Review: 30386 Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter

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Miniature renditions of the X-wing Starfighter have appeared regularly, including numerous incarnations of the recent T-70 variant. 30386 Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter features many improvements when compared with previous designs, exploiting newer pieces.

Of course, the colour scheme has changed as well, now corresponding with Poe's colourful vehicle from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

The Completed Model

This model shares evident similarities with 30278 Poe's X-wing Fighter, released during 2016. Their scale and proportions are certainly similar, although this model measures 10cm in length while the earlier design only measured 8cm long. The wings also share equivalent construction techniques, except for their orientation as the ventral S-foils on this X-wing are mounted upside down.

The alterations have proven remarkably successful, most notably around the engines which include 1x1 half-round tiles. Their shape is not ideal when compared with the source material but represents an obvious improvement upon the 2016 design. Moreover, I love how ski poles have been integrated to depict the laser cannons, even featuring flashback suppressors which are represented by the baskets on each ski pole!

Furthermore, carrots are mounted between the wings and the fuselage, faithfully capturing the shape of the engines on the original vehicle. Their orange colour blends beautifully with the surrounding elements and I like the dark azure highlights on the wings as well. Unfortunately, the wings look awkward before deployment into attack position so I would suggest displaying this model with its S-foils open.


30386 Poe Dameron's X-wing Fighter certainly improves upon other renditions of the X-wing Starfighter at this size, featuring superior detail and accuracy when compared with the movie. The new laser cannons are particularly effective and using carrots to form the engines is very appealing! The wing design still leaves something to be desired but I think they look superb in attack position, as demonstrated below.

This polybag is currently available with the LEGO Star Wars Giant Series magazine in the UK.

12 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the review, Cap'n!

This one's been available for a while, so those outside the UK should still be able to find it through other channels.

I adore these little X-Wings and their mini-swooshability, but this one bugs me! As wonderful as the carrot usage is, the colouring is too bland compared to the 'full'-size ship.

The galaxy needs more azure carrots.

By in Belgium,

What a good review, I actually had to look up those flashback suppressors. Incredible what a detailed background they provided for just 1 part of a pew-pew-laser. Amazing background knowledge, cap!

By in Germany,

Looks great, but no one called for it. From which movie is this again?

By in United States,

I never would have thought of that. ;)

By in United States,

I like it a lot. I think I bought it at Walmart 1-2 months ago. The carrot idea is a crazy but effective one.

By in United Kingdom,

This currently comes with the star wars magazine is quite cool, the latest Marvel one is very good i grabbed one today with a captain marvel minifig attached to it!!

By in Australia,

I think this model would look better with a darker transparent cockpit instead of clear, but other than that I think this is a really cool little model of an X-Wing.

By in United States,

@shirhac said:
"Looks great, but no one called for it. From which movie is this again?"

1. Just because you didn't ask for it doesn't mean no-one did. Lots of people would be quite happy with an X-Wing in a new color scheme.
2. It's from Rise of Skywalker.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice review, I find the set looks a little better if you rotate the half round tiles so their flat edges line up with each S-foil.

By in United States,

@bananaworld said:
"The galaxy needs more azure carrots."
Indeed, but it's the tiles that are azure in this set, not the carrots.

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