Review: 76209 Thor's Hammer

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76209 Thor's Hammer expands the impressive collection of large-scale accessories which have been released recently, including the wonderful 76191 Infinity Gauntlet. While certainly popular and memorable, Mjölnir lacks the splendour of its golden predecessor.

Nevertheless, this design compares favourably with the onscreen weapon and demands some interesting construction methods, providing remarkable strength. Questions remain though, since the model appears inescapably bland.


76209 Thor's Hammer, 979 pieces.
£104.99 / $99.99 / €119.99 | 10.7p/10.2c/12.3c per piece.
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This model achieves remarkable accuracy, but Mjölnir is fundamentally drab

  • Incredibly strong and tactile
  • Almost perfectly accurate
  • Relatively mundane subject
  • Extremely expensive in some regions

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.


LEGO has revisited several older Marvel Cinematic Universe films recently and this version of Thor accordingly takes inspiration from the first Thor movie, distinguished by his armour. The dark blue and metallic silver accents look superb and I like the subtle texture in certain areas, which becomes more apparent from behind.

The angular structure in the middle of Thor's chest is particularly identifiable with the 2011 film, while these pearl silver sleeves also reflect the onscreen character. However, the double-sided head, which features grey highlights in the beard, appears unsuitable for a younger depiction of Thor. A new design should absolutely have been developed instead.

The crackling energy around Thor's eyes could have been retained though, since that always looks great. Naturally, the hero carries Mjölnir. This accessory has remained unchanged since 2012 and its shape is perfect, but I think introducing a dual-moulded handle would improve this weapon to the standard of modern LEGO accessories.


Source -

The Completed Model

Thor's hammer is inevitably more difficult to display than the recent helmets and 76191 Infinity Gauntlet, particularly because its colours are rather drab. The natural setting therefore seems effective, positioning the hammer at an angle, as though dropped on the ground. While a more conventional black display stand could have been successful, I like this structure, partly because it invites lifting Mjölnir!

However, the dark bluish grey base could have presented a greater contrast with the hammer. The decorated plaque looks nice and the addition of various trans-light blue elements is lovely, giving the impression of energy around the hammer, but tan or a combination of earthy shades may have been even better, in my opinion.

This base is also surprisingly fragile, as plates are each connected to the central 16x16 road panel using only a few studs. Nevertheless, the hammer feels entirely secure and the natural appearance of the stand is remarkable, with Mjölnir nestling neatly between bricks and slopes. Also, I am pleased the designer avoided over-engineering the base, focusing attention on the hammer instead.

Speaking of which, I think Mjölnir looks absolutely fantastic. The weapon measures 45cm in length and appears life-size, although measurements for the onscreen hammer differ slightly. The proportions between the head and the handle correspond with the source material and the simple colours are accurate as well, although unavoidably bland.

Perhaps more impressive is the strength of Mjölnir, which greatly exceeded my expectations. The whole length of the handle is absolutely packed with Technic bricks, enveloping a central column of bricks and brackets. This structure continues inside the head, but no Technic pieces remain exposed when construction is finished, fortunately.

The shape of Mjölnir's head is probably its most recognisable feature and this rendition looks essentially perfect. The bevelled edges are faithfully recreated and I love how 2x4 slopes and 2x4 wedge slopes have been integrated here. However, these angled surfaces should display ornate Asgardian decoration, so failing to include printing is somewhat disappointing.

On the other hand, I can understand their omission because printing across several pieces is challenging and designs no not always line up smoothly. The flat sides of the hammer appear more suitable for decoration though and Mjölnir does feature a prominent triquetra figure after being enchanted by Odin during the 2011 movie, so perhaps that could have been provided to replace a blank 6x6 tile.

Blue elements are visible beneath a 2x6 tile on either side of the hammer, although these are very subtle. Removing the tiles reveals those parts, which could easily be replaced with a less conspicuous colour, alongside a space for some minifigure-scale accessories inside! These are fun and can attach to studs inside the hammer, but I am not convinced they were needed.

These accessories originate from Odin's treasure room, including the Eternal Flame, the false Infinity Gauntlet and the Tesseract. I welcome the reference to Asgardian culture, although the basic assembly seems underdeveloped for display, so feels superfluous to me. Also, the Infinity Gauntlet should be reversed for complete fidelity to the movie and such an element does exist, albeit with Nano Gauntlet decoration.

Mjölnir includes no such compromises though, featuring alternating bands of reddish brown and light bluish grey along the handle. These look good and I like the shape of the pommel as well, especially with the strap. That makes ingenious use of the flexible band produced for VIDIYO and matches the original hammer, although this strap cannot actually support much weight, as expected.


Large-scale accessories generally require a vibrant subject with potential for extensive detail, much like 76191 Infinity Gauntlet and 76223 Nano Gauntlet. 76209 Thor's Hammer lacks this potential because the original weapon is inherently bland in appearance. However, this model possesses an inescapable presence on display and feels remarkably tactile, so swinging the hammer is hard to resist!

There was an opportunity to present limited decoration though and I think the triquetra should have been included. Adding an Odin minifigure to accompany Thor would therefore have been appropriate and assisted in partially justifying the prices of £104.99, $99.99 or €119.99, although the European prices seem exceptionally expensive, regardless of extra minifigures.

62 comments on this article

By in United States,

Might have been too much to ask for drum-laquered silver bricks for the head of the hammer, but boy it would have made a difference.

By in Canada,

Still wondering whether I should pick it up.

By in United States,

@MeisterDad said:
"Still wondering whether I should pick it up."

You’re assuming you can pick it up?!?

By in United Kingdom,

This looks and feels exactly like it should be the murder weapon in the first tutorial case of an Ace Attorney game, and I'm still not sure if that's a criticism or a compliment

By in Canada,

Another day another dud ):

By in United States,


By in Switzerland,

By the way it is extremely expensive in Switzerland with 149,00 CHF, 50% more as in US or Canada.

By in United States,

I didn’t realize brickset hadn’t already reviewed this. This echoes most other reviews I have seen. I really like it but other than a display piece it’s cheaper to buy a toy replica.

By in United States,

I thought LEGO doesn't do weapons.

By in United States,

I thought Lego didn't do weapon replicas? I know they did the lightsaber hilts but at least those don't have blades. This feels like breaking their rules and standards because it's a popular IP.

By in Belgium,

@MeisterDad said:
"Still wondering whether I should pick it up."

If you have to ask, you are not worthy.

By in Greece,

Neat! I didn’t realize that it came with a free copy of 75334!!! … Oh, wait a minute…

By in Netherlands,

Shape looks pretty good, but without any ornamentation it just looks so darn boring. And indeed would have been much better with drum lacquered pieces or even just DBG.

But it should just have printed ornamentation. That aligning prints on multiple parts is challenging shouldn't be an argument, Lego should simply step up their printing process. If Cobi and many Chinese brands can do it, why can't Lego?

Especially considering the prices Lego expects us to pay, this looks just VERY underwhelming. Dare I say this looks like a cheap Chinese rip-off? If only it would have been priced as such....

By in Australia,

It's funny how it appears bland and all but there's a part of me that would still want it and would enjoy owning one. It's pricey here and I was contemplating whether to buy it to qualify for that Forest Hideout promotion but the promotion was out of stock.

@MugenLazlo said:
"I thought LEGO doesn't do weapons."

It's just an elaborate tool for hammering nails. :D

By in United States,


By in United States,

How does it feel to swing around? That's the main thing I'm wondering about that I can't quite tell from pictures/instructions. Does it have some heft to it?

By in United States,

I am surprised they didn't include a sticket sheet then. Everyone always complains about printed pieces not being included, but this set could benefit from something, so stickers makes sense.

The set itself looks neat. They did a good job with the shaping and everything and impressed it is sturdy. I bought it when it was 20-30% off at Target, but sitting in the box still until I have time and space.

By in United States,

Unfortunately, so much of the visual interest of Mjölnir comes from its intricate etchings and dark metallic hue, which doesn't lend itself well to Lego. I certainly wouldn't know how to do it at that scale. Granted, this more simplistic look does line up favorably with many of the animated depictions.

But hey, I can see a novelty in having a brick-built wea- uh, tool that you can swing around! So maybe this will appeal more to a younger crowd!

By in United States,

Needs the bling.

Bought it anyway, though.


By in Canada,

With a drum-lacquered head, this set would have probably become one of Lego's best selling item - if only for parting it and resell. (that would be a lot of large parts in drum-lacquered silver - would be very hard to pass such an offer).

These type of sets are not for me but I really like them nonetheless because: (1) more often then not, they include neat/clever building techniques. and more importantly (2) they provide opportunity for either new parts and/or recolours or both which is always welcome.

Note: I was sure this set had been reviewed here before....

By in Australia,

Built this a few days ago and love it. Definitely feels nice to hold but the strap is very weak and falls off easy so would not recommend picking it up by that. Build was repetitive but also satisfying and enjoyable. Agree silver or darker grey may have been more suitable but still a good parts pack as is.

By in United Kingdom,

This really could have done with the engraved tiles or stickers, even glow in the dark of the details. Still would not buy it, but it would have added some justification to the price.

By in United States,

I don't hate my copy. I wish some 1-wide plates had been used inside the handle to make the 1x4 arches more secure, but I bet they're skimping on interior bricks where they can. It's stable, but it could be more stable.

By in United States,

Now I can complete my Tuco Salamanca cosplay :)

By in United States,

Mjollnir? I'm sorry, but canonically, its MCU name is Mew-Mew.

By in United States,

I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle.

By in Netherlands,

@MugenLazlo said:
"I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle."

Well yeah, but you're American.

By in United States,

@MeisterDad said:
"Still wondering whether I should pick it up."

You're not worthy! Sorry buddy!

By in Netherlands,

When visiting the Lego Store last week, one of the assistants was wielding this thing near the doors … Made for an interesting entry ;)

Look fun , not my thing.

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart said:
" @MugenLazlo said:
"I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle."

Well yeah, but you're American."

Sad, but true. Wish it weren't so.

We let sad little incel boys go from years of first-person shooter video games to buying machine guns and weapons of war. I just don't get it. And, I come from a family of untold generations of hunters. You can't rent a car in the U.S. until you are 25. You can't drink until 21. But, you can get an AR15 at 18 or younger! Insane!!!

On the Lego note, this set is nice if you get a big discount. I got a damaged box set for half-off. I think that's about right for this. It is a nice design and has that 'heft' you want. But, it is bland. For full price, it really needed drum lacquered parts or other decorative accents.

By in United States,

@MugenLazlo said:
"I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle."

There's a heck of a difference between a medieval fantasy blunt weapon and a firearm—both in terms of Lego's own anti-war policies (which are quite clear about what they would or would not restrict, with a fantasy medieval weapon like this being well within those guidelines), and in terms of literal laws that cover toy guns (in the U.S., toy guns are legally required to have bright orange tips so they can't be mistaken for actual guns, which would be hard to sufficiently abide by for a construction toy where parts can be easily removed or substituted).

By in Germany,

At that ridiculous price, drum lacquered pieces for the head would have been a must.
Just look at how great the Infinity Gauntlet looks because of all that drum lacquered gold. And it's much cheaper too.
Even I bought that one, and I am no Superhero fan whatsoever.

By in United Kingdom,

Surely that’s the Casket of Ancient Winters rather than the Tesseract.

By in Sweden,

Anyone in Sweden who buys this for $150 (yeah that’s the swedish price), let me tell you about an opportunity to buy a bridge…

By in United Kingdom,

@MugenLazlo said:
"I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle."

I think if you can't differentiate between a fantasy hammer and real weapons then the problem is with you rather than Lego. I guess you view Lego's recreation of lightsabers in the same way.

By in United Kingdom,

@Brick_Belt said:
"I thought Lego didn't do weapon replicas? I know they did the lightsaber hilts but at least those don't have blades. This feels like breaking their rules and standards because it's a popular IP."

Don't worry, as only Thor can wield it Lego know that they can safely make a replica. Of course, that also suggests it's not a real weapon, which appears to have confused you slightly.

By in United States,

The mini/micro Odin's Vault (Odin's Treasure Room/Weapons Vault) is a cute and fun extra.
Especially the Infinity Gauntlet with all the stones (I believe this is the only set to have ALL the stones?) and very cool minecraft trans light blue head for the Cosmic Cube/Tesseract.

Now what's strange about this (and I've only found one online review questioning this), is that I believe this was never intended to be put inside the hammer.

- It's not in the instruction manual to do this. They have you display it outside the hammer.
- It's only shown on the back of the box in a small photo.
- Once you put it in, you can't retrieve the whole thing, only the elements themselves (on 2x2 jumper plates). I've tried, once you put it in with the base it's stuck in there.
- I don't believe Lego would make a build element you couldn't take in and out if that's the intention.

So I believe it's an either/or.
You can leave it out to display with the hammer, OR, you put it in as an easter-egg when you open up the hammer. Just to look at within the hammer itself. You just can't get in there to pull it all out. You have to fiddle with it to get each element out.
Plus Lego didn't mount the whole vault on a jumper, so I believe it's meant to stay in there.

By in United States,

Talking about parts that should have been printed, they should have replaced the radar dish at the top with either element number 6398307 or number 44375 with runes printed around the circumference.

By in United States,

"Surely that’s the Casket of Ancient Winters rather than the Tesseract."

It's meant to be the Tesseract/Cosmic Cube. The Casket is more rectangular.

At one time or another Odin's Vault contained the Casket of Ancient Winters, the Infinity Gauntlet, Tuning Fork, the Eternal Flame, the Warlock's Eye, the Tablet of Life and Time, Mjølnir, the Tesseract, The Destroyer and the Crown of Surtur.

By in United States,

"How does it feel to swing around? That's the main thing I'm wondering about that I can't quite tell from pictures/instructions. Does it have some heft to it?"

Built it a couple weeks back. Has excellent weight to it. Would be heavy for a kid.
You can definitely swing it around, it's fun and looks great.
One thing to note, the curved slopes for the handle can shift slightly. If you squeeze it too hard towards the corner seams. Wish Lego thought of a better way to secure it, but it's still quite a sturdy model.
Almost the size of the movie replica too. I compared it to the Sideshow full sized prop.
The Lego one is slightly longer from end of handle to top of mallet head.
But the mallet head is about quarter of an inch narrower, and also about quarter inch to half an inch shorter from top of mallet head to bottom of head.

By in Australia,

@MugenLazlo said:
"I thought LEGO doesn't do weapons."

Lego sets are littered with weaponry of all sorts.

They just don’t do realistic depictions of modern weapons or military vehicles.

By in Australia,

Got given this as a very late very unexpected birthday gift the other day and I like it. Great build and looks cool sitting on my coffee table. Would it be better with decoration and/or metallic pieces? Maybe but its still a decent replica of the source material IMO.

By in Netherlands,

@MugenLazlo said:
"I thought LEGO doesn't do weapons."

LEGO makes a lot "weapons" , most of the life sized ones just aren't LEGO bricks :

Some examples, but there are many more.
853871 : Flail
854125 : Sword of Fire
854074 : Jade Blade
853749 : Kai Katanas with Sheath
853748 : Nya Spear
853689 : NINJAGO Vermillion Sword
852512 : Archer Set
851933 : Pirate Sword
4294375 : Axe of Sir Adric
4293263 : Piraka Ball Shooter

By in United States,

That strap needs to be about twice as long compared to the source image.

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @Ridgeheart said:
" @MugenLazlo said:
"I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle."

Well yeah, but you're American."

Sad, but true. Wish it weren't so.

We let sad little incel boys go from years of first-person shooter video games to buying machine guns and weapons of war. I just don't get it. And, I come from a family of untold generations of hunters. You can't rent a car in the U.S. until you are 25. You can't drink until 21. But, you can get an AR15 at 18 or younger! Insane!!!

On the Lego note, this set is nice if you get a big discount. I got a damaged box set for half-off. I think that's about right for this. It is a nice design and has that 'heft' you want. But, it is bland. For full price, it really needed drum lacquered parts or other decorative accents."

I wish people would stop using the word incel. It’s very cringe-worthy when people say it.

By in United States,

@monkyby87 said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @Ridgeheart said:
" @MugenLazlo said:
"I find it hypocritical that they can do this, but not a gun or rifle."

Well yeah, but you're American."

Sad, but true. Wish it weren't so.

We let sad little incel boys go from years of first-person shooter video games to buying machine guns and weapons of war. I just don't get it. And, I come from a family of untold generations of hunters. You can't rent a car in the U.S. until you are 25. You can't drink until 21. But, you can get an AR15 at 18 or younger! Insane!!!

On the Lego note, this set is nice if you get a big discount. I got a damaged box set for half-off. I think that's about right for this. It is a nice design and has that 'heft' you want. But, it is bland. For full price, it really needed drum lacquered parts or other decorative accents."

I wish people would stop using the word incel. It’s very cringe-worthy when people say it. "

I'm with you. But, all of these guys have the same thing in common, angry young men with no girlfriends.

By in United States,

I mean, yeah... Looks like a big hammer. Kind of hard to mess that up. Yawn...

By in United Kingdom,

There is something odd about buying a realistic lump hammer for £105 when you can get a real one for £10.
Clever build techniques, yes.

By in United States,

We've got a hammer, now we just need a bell and a song to sing....

By in Netherlands,

@Murdoch17 said:
"We've got a hammer, now we just need a bell and a song to sing...."

A song to sing?


By in United States,

@WizardOfOss said:
" @Murdoch17 said:
"We've got a hammer, now we just need a bell and a song to sing...."

A song to sing?


"If I had a Hammer", by the band known as Peter, Paul, and Mary is what I was referring to.

By in Netherlands,

Ah yes, I do know the song, but missed the reference...

By in United States,

Someone makes a joke, then the person who replies not realizing it's a joke gets 5x the upvotes. That's kind of sad.

By in Belgium,

"Almost perfectly accurate"

And you say this because anyone can see that it is definately not...

By in United States,

@WemWem said:
"Might have been too much to ask for drum-laquered silver bricks for the head of the hammer, but boy it would have made a difference."
Drum-lacquered pieces always wear out on me, it’d create a cool effect but that wouldn’t be preferable for most people.
As someone who is almost exclusively into Minifig-scale stuff, the artifact section is ironically my favorite part of the set. Fake! Weak! Smaller than I thought it would be…

By in United States,

@MeisterDad said:
"Still wondering whether I should pick it up."

Depends: are you worthy??

By in United Kingdom,

Been on my wish list since it came out, don’t think it will ever make it into the checkout basket though.

By in United States,

@Mandalorian6285 said:
"I didn't know there was a new tesseract piece... "

It's a Minecraft figure head.

By in Austria,

This is an unbelievably LAZY set.
The size is ridiculous but I get what they were going for...however, for that price, the MINIMUM they should have done is include a bloody sticker sheet for the metal part of the hammer with the proper runes.
'cause as it stands, it's not Thor's hammer. It's just a hammer.

By in Canada,

Think it'd be a great/cruel joke to build one of these with a remote-controlled electromagnet in it, and place it on a iron/nickel base...:D

By in United Kingdom,

@legoDad42 said:
" @jsworpin
"Surely that’s the Casket of Ancient Winters rather than the Tesseract."

It's meant to be the Tesseract/Cosmic Cube. The Casket is more rectangular.

At one time or another Odin's Vault contained the Casket of Ancient Winters, the Infinity Gauntlet, Tuning Fork, the Eternal Flame, the Warlock's Eye, the Tablet of Life and Time, Mjølnir, the Tesseract, The Destroyer and the Crown of Surtur."

Except this set is supposed to be from Thor 1 so the Tesseract wasn’t there then. Most likely the cask of ancient winters. LEGO doesn’t have a piece that’s the right shape at this scale. The Minecraft head is a reasonable stand in.

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