantan being two of them). Sloane is still kind of floating somewhere. Oh well. TLDR, she escaped the Battle of Jakku with the Imperial Remnant and helped Bill Weasley's dad start the First Order.

By in Canada,

Sloane also showed up in Star Wars Squadrons which seems ripe for set material. Either way, it's nice to get a character like her especially compared to just getting a random officer. like they normally do.

By in United States,

Ok, so I'm leaning toward getting it now. thanks for the review. and I can't say I know who Sloane is. I'm not that much of a star wars nerd. so she will probably go to my collection of random officers.

By in United Kingdom,

I went to Leicester Square today to buy it and it has already sold out.

By in United States,

I'm definitely going to design my own way to drop bombs using a little lever. That method of pushing is way to inconvenient and ugly.

By in United Kingdom,

Whats that part on the bottom near the rear of the weapon fuselage? Looks like a landing strut?

By in United States,

Looks good to me! Also a plus that it’s “merely” $65 and not something really daffy like $80.

By in United Kingdom,

@johleth said:
"Whats that part on the bottom near the rear of the weapon fuselage? Looks like a landing strut?"

The bomb chute, where the bombs are released from the onscreen vessel. At this scale, I think that would be essentially impossible to recreate.

By in United States,

It’s a shame that for…reasons… LEGO includes a character that doesn’t even appear in Return of the Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back with this set. Why not someone who actually appeared in the OT? It would not need to be “random officer”. Moff Jerjerrod would have been a much more suitable choice considering the source material.

By in United States,

"However, their proportions noticeably vary, as the modern design is much bulkier and therefore more faithful to the source material, as expected."

Is it really? From this image the dimensions of the new model's fuselage match near identically to the dimensions of the '03 model, not only in the two main bodies having nearly the same 6x6 footprint but in the bridge where the stud shooters have the same dimensions as the 2x3 brick on the original; arguably the original feels much bulkier given the compression in depth and the size of the pieces used to connect the wings to the body there, where this one uses a couple more far less obstrusive and more detail-oriented pieces (beloved 65617) to achieve a cleaner, sleeker profile. I don't mean to raise a fuss or demand you change your review, since as is it's quite funny to say something and show an image of the exact opposite, but just a thought if you're going to argue for hawking out £60.

Great review and looking forward to further coverage of the 2023 lineup!

By in United States,

@blogzilly said:
"It’s a shame that for…reasons… LEGO includes a character that doesn’t even appear in Return of the Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back with this set. Why not someone who actually appeared in the OT? It would not need to be “random officer”. Moff Jerjerrod would have been a much more suitable choice considering the source material."

Alternatively, there are those of us who'd like to get some more EU characters in Lego form. We all collectively squee'd when Thrawn finally showed up in a set.

If Aphra, 000, and BT-1 ever show up in a non-exclusive set, this forum will explode with joy.

By in Sweden,

Pity there's a half plate gap between the openable front and the cockpit.

By in United Kingdom,


By in United States,

Never thought we'd get a Rae Sloane minifig. And I'm glad we finally got another TIE bomber.

By in United States,

The TIE bomber is my favorite SW craft, but it seems kind of counterproductive to have Vader in the set instead of a crew member to handle the ordinance. Does Vader actually interact with TIE bombers in any way in the films? I thought he just pilots the TIE Advanced.

By in Latvia,

I've been looking forward to this.

By in United Kingdom,

Disappointing to hear that this is to the same scale as the kiddies TIE Fighter and not the excellent ones that they released a few years ago.

By in United States,

What a neat craft. I, too, am a little confused as to why Vader is in the set. But, oh man, that Vader minifig is fantastic. I’m irked about the price. It’s too expensive. This TIE has great play value and does look fantastic.

By in Germany,

It looks really good, I love how slick the pods are. With a decent discount, I'd probably pick it up.

By in United Kingdom,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @johleth said:
"Whats that part on the bottom near the rear of the weapon fuselage? Looks like a landing strut?"

The bomb chute, where the bombs are released from the onscreen vessel. At this scale, I think that would be essentially impossible to recreate."

Ah thanks, I think aesthetically I would probably remove that part, but thats just me .

By in United States,

I absolutely adore this set and the characters plus the little weapons cart they've included. Of course, that's just me in the window shop drooling and I've not built it yet. I love Lego kits that inspire a bit of tinkering to improve or personalize them simply.

By in United States,

When are they putting out a Glup Shitto character?? He's my favorite!

By in Canada,

Can't wait to get this one!

If they do more EU characters I will be very happy. I would love Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0, and Mister Bones figures.

By in Portugal,

I love it. I'll get it. I also like the minifigure selection, including Sloane. But I feel this is a missed opportunity for including Admiral Ozzel (which we got only as an image in the great 75296 ).

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @johleth said:
"Whats that part on the bottom near the rear of the weapon fuselage? Looks like a landing strut?"

The bomb chute, where the bombs are released from the onscreen vessel. At this scale, I think that would be essentially impossible to recreate."

It could be done. You'd just have to replace the brick with two of the stud shooters. It might lack the side angles and not feel as impactful as a missile dropping, but it would be functional. Might experiment with modding that once I pick this up for my TIE collection.

By in United States,

It’s interesting that it’s roughly the same size as 4479 because visually it seems much smaller until you see them next to each other. Not that that’s a bad thing, since it is much more visually accurate to the screen TIE Bomber. Now if they would just give us a new TIE Interceptor…

By in United Kingdom,

I was expecting my only complaint with this to be the opaque cockpit, but the more I see it the better it actually looks in comparison to the many alternatives.

By in United States,

Such a great set! I’m fine with the bombing function, it better allows for the surgical strikes the TIE Bomber is known for.

By in United States,

@johleth said:
"Whats that part on the bottom near the rear of the weapon fuselage? Looks like a landing strut?"

That's what drops the bombs in the actual tie bomber but in the set they just come out of the bottom of the fuselage

By in United States,

@ItisNoe said:
"I'm definitely going to design my own way to drop bombs using a little lever. That method of pushing is way to inconvenient and ugly. "

I agree that the uncovered flick missles component is completely lazy and ugly design. The original had two functions that were better and more advanced than either of those included here.

This is an unadulterated Lego™ cash grab. 3 figs and the officer lacks printed or dual-molded legs?! So, Friends gets better printing and molding than Star Wars?!!!!!

It would be nice to see 'fan service' rather than fan fleecing. "Only the best is good enough"... my ass!!

That said, I did buy it. :l

By in Netherlands,

Very exciting to see Admiral Sloane getting some recognition.

As stated, she’s pretty important regaring the Battle of Jakku and the origins of the First Order, so I’m wondering if this set hints at bigger plans for the character.

However, she’s not the first character making the jump from a novel to a Lego set.

75293: Resistance I-TS Transport contains Vi Moradi, a character that first appeared in 2017’s Phasma novel.

Anyhoo, great looking set, though €65,- seems quite hefty going by the info in this review.

By in United States,

@Lost_Cosmonaut said:
"It’s interesting that it’s roughly the same size as 4479 because visually it seems much smaller until you see them next to each other. Not that that’s a bad thing, since it is much more visually accurate to the screen TIE Bomber. Now if they would just give us a new TIE Interceptor…"

There is supposed to be a new interceptor in a combo pack with a fang fighter later this year. Similar to A Wing Vs. Vader's Tie.

By in United States,

And once more LEGO Star Wars fans are their own worst enemies. Almost every comment complains about the expense. Then it sells out in minutes on the day 1 drop.

Why on earth would LEGO charge you less?

By in United States,

@Froggage said:
"And once more LEGO Star Wars fans are their own worst enemies. Almost every comment complains about the expense. Then it sells out in minutes on the day 1 drop.

Why on earth would LEGO charge you less?"

It's not just Star Wars. The modular is now $230, and even Speed Champions, one of the last bastions of relatively inexpensive Lego suddenly jumped from $20 to $25 for a single car.

By in United States,

@stevesheriw said:
" @Froggage said:
"And once more LEGO Star Wars fans are their own worst enemies. Almost every comment complains about the expense. Then it sells out in minutes on the day 1 drop.

Why on earth would LEGO charge you less?"

It's not just Star Wars. The modular is now $230, and even Speed Champions, one of the last bastions of relatively inexpensive Lego suddenly jumped from $20 to $25 for a single car. "

So, all Lego fans are their own worst enemies? Hmm....

By in Netherlands,

@stevesheriw said:
" @Froggage said:
"And once more LEGO Star Wars fans are their own worst enemies. Almost every comment complains about the expense. Then it sells out in minutes on the day 1 drop.

Why on earth would LEGO charge you less?"

It's not just Star Wars. The modular is now $230, and even Speed Champions, one of the last bastions of relatively inexpensive Lego suddenly jumped from $20 to $25 for a single car. "

Just get 11030 , 1000 basic bricks ( 320 of them 2x4 ) for $59.99 instead, and you can build a very colorful, blocky Tie bomber probably 2-3x the size, but hey, it's LEGO, going back to it's roots, just with some new colors.

By in Denmark,

The GNK droid was not part of the initial character line-up, as this is usually not determined by the model designer. It is only in the set because I put it there (similar to last years' probe droid in the Hoth AT-ST). Essentially, I tried to get away with making up an imperial GNK droid. Fortunately Lucasfilm humored me and approved it, appreciating this little bit of LEGO Star Wars humor!

By in United States,

@MegaBlocks said:
"Disappointing to hear that this is to the same scale as the kiddies TIE Fighter and not the excellent ones that they released a few years ago."

I'm sort of with you here--I completely understand why they made the change they did, and it was the right move to scale them down and make the prices more accessible to the age group it's aimed at, but I really would like a nicer looking bomber. I'm going to hold out in hopes for a proper UCS. Here's hoping 2023 is the Year of the TIE Bomber.

By in Denmark,

@blogzilly said:
"It’s a shame that for…reasons… LEGO includes a character that doesn’t even appear in Return of the Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back with this set. Why not someone who actually appeared in the OT? It would not need to be “random officer”. Moff Jerjerrod would have been a much more suitable choice considering the source material."

DISNEY products are diverse and inclusive.

By in United States,

Bomber is Impressive, most impressive. Buying it, me thinks I am.

By in United States,

@BrickCommander said:
"The GNK droid was not part of the initial character line-up, as this is usually not determined by the model designer. It is only in the set because I put it there (similar to last years' probe droid in the Hoth AT-ST). Essentially, I tried to get away with making up an imperial GNK droid. Fortunately Lucasfilm humored me and approved it, appreciating this little bit of LEGO Star Wars humor! "

I always enjoy hearing notes from you designers, especially love reading all the little comments on your bricklists, it's like LEGO set lore!

By in United Kingdom,

@BrickCommander said:
"The GNK droid was not part of the initial character line-up, as this is usually not determined by the model designer. It is only in the set because I put it there (similar to last years' probe droid in the Hoth AT-ST). Essentially, I tried to get away with making up an imperial GNK droid. Fortunately Lucasfilm humored me and approved it, appreciating this little bit of LEGO Star Wars humor! "

Since your first Star Wars set was released in 2015, GNK Power Droids have appeared in six sets. One of those was a polybag not designed by the Star Wars team and of the remaining five, four were designed by you. Perhaps there is a correlation!

Between Tatooine Gonk (75146), Gift Gonk (75254), Santa Gonk (75340) and now Imperial Gonk (75347), the selection has certainly been varied.

By in United States,

@ResIpsaLoquitur I am personally happy to see an EU character like Rae Sloane make it to a LEGO set... but I agree she is a relic of a character from a very early era of the new Disney canon where they were throwing stuff at the wall to see if it would stick. Characters like Cobb Vanth and Doctor Aphra clearly from that era DID work and have gone on to bigger and greater things since (with Vanth even making the transition to live action TV), but Rae is sort of in purgatory as the "you know her from the Aftermath books and some comics, and eventually we keep saying she helps start the First Order... somehow." I think the general "meh" reaction to the end of the Sequel Trilogy and Lucasfilm's reluctance to return to the First Order now, means we will probably have to wait quite a few more years until Rae becomes relevant again.

Then again, she could show up for all I know in a place like Mandalorian Season 3 or Ahsoka at this point. Regardless, I have to agree that while it doesn't quite fit this set it would have been more exciting to see Aphra, Triple Zero, Cobb Vanth, etc. make the transition to LEGO form first before Rae Sloane did. Wouldn't mind seeing some Legends characters make their way to LEGO as well (Bastilla and Carth both from KOTOR, Dash Rendar and Admiral Palleon both come to mind as Legends characters I want in LEGO). So while Rae is not the strongest first choice, I hope she has opened the door for a few more EU characters in both Canon and Legends to follow her.

By in United States,

@CopperTablet said:
"The TIE bomber is my favorite SW craft, but it seems kind of counterproductive to have Vader in the set instead of a crew member to handle the ordinance. Does Vader actually interact with TIE bombers in any way in the films? I thought he just pilots the TIE Advanced."

Window dressing to try and justify the outrageous price. No one who's going to buy this set needs another Darth Vader, but anything to help maintain the illusion that this isn't a total ripoff.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @BrickCommander said:
"The GNK droid was not part of the initial character line-up, as this is usually not determined by the model designer. It is only in the set because I put it there (similar to last years' probe droid in the Hoth AT-ST). Essentially, I tried to get away with making up an imperial GNK droid. Fortunately Lucasfilm humored me and approved it, appreciating this little bit of LEGO Star Wars humor! "

Since your first Star Wars set was released in 2015, GNK Power Droids have appeared in six sets. One of those was a polybag not designed by the Star Wars team and of the remaining five, four were designed by you. Perhaps there is a correlation!

Between Tatooine Gonk ( 75146 ), Gift Gonk ( 75254 ), Santa Gonk ( 75340 ) and now Imperial Gonk ( 75347 ), the selection has certainly been varied."

I appreciate the Gonks. I really appreciate diversity. But, I don't appreciate skimping on printed or dual-molded legs. Star Wars is the premium product for Lego™. It's the reason 90% of us are even Lego collectors. (See, ).

It's high time our 'dollies' get at least the same molding and graphic work that is put into the Friends line. For God's sake, the dual-molded grey/black legs were just available in BAM in August!

Lego™ knows Star Wars is the 'golden goose.' After all, I haven't seen Lego™ make a gold mini-doll yet!

Edit: On a positive note, great review, per usual, Cap'n. The only way to improve it is to add an improved source picture (perhaps from ESB) and a picture of the bags (so we can tell if open-box finds are complete- BrothersBrick does).

By in United States,

@ResIpsaLoquitur said:
" @blogzilly said:
"It’s a shame that for…reasons… LEGO includes a character that doesn’t even appear in Return of the Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back with this set. Why not someone who actually appeared in the OT? It would not need to be “random officer”. Moff Jerjerrod would have been a much more suitable choice considering the source material."

Alternatively, there are those of us who'd like to get some more EU characters in Lego form. We all collectively squee'd when Thrawn finally showed up in a set.

If Aphra, 000, and BT-1 ever show up in a non-exclusive set, this forum will explode with joy."

Yes but you’re missing my point. Which relates to putting a character into a set when they don’t belong in it.

Thrawn showed up in an EU set, not an OT, PT or ST set.

Let’s say an EU set gets put out. And it’s got some really cool EU characters in it. And as the finishing touch it could have had a long awaited EU character, and instead…it had an another character from, say…Andor…in it. For no good reason.

Do you at least understand why the EU crowd, in that instance, might be disappointed and how in this instance the OT crowd could be disappointed?

I don’t disagree with you that LEGO should service the EU need more often. I simply don’t see the need to not include possible cool OT characters in an OT set and instead shoehorn in an EU character. If it was a reversed situation you’d be just as irritated as I am.

By in Australia,

Fantastic set, can't wait to buy it.

Now Lego PLEASE give us a TIE Interceptor. I am begging you!

By in United States,

There’s a 6x6 panhead canopy that could work, if they painted in the edge to match the hull.

I’d rather build with pasta and popsicle sticks.

By in United States,

You know why Darth Vader is in this set? It's for the KIDS who DON'T HAVE DARTH VADER YET. The last several years there's been one medium-sized set a year with Darth Vader: the Throne Room duel, the Imperial Shuttle, the ... glorified gray baseplate, the TIE Bomber. I think it's a good move to put Darth Vader in this set, you know, for the kids. Most kids aren't going to have Darth Vader yet, and they're going to want him, and this is a good way to get him.


Heck, I don't have Darth Vader with arm printing yet. I might get this set just for the arm printing.

By in United States,

@iwybs said:
"You know why Darth Vader is in this set? It's for the KIDS who DON'T HAVE DARTH VADER YET. The last several years there's been one medium-sized set a year with Darth Vader: the Throne Room duel, the Imperial Shuttle, the ... glorified gray baseplate, the TIE Bomber. I think it's a good move to put Darth Vader in this set, you know, for the kids. Most kids aren't going to have Darth Vader yet, and they're going to want him, and this is a good way to get him.


Heck, I don't have Darth Vader with arm printing yet. I might get this set just for the arm printing."

I doubt any brand new kid fan to the theme is going to drop $65 on a TIE Bomber of all things.

By in United States,

Maybe they've only gone for the major ships, and how long has it been since Vader has been in any TIE Fighter set, including his own? Plus, kids lose things, and Vader is the sort of thing a kid might haul around often enough to get misplaced.

By in United States,

@123MrBrick: The kid isn’t going to buy the set, their parents will. It’s not such a big set that I can’t imagine it being someone’s first Lego set.

By in Australia,

Nice review on a great little set.

By in Australia,

@123MrBrick said:
" @iwybs said:
"You know why Darth Vader is in this set? It's for the KIDS who DON'T HAVE DARTH VADER YET. The last several years there's been one medium-sized set a year with Darth Vader: the Throne Room duel, the Imperial Shuttle, the ... glorified gray baseplate, the TIE Bomber. I think it's a good move to put Darth Vader in this set, you know, for the kids. Most kids aren't going to have Darth Vader yet, and they're going to want him, and this is a good way to get him.


Heck, I don't have Darth Vader with arm printing yet. I might get this set just for the arm printing."

I doubt any brand new kid fan to the theme is going to drop $65 on a TIE Bomber of all things."

You know what would be really crazy?

If Lego had a market research team who came to the conclusion that including Vader would be a really good idea and a way to attract the most buyers, because they all act in a strange fashion that differs from the incredibly tiny slice of the market who are adult collectors that make cynical comments on Lego fan websites.

That would be really crazy. Or maybe they already do and decisions like that are why it is the most valuable toy company in the world.

By in United States,

@Rare_White_Ape said:
" @123MrBrick said:
" @iwybs said:
"You know why Darth Vader is in this set? It's for the KIDS who DON'T HAVE DARTH VADER YET. The last several years there's been one medium-sized set a year with Darth Vader: the Throne Room duel, the Imperial Shuttle, the ... glorified gray baseplate, the TIE Bomber. I think it's a good move to put Darth Vader in this set, you know, for the kids. Most kids aren't going to have Darth Vader yet, and they're going to want him, and this is a good way to get him.


Heck, I don't have Darth Vader with arm printing yet. I might get this set just for the arm printing."

I doubt any brand new kid fan to the theme is going to drop $65 on a TIE Bomber of all things."

You know what would be really crazy?

If Lego had a market research team who came to the conclusion that including Vader would be a really good idea and a way to attract the most buyers, because they all act in a strange fashion that differs from the incredibly tiny slice of the market who are adult collectors that make cynical comments on Lego fan websites.

That would be really crazy. Or maybe they already do and decisions like that are why it is the most valuable toy company in the world."

C'mon you can't expect us to take you seriously when you're cynically making comments about cynicism. (Insert sardonic eye roll).

Or, perhaps you're just moving at a different level from the rest of us?

"But truly, if I were not Alexander [the Great], I wish I were Diogenes [the original Cynic]."

By in Australia,

A first order character in an ESB set that is labeled RotJ is insulting. I guess the joke is on me for expecting these clowns to honour the Star Wars legacy instead of trying to rewrite history before our eyes.

Edit: and now the designers confirm that agenda is more important than accuracy. Not that we needed confirmation, the products are enough.

Now that I think about it, Disney mandated diversity quotas would explain a lot of the minifigure selections recently.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice set, especially f you don't already have a TIE Bomber, but tbh I just don't see it as an improvement over the original, with it's missile launcher

By in United States,

@ecleme11 said:
"Nice set, especially f you don't already have a TIE Bomber, but tbh I just don't see it as an improvement over the original, with it's missile launcher"

The original also had a bomb-dropping function (admittedly, using a rubber band). Nevertheless, both were better and more advanced than flick bombs and stud shooters.

By in New Zealand,

@BrickCommander said:
" @blogzilly said:
"It’s a shame that for…reasons… LEGO includes a character that doesn’t even appear in Return of the Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back with this set. Why not someone who actually appeared in the OT? It would not need to be “random officer”. Moff Jerjerrod would have been a much more suitable choice considering the source material."

DISNEY products are diverse and inclusive. "

Whether Disney required Sloane to be included in the set for diversity reasons or not, I'm happy to see more non-movie characters being made into minifigs. I just wish she had been given dual-molded legs.

Nice work on the bomber, looks great for it's size.

By in Australia,

@Brikkyy13 said:
"A first order character in an ESB set that is labeled RotJ is insulting. I guess the joke is on me for expecting these clowns to honour the Star Wars legacy instead of trying to rewrite history before our eyes.

Edit: and now the designers confirm that agenda is more important than accuracy. Not that we needed confirmation, the products are enough.

Now that I think about it, Disney mandated diversity quotas would explain a lot of the minifigure selections recently. "

I’ll have you know that Sloane was an Imperial who served during the time of the galactic civil war. Her inclusion is accurate and very welcome.

By in Norway,

@ra226 said:
" @MegaBlocks said:
"Disappointing to hear that this is to the same scale as the kiddies TIE Fighter and not the excellent ones that they released a few years ago."

I'm sort of with you here--I completely understand why they made the change they did, and it was the right move to scale them down and make the prices more accessible to the age group it's aimed at, but I really would like a nicer looking bomber. I'm going to hold out in hopes for a proper UCS. Here's hoping 2023 is the Year of the TIE Bomber."

To me, this model looks rather small even when compared to the chibi TIE Fighter. In universe, the TIE Fighter is 6.4 meters wide while the TIE Bomber is 10.6 meters wide. A better proportioned model should have been at least 50% wider than the small Fighter, and the cockpit also looks too tiny. Despite this, the model itselft looks nice. I wonder whether it might be possible to mod it and scale it up with more parts and the old cockpit.

By in United States,

Thinking of this comment from the review: "However, I think a set costing £59.99, $64.99 or €64.99 could contain more than three minifigures and a brick-built droid."

It seems like this set contains more than the usual number of parts (despite only 3 minifigures), at least in the Star Wars theme. The recent AT-ST, Mandalorian N-1, and Ambush on Ferrix, along with set, are similar price point and piece/minifigure count -- perhaps this is a topic for an analysis article?

By in United States,

@xboxtravis7992 said:
" @ResIpsaLoquitur I am personally happy to see an EU character like Rae Sloane make it to a LEGO set... but I agree she is a relic of a character from a very early era of the new Disney canon where they were throwing stuff at the wall to see if it would stick. Characters like Cobb Vanth and Doctor Aphra clearly from that era DID work and have gone on to bigger and greater things since (with Vanth even making the transition to live action TV), but Rae is sort of in purgatory as the "you know her from the Aftermath books and some comics, and eventually we keep saying she helps start the First Order... somehow." I think the general "meh" reaction to the end of the Sequel Trilogy and Lucasfilm's reluctance to return to the First Order now, means we will probably have to wait quite a few more years until Rae becomes relevant again.

Then again, she could show up for all I know in a place like Mandalorian Season 3 or Ahsoka at this point. Regardless, I have to agree that while it doesn't quite fit this set it would have been more exciting to see Aphra, Triple Zero, Cobb Vanth, etc. make the transition to LEGO form first before Rae Sloane did. Wouldn't mind seeing some Legends characters make their way to LEGO as well (Bastilla and Carth both from KOTOR, Dash Rendar and Admiral Palleon both come to mind as Legends characters I want in LEGO). So while Rae is not the strongest first choice, I hope she has opened the door for a few more EU characters in both Canon and Legends to follow her. "

it would have been awesome to have cobb vanth in the "trouble on tattooine" set with his speeder bike.

By in United States,

I’m not trolling, just responding to the endless complaints in this thread about the inclusion of Vader.

By in United States,

I'm curious how many of us would prefer to pay less and have only one minifig (and an astromech when appropriate) vs. how many like getting the extra characters? I count myself in the first group and see extra minifigs as simple padding to justify the price point. But I get the appeal of getting characters who otherwise may never show up. And I have a few of my own exceptions: I really liked the black astromech that came with 9492, and Admiral Ackbar (who came with 75003 ) with his coffee mug for some reason really speaks to me.

By in United States,

I think this set looks pretty cool. I do think Sloane being included is cool, but personally I would have preferred Admiral Ozzel as he is in ESB. The inclusion of the ROTJ badge on the box is odd and disappointing as this ship/scene is not in ROTJ. But, that is Lego for you today. Anyways, I hope to get this set sometime, preferably on discount!

By in United Kingdom,

We actually see Sloane as a cadet in a short story set just before Lords of The Sith!

By in United States,

“Welcome to McLego’s! Would you like to Vader-size your order?”

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @TheBrickshipyard:
“Welcome to McLego’s! Would you like to Vader-size your order?”"

Damnit! Those Vader-sized orders kill my waistline and my budget. But, there just so tempting and tasty- especially with printed arms and legs!

By in United Kingdom,

I'd guess that's actually a TIE transport shuttle in the shot from Ep VI, since it's in the same hangar as the arriving Lambda shuttle. Same twin-hull layout as a bomber, but carrying VIPs not bombs. Both are based on a boarding craft design from the very first drafts of Star Wars, where Leia's ship was to be captured by a squadron of TIE types rather than taken whole by a Star Destroyer.

While it's probably time for a new TIE Interceptor, my personal favourite is the TIE Oppressor, with its Star-Trek-ish third upper wing. The TIE Vanguard, with shorter and outward-tilting upper wings (to avoid blocking its multiple comms antennae) is cute, and the TIE Lander with its large third central hull for troops (from the comics) is a good one too.

By in United States,

@Rare_White_Ape said:
" @123MrBrick said:
" @iwybs said:
"You know why Darth Vader is in this set? It's for the KIDS who DON'T HAVE DARTH VADER YET. The last several years there's been one medium-sized set a year with Darth Vader: the Throne Room duel, the Imperial Shuttle, the ... glorified gray baseplate, the TIE Bomber. I think it's a good move to put Darth Vader in this set, you know, for the kids. Most kids aren't going to have Darth Vader yet, and they're going to want him, and this is a good way to get him.


Heck, I don't have Darth Vader with arm printing yet. I might get this set just for the arm printing."

I doubt any brand new kid fan to the theme is going to drop $65 on a TIE Bomber of all things."

You know what would be really crazy?

If Lego had a market research team who came to the conclusion that including Vader would be a really good idea and a way to attract the most buyers, because they all act in a strange fashion that differs from the incredibly tiny slice of the market who are adult collectors that make cynical comments on Lego fan websites.

That would be really crazy. Or maybe they already do and decisions like that are why it is the most valuable toy company in the world."

It's possible, and seeing as neither of us are Lego employees my speculation is just as possible. Lego has plenty of free advertising, we can do with a few cynics along with the white knights is all. :)

By in United States,

return of the tie bomber

By in United States,

I like this set, but I think $65 is too much. If they got rid of that bomb-cart-thing and maybe the stud shooters or something, it could be $50-55, which is still a lot, but more reasonable. And I really don't like all the exposed light bluish gray around the outside of the solar collectors. Maybe if I see it on sale I'll get it, but that's probably the only way I'd decide to get it.

By in Australia,

@Rare_White_Ape said:
" @Brikkyy13 said:
"A first order character in an ESB set that is labeled RotJ is insulting. I guess the joke is on me for expecting these clowns to honour the Star Wars legacy instead of trying to rewrite history before our eyes.

Edit: and now the designers confirm that agenda is more important than accuracy. Not that we needed confirmation, the products are enough.

Now that I think about it, Disney mandated diversity quotas would explain a lot of the minifigure selections recently. "

I’ll have you know that Sloane was an Imperial who served during the time of the galactic civil war. Her inclusion is accurate and very welcome. "

I’ll have you know that Sloane was most certainly not in any movie where the TIE Bomber and no amount of post-Disney buyout content is going to convince me that she is a real Star Wars character. Her presence in this set is not only inaccurate, it’s taking away an opportunity for any real imperial officers we have yet to receive in LEGO form.

Don’t ignore the LEGO employee who just confirmed exactly why Sloane is in the set instead of someone who was actually in Star Wars.

By in United States,

^Cry about it, cope harder.

By in United Kingdom,

I’ve got everything crossed for a ROTJ Millennium Falcon this year.

By in United Kingdom,

@Joefish said:
"I'd guess that's actually a TIE transport shuttle in the shot from Ep VI, since it's in the same hangar as the arriving Lambda shuttle. Same twin-hull layout as a bomber, but carrying VIPs not bombs. Both are based on a boarding craft design from the very first drafts of Star Wars, where Leia's ship was to be captured by a squadron of TIE types rather than taken whole by a Star Destroyer."

This discussion came up when the set was revealed. Canonically, the vessel shown in Return of the Jedi is a TIE Bomber. The twin pods are the same length, which instantly identifies this as a bomber rather than a TIE Boarding Craft. There are various other factors distinguishing them too, but the pod lengths is the most obvious.

Also, it is unclear whether any TIE Boarding Craft models were actually assembled for filming A New Hope, as their appearance was cut after storyboarding.

By in United States,

I like getting EU characters in sets, but unlike most I don't know much about Rae Sloane other than my very few playthroughs of Star Wars Squadrons. I will most likely be converting her to an Arihnda Pryce or Eli Vanto figure (despite difference in rank plaques, which don't bother me much).

By in United States,

I’ve been waiting for a bomber and this doesn’t disappoint. Although I may mod this so that the bomb chute can be used for passengers like in Rebels.

By in United States,

@Fandabidozi said:
"I’ve got everything crossed for a ROTJ Millennium Falcon this year. "

Are you a guy? How does that wor…you know what? Never mind. Some secrets are better left untold.

By in Japan,

@xboxtravis7992 said:
" (Bastilla and Carth both from KOTOR, Dash Rendar and Admiral Palleon both come to mind as Legends characters I want in LEGO). "

I'm pretty sure that Pellaeon was at least name-dropped in Rebels, thus making the character canon.

By in Japan,

Rae Sloane and Rampart both hold the title of Grand Admiral, so it is interesting as to why they have different rank plaques.

I like this set and will most likely buy it when it comes back in stock; it will look great next to my 75300 . More arm-printed Vader's can't hurt!

By in Japan,

@PurpleDave said:
" @Torrent_Studios:
Grander Admiral."

Actually I had a brain fart, they share the rank of Vice Admiral, not Grand Admiral. Too big of a Thrawn fan, I guess.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said: "While not ideal, the tails of those flick-fire missiles are not too distracting.... The light bluish grey frame [of the solar panels] thus seems relatively wide in some areas... I am slightly disappointed with the bomb-dropping function,"

If you don't like the appearance of the bomb play feature, here's a very simple fix for a cleaner look. Use a grey or dark grey 11203 2X2 INVERTED FLAT TILE on the top cover the flick missle bottoms. That's it. Simple.

However, I also used a dark grey regular 2x2 tile on the bottom to cover the yellow heads of the missles, and two 1x2 bricks with horizontal texture to completely hide the unsightly missles and bomb bay from the bottom view. Yet, the two tiles can be easily removed to utilize the play feature.

I also changed the wings so that the black solar panels are only 1 stud away from the grey edge. Use black 30503 4x4 diagonal plates on each wing corner and move the hinge closest to the cockpit one stud over so that it is right next to the second (grey) hinge.

Finally, I locked the pilot in the cockpit with two 1x8 tiles on the top and two more of the 1x2 plates with ridges to cover the cockpit hinge space.

The overall look is sleek and much cleaner without too much change or losing the pieces or quick access to the functions of the original model. I only added about 30 additional dark grey and black pieces (including black tiles to flesh-out the larger solar panels).

By in United States,

@Jack_Sassy said:
"I've been looking forward to this."

My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count.

By in United States,

@ShilohCyan said:
" @Jack_Sassy said:
"I've been looking forward to this."

My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count. "

Yoda held you in such high esteem... surely you can do better!

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