Random set of the day: Motocross Racing

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Motocross Racing

Motocross Racing

©1986 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 6677 Motocross Racing, released in 1986. It's one of 26 Town sets produced that year. It contains 72 pieces and 1 minifig.

It's owned by 2653 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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35 comments on this article

By in United States,


By in United States,

that’s a cute little car, i really like the vibe of the old 4 wide vehicles

By in United States,

Back when cars had doors. Now figures have to phase through the car...

By in United States,

Back when 72 pieces built you something substantial and functional for your city. Now you’re lucky to be in under 200 pieces with all the tiny studs plates and slopes used for “detail”. I prefer the older 4 stud wide cars personally.

By in Netherlands,

It's like a similar sized set to this year's 60286 : Beach Rescue ATV , which has 79 pieces.

And if it has to be a bike trailer set 60084 : Racing Bike Transporter from 2015 would be closer but much bigger, but also has 2 bikes and 2 figures, which also would be similar to this year's 60288: Race Buggy Transporter.

By in Australia,

These old sets were so cute. It's taken me years to get used to 6-wide vehicles. I still barely tolerate them.

By in Netherlands,

@Zordboy said:
"These old sets were so cute. It's taken me years to get used to 6-wide vehicles. I still barely tolerate them."

I agree I love that City / Creator still have some tiny 4 wides but more often then not they are either polybags/magazines or part of the largest sets.

I mean, a car like this is great and it's 2021 : 30568 : Skater , just missing doors.
Last year's 952005 : Go-Kart and Driver and 952003 : Eddy Erker with Bulldozer really are Town like to me as well (but limited available via magazines)

That said , I'm going to try to turn 31113: Race Car Transporter into a minifig scale Truck Cab and perhaps go-karts.

I stopped collecting Speed Champions with the 8 wide changes, they look great but went way beyond City scale.

By in Netherlands,

@Your_Future_President said:
"Back when cars had doors. Now figures have to phase through the car..."

I agree doors have been missing quite a lot , some still get 1-2 high doors but not consistent at all compared to Town.

By in United States,

I feel like more work went into designing the motorcycle.

You know where 4-wide cars look great? Hanging over the back bumper of 6-wide cars. Like a bike.

By in Netherlands,

I always liked this way of doing openable hoods. So simple and compact, yet it looks good both open and closed. I own 6660 that uses the same technique.

By in New Zealand,

3 cool toys in one. Instant playability and a Black helmet. Yes!

By in United States,

This truly is an awesome set. It was one of my favorites as a kid, but sadly only the instructions survived. I managed to put it back together thanks to Bricklink, and I’m really glad I did. If I remember correctly, although it’s been several years, it was relatively cheap to piece together.

By in United States,

Had this from when I was a kid and just rebuilt it recently with my kids. It's a neat little set and I used to love that motorcycle.

By in Germany,

This set was one of my first; it has been with me longer than I can remember back. The prints have faded very gravely over the years and I had to replace the ball joint piece and, sadly, the bike as both the front wheel peg and later the fork broke. I even remember that my dad fixed the wheel with a tiny nail, as replacement parts weren't widely available back then =)

By in United States,

One of my later sets as a kid. Loved to have another blue bike (my brother had the 6373 Motorcycle shop)

By in Canada,

Ah...another 'step of progression' for TGL: the point started making more vehicles that could fit a minifigure, rather than minifigure and 'Hot Wheels' (the cars that were 'two'-wide, 'four' counting the wheels and wells...)

@PurpleDave : Now, now...the Lego 'Smart Car' looks better than the real McCoy...except with the problem of not being able to put much more than the minifigure in it...which now that I think about it: 'art' imitating 'life':).

By in United States,

4-wide car. Doors that work. Motorcycle.

A+ set.

By in United States,

And I built a proper 6-wide Smart Car and hung that very set over the back bumper. Like a bike. Or a life raft. Fits two (and not much else), has working doors and left-hand steering, and the shape is a lot more accurate to the real thing. Still looks ridiculous, because, you know, it’s basically a soccer ball on wheels, and every SUV is a foot.

By in Turkey,

Progress and evolution is inevitable I guess. Happily I have my Classics to lean back. And I see that younger fans are enjoying 6 stud or 8 stud cars as much as I enjoy 4 stud cars. I guess my time is up. I will build the same Town with same sets from now on. I'll try to come up with classic looking mocs and try to make a difference from time to time.

By in Poland,

This looks so cute!

By in Jersey,

Hello everyone, long time lurker, first time commenter! Not long after this was released I was poorly and had to stay off school. My dad came home with this for me as a “get well soon” present. I was delighted but the best bit, this was the first sunroof panel in my collection, which almost immediately got placed on the back of 6688 Ambulance. Happy days!

By in United Kingdom,

I love 4-wide

And as a kid I was obsessed with those motorbikes, especially the ones with the clear windshield

It’s only now that I have them in all the colours made.

By in Germany,

One of my few named minifigs. Toni Mang, after the then famous motorcycle racer.

By in Netherlands,

Great set. Great fig (for that time). Awesome motorbike. Awesome ‘3’ tiles. Awesome roof. Awesome car with loader

By in Latvia,

So, any ideas if this is a military vehicle?

By in United Kingdom,

I never knew there was a car roof piece which had a slot for a sunroof. What's great is that the trailer is not one piece (part 817c02) as in 650 so more to build and could be used to 'beef' up the main truck as an alternative build, together with a tractor?

By in Australia,

@TeriXeri said: "I stopped collecting Speed Champions with the 8 wide changes, they look great but went way beyond City scale."

Indeed. I liked the Speed Champions sets as 6-wide sets, but yes, when they went to 8-wide, I was out.

By in United Kingdom,

I had - still have, actually, bit it's regrettably in two pieces now because the clip broke - a white one of these motorbikes (the version with clear wheels, though). It's been in my Lego pieces collection for as long as I can remember; but even looking through Bricklink, I've never been able to figure out where I would have got it from. Every set that had one of those bikes in also had pieces that I know I never had, so it's quite puzzling to me.

I can only suppose that part of my pieces collection had come from someone else's job-lot of spare parts, back before I was too young to remember it?

I do like these old bike pieces, though. Much nicer than the bulky trikes that would ultimately come along to replace them ^^

By in United Kingdom,

One of my childhood sets. Back when you could pose minifigs getting into or out of cars with the door open, adding a level of realism I and I'm sure most others appreciated, even at the youngest age. I felt the same about diecast cars; the brands without opening doors felt truly second rate.

I don't know what market research made LEGO think opening doors weren't wanted by today's kids, but I fundamentally disagree with their omission from most modern vehicles.

Plus a working sunroof and bonnet. These little details added so much extra playability (breakdowns at the side of the road were common in my little town, with the guy from 6363 peering into engine bays while holding his oversized spanner).

By in Germany,

I grew up with sets like this. Therefor I am very much biased towards anything from that period versus modern stuff.

By in United States,

Being born in the 70's and growing up in the 80's with Lego I had and still have a bunch of these old town sets. I love these little vehicles.

By in United Kingdom,

@Nick said:
"I always liked this way of doing openable hoods. So simple and compact, yet it looks good both open and closed. I own 6660 that uses the same technique. "

I don't know why they dropped that feature in the early 90s.

By in United States,

I might be the 2,563rd owner lol, I just got this set off BL Friday

By in United States,

I was born in The 70’s, grew up in the 80’s, and have zero nostalgia for 4-wides.


That’s the oldest car I still publicly display, which is from late 2006 or early 2007. It has full-size working doors, transmission/driveshaft/rear differential, a (non-functioning) gas cap, and what may be the first functioning rumble seat ever put in a minifig-scale car. The hood doesn’t open, but that would have compromised both the looks and the structural integrity of the design. Except for stuff like single-seater Batmobiles and Pixar Cars cars, I put 1x3x2 doors in pretty much every 6-wide car I design. I’ve also included windshield wipers on a few, and one design has adjustable headrests on the bucket seats. I never do functional trunks or hoods, because of design considerations.

They probably dropped it because it looks silly. You can’t do a hood that’s hinted at the back edge without leaving a huge hole when it’s closed. When you hinge it at the front, the hinge becomes your radiator (which makes it look like the grille fell off). Regardless of how you hinge it, with a hood that small, the hinge base fills half the engine compartment, and any wrench you stick in there will take up about 2/3 of the remaining space.

As set designers take different positions within the company, jobs with different companies, or simply retire, they take their design philosophies with them. If it was just one or two people who were pushing these hinges hoods, when other designers took their places, they would have been under no obligation to keep producing sets the same way as the people they replaced.

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