Review: 80036 The City of Lanterns

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70620 NINJAGO City and subsequent additions have achieved exceptional popularity, featuring remarkable detail and unique building methods. 80036 The City of Lanterns includes similarities with those enjoyable designs, transferring such qualities to Monkie Kid!

Additionally, this model adapts the styling from NINJAGO City to an alternative arrangement, which potentially appears more appropriate for play than previous creations. While such changes may prove detrimental, they also introduce an opportunity for unusual features, including an excellent elevated rail around the buildings.


Unusually, this set contains no opposition and the eponymous Monkie Kid is therefore dressed casually. The red, white and yellow colour scheme is appealing, recalling the character's classic delivery attire, while his double-sided head looks fantastic too. One face appears fairly typical, but the other displays a beaming smile and sunglasses which evoke the animated character.

Mei appears unique as well, wearing a bright green jacket and white trousers. Despite seeming relatively generic, these colours reflect Mei's armoured appearances and her distinctive dragon and horse symbol is present on the reverse. Naturally, this integrates metallic gold accents and looks splendid. Another exclusive head is also provided, featuring two cheerful expressions that suit this relaxed environment.

The heroine accordingly lacks any weaponry, instead carrying a printed mobile phone. Monkie Kid wields his requisite staff though, secured on his back using a teal clip. The minifigure also includes an intriguing scroll which displays a Fire Ring at its centre, presumably indicating its location. Exactly the same accessory appears elsewhere, so a printed component would have been preferable to this sticker.

Pigsy has been updated too, now featuring more ornate decoration across his chef's uniform. Nevertheless, the torso appears as messy as usual, despite the addition of golden highlights! Pigsy's facial expression also remains consistent which is slightly disappointing because this element has been available since Monkie Kid was launched, without any alterations.

80026 Pigsy's Noodle Truck introduced an updated version of Mr. Tang, which returns here. The noodle bowl decorating his vest looks brilliant and I like his red scarf too, connecting each minifigure portraying this character. Moreover, this double-sided head returns from Tang's previous appearances, featuring a friendly face and another which is seemingly preparing to eat something!

The addition of a new element representing chopsticks is therefore welcome. This accessory features a small handgrip and six are found throughout the set, alongside a spare. Mr. Tang carries a bowl too, while Pigsy includes an enormous backpack for transporting his cooking equipment around the dazzling City of Lanterns.

Three civilians are also supplied to populate the city, beginning with Han. This minifigure includes a striking torso from 60295 Stunt Show Arena, displaying lightning and flame motifs. Han's hair component is interesting because its part number remains unaltered, but this piece is made from standard plastic instead of rubber. The harder material is certainly preferable, in my opinion.

Huang also includes black hair and her torso returns from three previous sets. The flame yellowish orange jacket looks good and I appreciate the use of such vibrant colours, which complement the model. Unfortunately, this minifigure lacks a second facial expression, but Han does include two different smiles.

Among these minifigures, the Train Driver appears the simplest. Even so, I like his large moustache and neat waistcoat, with a dark red hat. Branding to associate the driver with the City of Lanterns would have been great, but the minifigure looks reasonable without it. Both female minifigures include accessories, as Han carries a stickered LEGO shopping bag and Huang comes with a lantern.

Two robots complete the character selection, designated Citybot A05 and Citybot A16. These robots seem relatively simple because their design originates from 6494 Magic Mountain Time Lab, released during 1996! The structure remains almost completely unchanged, except for 3L bars which pass through their arms to secure their connection.

Both figures include printed trans-light blue heads, closely resembling the Time Cruisers robot. However, they now feature neutral expressions and circuitry continues on the reverse. LEGO robots have certainly become more advanced since Time Cruisers was available, but paying homage to historic themes is fun. Similar references are present throughout this set.

The Completed Model

80036 The City of Lanterns evokes the NINJAGO City series, although those models resemble Modular Buildings. This structure instead captures the towering appearance of Megapolis from the Monkie Kid animated series, gradually narrowing towards the summit. The model therefore requires dramatic scale and measures 38cm across and 39cm in height, including the Fire Ring placed on top.

Nevertheless, the vibrancy established in 70620 NINJAGO City continues here, along with the blending of traditional and modern architecture. Viewing the model from behind reveals some obvious changes though, as these buildings are not completely enclosed. While maintaining consistent detail across every side is appealing, I think focusing upon the front was a worthy compromise in this instance.

Seven businesses are located throughout the model, beginning on the ground level with this karaoke booth. The decorative star and microphone look nice and I like the 1x6x5 lattice wall panels, giving the impression the karaoke booth was constructed after the elevated railway was installed. The colourful 1x1 round bricks surrounding the door are attractive too, while the sign above reads 'karaoke'.

The space inside is extremely limited, but does include a karaoke machine with two magenta microphones. There is not enough room for two minifigures though, which is unfortunate because the karaoke booth could have been expanded backwards without removing room for other features.

Accessing the area behind the elevated railway is quite difficult, although the teal stanchions and roller coaster track components look excellent. The space underneath features some fun details as well, including an Octan barrel with a stickered box from Pigsy's noodle shop. The neighbouring staircases are cleverly assembled around lattice elements, which returns from previous sets and remains effective.

An attractive bubble tea shop is placed behind the elevated rail, which has been removed to give a better view here. This position seems slightly awkward, but the shop looks brilliant and includes a 1x2x5 brick filled with 1x1 round tiles. The same creative building method appeared in 70620 NINJAGO City and it appears even better here, with the tiles resembling bubbles!

The sign outside reads 'fan peach oolong' and two glasses are placed on the counter, making lovely use of trans-clear minifigure stands as drinking straws. Eye-catching signage continues above this shop, where four additional stickers are applied. 77 stickers appear throughout the set, which is a significant quantity. Even so, I think most were necessary.

The interior is only accessible after detaching or reversing the bubble tea shop, although surprisingly little detail is found inside. The drink dispenser looks good, but I think incorporating a price list or posters on the wall would have enhanced the design. However, the dark tan cardboard box hidden in the attic is a satisfying addition.

Flaming Mountain, a combined gift shop, dumpling shop and hot pot restaurant, is positioned next door. This building is considerably larger than others in the set, but looks fantastic. I love the exclusive dark green ingots which comprise the roof slopes, contrasting beautifully against the tan walls. The stickers are splendid too, featuring advertisements for dumplings and Monkey King-themed memorabilia.

However, these subtler additions are overshadowed by the spectacular decoration outside the upper floor, which represents a hot pot. This structure and is cleverly designed to resemble the classic Yin-yang symbol, between two brick-built chopsticks and the Monkey King's face. 80011 Red Son's Inferno Truck contains Speedy Panda, that features a similar animal-inspired sign.

Several accessories from past Monkie Kid adventures are displayed inside. These include magenta horns from the Bull Clones, a jar containing the Spider Queen's venom and a bone which represents Lady Bone Demon. Two printed moon cakes are provided as well, originating from Chang'e's factory within the newest wave.

Dumplings are available from the serving counter, perfectly represented using white cupcake swirls. The sticker beside the counter is fun, including a note which shows where a price has been updated. Minor details like these are appreciated and I like the simple fire extinguisher, which might be necessary upstairs!

Hot pots are served on the upper level. Large bowls are placed at the centre of each table, between chopsticks and various condiments. These accessories provide marvellous colour, standing out beside the muted walls and windows. Additionally, the restaurant includes lovely trans-light blue panels, portraying stylised characters from this adaptation of Journey to the West.

Pigsy and Sandy adorn one side of the restaurant, with the Monkey King and Tang Sanzang on the other. These designs appear somewhat unusual, seemingly lacking significant influence from LEGO minifigures. Nevertheless, their style references the classical origins of Monkie Kid and these allusions are definitely enjoyable.

Visitors to the city might be overwhelmed by its considerable size, hence a helpful information point is located on the ground level. These trans-light blue screens seem fittingly futuristic and display a map of the city, including several identifiable locations. However, my favourite detail is the character who resembles the Infomaniac from LEGO Island, albeit with longer hair. That cannot disguise his distinctive glasses and Infomaniac symbol though!

As the name suggests, lanterns are distributed throughout this whole city, including across the reverse which is relatively lacking in detail. Some cleaning accessories are provided though, alongside an orange warning cone which seemingly belong to the Citybots. Moreover, a tile featuring Pigsy's logo is found beneath the stairs, following appearances in six previous sets.

Efficient use of space continues on the opposite side, where a motorised scooter is situated. This charging point is neatly integrated and I like the folding scooter design, which is unusual. Graffiti and several posters adorn the space behind this station, featuring an advertisement for the Panda Store, the Three Virtues emblem from BIONICLE and a chicken parmo. The latter detail identifies the designer as Justin Ramsden!

The elevated railway station is accessed using a staircase and clearly identifiable by the logo, which originates from 6399 Airport Shuttle. Describing this transit system as a monorail would be stretching the definition, but I appreciate this symbol returning. Unfortunately, the symbol is formed with a sticker, as anticipated.

Furthermore, this trans-light blue 3x4x6 curved wall component appears reminiscent of the larger equivalents which appeared in 6399 Airport Shuttle, sheltering the platform. The accompanying sticker looks nice as well, displaying another map of the city with identifying icons. The crayfish stall, LEGO store and Speedy Panda shop are each recognisable.

Golden signs outside the station present symbols for the Bohrok BIONICLE faction and Hero Factory. An advertisement for Monkey King's imminent cinematic appearance appears above the archway, while the yellow railing above that includes a sign for Znap. This structure seems particularly reminiscent of the NINJAGO City range, which features similar railings.

Another sticker is applied beneath the archway, depicting the Demon Bull King and advertising the barbecue skewers which are available from his food stand. While this design looks great, I think some minifigure styling should have been retained to match other stickers throughout the City of Lanterns.

The train comprises three carriages and is constructed on the roller coaster bases introduced during 2018. These slot perfectly around the tracks and I love this colour combination of red, white and pink which matches Pigsy's noodle shop. Advertisements for the shop adorn both sides of the train, declaring the 'beautiful taste' of Pigsy's culinary creations.

Pigsy's branding becomes even more apparent across the front and rear, where pairs of eyes and 1x2 rounded plates create a recognisable face! A more conventional design might have been preferable for some, but this outlandish vehicle suits 80036 The City of Lanterns nicely. Moreover, these colours stand out beside the buildings, thereby keeping the train clearly visible.

Despite their tiny size, there is enough space for one minifigure inside each carriage. Tiles are secured on the floor inside rather than studs, so the minifigures remain easily removable. The central carriage also provides room for luggage, such as the aforementioned LEGO shopping bag or suitcases which are found on the upper level.

Teal tracks encircle the model, comprising the standard curve and short straight elements. The contrast between these colourful tracks and the central structure is brilliant and I was pleasantly surprised that a longer track element is also provided, forming an awning. I think the vacant area beneath this awning could accommodate a large platform, nestled between Technic supports.

70620 NINJAGO City, 70657 NINJAGO City Docks and 71741 NINJAGO City Gardens each include interesting methods for minifigures to navigate the structures, moving between levels. However, using the elevated railway to transfer characters to another staircase is unique and makes ingenious use of the available space, without detracting from the buildings.

An attractive billboard promotes Chang'e's moon cakes, which are available to purchase from the gift shop on the ground level. The designer has found the ideal balance between fantasy and mundanity here, continuing from the building in 80012 Monkey King Warrior Mech. The electricity pole also appears exceptional in that respect, featuring realistic texture.

LEGO is celebrating its ninetieth anniversary during 2022 and a holographic trans-light blue sign acknowledges this milestone, featuring a waving minifigure. Similar references will undoubtedly appear throughout the 2022 product range and this example looks perfect, complementing the LEGO store which is also positioned on this level.

Before reaching that, we first encounter another branch of Speedy Panda, which is already found in 80011 Red Son's Inferno Truck. Their colour schemes match precisely, including teal signage above the entrance and yellow stripes across the sides. However, the decorative panda and rooftop tree are my favourite details, ensuring this shop stands out beside its neighbours.

The interior is sparsely furnished, housing a small selection of items for purchase. Perhaps adding a poster or tiny serving counter would have improved this shop, although it does look appealing when viewed from outside. Additionally, I appreciate such easy access to the interior, which was not always possible with the NINJAGO City range.

Slightly more space is available in the neighbouring hotel, which features two levels. Once again, the vibrant colours look marvellous and distinguish this structure from others. Sand blue 3x3 curved window frames are integrated to good effect on the upper floor, although they are partially obscured by the elegant lantern which hangs outside the Lotus Hotel.

Naturally, an attractive lotus is placed on the roof to further distinguish this hotel. The flame yellowish orange petals look perfect and a golden fire ring is mounted at the centre, including a new trans-orange flame component. The same element appears across the new Monkie Kid range, presumably because the characters are collecting these mysterious artefacts.

Little space is available inside, although the hotel lobby looks reasonable. Slots for two reddish brown suitcases are provided, underneath an ornate scroll which seemingly displays Chang'e manufacturing her moon cakes. There is also an exposed stud where one Citybot can stand, prepared to collect the luggage from arriving guests.

Only one bedroom is included and the furnishings seem surprisingly basic. Even so, the bed is large enough for a minifigure and stickers are applied on the walls, providing additional detail. Enlarging the hotel would certainly have permitted improvements, but it is paramount to avoid any single building overwhelming the others. For that reason, I am satisfied with the size of the different businesses.

LEGO stores periodically appear in City and promotional sets, but this rendition maintains a unique aesthetic. Brickley and two giant plates decorate the roof, clearly identifying the shop. The dragon mascot appears particularly striking and includes stickered scales on either flank, while the LEGO logo on the studs are also represented by stickers.

Continuing the trend from other buildings, this LEGO shop is absolutely tiny. Nevertheless, the designer has included a Pick-a-Brick wall and the yellow floor that appears inside almost every LEGO store. The contrasting black walls demonstrate further attention to detail, although there is no serving counter

The opposite wall displays several classic sets, including 6416 Poolside Paradise, 6285 Black Seas Barracuda, 497 Galaxy Explorer, 700 Automatic Binding Bricks, 80107 Spring Lantern Festival, 5988 Temple of Anubis and 375 Castle. Their box designs are simplified but they remain instantly recognisable. The brand ribbon is also present, while 80012 Monkey King Warrior Mech is placed inside a display case.

An outdoor crayfish restaurant is placed alongside the LEGO store, featuring an imposing crayfish mascot which towers above the dining area! The head includes two sausages that represent antennae and a chef's hat is humorously placed on top. The table and chairs look excellent too, offering comfortable room for four minifigures.

Two previous Monkie Kid sets have contained buildings which resemble these, each including similar connection points. Fortunately, these shops are designed to detach from the central structure and combine with those earlier sets, constructing a more traditional street. That possibility is welcome and the modules can be easily rearranged, especially because extra Technic pins are hidden in the base!

Various options are accordingly available. This arrangement is displayed on the packaging and looks nice, although I am not convinced the railway entrance should have been included because that seems out of place. Also, I think separating the Lotus Hotel from the Flaming Mountain benefits each model because their dramatically varied architecture otherwise conflicts.

This is my preferred configuration, also incorporating Pigsy's noodle shop from 80012 Monkey King Warrior Mech. The differing heights of each building and their unique colours look wonderful together. However, successfully integrating the larger Speedy Panda store from 80011 Red Son's Inferno Truck would be difficult and that repetition is somewhat disappointing.

Removing the shops inevitably detracts from the structure underneath, leaving behind a vacant shell and exposing the internal Technic elements. This was evidently not designed for display, although I think some modifications could create something that resembles a dockyard or an industrial area, potentially complementing 80013 Monkie Kid's Team Secret HQ which shares that industrial aesthetic.

Alternatively, you can keep the existing buildings together and connect existing models at the ground level. For example, Pigsy's noodle shop looks great when placed beside the elevated railway entrance. While there are no attachment points on that side of the shop, those can be added very easily.

An unusual vehicle is also provided, known as the 'hat air balloon' and taking inspiration from Pigsy's hat. This model reminds me of Wu's balloon from 70604 Tiger Widow Island, featuring the same bucket component. The decorative spikes are an interesting addition underneath and I like the red pitchfork, which resembles a rudder. The vehicle certainly appears odd, but seems appropriate for Pigsy!


80036 The City of Lanterns embraces the incredible creativity which elevated 70620 NINJAGO City and its successors, so seems similarly enjoyable! This model is substantially smaller than the existing NINJAGO City designs, but achieves comparable architectural variety and some interesting construction techniques are included. These are necessary to exploit the available space, which is frequently scarce.

However, pricing has proven to be Monkie Kid's greatest weakness. The sets frequently seem too expensive and their restricted availability means price reductions are rare. I was therefore pleasantly surprised to learn that 80036 The City of Lanterns costs £114.99 or $149.99, which represents excellent value! On that basis, I would definitely recommend this set, particularly for those who have enjoyed the NINJAGO City series.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group, but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

59 comments on this article

By in Singapore,

The robot heads are the same as the one in 31111, a set of which I now own 4 copies...

"The same creative building method appeared in 70620 NINJAGO City and it appears even better here, with the tiles resembling bubbles!"
The bubbles are otherwise known as pearls.

I really like this set, it's beautiful and it's got references to a bunch of classic content I grew up with. It's just too bad I won't be able to integrate it into my layout in any meaningful way, not even by laying the buildings in a flat street.

By in Malaysia,

Looking forward to apply all 77 stickers. They are wonderful.

By in Germany,

I wanted this set, but in light of the gazillions of stickers I'm now a little less enthused. Might still get it, but since I loathe stickers it will look a lot less appealing. Really disappointing that once again LEGO couldn't be bothered to go all in on prints and at least do some elements like the round 2 x 2 "LEGO" tiles.

By in United States,

This set is vibrant and chaotic and really fun to look at. But let’s be honest, this build is not on the level of the Ninjago City sets. I think trying to integrate this into Ninjago City would be like trying to add a Creator Townhouse building into a row of Modulars.

By in United Kingdom,

Loving the chopsticks!

By in Netherlands,

Great set, great review!

The number of sticker stickers for me also is about the only thing I don't like. I can however understand why so many can't all be prints, and they do add a lot of detail with so many cool references. The structure as a whole looks very cool especially with that railroad around it, it would be even better if they would make some additional sets to extend the whole thing. The building techniques involved don't seem as creative as with the Ninjago sets, but the result is still very nice.

By in United States,

I love these colorful futuristic eastern city sets LEGO has done. So many great details and references, and lots of excellent parts usage

By in United States,

@legoapprentice said:
"This set is vibrant and chaotic and really fun to look at. But let’s be honest, this build is not on the level of the Ninjago City sets. I think trying to integrate this into Ninjago City would be like trying to add a Creator Townhouse building into a row of Modulars."

I mean, no one really said it was on that level? The Creator townhouses have connection points and stories but no one looks at those as lesser than the actual modulars, because not everything needs to be at the modular level.

Having smaller-scale things that have the same feel at Ninajgo City and Modulars is absolutely a positive development in my eyes

By in Germany,

I swore I wouldn't start collecting Monkie Kid sets as well, but this one is so cool and would fit in the Ninjago City skyline pretty well. Plus I like all the Easter eggs like the monorail logo and the classic sets from the LEGO Store.

By in United States,

77 stickers? Sheesh.

By in United States,

Good review!

I noticed that there's an additional roller coaster track piece attached above the tracks (with a 2x2 tile attached). I think the purpose of this, beyond serving as a canopy, is for attaching two sets together. With two copies of the set you can duplicate the middle section of the base and use the two pieces of 16M track to bridge the gap!

I'm definitely looking forward to getting this set and considering how best to add on earlier modules like Pigsy's Noodles (as well as potentially modifying buildings from other sets like the arcade from Monkie Kid Lion Guardian to fit this same modular format).

By in United States,

Easy day one purchase for me. This is absolutely delightful and so much fun to look at. I get tired of building nothing but vehicles so it’s nice to get some more scenery from the Monkie Kid theme!

By in Luxembourg,

@ogel_chicago said:
"77 stickers? Sheesh.

I'm absolutely terrified that the sticker sheet for this set starts looking like someone accidentally stuffed a copy of "War and Peace" into the box.

By in United States,

Love it! Not into Monkie Kid, but this set is needed for my Ninjago City. Glad to see the Panda shop, it's one thing that I really liked in the earlier sets. I'm a teal fan so I'm thrilled to see teal coaster tracks, especially with the pink piggy tram.

By in United Kingdom,

Parmo or parmy, the debate rages on…

By in United Kingdom,

This is more like it. Looks a lot of fun to build, and great price. I don't mind the stickers, printed tiles may well have pushed the price up. Will be purchasing this.

By in United States,

@fakespacesquid said:
" @legoapprentice said:
"This set is vibrant and chaotic and really fun to look at. But let’s be honest, this build is not on the level of the Ninjago City sets. I think trying to integrate this into Ninjago City would be like trying to add a Creator Townhouse building into a row of Modulars."

I mean, no one really said it was on that level? The Creator townhouses have connection points and stories but no one looks at those as lesser than the actual modulars, because not everything needs to be at the modular level.

Having smaller-scale things that have the same feel at Ninajgo City and Modulars is absolutely a positive development in my eyes"

100 percent agree. Our family already mixes the two styles liberally, since our town layout is spread out over multiple tables, rather than sitting in a row. For example, it was easy to modify 70422 Shrimp Shack to complement 10260 Downtown Diner as the Diner's seedier "competition" across the street.

By in United States,

I love it, so many great little details! The Lego bricks have to be my favorite, but the Monkey and Panda faces, really well done.

By in Brazil,

If anybody who works at TLG reads this comment, please: I IMPLORE, LET THE MONKIE KID FINALLY COME TO BRAZIL NEXT YEAR! Or at least answer why it never arrived here. It makes no sense. For comparison, D2C sets, polybags and even promotional sets were released normally by the local branch. We missed the 2020 and 2021 sets and the only way to buy is through international shopping, and this method can be a lot more expensive in the end...

I see the 2022 sets and already get a sad feeling of not being able to buy them locally. I loved the entire wave, this set here looks absolutely fantastic, so many little details and throwbacks. It would look very nice next to my City Gardens.

By in Italy,

Are we buying bricks or stickers? jokes aside, this set is very nice, and finally at a reasonable price.

By in Netherlands,

Lovely set. If I can ever get it at a discount (doubtful), I definitely will. Even with those 77 stickers.

By in United States,

This will be my budget option to Ninja-go City Garden, can't wait.

By in United States,

I look forward to seeing this set integrated with the Ninjago skyline! I love this set, and I was wishing I could fit it into my buy list. 77 stickers killed that wish though. I appreciate the details and Easter eggs they provide(one of my childhood themes, Hero Factory!), but 77 is absurd.

Thank you for the review, Rex! I love the Monkie Kid theme both for its interesting builds and unique color palette. I'm looking forward to reading the review for Mei's racer! Is it just me, or do they give her the most interesting vehicles?

By in United States,

As a less expensive and less complicated alternative to the Ninjago City modulars it's great; I still wish that individual little buildings like the ones that comprise this set were available in something cheaper. This range badly needs a set like 70607-1

By in Australia,

As terrifying as the idea is of 77 stickers ... this set is beautiful.

By in United States,

I’m looking more forward to this than the next modular!

By in United States,

Too many darn stickers. I'd rather pay 200$ and have at least half of those designs printed, especially on the transparent parts.

By in United States,

AFOLs: love a set with lots of detailed decorations and easter eggs
Also AFOLs: complain about the stickers that make that possible

Like, has there EVER been a set to include 62 unique prints (not including minifigure prints)? I certainly can't think of one. It's one thing to wish that certain ones of the stickers could have been prints instead (I agree with the reviewer that the scroll/map, which also appears in 80031, seems like the kind of thing that would've been a prime candidate, and I feel like things like the eightfold matching dragon scale stickers for Brickley would've been nice to be prints instead). But at a certain point you have to realize that the logistical cost of producing and storing 62 three-dimensional printed parts instead of three two-dimensional sticker sheets is substantially higher, and that realistically a version of a set like this that solely used prints instead of stickers would be a lot plainer—maybe there'd be a few added printed parts shared between sets like in '90s Lego themes, but there's no way that all this individualized detail would make the cut.

By in United Kingdom,

@darkstonegrey said:
"Too many darn stickers. I'd rather pay 200$ and have at least half of those designs printed, especially on the transparent parts."

That is actually insane, stickers are fine, it certainly isn’t worth paying that much extra to not have them, especially if you want 38 printed parts, that would cost an absolute fortune

By in United States,

Yep. Going to need at least one of these.

By in United States,

@Terreneflame said:
" @darkstonegrey said:
"Too many darn stickers. I'd rather pay 200$ and have at least half of those designs printed, especially on the transparent parts."

That is actually insane, stickers are fine, it certainly isn’t worth paying that much extra to not have them, especially if you want 38 printed parts, that would cost an absolute fortune "

I am quite sane, and willing to pay a bit more for premium product and the convenience of not having to spend my time applying that many stickers instead of actually building with the bricks.

By in Australia,

I can already see builders using that new chopstick piece for a metronome. What an amazing new piece!

By in Netherlands,

@fakespacesquid said:
" @legoapprentice said:
"This set is vibrant and chaotic and really fun to look at. But let’s be honest, this build is not on the level of the Ninjago City sets. I think trying to integrate this into Ninjago City would be like trying to add a Creator Townhouse building into a row of Modulars."

I mean, no one really said it was on that level? The Creator townhouses have connection points and stories but no one looks at those as lesser than the actual modulars, because not everything needs to be at the modular level.

Having smaller-scale things that have the same feel at Ninajgo City and Modulars is absolutely a positive development in my eyes"

Agree, not everything LEGO is centered around the Creator Expert Modulars, people like myself prefer 3-in-1 Scale and this set gives great options for that.

Yes those smaller sets are often hinged or open back, but they still work great for play or display on a smaller area like a shelf.

I even think the Ideas medieval blacksmith is a bit too large and eventually will modify mine into smaller building as it looks enormous next to the 31120, however there are castle fans that have huge builds as well, so people having different sizes of houses/castles is 100% fine.

By in Netherlands,

@Lyichir said:
"AFOLs: love a set with lots of detailed decorations and easter eggs
Also AFOLs: complain about the stickers that make that possible

Like, has there EVER been a set to include 62 unique prints (not including minifigure prints)? I certainly can't think of one. It's one thing to wish that certain ones of the stickers could have been prints instead (I agree with the reviewer that the scroll/map, which also appears in 80031, seems like the kind of thing that would've been a prime candidate, and I feel like things like the eightfold matching dragon scale stickers for Brickley would've been nice to be prints instead). But at a certain point you have to realize that the logistical cost of producing and storing 62 three-dimensional printed parts instead of three two-dimensional sticker sheets is substantially higher, and that realistically a version of a set like this that solely used prints instead of stickers would be a lot plainer—maybe there'd be a few added printed parts shared between sets like in '90s Lego themes, but there's no way that all this individualized detail would make the cut."

Emotions invoke a much stronger reaction than logic. Therefore your rationality will always lose to a sense of entitlement :-)

What I'm curious about is if the desire to have this will beat the righteous indignation that Lego didn't give "us AFOLs" the set with printed parts we truly deserve for paying such premium prices.

By in United States,

A correction: 80026 is Pigsy's Noodle Tank; 80009 is Pigsy's Food Truck.

By in United States,

No pictures of the sticker sheets?

By in Canada,

I dont even like Monkie Kid, but this set is great. Day one purchase for me!

By in United States,

That male character on the screen looks like Tang Sanzang to me.

By in United States,

Sounds good, looks like it has quite some useful parts...

Btw, it is not really "karaoke OK". In Chinese / Cantonese, "OK" here is from "-oke" at the end of "karaoke". :)

By in United States,

@PhantomBricks said:
"I'm looking forward to reading the review for Mei's racer! Is it just me, or do they give her the most interesting vehicles?"

She’s certainly gotten some good ones. Wish Nya from Ninjago could get that kind of treatment. Ten years of that theme and she only has about twice as many good-sized vehicle, structure, or creature builds dedicated to her as Mei is going to have with her theme only about to enter year three.

By in Turkey,

Oh my, so many colors...

By in United States,

Any chance we could see some pictures of this set alongside some of the Ninjago City sets?

By in Austria,

Quite a nice and vibrant set with interesting play values.

I'm okay with stickers, as long as they:
1) do not spread over more than one brick
2) are of decent quality and do not peel off overtime

By in United States,

Very nice chicom Lego set.
Would work great incorporating and moding it for an addition to NinjaGo City.

By in United Kingdom,

I like stickers. They're versatile. Printed elements are one thing, stickers can be used anywhere they fit. Plus I actually like applying them if they're not on round tiles.

By in United Kingdom,

@PhantomBricks said:
"I love this set, and I was wishing I could fit it into my buy list. 77 stickers killed that wish though. I appreciate the details and Easter eggs they provide(one of my childhood themes, Hero Factory!), but 77 is absurd."

Stickers really split opinion amongst AFOLs don't they? Comments 2 and 3 are directly opposite on the subject and both have lots of likes.

In my view, as a fan of MK and this type of build, these stickers are well justified. It would be impossible to achieve the level of fine detail and the references to themes past without them, just using bricks. The graphic design work on MK stickers and figs is great IMO, and adds something special to the theme (see the vending machine from 80020 for a nice example). 77 prints isn't going to happen at this price and with the inventory implications for TLG, though I'm surprised the LEGO studs on top of the LEGO shop aren't prints... Surely these would have been generally useful in other sets.

Personally I always complete my sets without stickers first, then take a view on which stickers 'need' to be applied to enhance the looks. It's more hassle this way, but worth it for me. Post-build stickering also helps to get stickers on circular surfaces rotated correctly.

Stickers in general are difficult to apply well, especially for kids, but they are entirely optional. My gripes with stickers are getting fingerprints/fold-marks/re-application-marks under clear backed stickers, and any time they stickers have not been cut straight.

If I was TLG I'd consider adding spare sticker sheets to all sets. Obviously there's a cost to that, but I'd imagine it's tiny once the design, origination and machine set-up cost has already been paid for for the first set of stickers.

By in United Kingdom,

@OzLego8389 said:
"I can already see builders using that new chopstick piece for a metronome. What an amazing new piece!"

Tuning fork?

By in United States,

Really impressed - looks great!

I wonder if anyone else thinks that this could be modified into a scene from Blade Runner (or Altered Carbon)...? :)

By in Australia,

This seems like a great set!
I think it would look great and perfectly jumbled up next to the NINJAGO City line.
I really like the building techniques used as well!
Might as for this for my birthday next year, along with the polybag

By in Malaysia,

Fantastic review. A must buy for me.

By in United States,

Is there a picture of this set along side the Ninjago city sets? Or just one of them?

By in Canada,

The Tang minifigure has black glasses on the box and set images but both copies I've seen now have the red glasses. Tiago C. noted this in his review.

By in Poland,

What a chaotic, inconsistent, motley set. I got nystagmus. The prices of land there must be higher than gold. Everything is piled up. Where is the space? The air? All shops displayed at the ground level look much better, but then the railway and rest of supporting construction is a trash

By in United States,

Looking forward to this one! I get that for most people that many stickers will be a strong pass but I myself like stickers just as much as prints. Never had a Lego train or roller coaster so I'm very excited!

By in United Kingdom,

I'm glad I have an extra of the Bellhop minifig from 60200 Capital City now. That torso would work nicely with the colour scheme of the Lotus Hotel.

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