Review: 75302 Imperial Shuttle

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The spectacular Lambda-class Shuttle appears remarkably distinctive, contrasting with typical Imperial designs. 75302 Imperial Shuttle looks similarly impressive and integrates reasonable detail, despite containing fewer elements than 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium.

Recent examples including 75300 Imperial TIE Fighter and 75301 Luke Skywalker's X-wing Fighter have proven popular, demonstrating that decreasing size does not inevitably entail lower quality. However, the selection of minifigures seems relatively disappointing because only three are included and none are new characters.


Luke Skywalker minifigures have remained relatively consistent during recent years and this version remains unadjusted from 75093 Death Star Final Duel, released during 2015. His dark tan hair element looks good when compared with the onscreen character, albeit lacking texture which is unfortunate. Luke's double-sided head looks excellent though, displaying cheerful and determined facial expressions.

The black clothing appears similarly accurate to the movie, including metallic silver highlights along Luke's belt and a black glove on his right hand. This corresponds nicely with the source material and detail continues on the reverse of the torso. The legs are undecorated, although I am satisfied that no printing was necessary.

75291 Death Star Final Duel and 75924 Bespin Duel contain Darth Vader with arm printing, hence I was hoping that might become standard. Unfortunately, this version omits decorated arms but the torso design remains consistent from 2020, including Vader's distinctive metallic silver shoulder armour and colourful suit controls. Accurate detail continues onto the legs.

Darth Vader's helmet was updated during 2015 and features more intricate moulding than the previous component, especially across the mouth grille. The head underneath looks excellent too, displaying realistic scars across either side. The neck brace remains attached around the neck though, corresponding with the helmet's removal during Return of the Jedi.

This cape is made from starchier fabric than the majority of recent minifigures, following Darth Vader minifigures produced last year. As normal, the Sith Lord is armed with his red lightsaber while Luke carries a green lightsaber. Handcuffs are also provided for the Jedi Knight because this Imperial Shuttle is based upon Luke's transport to the Death Star II.

Of course, an Imperial Shuttle Pilot completes the minifigure selection, although this figure is erroneously described as an Imperial Officer on the packaging. His black uniform appears fairly accurate to the movie and actually deviates from previous designs, featuring simplified creasing on the torso. I generally appreciate updated printing but this example seems utterly superfluous.

The head remains identical to past Imperial Shuttle Pilots though, including a printed headset which looks great but varies from the onscreen characters. The dark kepi is absolutely perfect though, incorporating a metallic silver code disc which matches the belt buckle. This minifigure wields a standard blaster pistol, as usual for Imperial naval personnel.

The Completed Model

Few vehicles within the Star Wars universe are as immediately recognisable as the Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle and this model certainly captures its essential features. The general shape looks reasonably authentic when compared with the source material and the colour scheme is excellent, featuring appropriate light bluish grey accents against the predominant white armour.

Comparing this rendition with both 7166 Imperial Shuttle and 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium reveals some important differences, the most apparent being their size. This vessel measures 23cm in length and nearly 26cm in height while its immediate predecessor measures 30cm tall and 25cm long. The height difference is somewhat exaggerated by the enormous landing gear assembly beneath the 2015 design.

Furthermore, the elegant cockpit module features more accurate proportions with the fuselage than 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium achieved. Admittedly, this section should be substantially smaller but I recognise this necessary compromise to accommodate a minifigure inside. I think the viewport could have been improved though because this 1x6x5 panel looks too large, even when partially covered by plates.

Viewing the cockpit from either side reveals unfortunate issues though. While darker armour should appear underneath the cockpit, this Technic structure seems extremely bulky, spoiling the otherwise appealing shape. Conspicuous gaps are situated beneath the bodywork and an additional void appears between the cockpit and the fuselage, although that is understandable since space is needed to access the larger passenger compartment.

The interior appears similarly lacklustre. There is adequate space for one minifigure which is splendid and the hinged canopy works nicely. However, no control consoles are included and multiple contrasting colours decorate the interior. Black, dark bluish grey, light bluish grey and tan elements appear completely jumbled when combined in this restricted space.

While the Imperial Shuttle looks impressive when landed, its true majesty generally becomes apparent after deploying the wings. The resulting shape looks spectacular here and I love the basic mechanism which integrates click hinges. Raising and lowering the wings is accordingly simple, although they can move slightly further inwards than necessary after deployment.

Moreover, the relative proportions between these smaller wings and the dorsal stabiliser are impressive, considerably improving upon 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium where the flanking wings were exceptionally long. The rudimentary highlights also seem effective, featuring light bluish grey tiles which correspond with the source material. The support structure under both wings appears awkward though, despite its importance.

Comparable light bluish grey highlights appear across the dorsal wing, further reflecting the onscreen shuttle. These should be larger and closer together but I definitely appreciate their inclusion. In addition, the Technic beams which connect this stabiliser to the fuselage ensure absolute rigidity, even allowing you to lift the entire Imperial Shuttle from the stabiliser! I think gripping the fuselage feels more comfortable, nevertheless.

The prominent intake beneath the dorsal stabiliser is printed which was pleasantly surprising. The transition between the fuselage and the stabiliser also seems effective, although another 1x2 grille slope could have been integrated for complete accuracy. The surrounding armour is reasonably accurate though, particularly with pronounced retro thrusters on either side.

Additionally, suitable laser cannons are fixed on the fuselage and wings. Unfortunately, those attached to the wings cannot rotate upwards for landing, as they do during Return of the Jedi, but they look outstanding. However, there are obvious gaps to accommodate the click hinges which seems somewhat disappointing because previous models have avoided such gaps.

Trans-light blue tiles represent the engines, contrasting beautifully against the smooth armour. This design seems almost identical to 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium, although the twin laser cannons have been updated. These are individually articulated but cannot be fully retracted so deviate from the movie in this respect. Moreover, the Technic elements behind the double-laser cannons seem rather conspicuous.

However, these components occupy an integral role, enabling the entire upper section of the fuselage to open. I appreciate such instant access to the interior, particularly when compared with the model produced during 2015. The internal detail seems severely lacking though. Two seats are provided which is sufficient but there are no decorated control panels or clips where accessories might be stored. The opening mechanism is enjoyable though, locking the vessel securely when closed.

75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium included remarkably elaborate landing skids, capturing their original appearance perfectly. This model represents an entirely different approach, featuring three Technic components which support the Imperial Shuttle from below. These feel suitably stable but look extremely basic. I believe they could have been improved without affecting the price.


Reducing the complexity and associated cost of various important vehicles was undoubtedly sensible and 75301 Luke Skywalker's X-wing Fighter clearly demonstrates how brilliant such models can be. 75302 Imperial Shuttle appears less remarkable, although the famous shape looks magnificent and certainly improves upon earlier designs which have followed the same approximate scale.

However, the unsightly structure beneath the cockpit is disappointing and I dislike the basic interior, particularly since there is space for additional detail. The minifigure selection seems rather mediocre too, lacking any unique characters. Moff Jerjerrod or Commander Igar might have been appropriate. Despite such issues, I think the price of £69.99 or $69.99 represents reasonable value and am pleased with this Lambda-class Shuttle.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

58 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

If there’s a reasonably inexpensive way to fix the cockpit then I’ll pick this up. As it is it’s a pass unfortunately.

By in United States,

I would be buying this if Vader had those printed arms. I guess I’ll just wait until a better one comes out in a few years.

By in United States,

What stand do they use to display it with the wings down? I don’t have a shuttle and would love to display it that way! Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as a new collector & have the printed arms Vader already from Bespin duel so no worries there!

By in Moldova,

From the new simplified models, I find this to be the worst one.

By in United Kingdom,

Looks a bit disappointing, especially around the cockpit. I'll stick with my existing 75094.

By in United Kingdom,

Looks nice but £69.99 is crazy. Will regularly drop to £40-£45 imo and I'll pick it up then

By in Venezuela,

I prefer set 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium from 2015 that I have

By in United States,

I never got the Tydirium, so this set is kind of tempting me to finally get an Imperial shuttle in my collection.

By in United Kingdom,

Everyone is just uploading reviews of the shuttle at this exact time now

By in United Kingdom,

@the_brickmaster said:
"the instructions of this set showed luke with a blue lightsaber."

Not in this instruction manual. That error appears in certain manuals for the January 2021 range, although not any that I have encountered.

@Deserted said:
"What stand do they use to display it with the wings down? I don’t have a shuttle and would love to display it that way! Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as a new collector & have the printed arms Vader already from Bespin duel so no worries there! "

This set does not contain a display stand so you would need to assemble your own. I used some trans-clear elements here because they were the easiest and least distracting option, although would not really be appropriate for permanent display.

By in United States,

@Deserted said:
"What stand do they use to display it with the wings down? I don’t have a shuttle and would love to display it that way! Definitely a day 1 purchase for me as a new collector & have the printed arms Vader already from Bespin duel so no worries there! "

They're just using a couple of the super tall 1x2 bricks/wall elements. They're transpay

By in United Kingdom,

In my mind's eye, Tydirium is a modern classic. I bought it on an impulse and it turned out to be a personal favourite whose scale and level of detail seriously stunned me. This model is fine and I probably would buy it if I had no Tydirium, but the fact that some areas of the model, particularly around the cockpit, have regressed significantly to compromise for the smaller size is disappointing - and, most importantly, the Lambda is a large vehicle, Tydirium is a large set, and this doesn't have that kind of raw wow factor. A reasonable compromise, but an inferior one to its predecessor.

By in France,

What a ridiculous review, which totally lacks common sense... This set is very disappointing and clearly inferior in all aspects to the previous one (75094). It might satisfy children, but certainly not most of the AFOL...

By in United Kingdom,

The Tie and X-wing were almost 50% cuts in price for slight downscales and visual blemishes.

This is another slight downscale, with that chin on the cockpit being it's visual blemish. So, why is this one only a slight discount compared to the last model? This is a compromise without a payoff.

By in Puerto Rico,

@crazywitchdoctor said:
"From the new simplified models, I find this to be the worst one. "

I agree, this is better bought at sale if any.

By in United Kingdom,

@Altair1970 said:
"What a ridiculous review, which totally lacks common sense... This set is very disappointing and clearly inferior in all aspects to the previous one (75094). It might satisfy children, but certainly not most of the AFOL..."

Claiming that this model is 'clearly inferior in all aspects' when compared with the previous design is patently absurd. While I am not suggesting the new design is necessarily superior overall, there are definite areas of improvement:

The proportions between the cockpit and the fuselage are much improved.
The proportions between the dorsal stabiliser and flanking wings are improved.
The light bluish grey highlights on the flanking wings are now in the correct position.
The rearmost section of the dorsal stabiliser is now more accurate in shape.
The interior is much more easily accessible, albeit containing less detail.

As for this set potentially satisfying children, the age recommendation is 9+!

@Wavelength said:
"The Tie and X-wing were almost 50% cuts in price for slight downscales and visual blemishes.

This is another slight downscale, with that chin on the cockpit being it's visual blemish. So, why is this one only a slight discount compared to the last model? This is a compromise without a payoff."

LEGO sets are designed to reflect their US prices and 75094 Imperial Shuttle Tydirium cost $99.99, compared with this model which costs $69.99. Unfortunately, the UK price of £69.99 represents a less dramatic change from the previous design which cost £79.99.

By in United States,

I was looking forward to picking this up but the review showed some issues. There are problems I don't like. The cockpit needs work, as well as the interior and the underside. I think the minifigs are fine, don't care about those. Now I'm maybe changing my mind about buying it.

By in United States,

The redesigned sets this year do what my own childhood building goals were: build smaller, use fewer parts, improve part adhesion, and make the final model stay close to media images. Overall I think these are fun and being priced lower makes them all must-buy sets for me.

Thanks for the review!

By in United States,

I don't have a shuttle yet, so I like his one! It's a smaller ship, but it still checks out for me. Also, since the interior uses those brackets on the sides of the seats, could you lay the lightsabers there?

By in United States,

I presume the dimensions you listed are the landing mode ones for this ship. What are its dimensions in flight mode? I like to display my Star Wars ships and have some extra generic ones from Wicked Bricks so I'm wondering if I currently have an adequate stand for this one it's available for purchase.

By in Brazil,

Yeah... I still think 75094 is way better across the board. I don't agree this 'improves upon earlier designs' - it seems it rathers waters-down previous designs just to meet a specific price-point.

Not that the set is bad or the decision to make a cheaper option not a good one. Just that it is not better than the previous one.

By in United States,

They made the windscreen bigger...

...On a smaller version

makes perfect sense

By in United States,

I would probably buy it if it weren't for the out of place bulky technic structure underneath the chin, and the extremely underwhelming figure selection. Guess I'll just hold out for the Bad Batch shuttle this Summer.

By in Jordan,

This set seems decent as is, but needs some modding to make it really good. I guess it's a little like the X-wing in that regard, but it's more expensive, lacks exclusive minifigures, and isn't quite as iconic.

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for another great, and honest, review. I always look forward to your Lego Star Wars opinions.

By in United States,

I think it’s great that these ships are being made available and at a more accessible price point. We have to remember that new LEGO Star Wars fans are joining us every year! That being said, 75094 was just so great and this version, imho, is just ok. If the storage area had been bigger (or with some kind of central exit) and if the minifigs were different, I’d definitely have considered adding it to my fleet. :o)

By in United States,

Looks a lot worse than I thought. At least it seems like there are a decent selection of pieces from this

By in Switzerland,

Thanks for this review Cap'n. I really appreciate the side-by-side photo with the previous models. :-)

By in Finland,

This looks a little disappointing and doesn't seem to have any major advantages compared to the previous one, unlike the new X-wing and Tie Fighter

By in United States,

I'll probably buy this along with the new Tie just because they're close to scale with each other and will fit decent with my Millennium Falcon. Good enough for display - but not good enough to pay full price.

By in United States,

This issue comes up for me every time I see a ROTJ Luke get released...again.

It’s SO past the time to improve the hair piece on Luke from this film. There’s a lot of subtlety to the edges and the waves of it that could be in here to just be better. Sorry, I’m just a big fan of OT and want to see the minifigures get pushed farther. Resting on what’s already been done in one area while they try to push it in others kinda bugs me.

CapnRex was kind, but the minifigure choices and execution for this set are just mediocre at best.

Still buying it though! :D

By in United States,

@CCC said:
"I don't see the problem with the minifigs here. Luke and Vader are a given, and a pilot is needed to pilot it. It would be annoying if they put an exclusive character in it, as then I'd feel the need to buy it for one figure."

I would have liked a different minifig assortment to push me over the top to get it. You like the current minifig assortment so that you don’t feel obliged to buy it. LOL

By in United States,

I was so excited for this until I saw the interior... :(

By in Germany,

I feel like there hasn't been a single non UCS iteration of this one without major problems with the cockpit shaping. That's probably a pass for me unless there is a very heavy discount (especially considering the crappy deals with the Euro prices).

By in United States,

@PjtorXmos said:
"I feel like there hasn't been a single non UCS iteration of this one without major problems with the cockpit shaping...."

There hasn't been ANY version without problems with cockpit shaping. The 10212 nose is far too tapered, and just as problematic. Recent custom MOCs are addressing it with varying degrees of success. It's a damn tough shape to achieve well in LEGO.

By in Singapore,

I don’t know if it’s film accurate or not, but those wings look way too stumpy next to the dorsal fins. And the undersides of the wings are littered with ugly anti-studs. Couldn’t LEGO have figured out some way to build the wings with stacked bricks and minimal technic reinforcement (like the dorsal fin) by now?! IMHO, this set, with it’s inexcusable cockpit, stubby wings and clumsy body panelling is simply atrocious. To everybody defending this set for it’s lower price point, speaking as a 13-year-old myself, I would rather shell out more for a better designed model then less for something a five-year-old could have built.

P.S: Darth Vader also needs a new neutral/angry face print. He can’t be sporting a perpetual death smile in every set!

By in Australia,

I feel that 75094 was superior to this one, but not by much apart from the Minifigure selection of Endor Rebels, which was SO good. If I didn't already own the previous one then I'd be tempted to buy this.

Which leads onto a point that I thought of while reading this review: Lego's SW sets have become really good in recent times, and if you remove cost (not just part count, but engineering cost) from the equation, this means it is really hard for them to substantially improve them over time. A gap of three to five years between iterations is reasonable when you consider their target market is always in flux, but for us older collectors, this can lead to frustration when a new version of a set comes out and it's not a big improvement.

We just have to remember that the core customer base they're trying to appeal to is not us, and they have considerations far beyond aesthetics and accuracy to meet.

By in United States,

I don't understand all of the grief the set is getting. It was not made to be a detailed-orientated UCS model, it is a lower-budget edition of the shuttle designed primarily for children.

As CapnRex101 pointed out previously it improved upon the 2015 model in many ways, and it costs 30% less in USD. Less than Grievous's starfighter!

Anyone who wants a more visually pleasing model can use that deficit $30 to upgrade the model. You honestly could probably get the parts that are missing from the 2015 set since there is a lot of crossover.

By in Canada,

My 75094 is perfectly fine, I really love that model, and the Canadian pricing on this new one I'm half certain is the same price as the 2015 one. Easy pass for me, I don't need another Imperial Shuttle.

By in Germany,

@lowlead said:
" @PjtorXmos said:
"I feel like there hasn't been a single non UCS iteration of this one without major problems with the cockpit shaping...."

There hasn't been ANY version without problems with cockpit shaping. The 10212 nose is far too tapered, and just as problematic. Recent custom MOCs are addressing it with varying degrees of success. It's a damn tough shape to achieve well in LEGO.


Yes I know that, I actually found a moc a bit back, which managed to get the shaping almost perfectly, this got me interested in the design aspects of the Lambda Class (Maciej Szymanski who actually contributed to the UCS
I do however think, that the UCS gets reasonably close to the actual thing.

By in Netherlands,

The underside of the wings does not look appealing at all, just like the undercarriage of the cockpit, which was already mentioned. And 79,99 in Europe, for real?!

This is a retirement day pass for me.

By in Australia,

Thanks for the detailed look. Personally, though you concluded the opposite, the review confirms everything that makes me find this iteration lacking compared to its predecessor.

Like others have said, the actual shape of the shuttle is incredibly hard to match, so I think the relative "accuracy" of this version is of no consequence when weighed against its various features.

The interior space is severely lacking as you've pointed out, and while access to the interior is more immediate, the usability of the interior is lackluster. Even though it was tricky getting fingers in, I vastly prefer the style of access of the previous one because the interior could actually be used or displayed while the ship was also displayable. With the new one, you're not going to do much with a ship that has its top tipped over, so you're basically limited to seating figures in there, covering them up, and moving on.

Seating only one figure in the cockpit is also quite lame - fitting two in both previous system-scale versions at least allowed for Han and Chewie to approximate the tense cockpit scenes from RotJ.

The minifigure selection is also pretty dull and limited, but then again space for more isn't provided so you can see why they went with so few (though that's never stopped LEGO before).

Finally, on price point and scale, while I think it's very commendable of LEGO to try out this cheaper line of SW ships, IMO the Shuttle was the wrong choice for it. The X-Wing and Tie are massable starfighters whose price point and scale had gotten entirely out of hand, so dialling it back makes a lot of sense. The Shuttle however never went the same way - the $100 USD price point is entirely reasonable for a large, unique ship used singularly by important characters in iconic scenes. Only if LEGO had previously made a $150 version would dialling it back make sense. As it is, the Imperial Shuttle should be a flagship $100 set with a scale and minifigure selection to match.

By in United Kingdom,

Thank you for the detailed review, always great to view against previous versions to allow you to make up your own mind as to whether anything substantial has changed. I do like the way the side wings join to the main body as this solution is relatively strong. I agree the grey technic beam under the cockpit should have been hidden under some paneling or another solution found. In your last two photos I wish they had used white technic lift arms under the wings rather than grey.

By in Poland,

The more new sets I see the more feeling I have that new designers suck, or something changed in Lego.

By in United Kingdom,

As someone who buys the Star Wars spaceships new-without-figs on eBay for at least 40% off, I am gutted that there aren't any exclusive figures in this set which would drive the price down even more of the shuttle alone... :-(

By in United States,

At least the abuse this model is facing for not living up to its $100 predecessor is less than 75058 MTT. Just because it wasn't as big as its predecessor people were calling it one of the "worst" Star Wars sets. And the only difference was the size, there were not any flaws with the new MTT compared to the 2007 one. And 75058 had a better minifig selection. If anything, based on the MTT precedent the outcry over 75302 would be much much worse because 75302 does have significant flaws.
If anything this shows that Lego Star Wars fans have matured from a previous sense of entitlement.

By in United States,

^there’s a blast from the past. Here’s hoping we have a new MTT in our future!

By in Canada,

Thanks to CapnRex for the review.

I appreciate how LEGO is trying to go for a different approach for the recent redesigns. Some space fighters, shuttles or even vehicles have got bigger in size and not always for the best in terms of pricing. While I do agree that the Tydirium was a massive step up in accuracy, I do believe young fans will appreciate this alternative. I'm definitely not part of that core market and that's completely fine.

It's unfortunate that Vader has only appeared in the most expensive sets since 2017 (in a set where the printing was also 100% accurate). And yes, the lack of printing on his arms by comparison to the Death Star Final Duel remake set is disappointing for the collectors although you still can get the aforementioned set that includes the same Jedi Knight Luke which has been done four times since 2015 and, much like Vader, was included in expensive sets.

I do wish we had more minifigs just being there like an officer and two Stormtroopers to fully replicate THAT scene from the bunker.

By in United States,

@xboxtravis7992 said:
"I never got the Tydirium, so this set is kind of tempting me to finally get an Imperial shuttle in my collection. "

Same here. I rather prefer the Tydirium though, the minifigures are a big part, but I do want to get this one as $70 is much more reasonable compared to a $170+ NISB Tydirium!

By in Japan,

I wonder why they moved back to the starchy capes. I really dislike those things. Were the softer ones being totally shredded during regular play or something?

As for the shuttle itself I am not sure I'll be getting this one. While the representation is really nice the actual look of the model, specially from underneath, is just bah! It's almost like it got struck from below and the underside components are in mid explosion under the crew cabin.

By in United Kingdom,

They really do need a new hair piece for Luke.

This must be one of the very last minifigures still using the original male wig part. Sorry, Cap'n Rex, but I disagree with it's suitability here -- and it's looking pretty dated now and I really don't think it reflects Luke's appearance in RotJ.

The shaggy-hair used for his ANH appearances is really too bulky even for that movie's look, but I appreciate that they're unlikely to change away from it so it's OK for what it is. With the proper details, however, a single new piece would probably work for both ESB and RotJ Luke.

By in United States,

@Altair1970 said:
"What a ridiculous review, which totally lacks common sense... This set is very disappointing and clearly inferior in all aspects to the previous one (75094). It might satisfy children, but certainly not most of the AFOL..."

It seems entirely unbiased to me. I'm very impressed by Brickset's ability to do so! I tend to glance at a model, make a snap judgment, then look for evidence to support my opinion. (Confirmation bias.) I credit the team of reviewers here for not doing that.

The only issue I have with this set is the price. It doesn't feel like it's worth $20 more than the 2021 X-Wing, largely bc it's just a transport shuttle. There's not a lot of action implied with this set, and the best part - the wings - are independently operated. If they find a way a link them as they do in the X-Wing, we're having a totally different conversation.

By in United States,

Thanks for the detailed review. Was on the fence before the review about this one but now I definitely won't be picking this up, or the X-wing or the Tie Fighter. I've got the 75094 Tydirium and in my opinion it is a much better set all the way around, and it's actually one of my overall favorite minifig scale sets. I'll be sticking with the previous versions of the X-Wing and Tie Fighter too.

I know this wave of sets is geared to be more affordable for kids, which is fine, but I really hope that this isn't the future for All minifig scale Star Wars sets. Hopefully the next (summer?) wave will have some larger and more detailed sets; not just smaller scaled down versions of sets that we have already had numerous versions of. How about an OT minifig scale Tie Interceptor, Lego? The Interceptor had considerable screen time in ROTJ and has only had 1 minifig scale version way back in 2006, and definitely deserves and is way past due for a remake; I know I'm not the only one who has brought this up.

Given that Lego is trying to make things "more affordable", what happened to the $15 battle packs? I usually look forward to those at the beginning of each year, but not seeing any in this winter/spring wave. They were usually an affordable way to get some very good minifigs for a good price, and were certainly among the most affordable sets. Hopefully Lego is planning on making more of these.

I know it's still pretty early, but so far in 2021 Lego has really inspired me to keep my money in my wallet. The Only 2021 set I've picked up is the Trouble on Tattoine set since it is not a remake and I am a fan of the Mandalorian, the minifigs are excellent and the reset of the set looks OK. The only other set that I really would like to get is the 21325 Medieval Blacksmith set, which looks outstanding, will hopefully get it eventually. Haven't seen any other 2021 sets yet that I would consider picking up besides those 2.

By in United States,

@Altair1970 said:
"What a ridiculous review, which totally lacks common sense... This set is very disappointing and clearly inferior in all aspects to the previous one (75094). It might satisfy children, but certainly not most of the AFOL..."

But it's cheaper and good for people who missed the last one. I'm personally excited to buy it

By in France,


By in United States,

I think this doesn't compare favorably with the recent X-Wing or Tie Fighter. I am going to buy a second Tie Fighter for $39.99 instead and hang all three from my ceiling!

By in France,

I am so glad Lego is finding back common sense and scale back to affordable prices. This is something I fully support!
I am so sick and tired of the +100 Euros sets, which seem entirely designed for wealthy adults (who like to brag) and spoiled children... (You bet those models are better! Considering the price, it is a bare minimum)
This was not what Lego was all about. The model is good looking, it may need some adjustements, which brings a likeable challenge to work on rather than stay put with the model as is. In other words I am fine with cheaper models that may have minor defauts.

By in United States,

Like many others have said, this is definitely a step down from 75094. I'm glad I have that one as it is the better version of the Imperial Shuttle. Hard pass on this set.

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