Review: 75292 The Razor Crest

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The Mandalorian's utilitarian starship appeared prominently during season one of his dedicated series, eliciting considerable interest. 75292 The Razor Crest has therefore provoked comparable anticipation and certainly looks appealing when compared with its source material.

Additionally, this set contains the Child who has become extraordinarily popular and looks appropriately adorable in LEGO form! Two further exclusive characters are also provided, although I believe the aforementioned infant and the Razor Crest are the most enjoyable aspects of this set, which has exceeded my expectations!


75254 AT-ST Raider introduced The Mandalorian and exactly the same minifigure appears here, wearing his mismatched armour from earlier episodes of the television series. There is notable demand for Djarin's complete beskar armour to be released and that would definitely have been most appropriate here, although this minifigure remains extremely detailed.

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The pearl dark grey helmet looks excellent and I love the intricate battle damage across both sides of the torso, including several metallic silver highlights. Furthermore, the combination of dark orange, reddish brown and dark tan armour plates is accurate to the television series. An attractive dark bluish grey cape is fixed around the Mandalorian's neck but the head under his helmet is plain black.

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Charge packs decorate the belt around Djarin's waist and they are required for his powerful Amban phase-pulse blaster rifle. This weapon is quite recognisable, featuring two distinctive prongs around the barrel, but lacks the prominent shoulder stock here. The resulting weapon looks slightly awkward in my opinion which is disappointing as the version from 75254 AT-ST Raider was identical.

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The Child was introduced during the first episode of The Mandalorian and has become very popular. I anticipate this tiny figure proving equally beloved and it looks great, featuring a new head component that is made from rubber and looks adorable. The large eyes are perfect and wrinkles are moulded across the head. This body component was produced for generic LEGO babies so does not replicate the Child's billowing robe, although I like the printing on his chest and am pleased with this figure.

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Several elements from existing IG-88 figures are shared with IG-11, as one might anticipate given their shared design features. However, this droid includes an exclusive head with red photoreceptors and metallic silver environmental sensors, differing from IG-88. The bounty hunter carries a standard blaster rifle and keeps a larger rifle on his back.

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Greef Karga distributes bounties on behalf of the Bounty Hunters' Guild and this minifigure is only available here. The black hair piece appears faithful to the onscreen character and I love his tidy moustache which is printed on both sides of the head. Greef's smiling and determined expressions look brilliant too, reflecting his shifting personality throughout the television series.

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This minifigure sports an elegant reddish brown jacket which covers both sides of the torso, although it should also continue across the legs. Unfortunately, they are undecorated so look rather bland and I hope that will be resolved on future versions of this character. However, the torso includes adequate detail and I appreciate the accurate medium nougat arms.

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Following nearly two decades with relatively few changes, the Scout Trooper minifigure was updated dramatically last year and appeared in 75238 Action Battle Endor Assault. This dual-moulded helmet looks absolutely magnificent, featuring accurate lenses and vents which are accentuated with printing. Detail continues across the back and corresponds exactly with the source material.

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The torso and legs are equally intricate, featuring light chest armour which closely resembles the original character. I like the small backpack printed on the reverse and the black arms are fairly accurate, although Imperial Scout Troopers do wear shoulder and elbow armour so dual-moulding would have been ideal here. Unfortunately, dual-moulded limbs are particularly rare within the Star Wars theme.

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LEGO has started using generic heads for Imperial personnel, improving upon the previous Clone Trooper heads. Both the Scout Trooper and Greef Karga are armed with blaster pistols, matching their onscreen counterparts. Greef carries twin pistols while the Scout Trooper wields one which reflects their respective weaponry during the series.

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The Completed Model

75292 The Razor Crest seems exceptionally accurate when compared with the original craft, faithfully capturing its shape and worn exterior. While the onscreen vessel is relatively shiny, I think light bluish grey was the most appropriate colour for the model and its absolute rigidity is impressive. The designer has integrated Technic pieces throughout this vehicle, permitting an extensive interior and ensuring strength.

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Comparing the Razor Crest with another recent bounty hunting vehicle, 75243 Slave I - 20th Anniversary Edition, reveals its substantial size. This model measures almost 38cm in length which is excellent for interaction with the minifigures and play. However, gripping this craft for flight is somewhat challenging because the fuselage is relatively wide and applying too much pressure on certain panels may cause them to break.

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The nose is definitely robust though, featuring layers of 1x1x2 bows which form an attractive curve beneath the cockpit. I like the 1x1 round plates with holes that represent lights but they should appear red. The twin laser cannons look marvellous though and the curved shaping of the fuselage is perfect, particularly on either side of the cockpit where 3x10 wedge slopes are employed to good effect.

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An interesting new element has been designed for the canopy, including printed bands which match the onscreen vehicle. This component is placed at an angle using hinges and removing the canopy provides access to the interior, including a printed control console beside two seats. Their red colour is too bright in my opinion and dark red would have been more appropriate but this component is not currently available in that shade, remarkably.

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Nevertheless, there is ample room for minifigures and the 3x3x6 half cone behind the cockpit conceals another area, where the Mandalorian's blaster rifle is stored. I appreciate such great use of the available space and this angled cockpit design is wonderful, corresponding with the source material and ingeniously exploiting hinges that are situated inside the cockpit.

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Stickers are placed across the exterior, featuring dark tan stripes. The arrangement of these stripes is reasonably accurate, although several are missing beneath the engines and I think yellow would have been a more suitable colour choice. The entire model looks unnecessarily drab in relation to the television series and introducing yellow stripes would undoubtedly have improved its appearance.

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Opening the panel immediately beneath the cockpit provides access to Din Djarin's sleeping area. Two more stickers are applied inside, depicting mechanical detail on the wall beside the bed. The uneven floor is disappointing, although I am pleased that the designer has integrated features which did not actually appear during the first season of The Mandalorian.

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Three separate panels are situated along either side and lowering them together reveals the complete interior, as demonstrated below. Three clips provide missile storage underneath the cockpit but the hold is sparsely furnished, lacking the tan and dark tan highlights which appear towards the front. The four Technic pillars also seem awkward but could be modified with ease.

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Accessing the interior is easy because so many opening panels are included. Moreover, this design enables easy removal of the carbonite blocks which slide between dark tan 1x2 slopes inside. I think these should have been attached more securely because they can move around, although the carbonite blocks have not become dislodged during flight in my experience.

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Freezing prisoners in carbonite reduces their chance of escape and two frozen minifigures are therefore included. These both take direct inspiration from The Mandalorian as the first sticker features the Mythrol character from episode one while the second depicts a human character who is also shown in carbonite during the first episode. While the modern carbonite mould is undoubtedly superior, returning to the 1x2x5 brick which appeared between 2000 and 2006 is fun.

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Two spring-loaded shooters are situated between the engines and activated by pushing 1x2 grille tiles behind each missile. I like the combination of smooth and studded surfaces across this vehicle and the exposed black grilles towards the rear look superb. However, the shaping near the front of the engine supports could be improved as they should appear sleeker.

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Once again, the designer has exploited every available space by including an escape pod on top. This closely resembles an escape pod from the Millennium Falcon which appears during Star Wars: The Last Jedi, providing adequate room for one occupant and including a circular window for the minifigure to peer outside. There is no ejection mechanism but the pod does include two dark bluish grey manoeuvring thrusters.

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Removing the escape pod leaves an unsightly gap in the fuselage. That seems fairly realistic though and I am delighted with the cylindrical engines, incorporating pearl dark grey barrels that form the thruster nozzles. Large stickers are applied on both nacelles which might disappoint some people, although the resultant mechanical detail appears authentic.

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Seven months have passed since 75292 The Razor Crest was announced and this set was undoubtedly worth waiting for. This rendition of the distinctive gunship looks magnificent and includes marvellous external detail, despite some minor inaccuracies in colour. Moreover, the interior is surprisingly spacious, providing ample room for furnishings and minifigures.

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The minifigure selection could certainly have been improved as I think the Mandalorian should wear beskar armour and Kuill is excluded. Nevertheless, the characters which are present look fantastic and the Child is particularly appealing. The price of £119.99 or $129.99 represents fair value too, when compared with the broader Star Wars range, so I am very satisfied with this set.

55 comments on this article

By in Denmark,

Love it.

By in United States,

The Child's overbite in this figure makes it even more innocent-looking and adorable.

By in United States,

What we really want to know is if your copy actually said "The Razor Crest" on the box, and not some Lepin-speak :)

By in United States,

@Veyniac said:
"What we really want to know is if your copy actually said "The Razor Crest" on the box, and not some Lepin-speak :)"

So far all the sets and boxes I’ve seen say The Razor Crest on them (here in US anyway). Does anyone know if they produced or are producing sets with the other name?

Excellent review, thanks!

By in Netherlands,

Thanks for this excellent review!
Guess I'll be getting this set anyway, at some point.
I actually cancelled my pre-order in june or something, 'cause I lost excitement over it, especially seeing a leaked picture of a bad quality Child...
I figured it was only a single example and not all would turn out like that, but still.
Glad to see I was right in the end as the one in this review looks excellent!


By in United States,

Excellent looking set! Can we safely label that scout trooper as "The Guy Who Punched Baby Yoda?" No seriously, the guy who played that scout trooper changed his Twitter username to just that. But that's beside the point. This is a solid-looking set! (As in, it looks cool, before anyone accuses me of not reading the review.) Not sure if I'd buy it, but I definitely wouldn't say no to it!

By in United States,

Thanks for the amazing and detailed review! I was going to pick it up no matter what, but now I know more of what to expect.

By in United States,

I can't wait to get this set. Looks remarkable. My one peeve is the use of the barrel pieces as thruster nozzles. I really wish they would design a mold that removes the barrel hoop. Every time they use that piece in such a manner I think to myself "well, that's a barrel". Minor B&M and I concede it is not unique to this set. Anyway, great set and I'm really looking forward to building it.

By in United Kingdom,

Oh, darn these good reviews and the temptation they instill.

So much money, but... razorcrest RazorCrest RAZORCREST!

Maybe I'll see how much of it I can build from spare parts, and just pose a few Jawas around it until I can afford the complete set.

By in Canada,

I wish I could get my hands on one of these.

By in United Kingdom,

@JRBricks said:
" @Veyniac said:
"What we really want to know is if your copy actually said "The Razor Crest" on the box, and not some Lepin-speak :)"

So far all the sets and boxes I’ve seen say The Razor Crest on them (here in US anyway). Does anyone know if they produced or are producing sets with the other name?

Excellent review, thanks!"

Got it with 'Razor Crest' on the box in Europe today!

By in United States,

Awesome!!! Loving this!

By in United States,

I just have to say, Scout Trooper helmets are probably my single favorite from all of Star Wars, and seeing these new(ish) molds really makes me happy. If only they hadn't ruined the Stormtrooper helmets...

Anyway, thanks for the review, Captain!

By in United States,

I am probably in the minority, but after being excited for months about picking this up, I watched the YouTube reviews to see what the set actually looks like in person and I’m not as impressed with this set as I once was. It’s obvious that Lego didn’t get a full sense of the vessel before making it. There’s so much empty space in the cargo hold and I think there’s a lot of room for improvement in the design of the front of the ship and the cargo hold. I am left wondering whether I should pick this version up or wait a few years when they design an even better version of the Razorcrest based on more source material. Maybe I’ll pick it up at a discount, but I’m no longer so eager to get this model.

Now, gimme that Moff Gideon Tie Fighter with Baby Yoda and a Beskar Mando!

By in United Kingdom,

Thank you for review and the comparison against the Slave, as good to see the relative sizes. The cockpit, engines and front guns seem faithful to the original. To your comment, they could have used brown seats rather than red, but glad there is space for two mini-figs, but wondering if a third could squeeze in if you removed the gun?

I would have preferred some passenger seating with a table for a recreational area at the front of the hold. The bed taken up half the width seems a bit strange and asks the question what to do with the other half. The remaining bay area seems relatively open which is great for transport, but 4 vertical beams would look more pleasing to the eye than those strange I beams, but maybe there's a structural reason.

On the 75292 page you may want to change the date available at from the current 21 Feb 20?

By in United States,

My Razor Crest just arrived in the mail!

I'll be building it this weekend.

By in Netherlands,

Received mine yesterday ( sept. 1st ) . Much bigger then expected. A bit hollow, but still very goodlooking!

By in United Kingdom,

It’s purely a personal preference, but the use of “big bits” to form the majority of the engines seems wrong. In particular the large cylinders are totally reliant on the stickers to give them any detail or character, an issue than printing the parts wouldn’t solve.

I much prefer the very front of the engines where numerous smaller parts arranged in a circle naturally give a higher level of detailing.

Originally I though the dark blue grey ring towards the front was formed from 2x2 curved slopes in a circle, but upon closer inspection its again another large piece. I appreciate that the techniques I desire are more usually UCS territory but it would be nice to see more creativity in £120 models.

By in Denmark,

Hey Cap ... thanks for the review .. and kind words .... means a lot to me :)

"However, gripping this craft for flight is somewhat challenging because the fuselage is relatively wide and applying too much pressure on certain panels may cause them to break."

I know it sounds crazy, but try to lift it by the tail ...... I know that the tail seems really frail compared to the size of the fuselage .. but I took great care in making it pretty sturdy .. so give it a try :)

By in United States,

I’m going to buy this, but I need to save up money first/wait for it to be in stock to purchase

By in Finland,

@freelancerirish said:
"There’s so much empty space in the cargo hold"
Isn't that kind of a good thing tho...

By in United Kingdom,

It doesn’t look very good to me in the photos. I think the design could be better.

Love the source material. Mandalorian is the best Star Wars thing since the original trilogy in my opinion. When I watched the Razor Crest touching down or lifting off, or the Mandalorian assault on the sandcrawler, or IG11 in killing mode, I was taken back to everything that is fantastic about Star Wars. Think the Razor Crest is the best Star Wars vehicle since the original trilogy as well, and it is ripe for UCS treatment to sit alongside the Slave 1

By in United States,

@Tynansd said:
"It doesn’t look very good to me in the photos. I think the design could be better.

Love the source material. Mandalorian is the best Star Wars thing since the original trilogy in my opinion. When I watched the Razor Crest touching down or lifting off, or the Mandalorian assault on the sandcrawler, or IG88 in killing mode, I was taken back to everything that is fantastic about Star Wars. Think the Razor Crest is the best Star Wars vehicle since the original trilogy as well, and it is ripe for UCS treatment to sit alongside the Slave 1"

You mean IG-11, not IG-88, right?

By in Venezuela,

I LOVE it, great review

By in Australia,

I know I won’t be the only one, but This is the Way!

I have spoken.

By in Norway,

I'm glad they put the cool armor in a set people want, and not just the AT-ST Raider from last year. We can have the drab beskar armor next year.

By in Puerto Rico,

"Do the hand magic."- among the best lines in SW. Definetly can't wait to get it.

By in Netherlands,

"Although the carbonite blocks have not become dislodged during flight in my experience."

That's a really eloquent way of saying you swooshed around the Lego set. Glad I'm not the only one at this age :)

By in Serbia,

On the sleeping quarters - I’m fairly sure those were shown in the show, weren’t they? Pretty sure that’s where the little fella hides away in ep. 5/6.

I was quite surprised to learn that the technique by which the canopy is attached is legal (clips + “female” hinge parts)!

My unfortunate experience with it, however, is that the canopy, which comes packaged without a bag, came out of the box all scratched up by what I assume were large parts in some of the bags. I’ve already requested a replacement brick, but this feels like something they could have predicted and prevented. I get the feeling I won’t be the only one with this issue.

By in United Kingdom,

@KrokoHunter said:
"Hey Cap ... thanks for the review .. and kind words .... means a lot to me :)

"However, gripping this craft for flight is somewhat challenging because the fuselage is relatively wide and applying too much pressure on certain panels may cause them to break."

I know it sounds crazy, but try to lift it by the tail ...... I know that the tail seems really frail compared to the size of the fuselage .. but I took great care in making it pretty sturdy .. so give it a try :)"

Thank you for the comment. I have tried gripping the model from the very back and you are absolutely right. Somehow, holding it so far behind the centre of gravity feels wrong but it is definitely strong enough.

By in United Kingdom,

@StarWarzFan7777 said:
""Although the carbonite blocks have not become dislodged during flight in my experience."

That's a really eloquent way of saying you swooshed around the Lego set. Glad I'm not the only one at this age :)"

Sometimes you just have to swoosh a model around and perhaps make a little engine noise!

By in United Kingdom,

It looks pretty good overall, exterior-wise let down by tiny skids for landing gear. Something extending outward would have been more accurate and aesthetically pleasing. It'll be interesting to see what the Razor Crest MOC'ers do with that canopy element.

By in United Kingdom,

Another lump of grey plastic! It’ll appeal to the fellas then. The child figure is adorable though.

By in Slovenia,

@Henry_D said:
"Really late with this one. Baby yoda hype is gone, since the ship itself is quite plane , interior=sticker and random techniq parts , its an easy miss."

Or to soon? Mandalorian season 2 is not far away. So it is just in time for the second wave of baby yoda hype.

By in United Kingdom,

Looks like IG-11 has little white eyes, a nose and a smile on that print!

By in Belgium,

In my opinion it looks good but also rather boring and grey. Also the fact stickers are used for the only detailing is unacceptable.
The figures are nice, but the mandalorian should be all shiny with beskar.

If you watch the show, and hold the model next to it, the show shows a beautiful razor crest space ship, and this model a boring grey copy of it.

Also, again it's overpriced, it's still a toy!
Sometimes Lego forgets they are a toy company and should stimulate kids and adults to play and have fun, for a reasonable price.

By in United Kingdom,

@ambr said:
"On the 75292 page you may want to change the date available at from the current 21 Feb 20? "

Unlike most Lego sets which you can’t order until release date this was made available for pre-order on the Lego site on 21st Feb 2020 so the date is technically correct.

By in United Kingdom,

@sirventricle said:
" @JRBricks said:
" @Veyniac said:
"What we really want to know is if your copy actually said "The Razor Crest" on the box, and not some Lepin-speak :)"

So far all the sets and boxes I’ve seen say The Razor Crest on them (here in US anyway). Does anyone know if they produced or are producing sets with the other name?

Excellent review, thanks!"

Got it with 'Razor Crest' on the box in Europe today!"

Good to know. It would have been nice to see this mentioned in the review.

By in Australia,

Nothing wrong with reusing the mando from the AT-ST, gives people a chance to get the figure again. There’ll be plenty of opportunities for the beskar armour variant in the future.

By in United Kingdom,

I feel I’m in the minority but I kind of prefer them giving us the raggedy look our Mando has the first few episodes. It’s more visually interesting on a minifig than his more Common Beskar look, which I’d imagine you could replicate fairly well by just putting his helmet from here on Captain Phasma’s body

By in United Kingdom,

Got mine, looks good now seeing real pics of it, shame stickers again, but glad i got this now and mine says Razor crest on box in UK.

By in Switzerland,

@Brickalili said:
"I feel I’m in the minority but I kind of prefer them giving us the raggedy look our Mando has the first few episodes. It’s more visually interesting on a minifig than his more Common Beskar look, which I’d imagine you could replicate fairly well by just putting his helmet from here on Captain Phasma’s body"

Totally agree on this, full shiny mando looks cool on TV but not that interesting in LEGO form. Even his helmet looks weirdly un-detailed like this.

Speaking of which, the thing I don't understand is, why isn't LEGO starting to double-mold Mando helmets. IF anything, these are crying out for some depth in their visors, and if the second season goes well, I'd imagine they can get their money's worth from the investment...

But definitely will get this set, the only SW set I am really excited about this year so far. Gotta get the little green bastard :D

By in United States,

Love the show and want the figs but this just does not look like a good representation of the ship to me. Major engine details are replaced with giant stickers and the details that are there, like the front of the ship and the front of the engines, are not accurate to the actual craft.

Luckily there's no shortage of other expensive sets to struggle to choose between.

By in United States,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @StarWarzFan7777 said:
""Although the carbonite blocks have not become dislodged during flight in my experience."

That's a really eloquent way of saying you swooshed around the Lego set. Glad I'm not the only one at this age :)"

Sometimes you just have to swoosh a model around and perhaps make a little engine noise!"

I hope there was an appropriate amount of "pew pew"ing as well.

By in France,

I generally hate Star Wars sets because they are so gray and so blah and so the same but I really think I’m gonna have to get this one because The Child is too cute! Who doesn’t love baby Yoda?

By in United States,

It's been awhile since I was on here, but I had to come read this review. I've been wanting to see a good up close look at this set. A new version of the Mando would definitely have been nice but overall it seems like a solid set. And it has Baby Yoda too!!

By in France,

Reading the review I was not sure whether you were going to be pretty satisfied by the set.
Anyway, it has turned out that you're pleased with the spaceship design.
I have the same feeling as you that's why I've bought 2 sets: one for my son and one for me! :-)

By in Belgium,

@CapnRex101 said:
"Sometimes you just have to swoosh a model around and perhaps make a little engine noise!"

Well, you have to be thorough in your review, after all. How else could you tell if the ship flys properly ? :)

By in France,

So, after 6 months worth the wait, I have received mine today. Glad to see that it is exactly the one I had preordered : 75292 The Razor Crest. Quite a big box which feels heavy and 90 % filled. Right for the weekend, perfect, thank you Lego !

By in United Kingdom,

I got mine yesterday. Finished building it today. Pretty satisified but I'm going to modify it quite a bit. I've already tried to strip out as much from the cockpit as possible to make more space for controls and things. I want to have a seat off to one side behind the pilot seat for Baby Yodes. Gotta have the little silver ball too! I also added a ladder and weapons rack in the cargo area.

I'm not very happy with the fronts of the engines. They should be more smooth and rounded. I'm going to order some of those new 3x3 curvy things (65617) from Poe's X-wing to stick on the front instead. Landing gear needs some work too but I'm not sure how to do it without getting in the way of the side panels folding down.

By in Canada,

Just got mine delivered today and the kids and I can’t wait. This review just wanted me to do it more. :)

By in United States,

Great review, as always. I just finished building mine, yesterday, and I love it! Really great design which combines a sturdy structure and easy of play inside. Also, the details are very faithful to the series.

Two gripes: the static landing gear, and the lack of Kuill minifigure. With all the detail on this set, I'm surprised the designer didn't put more thought into the landing gear.

And the lack of Kuill leaves me hoping for another cool set that'll include him.

By in Sweden,

I'm surprised no one has commented on the fact that The Child is sand green, unlike Yoda who is olive green.

Great set overall, if there's one thing I would add it'd be some kind of ladder between the cockpit and the rest of the interior, a very simple modification.

I don't like the graphic style of the carbonite stickers though, I think they look more like animated minifigs than real ones.

By in France,

Just received 2 Razor Crests (named alike on the boxes)!
I still have to wait till my son's birthday in October to build with him the 2 ships. ;-)

By in Canada,

I purchased mine today at a LEGO store here in Toronto. Now I’m just waiting for the missus to head off to bed so I can sneak it into the house. (I had no intention of buying it today, but there it was, and there I was...)
I think it’s beautiful, and cannot wait to crack the box. But I have one issue - BS lists it as having only 2 mini figures. So it begs the question: which 2 are counted, and which 3 are overlooked? (Yeah, I know. Stupid question. Poor IG-11, all that work and no hype and no credit).
But seriously BS, can you fix this oversight please?

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