Random set of the day: Millennium Falcon

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Millennium Falcon

Millennium Falcon

©2011 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7965 Millennium Falcon, released in 2011. It's one of 32 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 1254 pieces and 6 minifigs, and its retail price was US$139.99/£132.99.

It's owned by 17458 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

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39 comments on this article

By in United States,

It’s insane how huge of an improvement the 2019 version of this is. I have both and like them, but the difference between the two is... significant.

By in United States,


By in United States,

The Millennium Falcon on the 44th Anniversary of Star Wars (May 25, 1977).


By in United States,

Holy cow, the “new” Millennium Falcon is already ten years old?!?

By in United States,

One day I said to myself "I'd like to have a LEGO Falcon"
This was the current rendition, I think I picked it up to coincide with May the 4th offers.
What can I say? It does the job, has the crucial figs, highly swooshable...
It is still mostly assembled but I must admit I haven't made it a priority to keep the dust off.

By in United States,

@Cooliocdawg said:

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts.

By in Canada,

It's hard to believe that this is actually the latest OT minifig scale Millenium falcon.

By in United States,

This is a vehicle which needs more versions. Come on! Why do few...?

By in United States,

Funnily enough my brother and I have been on a Star Wars kick recently. I can never get enough of the Falcon, and renditions keep getting better and better

By in United States,

I think I've heard of this ship before. Not sure... ;)

I was cleaning out the attic of my parents' garage a week ago and my brother found a dented cardboard box labelled "Mill'n Falcn" and sealed with duct tape. It was his Kenner Millennium Falcon from when we were kids! I brought it home since I have a 3 year-old boy who will undoubtedly be into Star Wars someday and might appreciate playing with a 45 year old toy that's likely worth a pretty penny on eBay.

Oh...and I have this set mint in box still. When I got it, I didn't have space to assemble it.

By in Canada,

@MCLegoboy said:
"The Millennium Falcon on the 44th Anniversary of Star Wars (May 25, 1977).


Huwbot would like to assure you that his RSotD selections are completely random.
And in another, albeit related computation, Huwbot’s algorithm selected a random digit to give to you. Also somewhat coincidentally, it was the middle finger.

By in United States,

It may just be nostalgia talking, but I feel like the spaces between the hull panels give these sets a bit more personality. This set, no matter its flaws, is still one of the greatest Star Wars playsets I have the pleasure to own.

By in United States,

Interestingly, the main focus of the set description was on the duel between Vader and Kenobi in the hangar, with the Falcon itself playing second fiddle!: ”Will you rewrite history and help Ben Kenobi defeat the dark side? Prepare for an epic battle of intergalactic proportions!”

This is my Millennium Falcon, and I believe it is the longest I have left a model assembled, or at least one of the longest. Other permanent pieces like modulars I take apart and rebuilt to clean the dust off. I got this Falcon with the TC-14 May the Fourth gwp, and both were great. Pieces have broken off over the last decade, but I just replace them with similar shapes or colors. One of the laser barrels is tan or something with a blue technic pin tip, and the fins on the back were replaced with 1x2 slopes. Later Falcon sets did the latter too, I may have done it first if the fins were replaced before 2015. It has also gained new greebling, such as a short 4-barred ladder on the front rectangular panel. I really enjoy how my set has become personalized over the last 10 years, just like the Falcon in canon switches owners who each add their own improvements and replacements.

By in United States,

On a shelf above my computer as I type this. Bought it new for my sons when they were 5 and 7 and just the right age to love building it and playing with it. Still on display since it's the Millenium Falcon, of course it's still on display!

By in United States,

My wife got me this for Christmas that year. Very rooming on the interior which makes it easy to mod.

By in United States,

Yup, in the minifigs. It's the Millennium Falcon Battle Pack!

Nope. 75192 is true minifig-scale, and 100% OT. They're just hauling a load of trash out to dump next to Jabba's Spice shipment...

By in Latvia,

Had fun memories of wanting this set back in the day which makes it my favourite rendition of the Falcon. Still pretty disappointed that escape pods are not working (or maybe they're not escape pods, whatever is on the sides).

By in United States,

When I came out of my dark ages I started off simply getting whatever was cheap. I didn’t have much money, so pretty much it was whatever I could get for a bargain off of Facebook. After about a year of that, I decided that it was time to spend some money on something I really wanted. 75105 was no longer available and the Solo version hadn’t been released yet. So I had to buy one used and it was between this and 75105. The main difference I saw was the minifigures so I went with this one (although I upgraded the seating on Bricklink to match 75105). I’d have to say that this is still possibly my favorite set aside from my childhood sets.

By in Australia,

@MCLegoboy said:
"The Millennium Falcon on the 44th Anniversary of Star Wars (May 25, 1977).


Also known as Geek Pride Day, given it’s Star Wars, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Towel Day) and Discworld (Glorious 25th of May) connections.

Speaking of which, a Hitchiker’s LEGO set would be quite nice. I’ll start one for Ideas!

Anyway, never got this, but I have the 2015 one, which is one of my personal favourite Star Wars sets. Really want the 2019 as well.

By in United Kingdom,

Honestly surprised this is the first time the Falcon has shown up given the multiple renditions of it. It has it popped up before and I just forgot?

By in Latvia,

This Millennium Falcon is a classic, and I always wanted it back in the days.

By in United Kingdom,

As the first full playable mini-fig scale Millennium Falcon this will always be an important milestone in Lego. Four unique mini-figs, although I never understood what Darth Vader was doing on board maybe he stowed aboard once his Tie Fighter ran out of fuel?

By in Australia,

I got this for Christmas in 2011, and was utterly delighted. I still have it now, albeit in pieces as I had to disassemble it during my last move.

By in Australia,

@ambr said:
"As the first full playable mini-fig scale Millennium Falcon this will always be an important milestone in Lego. Four unique mini-figs, although I never understood what Darth Vader was doing on board maybe he stowed aboard once his Tie Fighter ran out of fuel? "

This is the third minifig scale Falcon lol.

By in United States,

Again, a set I actually have! This was my first big set! I actually got it from my aunt and uncle for my tenth birthday after we moved to Colorado (ten years ago this July). It is still built and, like someone above said, quite dusty. It’s just a great rendition of the Corellian freighter. The Minifigs have been lost or replaced with newer versions over the years, but I still love it. It was also my first Darth Vader! I started to learn to replicate his breathing just to play with him “realistically.”

By in Norway,

I imagine there will be a new one like this next year. Updated OT figs, 2019 hull, probably a perfect "Star Wars" set. Just too bad that everyone will have complete Falcon fatigue by then...

By in Poland,

Last Friday I went to Warsaw to pick up 10179. It was brandnew, in open box. I bought it for PLN 6500 (less than $ 1800), I also bought from the same seller MISB 10198 for PLN 1250 (around $ 340).

By in United States,

Happy Star Wars Day, everyone!

By in United Kingdom,

This is where they went a bit "shove those things on the front, no-one cares if they line up with the circular bit behind" which wasn't fixed until 2019.

Still a good set though.

By in Netherlands,

Cool. This generation of Falcon designs are actually really good. Good play value, clear design.

By in United Kingdom,

I have to say it: the main set image here on Brickset doesn't fully do this model justice. I looked it up shortly after building, with the completed set beside me at the same angle as the picture... and in comparison, the picture looked *squashed*. The mandibles are visibly shorter in the picture than they are in person, and the main body more awkwardly bulky. When I was browsing for cheap Millennium Falcons on eBay, I almost avoided this version of it because I felt it looked out-of-proportion in the image; but the finished model, in person, has no such issue.

That minor gripe aside: I got this set for my birthday last year! I'd had my eye on a Lego Millennium Falcon for a long time... since the first edition, 7190, had wowed me with its double-page spread in Lego World Club magazine in 2000, before I knew anything much about Star Wars. I'd never got it, or its successor 4504, because as a child I was bad at saving up money for the big expensive stuff; but it nonetheless thoroughly impressed me, and was a big part of what enticed me all the way into the Star Wars fandom in the first place.

A couple of years ago, after not having pursued much Lego for several years by that point, I suddenly remembered my fascination with the classic Millennium Falcon set. I spent a while browsing eBay for one version or another of the famous ship, some of which were certainly cheaper than their original RRP (around £80 on average) but still outside of my current budget.

Then, like I said, my parents bought one for me for my birthday, the previous year! I think they may have got it a little cheaper than that... I'm not sure, and I didn't want to ask! I was amazed to finally have a Lego version of the ship that had kicked off my fascination for the franchise in the first place... I almost couldn't believe it honestly!

It may have its deficiencies compared to more recent redesigns - in fact, I have thought of comparing instructions across the various versions of the ship, and modifying my model to incorporate my favourite features of all of them (which, yes, DOES include the orange Kohrak-Kal handshield as the hyperdrive from the 4504 version because I'm Bionicle-nostalgic!) - but I'm personally very satisfied with this version just as it is. It's bigger and bulkier than I was expecting, and I'm very happy to have it around :D

Though I'd also like to put together a Legends-Era EU crew for it, as an alternative to the classic characters. I'm kinda thinking especially of the scene where Han and Leia's three kids fly the Falcon by themselves in Showdown at Centerpoint: it was the first adult Star Wars novel I ever read as a kid (despite being the third out of a trilogy, I know... consider it part of a trend, RotJ was the first SW movie I saw, too!) and forever holds a special place in my own personal little corner of the EU. I'd just have to pick pieces to make custom minifigures of them, which shouldn't be too hard... and also figure out how to fit all three of them into the cockpit at the same time, which may be somewhat trickier!

But there's so much EU material that I'm sure I've got plenty of other options, too. Though, despite frequently travelling with Han and Leia aboard the Falcon in the EU, I am a little stumped as to just how I'd recreate Leia's Noghri bodyguards in minifigure form... xD

By in United States,

Happy 44th Star Wars Anniversary!

By in United States,

I have the 2019 model of the falcon and I remember seeing this in The Lego Movie back in 2014 and I wanted that because it looked so cool. I hope at some point they do another OT falcon before the contract runs out.

By in United States,

@Maxou said:
"It's hard to believe that this is actually the latest OT minifig scale Millenium falcon."

@ambr said:
"As the first full playable mini-fig scale Millennium Falcon"

@Merlict said:
"This is the third minifig scale Falcon lol."

This is most definitely not minifig-scale. The only minifig-scale Falcons are the 2007 and 2017 UCS versions. It was the third play-scale Falcon, though.

By in Netherlands,

New, in its box, this set is watching me, from the shelf behind me. Just wait for the right moment to build it. it marks the end of my dark age

By in Germany,

@maffyd said:
"This is where they went a bit "shove those things on the front, no-one cares if they line up with the circular bit behind" which wasn't fixed until 2019.

Still a good set though."

The mandibles are pretty bad, yeah. Mostly due to the wing plates being entirely the wrong angle: The old notched ones used on 4504 are pretty close, as are the new ones on 75257 – but the parts with a 1-in-3 (18°) angle on the three models in between are just way too pointy and there's no way for them to really look good.

By in United States,

Has your dark age truly ended if you haven't built the set that brought you out of it?

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