Review: 75281 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor

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Revenge of the Sith introduced Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors. These vessels have appeared on several occasions and Anakin's vehicle is the most prevalent onscreen design, flying through the pivotal Battle of Coruscant and the Battle of Cato Neimoidia.

75281 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor shares multiple design features with previous models and seems particularly reminiscent of the version from 2014. These minifigures appear equally familiar, although modern elements introduced since the last model became available have enabled the designer to incorporate some refinements.


This version of Anakin Skywalker combines elements from existing minifigures, featuring a golden headset that was created for 75214 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter. I like this double-sided head, displaying a confident smile on one side and a determined grimace on the other. This reddish brown hair piece is reasonable too, although I think Lloyd's hair component from the NINJAGO range might look even better.

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While the head returns from an appropriate source, this torso originates with 75269 Duel on Mustafar and accordingly includes environmental damage. An alternative torso without battle wear should have been designed. However, I feel less strongly about this example than Obi-Wan Kenobi in 75286 General Grievous's Starfighter since the damage on Anakin's torso is subtler. A blue lightsaber is supplied with the Jedi Knight, as usual.

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R2-D2 accompanies Anakin during combat, fitting into the Astromech Droid slot on his fighter. This figure was updated at the start of 2020 and now features enlarged logic function displays and improved detail around the holoprojector. The dark blue panels look splendid but the droid lacks printing on the reverse of his cylindrical body which is disappointing.

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The Completed Model

LEGO produced the first Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor during 2005, introducing some unique components which recreate the distinctive cockpit shape and radiator panels. Each subsequent rendition of the vehicle has featured the same elements and the 2020 example continues that tradition. This model measures 18cm in length so appears quite large beside minifigures, although the detail and accuracy is outstanding.

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Three different models of Anakin's yellow Jedi Interceptor have been produced and 75281 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor appears notably similar to 75038 Jedi Interceptor from 2014. Both vessels are identical in size and their colour scheme remains consistent, differing from 7256 Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid which featured dark bluish grey highlights.

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However, some minor updates have been implemented, most importantly around the wings where the ion cannons appear more authentic. Additionally, the combination of tiled surfaces and studs looks neater here, especially towards the front of each wing where dark bluish grey trapezoidal sections are situated beside the laser cannons. They were represented by stickers during 2005 but this brick-built design looks excellent.

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The shaping towards the rear of each wing has been improved too, incorporating some 2x3 pentagonal tiles that were introduced with NEXO Knights. These tiles are decorated with the Open Circle Fleet emblem and another sticker forms the Republic symbol near the Astromech Droid socket. This is somewhat disappointing because the 2014 model includes a printed piece, although the droid socket has been integrated nicely.

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Deploying the radiator panels reveals four stickers underneath, featuring realistic texture. The dark bluish grey wing sections are similarly authentic and I like the yellow 1x2 grille tiles which are situated behind the folding panels as the onscreen vessel features identical markings. The laser cannons are accurate too, extending marginally beyond the wings and thereby improving upon the previous design.

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Dedicated landing gear has been excluded, although this model rests securely on the droid socket and the underside of the cockpit when its radiator panels are retracted. Nevertheless, clips are included for attaching Anakin's lightsaber and the spring-loaded shooters are neatly positioned beneath the cockpit, nestling beside the twin engines.

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Each minifigure-scale version of the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor has included the same canopy element. Their printing has varied though and the newest design includes slightly less detail than its immediate predecessor as highlights towards the front of the canopy are absent. Even so, this design looks reasonable and the colour matching with light bluish grey elements has exceeded my expectations, despite not being absolutely perfect.

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One sticker is applied inside the cockpit, taking inspiration from the onscreen controls and displaying the missiles which pursue the Jedi during Revenge of the Sith. Such attention to subtle detail is definitely appreciated, although the arrangement of the console is inaccurate. Furthermore, the minifigure must lean back quite significantly to sit inside the cockpit which is frustrating because that issue has not affected earlier sets.

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75281 Anakin's Jedi Interceptor does improve upon its predecessors in certain regards, most notably across the wings which appear exceptionally accurate. However, these alterations are comparatively insignificant and I think the cockpit has worsened since 2014, particularly inside where space is extremely limited and the minifigure cannot sit up properly.

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The minifigure selection is equally disappointing. Anakin Skywalker should have included an updated torso and I think an added Buzz Droid would have enhanced the play value. Despite these criticisms, I remain fairly satisfied with the model and would recommend it to those who missed the 2014 set, albeit only following a discount because the price of £24.99 or $29.99 is fairly expensive.

This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review represents an expression of my own opinions.

50 comments on this article

By in United States,

This is where the fun begins!

By in Netherlands,

Wait, what? A sticker for a 1x1 tile? That's new to me. I know some old Racers sets had them on cheese slopes, but that was a long time ago (and cheese slopes have a slightly bigger surface for a sticker). And the sticker isn't even cut properly. Disappointing.

By in United States,

Make a UCS of this set, or stop making the same set over and over. Kinda of like Poe X-wing, one in Blue and one in Orange and Black, your got me on that one, Not again.

By in United States,

I'm amused that the' 05 model is the only one with landing gear; probably also why I've never decided to upgrade in '14 or this model. I will admit some of the shaping is better though, but the cockpit is a step backward.

By in United States,

So the ship is visually similar to the old one and doesn't include anything unique really in terms of minifigures and is $10 more? Easy pass.

By in United States,

Subtle but real improvements on the wings, shame about the new cockpit seating arrangement. Hope it won't be too hard to fix.

By in United Kingdom,

Year 2022 we get another Anakin Jedi interceptor >.< really lego u only just had one a few years back 2014?

By in United States,

Personally I prefer the 2014 one better, particularly the cockpit area.

30 bucks seems pretty expensive in my opinion for this.

By in Netherlands,

Only 30? I half expected it to be 50 bucks.

By in United Kingdom,

@Mechahamster said:
"Only 30? I half expected it to be 50 bucks."

Star Wars is an expensive licensed theme, but not THAT expensive.

I bought 75135 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Interceptor in 2016 and it was £19.99 or $24.99 or €29.99 and I thought that was pricey for its value. This is a bit over the top but not as bad as the new AAT or General Greivous’ star fighter. I will pass though. Personally, I think that I would’ve enjoyed a green one more...

By in Brazil,

Just wait for the 2023/24 version with 10 more pieces, the same two minifigures, less detailing and costing $45.

By in Hungary,

Wish one side of the head was printed without the comm. headband.

By in United Kingdom,

Seems pretty much identical to the 2014 version, which was a good starter set for a younger generation new to Star Wars. Although, the 2005 set was not as refined, there were more possibilities for alternative designs with the inclusion of the pieces from the Vulture droid.

By in United States,

This is hearsay, I know, but the burn marks can be erased to make the torso clean very easily if you want to do so.

By in Germany,

The minifigure selection of these Jedi Interceptor sets is always so disappointing... One good minifigure in addition to the pilot and astromech would be enough to make me buy the set. A Neimoidian bridge crew member, or a separatist leader, or one of the many Jedi council members that haven't been made yet... There are so many possibilites!

By in United States,

So... It's the same as the 2014 one (which I have) in most regards, and in a few spots is actually worse.

Remind me why I should buy this again?

By in United Kingdom,

"Fairly satisfied"? This costs 20% more than it's predecessor, and is inferior to it in every way, up to and including the minifigure 'selection'. Like the Grievous Star fighter.

Brickset's reviews are always great, and always informative, but - like many Lego fans, YouTubers & social media people - you always err on the side of extreme caution and neutrality, even when Lego drops the ball (the 2020 Star Wars output is a case in point). Your own review provides elegant testimony to that effect, so concluding that you are 'fairly satisfied' just seems odd.

By in United Kingdom,

I really like when you show photos of these vehicles in comparison with their previous versions :D Could this become a standard feature of reviews? It makes it a lot easier to appreciate the similarities and differences between sets based on the same source material ^^

By in United Kingdom,

Cap'n, would you mind posting that perfectly levelly-printed R2 head to Jang?

After all this time, he deserves one.

By in United States,

I can't believe there's only 3 versions of this fighter since 2005...why does it seem like there's been so many more?

If LEGO fans didn't care so much about collecting the 1000th different version of Anakin, Luke, Vader, Stormtrooper, etc., then LEGO could just keep producing the same set for years to keep the "core" designs on the market for all the newcomers to the hobby, while concentrating their design resources on making something truly new and different. For instance, there was no need to retire the robust-selling 10188 Death Star except that the figure designs were a few years old; who cares? But no, TLG listens to the fans who say "we need new minifigs please" and keep popping out updated copies. I hope for TLG's sake that the market is solid with the kids, newcomers, and hard-core collectors, because AFOL's like me aren't going to purchase these remakes anymore.

By in Puerto Rico,

This is an awesome ship that had it come with a more accurate Anakin and a third figure (501st mechanic) wpuld have made a great combination to my 4 501st packs and the AAT....

By in United States,

The reused Mustafar minifigs is pretty unacceptable. Definitely worse for Obi-wan, but still not good here.

By in United Kingdom,

@ML said:
"Make a UCS of this set, or stop making the same set over and over. Kinda of like Poe X-wing, one in Blue and one in Orange and Black, your got me on that one, Not again."

The point isn't to buy every iteration of the set, though. It's to allow kids who weren't around (or suited for) the earlier release to get a toy they like. It's not always about the older fans.

By in Germany,

So they've got the biggest, roomiest starfighter cockpit element to work with... and the pilot has to lie down to fit?

That's just bad, man. No excuse.

By in United States,

@IanGoodchild said:
""Fairly satisfied"? This costs 20% more than it's predecessor, and is inferior to it in every way, up to and including the minifigure 'selection'. Like the Grievous Star fighter.

Brickset's reviews are always great, and always informative, but - like many Lego fans, YouTubers & social media people - you always err on the side of extreme caution and neutrality, even when Lego drops the ball (the 2020 Star Wars output is a case in point). Your own review provides elegant testimony to that effect, so concluding that you are 'fairly satisfied' just seems odd. "

Gotta say I prefer coming from a place of neutrality. It makes for a better review when the reviewer can talk about positives and negatives without completely kissing up or going super negative. Laying out the facts. I've not yet seen a review that doesn't point out negative aspects when they're there, these things aren't getting ignored. I totally get it if people have strong feelings about stuff (the Grievous set is highway robbery), but I would much rather have reviews err on the side of informational rather than stoop to becoming call-out posts

By in United Kingdom,

Lazy repro

By in Brazil,

@oldfan said:
"I can't believe there's only 3 versions of this fighter since 2005...why does it seem like there's been so many more?

If LEGO fans didn't care so much about collecting the 1000th different version of Anakin, Luke, Vader, Stormtrooper, etc., then LEGO could just keep producing the same set for years to keep the "core" designs on the market for all the newcomers to the hobby, while concentrating their design resources on making something truly new and different. For instance, there was no need to retire the robust-selling 10188 Death Star except that the figure designs were a few years old; who cares? But no, TLG listens to the fans who say "we need new minifigs please" and keep popping out updated copies. I hope for TLG's sake that the market is solid with the kids, newcomers, and hard-core collectors, because AFOL's like me aren't going to purchase these remakes anymore."

Versions of other characters

2005 - 7256 (Anakin, yellow) and 7283 (Anakin, yellow and Obi-Wan, red)
2007 - 7661 (Obi-Wan, blue)
2012 - 9494 (Anakin, green)
2014 - 75038 (Anakin, yellow)
2016 - 75135 (Obi-Wan, red)
2017 - 75168 (Yoda, green)
2020 - 75281 (Anakin, yellow)

There's also three microscale versions and one keychain (all of Anakin)

By in United Kingdom,

God you're a miserable bunch.

I think it looks fine and with the inevitable 20% discount on Amazon I'll be picking this one up. I have the Obi-Wan fighter but I'd like the pair.

And to all you prophets who somehow speak for all adult Lego fans about how none of us want this, you sure don't speak for me.

Thanks for another thorough review Captain!

By in Netherlands,

@SeekerBear said:
"So... It's the same as the 2014 one (which I have) in most regards, and in a few spots is actually worse.

Remind me why I should buy this again?"

Not everyone collected all Star Wars sets each and every year, 6 year gap is fair imo, for a small set, AFOL are usually not the main target.

Same thing happens with Luke Landspeeders.

By in United Kingdom,

@IanGoodchild said:
""Fairly satisfied"? This costs 20% more than it's predecessor, and is inferior to it in every way, up to and including the minifigure 'selection'. Like the Grievous Star fighter.

Brickset's reviews are always great, and always informative, but - like many Lego fans, YouTubers & social media people - you always err on the side of extreme caution and neutrality, even when Lego drops the ball (the 2020 Star Wars output is a case in point). Your own review provides elegant testimony to that effect, so concluding that you are 'fairly satisfied' just seems odd. "

This is an impressive model, albeit an imperfect one. The cockpit issue is disappointing but does not spoil the entire set, hence my conclusion.

Unfortunately, there are too many reviews out there which seem desperate to heap scorn upon every product. Problems should undoubtedly be acknowledged but so most positive qualities. However, I will acknowledge that criticisms are enjoyable to read and to write, as described in Ratatouille!

By in United States,

I wish they would make a new Obi-Wan blue interceptor with a hyperdrive ring. There hasn’t been one of those since 2005. Would probably sell a lot better than the same two interceptors year after year

By in United States,

I think people might be misinterpreting what "satisfied" means. It doens't necessarily mean happy, it's closer to "it's fine." Anyway, I appreciate the positivity maintained on this site. Thanks for the review!

I'll be passing--I'm fine with my '05 version of this ship and even prefer having the landing gear, Vulture, and just the droid head (which I note is missing in your picture!) over the full droid with that clunky socket sticking out under the wing. And you're absolutely right, a Buzz droid would have been an excellent addtion.

^ now -that- ship -is- one of my favorites. I don't know why that simple little pie-slice design does it so well for me, but I love it. 7143 is still one of my favorite SW sets.

By in Australia,

Glad that people have another chance to get this ship but this is an easy pass. If Anakin cannot sit up in the cockpit then this is easily worse than its predecessor. Rereleases should improve on models, not make them worse. If LEGO is going to insist on giving us interceptors then they should at least try and shake up the colour schemes a little. I understand them wanting to have sets with the main characters rather than background Jedi kids don’t recognise, but Anakin’s interceptor from The Clone Wars has a much more interesting pattern and would’ve been different enough for AFOLs to want to buy the same ship again. An updated version of Obi-Wan’s blue interceptor would also be welcome since the last one was 2007.

By in United States,

I have 2005's 7256 set and that's where I'm staying for now. It had about 50 fewer pieces but it also created an enemy droid ship while being $10 less. This version has some upgrades in the wing design but is a pass for me, a lifelong Star Wars fan. The front of this R2 is great but also isn't enough of a draw since he will be in another set sooner or later.

By in United States,

Has a reason for R2-D2's single-sided 'torso' printing ever been given? If not, could you ask that as one of your questions during the next fan media days event or whenever you next get to interview someone from the Star Wars design team?

By in Canada,

@Mister_Jonny said:
" @ML said:
"Make a UCS of this set, or stop making the same set over and over. Kinda of like Poe X-wing, one in Blue and one in Orange and Black, your got me on that one, Not again."

The point isn't to buy every iteration of the set, though. It's to allow kids who weren't around (or suited for) the earlier release to get a toy they like. It's not always about the older fans."

Or older fans like me, who still don't have this ship and would rather buy this one then spend more to get the 2014 second hand

By in United Kingdom,

Yeah, it's a hero ship and 2014 is far enough in the past now that it feels okay for them to be putting out a new version of the thing. It's not taking up a premium price point either, so it doesn't feel the same as getting another X-wing variant at a considerable price point (and hence potential, given the budget).

Do I need it? No. I'm fairly neutral on the ship design to begin with, and it's an absolutely adequate rendition of the thing. There's certainly an argument that Lego should make sure to sweeten the pot on 'routine' sets like this, like perhaps putting that coveted new Ahsoka figure or even another one of her troopers in with Anakin. But then if you're buying sets purely based on minifigures, that can leave a bad residual taste in your mouth when you sit back and look at how much you actually wanted from your purchase.

I dunno, there's no obvious answer here. Putting out remakes of iconic vehicles regularly is what they should be doing, since there's always improvements to be made, and buyers who missed the last model when it was on the shelves. But it is nice if each remake can also offer something to the audience who did get the last model, so there's not this same resentment over wasted slots.

By in United Kingdom,

I'm glad you pointed out the problems with the cockpit. The 2014 one's cockpit was far superior as the pilot could sit up straight, the controls were better and the was space to store a lightsaber.

I still prefer that one to this, despite the minor external improvements.

By in United Kingdom,

@SeekerBear said:
"So... It's the same as the 2014 one (which I have) in most regards, and in a few spots is actually worse.

Remind me why I should buy this again?"

Because kids who are into Star Wars now may have been too young when the 2014 version was available.

Remember who the target market is.

By in United States,

@TeriXeri said:
" @SeekerBear said:
"So... It's the same as the 2014 one (which I have) in most regards, and in a few spots is actually worse.

Remind me why I should buy this again?"

Not everyone collected all Star Wars sets each and every year, 6 year gap is fair imo, for a small set, AFOL are usually not the main target.

Same thing happens with Luke Landspeeders."

Fair enough

By in Australia,

@Rob42 said:
"So they've got the biggest, roomiest starfighter cockpit element to work with... and the pilot has to lie down to fit?

That's just bad, man. No excuse. "

The underside of the cockpit has been improved in terms of aesthetics and strength compared to the last Eta 2. The trade seems to be that the pilot sits higher but it can be easily fixed by replacing the 4x8 plate to allow a gap for the minifig to sit lower.

It was a Delta 7 on Cato Neimoidia, not an ETA 2.

By in United States,

Wish we could get some CW versions especially with the new season.

By in United Kingdom,

@paul11283652 said:
"It was a Delta 7 on Cato Neimoidia, not an ETA 2."
I thought so too!

...but then I was ashamed of myself because I've watched The Clone Wars through at least three times and had to look up that Anakin (and Ahsoka) did indeed fly the Eta-2 at Cato Neimoidia.

Plo Koon made the planet memorable though... :-/

By in Finland,

@TheLegoFan said:
"Year 2022 we get another Anakin Jedi interceptor >.< really lego u only just had one a few years back 2014? "

That was 6 years ago, and there are kids who weren't even born then, but will get this

By in United States,

@Slobrojoe said:
" @Mechahamster said:
"Only 30? I half expected it to be 50 bucks."

Star Wars is an expensive licensed theme, but not THAT expensive.

I bought 75135 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Interceptor in 2016 and it was £19.99 or $24.99 or €29.99 and I thought that was pricey for its value. This is a bit over the top but not as bad as the new AAT or General Greivous’ star fighter. I will pass though. Personally, I think that I would’ve enjoyed a green one more..."

I think Obi-Wan's blue one is also due for a revamp... if only so we could get an updated body print for that cool copper-bronze colored droid Obi-Wan used with that ship (R4-G9). I feel like the last green one for Anakin wasn't that long ago and I can wait a while before they try a green one again.

By in Australia,

@bananaworld said:
@paul11283652 said:
"It was a Delta 7 on Cato Neimoidia, not an ETA 2."
I thought so too!

...but then I was ashamed of myself because I've watched The Clone Wars through at least three times and had to look up that Anakin (and Ahsoka) did indeed fly the Eta-2 at Cato Neimoidia.

Plo Koon made the planet memorable though... :-/"

I realised I misread CapnRex101. I thought he was referring to appearances of the Eta 2 in Revenge of the Sith. I had forgot about Anakin on Cato Neimoidia.

By in United States,

Great review, thanks!

I’m all for re-issues for the positive reasons listed above, but what gets me is the fact that Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter (75214) (which is an amazing deal IMO) is still on the retail market. Here you have another yellow-and-gray starship, with the same characters, and basically the same number of parts, but for $10 less!!! For the average buyer or gift-shopper, which would you prefer? I just think that, purely in terms of marketing, LEGO (or Disney/Lucas?) might have done better to wait a year for this one, and use the slot for something different.

By in Netherlands,

@unslipped said:
"Great review, thanks!

I’m all for re-issues for the positive reasons listed above, but what gets me is the fact that Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter (75214) (which is an amazing deal IMO) is still on the retail market.


In Europe that 75214 set did retire in May from and pretty much all normal online retailers, even at bricklink, the cheapest within the EU is $38 not including shipping.

Not that I want that set (it was ridiculously overpriced here anyway at €35 retail price compared to $19,99) but region certainly matters.

By in United Kingdom,

@xboxtravis7992 said:
" @Slobrojoe said:
" @Mechahamster said:
"Only 30? I half expected it to be 50 bucks."

Star Wars is an expensive licensed theme, but not THAT expensive.

I bought 75135 Obi-Wan’s Jedi Interceptor in 2016 and it was £19.99 or $24.99 or €29.99 and I thought that was pricey for its value. This is a bit over the top but not as bad as the new AAT or General Greivous’ star fighter. I will pass though. Personally, I think that I would’ve enjoyed a green one more..."

I think Obi-Wan's blue one is also due for a revamp... if only so we could get an updated body print for that cool copper-bronze colored droid Obi-Wan used with that ship (R4-G9). I feel like the last green one for Anakin wasn't that long ago and I can wait a while before they try a green one again. "

Fair point. Each one has only been produced once, blue in 2007 and green in 2012. Maybe blue would have been better.

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