Review: 40483 Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber

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The distinguished Skywalker lightsaber appears throughout Star Wars, passing between famous Force users. 40483 Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber should therefore prove splendid, accompanying 6346098 Yoda's Lightsaber which was released during 2019.

Unfortunately, this lightsaber will be exclusively available with 75313 AT-AT. Certain subjects seem appropriate for expensive promotions, but this celebrated weapon warranted broader availability. Nevertheless, the model looks superb and should complement Yoda's lightsaber.

The Completed Model

Despite appearing fairly consistent, the Skywalker lightsaber experiences numerous changes between movies. This example portrays Luke's weapon, so integrates an accurate ring on the pommel which demonstrates great attention to detail. However, the weapon measures 20cm long so is significantly smaller than life-size, unlike 6346098 Yoda's Lightsaber.

The model feels remarkably tactile though and its proportions appear perfect. Relying upon 4x4 round elements was inevitable, so shortening the length was probably sensible. Moreover, the set contains an attractive presentation stand which complements the lightsaber, cradling its cylindrical hilt.

Black elements comprise this display stand, beautifully contrasting against Luke's lightsaber. The shape looks appealing and I love the decorated plaque, which matches 6346098 Yoda's Lightsaber and Helmet Collection products. However, dark bluish grey highlights adorned the previous lightsaber presentation stand, hence they seem mismatched when placed together.

Fortunately, the lightsaber looks excellent when removed from the display stand too. Various buttons are correctly located across the exterior, including dials for adjusting the blade length and power level, alongside the activation matrix. The grey switch originates from A New Hope and features wonderful texture, although I would have preferred the golden design from other films instead.

Additionally, this model includes eight black grips, rather than six or seven. Either would have been accurate to different appearances, although I understand that including eight was easier because the structure is simplified. While absolute accuracy would have been fantastic, I think this can be forgiven since several grips are always hidden when viewing the lightsaber.

Splitting the lightsaber hilt reveals two trans-light blue 2x2 round bricks inside, representing a kyber crystal. These are a welcome inclusion, especially since their position corresponds with the source material. In hindsight, I am rather surprised that 6346098 Yoda's Lightsaber did not contain an equivalent trans-bright green kyber crystal.


Despite certain inaccuracies, 40483 Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber looks superb on display and complements 6346098 Yoda's Lightsaber, as expected. The proportions are absolutely perfect and I appreciate the attention to subtle detail, including the aforementioned switches, dials and pearl silver connecting ring. The presentation stand appears elegant too.

However, those qualities are overshadowed by the restricted distribution. Promotional sets are enjoyable, although their subjects should be carefully chosen. The famed Skywalker lightsaber seems bound to prove exceptionally popular, Limiting its availability to purchasing 75313 AT-AT is therefore frustrating, especially given the marvellous standard of this model.

Thanks to Huw for the photos in this review.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group, but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

40 comments on this article

By in United States,

Looks like a nice promo set. This is one of those sets I'm not all that enamored with but if it were available for $20 at retail I'd probably pick it up, and others if it became a series. But as a GWP exclusively available with a huge set I'm priced (and sized) out interest.

By in Canada,

It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't allowed to sell a lightsaber separately, kinda like how they can't sell SW Minifigs on their own so they have to make them promotional items.

By in Austria,

You could get really drunk if you had a shot everytime "superb" and "nevertheless" comes up in a Brickset review.

By in United Kingdom,

Nevertheless, I think you'd agree that we write superb reviews!

By in United States,

@Huw said:
"Nevertheless, I think you'd agree that we write superb reviews!"

I certainly agree! You guys do a fantastic job.

By in United States,

Good call - this should have a green kyber crystal if it was Luke's lightsaber.

OK, I guess, this was technically his first one.

Ooh, just thought of a Disney mash-up of a certain gauntlet holding this.

By in United States,

Any exclusive elements to the build?

By in United States,

@Huw said:
"Nevertheless, I think you'd agree that we write superb reviews!"

Completely agree. Remarkably marvelous and superb reviews! Also Happy Thanksgiving to all celebrating!

By in United States,

should this have been 48 cm to be accurate? For some reason I thought I read at one point that saber handles were 1 foot long and 1 meter for the blade.

By in Greece,

@Huw said:
"Nevertheless, I think you'd agree that we write superb reviews!"

Moreover, I can always tell @CapnRex101's reviews, from the "conjunctive adverbs"...

By in Canada,

A suggestion: to include a photo of the matched set of hilts as their mutual consistencies (or lack thereof) were mentioned. It would be interesting to have a direct, visual comparison.

By in Netherlands,

@Huw said:
"Nevertheless, I think you'd agree that we write superb reviews!"

Very nice words usage, Huw. :)

By in Portugal,

This is a great review. Have you checked to see whether it is as clumsy or as random as a blaster?

By in United States,

Nevertheless, a superb review of a superb GWP given away with a superb set.

One bottle down

By in United States,

@Pseudoty said:
"Any exclusive elements to the build?"

Just the printed plaque from the looks of it.

By in United Kingdom,

@Spike730 said:
"You could get really drunk if you had a shot everytime "superb" and "nevertheless" comes up in a Brickset review."
I am sometimes aware of that while writing and it happens for three reasons:

I like to thread opinion throughout my reviews, rather than describing the model and leaving my opinions for the end. While there is nothing wrong with the latter method, I usually have plenty of opinions about minor things which are hardly worth highlighting in the conclusion.

Having studied Latin and Ancient Greek for an extended period, my writing style has always been entirely grammatical. I dislike completely casual writing, just as a personal preference.

Also, a large number of Brickset visitors might be reading through translation software, so keeping everything grammatical and avoiding a chattier style usually makes the translation more effective. This is more incidental, but still useful.

@ohrmazd said:
"should this have been 48 cm to be accurate? For some reason I thought I read at one point that saber handles were 1 foot long and 1 meter for the blade."
28cm would be accurate.

@Pseudoty said:
"Any exclusive elements to the build?"
Only the printed plaque, as @CDM mentions.

By in Germany,

@Spike730 said:
"You could get really drunk if you had a shot everytime "superb" and "nevertheless" comes up in a Brickset review."

Certain reviewers really do write like they've swallowed a thesaurus.

By in United States,

@benredstar said:
"This is a great review. Have you checked to see whether it is as clumsy or as random as a blaster?"

It appears to be an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

By in United States,

@CDM said:
"Looks like a nice promo set. This is one of those sets I'm not all that enamored with but if it were available for $20 at retail I'd probably pick it up, and others if it became a series. But as a GWP exclusively available with a huge set I'm priced (and sized) out interest. "

Absolutely. There’s a big market for replica sabers and helmets. With Lego already making some helmets, it seems natural to make sabers like this. But limiting this to a GWP is disappointing. Especially this particular set; the AT-AT is so big and expensive that I don’t know if anyone would be convinced to buy it due to this being offered alongside it. It isn’t a set where people might say “I was on the fence, but the GWP sealed the deal”.

By in United Kingdom,

Probably a legal reason why they can't just sell these sets separately, but I really wish that Lego would produce more of these exclusive sets and made them available to buy at a later date :(

By in Netherlands,

I think we can all agree that this thing is totally tubular.

By in United Kingdom,

Take my hard earned £100 on the aftermarket...

By in Germany,

@Rob42 said:
" @Spike730 said:
"You could get really drunk if you had a shot everytime "superb" and "nevertheless" comes up in a Brickset review."

Certain reviewers really do write like they've swallowed a thesaurus."

I am well known for criticizing a lot, but when it comes to the style of writing of Brickset reviews, I am very happy with the professionalism and quality, especially in terms of language, grammar, structure etc.
Perhaps it's because my parents both were teachers of English, but I certainly enjoy a good read far more than some hodgepodge of senseless blabber.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
"Also, a large number of Brickset visitors might be reading through translation software, so keeping everything grammatical and avoiding a chattier style usually makes the translation more effective. This is more incidental, but still useful."

This will be glossed over by a lot of people, but it's the sign of a true professional who respects their audience. Brickset has a worldwide reach, and seemingly small things like this can make a huge difference to some people.

Great review as always, @CapnRex101 !

EDIT: Is it safe to assume that this is another Yellow Box promo set, like Yoda's Lightsaber? I figure if it came in a more traditional Lego box you would have photographed it for the review.

By in United States,

@ecleme11 said:
"Probably a legal reason why they can't just sell these sets separately, but I really wish that Lego would produce more of these exclusive sets and made them available to buy at a later date :("

I don't think that makes much sense. I think the most plausible explanation is that the set is too small and too limited in its target audience to be a mass release set. The helmets have a much larger part count. When we've gotten smaller 18+ builds, they've generally been part of a larger set like the Hogwarts Icons collection, or a promotional set like this one.

I'm going to buck conventional wisdom and say that I think this is an ideal promotional set. Since none of the parts are exclusive, those of us who really want it but aren't already getting the AT-AT can source it on Bricklink. I'm more disappointed when exclusives include rare minifigures or are otherwise difficult to replicate.

I've been through this before: I had ordered the Nebulon-B frigate, but had my order cancelled by Lego. Between parts on hand and parts available from Lego directly, I was 95% of the way there, and then sourced the remainder from Bricklink and other available sets.

Yes, these sets are ridiculously overpriced on the secondary market, but I collect builds, not boxes, so that never bothers me.

By in United Kingdom,

If anyone gets this purely to sell on to a fellow AFOL but without asking silly money, the let me know, please …

By in United Kingdom,

@BJNemeth said:
"EDIT: Is it safe to assume that this is another Yellow Box promo set, like Yoda's Lightsaber? I figure if it came in a more traditional Lego box you would have photographed it for the review."

No, it's a normal box, hence the normal set number. We do often photograph the box but sometimes don't bother if there's nothing of significance on it.

By in Canada,

@Spike730 said:
"You could get really drunk if you had a shot everytime "superb" and "nevertheless" comes up in a Brickset review."

Furthermore, you forgot about "furthermore", also a site's favourite :)

By in United States,

Since we're talking about word usage in reviews I'd like to see 'humdinger' or 'jim dandy' used to know when a set really knocks it out of the park. Our modern lexicon has suffered terribly since these terms have vanished from out collective consciousness.

By in Germany,

So they got the dimensions/scale wrong, the name wrong and the stand was slightly changed too. What makes this lightsaber mock-up worth the 800€ price tag? The LEGO and Star Wars trademark on the box? I've seen MOC's that looked way better than this. Heck, there was even an Ideas submission of both Anakin and Luke's lightsabers rejected with cooler details back in 2012. Don't understand what the fuzz is all about these half-hearted GWP's.

By in United Kingdom,

@R0Sch said:
"What makes this lightsaber mock-up worth the 800€ price tag?"
The free AT-AT that comes with it?

By in France,

As previously mentioned, the name of this product and the inscription on the display plaque is false and misleading... it should read: Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber Hilt.

I recently spent 300 USD to finally get the beautiful Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber from The Black Series. It might not be made of bricks, but it is more affordable and includes the blade!

By in Netherlands,

Ah yes, the youngling slayer 3000!

Although there's no way I'd ever be able to afford this promo item (considering you'd have to buy the titanic AT-AT with it), I'm allways grateful for a good review! The writing style is also always appreciated!

But ehm... on the topic of writing tropes on Brickset, I've noticed that reviewers often immediately mention something positive after saying something negative in the very same sentence.
For example, it often goes like this:

[This thing] is [actually pretty bad], but the [completely unrelated thing] looks nice.

This is not a critique by the way. Just something I noticed. Personally, I think it would be fine to just end the section on the negative thing. Otherwise the review might seem reluctant to mention negative critiques, which would make it seem biased.

By in Netherlands,

@CapnRex101 said:
"28cm would be accurate."

Doesn't that make the saber rather squished? A 4x4 seems to be about the right size in diameter.

Nice review, good to see it in your hand as some actual reference for what everyone that wants this will want to know. I am however wondering how the black grips are attached. The 4 'in grid' seem obvious at the sides of a 4x4 round brick with technic pin holes, but the other 4 baffle me. Seeing as the instructions aren't online yet, could you divulge the technique to us mortals?

By in United Kingdom,

Question is - Do I build it before the AT-AT, or save it for once the main build is complete ?

By in Canada,

I'm going to try and make a saber blade like 75255-1 for both 6346098 and 40483 using the following parts:

green blade:
6290270 38708 transparent Dome X1
6296849 39223 brick 2x2 circle X24
6278602 13927 cross axel 32m X1

and blue blade:
6141588 18841 dome X1
6273153 39223 brick 2x2 circle X24
6278602 13927 cross axel 32m X1

By in United Kingdom,

@dtobin123 said:
"Since we're talking about word usage in reviews I'd like to see 'humdinger' or 'jim dandy' used to know when a set really knocks it out of the park. Our modern lexicon has suffered terribly since these terms have vanished from out collective consciousness."
76187 Venom is a jim dandy of a set.’ No, sorry. Just no.

By in United Kingdom,

@Altair1970 said:
"As previously mentioned, the name of this product and the inscription on the display plaque is false and misleading... it should read: Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber Hilt.

I recently spent 300 USD to finally get the beautiful Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber from The Black Series. It might not be made of bricks, but it is more affordable and includes the blade!"

It’s not just the hilt, it’s switched off, so the blade is inside ;-)

By in United Kingdom,

I just couldn’t get myself to spending £700 to get this and at present the scalpers are still asking too much via eBay (I know it’s early days). I’ve ordered the parts from BrickLink instead, apart from the printed plaque. I couldn’t quite tell what specific colour the red part for the button was and that bit in red was only available overseas, so just went trans orange for now as that bit in that colour was available in UK sellers. So much cheaper (about £30 incl postage for all new parts)

By in France,

@mr_skinny said:
" @Altair1970 said:
"As previously mentioned, the name of this product and the inscription on the display plaque is false and misleading... it should read: Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber Hilt.

I recently spent 300 USD to finally get the beautiful Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber from The Black Series. It might not be made of bricks, but it is more affordable and includes the blade!"

It’s not just the hilt, it’s switched off, so the blade is inside ;-)"

OK but then it is broken because you cannot switch it on, this is even worse! :-)

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