Review: 75318 The Child

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Several new characters were introduced during The Mandalorian television series, including the fascinating Child who has become exceptionally popular. 75318 The Child seems excellent when compared with the source material, integrating tremendous detail.

This design undoubtedly captures the adorable appearance of its onscreen counterpart, due in particular to the large eyes which represent an improvement upon 75255 Yoda. The textured robe appears similarly impressive and the price of £69.99 or $79.99 seems fairly reasonable, matching the previous large-scale figures.


Following his appearance in 75292 The Razor Crest, The Child is also available here. This miniscule figure features relatively limited detail, resulting from its small size, but the head is remarkably intricate. Wrinkles are moulded across this rubber component and the large ears look marvellous. Furthermore, I like the eyes which are decorated with white highlights.

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This body element is shared with other LEGO babies and scarcely resembles the Child's billowing robe. However, the printing on his chest does appear reasonably accurate to the onscreen character, despite only covering part of the torso. Presumably the machine which decorates this component can only print a rounded design at the centre.

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The Completed Model

LEGO has produced several large-scale figures, each containing information plaques which share consistent design features. This plaque therefore features room for the accompanying figure and displays information about the Child on a sticker. His height is shown as 33.7cm which is interesting because that evidently differs from the reference information provided for Sideshow Collectables, whose life-size Child figure measures 41.9cm in height.

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This rendition of the enigmatic Child only measures 20cm in height which seems suitable for display, despite not reaching life-size. The model is exceptionally tactile and the designer has included ample detail, employing smooth curved slopes that contrast against the studded robe. Exactly the same contrast appeared on 75255 Yoda and I think both instances are successful.

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Given their shared species, displaying 75318 The Child alongside 75255 Yoda seems sensible and I think they look splendid together. The scaling is inaccurate but I appreciate their different robe colours and similar construction techniques, most notably across the head where various sand green curved slopes are employed to good effect on both characters.

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Previous large-scale figures, including 75230 Porg and 75255 Yoda, have been constructed around Technic frames. This model is relatively similar and therefore feels robust, although its core is substantially bulkier and consists primarily of Technic bricks, instead of beams. I expect this can be attributed to the omission of feet which might have necessitated a lighter internal structure on previous models.

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Unusually, both my favourite and least favourite aspects of this model are focused upon the head. The wrinkled detail and combination of different curved elements is absolutely brilliant, achieving extraordinary accuracy when compared with the television series. I am particularly delighted with the chubby cheeks. However, the head shape looks too broad in relation to its height and should therefore be slightly taller.

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Improving upon this design would probably be difficult without compromising the Child's facial proportions though, most notably between its eyes and nose. This tiny 1x1 curved slope looks excellent here and I love the reddish brown crescents that decorate the eyes. They are unable to move which restricts the achievable expressions, although you can adjust the Child's mouth and ears to convey some personality. Opening his mouth slightly appears remarkably effective, capturing a sense of wonder as this infant explores the galaxy.

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Unfortunately, the tan elements inside each ear are not completely hidden when viewing this model from behind. Nevertheless, I appreciate the tiles which maintain consistent shaping on both ears and the curved slopes across the head look superb. The transition between pieces which are attached sideways and backwards is relatively abrupt but appears softer because these curved slopes are quite shallow.

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An interesting combination of studded and smooth surfaces form the Child's distinctive robe. The broad collar incorporates tiles, slopes and curved slopes in an attempt to distinguish this coarse section of fabric from the finer textile underneath. On that basis, swapping the smooth pieces for exposed studs would be more authentic, although that would probably necessitate producing several new tiles in dark tan and the narrow seams between these tiles might look odd.

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Despite this apparent inaccuracy, I think the differentiation between separate fabric textures seems effective and that continues around the sides and back. Additionally, I was pleasantly surprised by the substantial neck articulation which is hardly restricted by the billowing collar. The head is connected using one ball joint which slides back and forth, enabling the Child to look upwards and all the way around.

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Additional tiles and slopes are positioned down the front of the model, depicting the fastener which is visible on the original character. I appreciate such attention to subtle detail and the surrounding layered plates look fantastic, recreating the appearance of crumpled fabric that hangs naturally around the Child. The widening shape towards the base is notably authentic.

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Both arms are assembled separately and connected to the body using Technic pins. They do wobble slightly, although not to the detriment of the model in my view. Shoulder articulation is absent but the hands are attached using ball joints and the fingers are individually adjustable. Their range of motion is limited though so the hand cannot convincingly grip the control knob. This unusual accessory originates from the cockpit on board the Razor Crest and looks great, consisting of two half-sphere pieces which have previously formed helmets and globes but are new in pearl silver.

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Constructing the arms separately works nicely for this character because the Child's sleeves appear fairly tight onscreen and I like the smooth slopes which form cuffs, corresponding with the source material. Additional tiles decorate the reverse of the robe. They are arranged neatly down the centre but continued visible studs would probably have been more accurate.

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LEGO has produced several large-scale Star Wars characters during recent years but 75318 The Child is undoubtedly my favourite! The shape of the head is not perfect and the reversed fabric textures across the robe look strange, although I understand the reasoning behind that decision. Otherwise, this model looks magnificent, accurately recreating its wonderful source material and including considerable detail.

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The face looks particularly outstanding in my opinion, capturing the Child's charming curiosity. Articulation is fairly limited but the adjustable ears and mouth are adequate to convey emotion. The accompanying minifigure-scale figure appears similarly delightful and I believe the price of £69.99 or $79.99 represents good value, given this set contains 1073 pieces and looks superb on display.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

31 comments on this article

By in France,

I've been staring at this build for a while now, wondering what makes it (and the older Yoda) look so ugly and unsatisfying. I think it might be the studs on the clothing. The face looks alright, although the ears could use smooth plates on the edges, but the clothes are really distracting and look unfinished.

By in Spain,


By in United States,

Cute and very cool! Thanks for the review, as always!

By in United Kingdom,

Adorable? It looks like someone sat on Gizmo

By in Netherlands,

I think it looks good. Haven’t built my Yoda yet so I look forward to a father - daughter moment as we build Yoda and The Child together sometime soon.
I also like the look of the studs - they give a material impression and moreover they the are the very core of the LEGO system so to not like their appearance mystifies me.

By in United States,

Now to build his(?) cradle / "egg".

By in United States,

I don't care about the model in all honesty. The sand green will not go to waste though!

By in United States,

This just doesn't look good to me, but these days that's honestly a blessing.

By in United States,

I really like this. And I haven’t ever bought a buildable figurine like it before because, we’ll, it’s never been my thing. Maybe because of the exposed studs. This might be MOCable to have so few exposed studs (and relatively little dusting associated with it) that I might take the plunge.

I say this with some hesitation as I continue to re-assess my Want List and Life Priorities overall. This year has not been kind to me or my family. It had been 11 years since my son had a seizure. Had a couple last week. Takes an already hard year and moves it into an entirely different category.

Sorry not really the place. But it’s life yeah? Love this site and how it accentuates and supports the hobby I love...feels a bit like it’s slipping away. Just a bit.

Great review. Always are.

By in United Kingdom,

I like the way the ears can move and the head can pivot, shame there is no movement in the arms at the shoulders as I don't think it would have been that difficult to include a turntable to allow rotation given that the arms are just attached by pins. I know Yodi does not have arm movement either but one arm is completely across his chest and holding a light-saber so would not be possible.

By in United States,

I never really cared for this or the previous Yoda. There's just something about the eyes that feels... off... like the lids aren't connecting with the face quite right. The rest of the model is brilliant, but the face that's supposed to draw you in just feels creepy.

Same can be said for constraction figures. Robotic and cyborg characters lend themselves better to giant LEGO models than organic ones, especially when it comes to the head. Compare something like 8923 Hydraxon or 75112 General Grievous to 75110 Luke Skywalker and the difference is night and day. I'd much rather get something like 75187 BB-8 than this.

By in Portugal,

I love the info on the plaque:

Favorite Toy: Razor Crest Shifter Knob

By in Canada,


By in United States,

I think the overall model is terrific. . . especially the sculpting of the head.
My biggest complaint is that his tunic is all one color. I wonder how it would have looked with a lighter tan for the accent parts? Either way, I still plan to pick it up to keep my Porg company.

By in Switzerland,

“ This design undoubtedly captures the adorable appearance of its onscreen counterpart”
This thing is creepy. Not as creepy as old yoda, but definitely not cute.

By in United States,

Who will be the first to MOD him drinking from the mug?

By in United States,

It’s very cute. Anyone that says otherwise has poor taste ;)

By in Estonia,

The plaque sticker is the most pointless thus far. I bet we'll find out the homeworld, species and given name during upcoming second season. And he will probably get a better favourite toy... like a slinky or a second knob or sth.

By in Switzerland,

@blogzilly said:
"I really like this. And I haven’t ever bought a buildable figurine like it before because, we’ll, it’s never been my thing. Maybe because of the exposed studs. This might be MOCable to have so few exposed studs (and relatively little dusting associated with it) that I might take the plunge.

I say this with some hesitation as I continue to re-assess my Want List and Life Priorities overall. This year has not been kind to me or my family. It had been 11 years since my son had a seizure. Had a couple last week. Takes an already hard year and moves it into an entirely different category.

Sorry not really the place. But it’s life yeah? Love this site and how it accentuates and supports the hobby I love...feels a bit like it’s slipping away. Just a bit.

Great review. Always are. "

I know a little of your story from when you posted in the forum.
I send you and your family all the energy I can muster in this complicated time.
Last week I hiked up to the the top of a small mountain here in Switzerland, plan to do another hike in two weeks. When I reach the top, I'll speak a few words into the great expanse of the universe for you, your family, and your son.
Life, you can't hold on and you can't let go, it's always slipping.
Be strong!

Wonderful review, thank you Brickset! Not sure if I'll pick this up though, so many great sets right now.

By in United States,

The robe reminds me of the walls of the LEGO Adam West batcave set for some reason. If I bought this I’d be too tempted to attach a bunch of bats hanging from it.

By in Canada,

Looks better with the ears down...

By in United States,

The scale between 75318 and 75255 is actually accurate or close enough. 42cm vs 66cm.

By in Canada,

Gonna mod him to be a tree stump. Looks good in the first photo

By in United Kingdom,

Cute! I wouldn’t have been opposed to them making him ‘life-sized’ and charging a little more though.

By in United States,

@yuffie said:
"Whilst it would have been impossible to make this figure worse than Yoda they've managed to come close.

Given how ridiculously popular anything related to The Child is I can understand why Lego wanted to get their slice of the action, regardless of the fact that Yoda proved it is impossible to get close to a realistic version in this medium.

But as the review shows if you like Star Wars and The Child you will ignore all the shortcomings of this set."

You do realize it's made of Lego parts, right? Of course it's not perfect. Nothing is. Therefore, everything has shortcomings.

By in United Kingdom,

@yuffie said:
"^ And that's why I think Lego should have just accepted neither Yoda or The Child are viable models. But, as I said, I understand why, given the hype surrounding The Child, they felt the need to release this set anyway."
I agree, Just because you have cheese it doesn’t mean you have to make a car from it!
It’s horses for courses though, I’m sure I own many sets that would make seasoned AFOLs scratch their heads.

By in Germany,

baby Yoda and Yoda together at last. :3

By in United States,

This is just such a great point when it comes to this medium. There are certain things that simply don't translate well to brick form, and that's fine! A couple summers ago when the London Bus was released I remember saying to a coworker (at the LBR store I worked at) that while I would love to see them do a classic Aston Martin, which is one of the most gorgeous vehicles ever created, I couldn't see how it would lend itself to Lego. And boyyyyyyyy, was I right. Just because you can, doesn't mean that you should.

I can't quite like this set, even though I really want to - it's definitely better than Yoda, but something just isn't quite right.

By in United Kingdom,

@blogzilly said:
"I really like this. And I haven’t ever bought a buildable figurine like it before because, we’ll, it’s never been my thing. Maybe because of the exposed studs. This might be MOCable to have so few exposed studs (and relatively little dusting associated with it) that I might take the plunge.

I say this with some hesitation as I continue to re-assess my Want List and Life Priorities overall. This year has not been kind to me or my family. It had been 11 years since my son had a seizure. Had a couple last week. Takes an already hard year and moves it into an entirely different category.

Sorry not really the place. But it’s life yeah? Love this site and how it accentuates and supports the hobby I love...feels a bit like it’s slipping away. Just a bit.

Great review. Always are. "

Never apologise if sharing helps you feel understood or alleviates a bit of stress - especially when we should consider this a place of like minded people (though I’m aware that’s not always the case) Just wanted to say my thoughts are with you & your family. I turned back to lego when my life got very hard so try to keep some sense of you hobby (even if rebuilding old sets) if you can as I’ve never had a pill better for stressful times (and I’ve had a lot of pills!!) Sending a cyber hug & healing to your boy xxx

By in United Kingdom,

Looks cute but face is a bit creepy

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