Random set of the day: Sky Patrol

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Sky Patrol

Sky Patrol

©1992 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 1895 Sky Patrol, released during 1992. It's one of 27 Town sets produced that year. It contains 85 pieces and 2 minifigs.

It's owned by 437 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

31 comments on this article

By in United States,

That is a terrible rendition of the XL-15.

By in United States,

I wonder what they're patrolling with a jet because that is definitely overkill.
Is it Reverse Flash, is that who they're following?
Because if it is, regardless, that would be a fruitless endeavor because he'll just time travel to get away, sabotage your jet before you ever got in to chase him, and then another good cop dies two days before retirement.

By in Japan,

Hey, it’s off by one hour!
Huwbot from future? Or the server entered summer time?

By in United States,

The Sky Patrol have got nothing on Paw Patrol

By in Australia,

This is the sort of thing we should have got with Sky Police, although not fighter jets that's just silly.

I was hoping more for airport security style sets (which would make sense), and also Special Air Police like in the Biggles books. So crooks have a cargo plane and steal gold, police chase after in a monoplane (but not a jet), solving crimes using aircraft.

Sky Police had no overall story or purpose. It was just bad guys with drones/quadcopters and police with helicopters (which they already have) and very inappropriate aircraft (by inappropriate I mean not helpful in the situation like a fighter jet)

By in United States,

Looks more like a high speed personal hey than a fighter jet to me... I would expect a sharper footprint, not wings straight out of the side like passenger aircraft... But that's just my opinion lol.

By in Netherlands,

@PurpleDave said:
"That is a terrible rendition of the XL-15."

The canopy piece looks quite similar.

By in United States,

@Brickchap said:
"This is the sort of thing we should have got with Sky Police, although not fighter jets that's just silly.

I was hoping more for airport security style sets (which would make sense), and also Special Air Police like in the Biggles books. So crooks have a cargo plane and steal gold, police chase after in a monoplane (but not a jet), solving crimes using aircraft.

Sky Police had no overall story or purpose. It was just bad guys with drones/quadcopters and police with helicopters (which they already have) and very inappropriate aircraft (by inappropriate I mean not helpful in the situation like a fighter jet)"

Oh well, more material to convert to Nadakhan's fleet!

By in Australia,

@GSR_MataNui said:
"The Sky Patrol have got nothing on Paw Patrol "

Skye patrol. This pup’s gotta fly!

By in United States,

You don’t use a jet fighter to arrest jaywalkers?

By in United States,

If you don’t patrol the sky, Don Karnage will just shoot up the place, and probably wreck Louie’s.

By in Canada,

Makes ya' think: how BIG is Lego City that they can use jets to patrol it...

Also: pilot's name would be Sam Rookie (he has yeeears to become Grizzled).

By in Turkey,

I was "older" for Lego in 90's, missed so many of these gems. I love the design mentality of the era.

By in Netherlands,

It has a camcorder with heat sensibility on his wing attached. To roll up all the illegal weed growing home labs. Most of the weed is from legocity i believe

By in Netherlands,

Great vehicle and all, but you know what it's missing? A hook! It has nothing on the jet fighter from the sky police that has one! So much more practical XD

@R1_Drift said:
"Oh well, more material to convert to Nadakhan's fleet!"

@PurpleDave said:
" @Brickchap:
You don’t use a jet fighter to arrest jaywalkers?"

Or in R1_Drift's case Jay Walker. Probably on a blue dragon.

By in Poland,

85 pieces!
For a plane with actual cargo space and even can take 2 figs.
>Ship has 400 pieces, seats one figure and no cargo

By in Poland,

Looks simple, cool and swooshable. Just the way I like them.

By in Netherlands,

I feel like I have the sequel to this, which is significantly better. For one thing, my plane has a fold out camera.

By in Germany,

LEGO threw a LOT of these promotional/limited/non-catalog sets out in the early nineties. @Huw : Any chance of an article about those? I'd really like to know how the marketing worked back then =)

By in United Kingdom,

@StarWarzFan7777 said:
" @PurpleDave said:
"That is a terrible rendition of the XL-15."

The canopy piece looks quite similar."

But of course, it’s not in that all-important trans-yellow !

By in Australia,

President Business needs his police to have jet aircraft for _reasons_ .

By in United Kingdom,

For when that cloud is illegally parked

By in Canada,

In my rural area we have local signage that tells us “patrolled by aircraft.” Perhaps 30 years ago this was a thing, but I can’t imagine a guy hanging out the side of a flying machine with a radar gun.

By in United States,

Wouldn’t even work, unless it was GPS-enabled to compare relative speeds against each other. Planes have pitot tubes that give you a mechanical measurement of air speed, but that doesn’t mean anything against relative ground speed because the air is always moving.

By in United States,

@MeisterDad said:
"In my rural area we have local signage that tells us “patrolled by aircraft.” Perhaps 30 years ago this was a thing, but I can’t imagine a guy hanging out the side of a flying machine with a radar gun."

@PurpleDave said:
" @MeisterDad:
Wouldn’t even work, unless it was GPS-enabled to compare relative speeds against each other. Planes have pitot tubes that give you a mechanical measurement of air speed, but that doesn’t mean anything against relative ground speed because the air is always moving."

Now, speed limit ENFORCED by aircraft is something else entirely, and should be taken far more seriously.

By in United States,

Would that work like the anti-theft system in James Bond’s car, where jimmying the lock and sitting in the seat causes the car to explode?

DC Animation recently released a movie based on the Injustice video game. It starts with Joker deciding he’s had enough of Batman spoiling all his fun, so he uses Scarecrow’s fear toxin to convince Superman that Lois Lane is actually Doomsday, and when he ends up killing her, a device hooked up to her heart triggers a nuclear bomb hidden in Metropolis. Superman (not from Earth-1, mind you) kinda loses it and cracks down on all forms of crime to an insane degree. At one point, a guy throws a piece of trash at a trash can and fails to notice it bounced off the rim. As he starts driving off, Superman blows his car up with his heat vision to punish him.

By in Netherlands,

90s version 60208 : Parachute Arrest

I do hope LEGO will mass-produce the windshield from 76832 : XL-15 Spaceship as it captures the old shape vibe the best when it comes to existing-in-production parts.

By in United States,

@hTristan said:
"President Business needs his police to have jet aircraft for _reasons_ ."

He needs them to make sure EVERYONE is following the instructions. You don't want to put the wrong guy to sleep / in the think tank! And besides, what do you think the Super Secret Police used to use before rolling out all those Octan-brand high-tech surveillance systems / Skynet?

By in Canada,

@MeisterDad said:
"In my rural area we have local signage that tells us “patrolled by aircraft.” Perhaps 30 years ago this was a thing, but I can’t imagine a guy hanging out the side of a flying machine with a radar gun."

Yeah there are some of those near my home as well, not entirely sure if theres any truth to them. I dont think anyone would bother flying around just hoping to possibly catch a speeding vehicle. Seems really impractical to fly up and down a road when a cop could simply park on the shoulder and wait.

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