Review: 75278 D-O

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Brand new droids have been introduced during each Star Wars movie and D-O is the latest such character. This anxious droid appears especially suitable for LEGO, given his basic design, so the announcement of 75278 D-O during New York Toy Fair was unsurprising.

The assembly of D-O's unusual uni-tread wheel has elicited considerable attention and definitely does not disappoint, effectively integrating pneumatic hoses. However, the price of £64.99 or $69.99 has also been subject to discussion because this compares rather unfavourably with other recent models, including 75255 Yoda.


75249 Resistance Y-wing Starfighter and 75257 Millennium Falcon both include the distinctive D-O figure and this unique element returns here. The shaping of his head and uni-tread wheel both seem reasonably accurate when compared with the movie and I appreciate the integration of a stud, offering additional building possibilities. Moreover, the printed decoration looks perfect.

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The Completed Model

Information plaques have accompanied various large-scale characters recently and 75278 D-O continues this tradition. I like how the miniature D-O figure is displayed and the plaque matches those found in Ultimate Collector Series sets which is superb. Unfortunately, a sticker is needed here and the size displayed is incorrect as D-O measures 46cm in height onscreen, rather than 30cm.

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Nevertheless, I think this model looks wonderful when assembled. The conical head has been replicated beautifully and the mechanical detail across the exterior distinguishes this droid from either 10225 R2-D2 or 75187 BB-8. Furthermore, the exposed cables create the appearance of wear which is very important when comparing this droid with its source material.

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D-O develops an unusual relationship with BB-8 during Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker but this model has not been produced in scale with 75187 BB-8, measuring 25cm in height. His size was presumably determined by the 8x4x6 half cones which comprise the head and I think that was sensible, although constructing the droid at life-size would also have been interesting.

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However, this scale is undoubtedly sufficient to include wonderful detail. Technic components ensure that the model remains absolutely stable, linking D-O with a desert base. This appears appropriate for the environment on Pasaana but can easily be adapted to represent alternative surfaces if you prefer, simply by replacing the plates and slopes around the Technic core.

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Fascinating construction techniques have appeared in each large-scale character models and this example is particularly remarkable! Two flexible tubes link 26 individual wheel segments, faithfully recreating D-O's round uni-tread wheel. Assembling this wheel is somewhat tedious and the sections require some adjustment to form a circular shape but the result looks brilliant.

Fortunately, the colourful elements which are visible above are completely concealed by large discs on either side, as demonstrated below. They feature cooling vents and tan 1x2 grille tiles are placed among the white pieces, representing debris which has accumulated while D-O was inactive on Pasaana.

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Another pneumatic hose is connected on the opposite side, depicting a powerbus cable which appears on the original character. This looks marvellous and does not restrict movement since turning the lower articulation joint will cause D-O's neck structure to pivot. Furthermore, turning the upper joint rotates the head which is excellent. The uni-tread wheel cannot turn but stability is more important.

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Four cone elements comprise D-O's head, faithfully replicating its original shape. The smaller 2x4x3 half cones have not been available in green before while the uppermost larger cone is decorated with three black stripes, representing photoreceptors. These appear authentic and the acoustic signaller on the front of the head is also printed which was a pleasant surprise.

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Intricate mechanical detail appears on the reverse. Its design is comparatively simple but the result looks superb in my opinion, especially when the transmitter arrays are suitably angled. Unfortunately, several Technic pieces are required to connect D-O's neck with the head and these seem out of place, although there is little potential for improvement because the 8x4x6 half cones lack alternative attachment points.

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75278 D-O has exceeded my expectations. Despite its geometric outward appearance, this creation integrates some ingenious construction techniques and differs dramatically from any previous Star Wars models. The functions are simple but work perfectly and I like the intricate detailing across the exterior, particularly around the powerbus cables that appear realistic.

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However, several inaccuracies are present. The uni-tread disc is slightly too small in relation to the head and the Technic neck structure appears awkward when viewed from certain angles. In addition, the price of £64.99 or $69.99 seems expensive, particularly when compared with other recent buildable characters. Even so, this is an impressive model and is worthy of consideration in my view, following a significant discount.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your opinion of the set in the comments.

35 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Given how small the movie version is (0.46 metres) its a bit of a missed opportunity to make it the same size. It would have made it much more impressive and attractive for potential buyers.

By in United Kingdom,

@legolover777 said:
"Very nice build with great techniques but, the incompatibility with BB8 kind of wrecks it for me."

I know what you mean, but invariably we have to remember that Lego models are an approximation of the source material, not an exact replica. That said, I feel they could at least have double checked how tall the source material is for the plaque!

By in United States,

Thanks for the review! I think the finished model looks great, but that price is just painful. Would love to grab it when it inevitably goes down by 30% though!

By in United Kingdom,

Great review, thank-you. I too like the transmitter array on the back of the head. Its an easily repeatable detail that would suit any sci-fi build large or small, i.e. mecha, probe, huge spacecraft etc, to give it a dynamic feel.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice garden Capn! I won't e purchasing but thanks for the review.

By in Puerto Rico,

This is a great figure but this 2020 summer wave of SW sets have been for the most part display statues and busts. Where are: OT Tie Bomber, AT-ACT, The Mantis (Jedi Fallen Order), ITT (imperial troop transport) and more?

By in United States,

I would totally buy this if I had any idea who or what this droid is, or why I should care

By in Puerto Rico,

@bdc101 said:
"I would totally buy this if I had any idea who or what this droid is, or why I should care"

It's from Rise of Skywalker.

By in United States,

@bdc101 said:
"I would totally buy this if I had any idea who or what this droid is, or why I should care"

I understand your point I think. I don't know if I will ever see TROS. No interest really. This from the guy with ST4R WRS on his license plate. Yet I don't wanna eat a plate of hot garbage either. Still, the build is interesting, and I may end up getting the set when the price softens a bit.

By in United Kingdom,

@legolover777 said:
" @Mister_Jonny said:

I know what you mean, but invariably we have to remember that Lego models are an approximation of the source material, not an exact replica. That said, I feel they could at least have double checked how tall the source material is for the plaque!"

What I meant is it doesn't really display well with the BB8 due to its size."

Yeah, but I can understand why the designers would focus on making a model at a certain price point and level of detail rather than adhering to a larger idea of scale. I mean, when they were designing the UCS BB-8 they probably didn't even know D-O existed.

If I was displaying them together, though, I'd probably want BB-8 to be bigger in retrospect.

By in Canada,

It's a throwaway character from a dreadful movie. That being said, it's a pretty cool set.

By in Austria,

Episodes 8 & 9 crushed my interest for Lego Star Wars... but perhaps the summer wave will surprise me.

By in United Kingdom,

It seems that to have enjoyed the sequel trilogy puts one in a minority here, but it's great that there is enough entertainment out there to please everyone.

I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed The Rise Of Skywalker, but D-O was indeed a bit of a throwaway character.

Thanks for the in-depth review! Nice-looking model, different for sure; it's just a shame that the wheel doesn't turn.

By in France,

At least a SW which drew my attention and interest, while waiting September and Razor Crest to be available. I have not seen TROS yet (and that means a lot, as an old SW fan, about my declining interest to SW new movies - and forth to SW sets - for a while now ) but I have found this droid quite cute and new in its concept as soon as I saw it. So it will soon be delivered, built and on display next to BB8, no matter the scale issue. I am even more impatient to buid it now that I have read your review. I was expecting pleasant building techniques, and from what I read and saw, I won't be disappointed. I wanted to wait for a discount, when at first I saw parts number and price, but as I had not ordered anything for a few months, I just allowed myself to spend a bit more money on this one that was certainly reasonable. And for the moment have no regrets about it. Thank you for the review, excellent as usual.

By in United Kingdom,

@Slobrojoe - Garden? The photo was taken on location on Kef Bir!

@TomKazatura - While I agree that D-O is not exceptionally popular, I believe comparing this review with the Random Set of the Day is a false equivalency. That article had been published for over sixteen hours at the time of your comment while this review had only been available for 105 minutes.

By in United States,

I really don’t think that D-O was a good choice for a set. I think a more popular and more familiar droid would’ve been better. Perhaps BD-1 from Jedi: Fallen Order

By in United Kingdom,

I'll probably get it for the wheel technique, that's definitely clever. I only have the Porg from this subline of releases, which is my baseline here- and I got the Porg at half off, so I think I'll need something to put D-0 at a more comparable price. I do like the May 4th dio promo though, so that may swing it for me in 10 days. I'll see, I guess.

By in United States,

Given the May the 4th promo is coming up, I think I'll be happy to get this at full price, even though I didn't see the movie...he looks to me like a nice friend for Wall-E! :-)

By in United States,

@blogzilly said:
" @bdc101 said:
"I would totally buy this if I had any idea who or what this droid is, or why I should care"

I understand your point I think. I don't know if I will ever see TROS. No interest really. This from the guy with ST4R WRS on his license plate. Yet I don't wanna eat a plate of hot garbage either. Still, the build is interesting, and I may end up getting the set when the price softens a bit."

Unfortunately what has been seen, cannot be unseen. Having seen TROS, I vaguely remember seeing this droid, but I couldn't have recalled its name nor any point or role that it played in the movie. It's certainly not worth paying the star wars lego tax for.

By in Netherlands,

D-O was totally not needed for the movie except for selling merchandise. Like everything in Star Wars these days is only added to make more and hopefully sell more merchandise.

By in Netherlands,

Quality control at stickers appears extremely lousy, as with the UCS A-wing. Otherwise I like the set.

By in United States,

I've only seen Rise of Skywalker once and the one thing I remember about this guy was that he had some piece of information all along that took the characters an hour of the movie to get, which made me mad at the writing while the movie was going. So... not a positive connotation, there. This model is excellent, the way the wheel is done is fantastic, but it would only appeal to me if I liked the character and/or the movie and it's WAY too expensive.

By in United States,

It looks nice, but personally I'm going to pass because although I liked the movie this character didn't really make much of an impression on me.

By in United Kingdom,

From an old (OT) Star Wars fan, this just doesn't look like a SW droid to me. BB8, although not a favourite for me, has the SW DNA, while this just does not. The body: Maybe. The head: No, not at all. As others have said, it just looks like another character included to sell some merch.
With regard to the Lego set, it looks pretty good, but not for me.
I've still not seen TRoS, even though I've got it downloaded. It's a bit sad really.

By in United States,

These new SW droids seem to be going on a downhill slide. Very forgettable if not annoying. Interesting build techniques but is this set worth $70? My personal wallet says no.

By in United States,

Honestly I feel like everything after Rogue One is just star wars for the sake of making star wars.

While the Porg was a cute and clever necessary evil due to all the pesky Puffins in Ireland, I didn't think it deserved a UCS set. Meanwhile, though I haven't seen Rise of Skywalker (and really don't care to honestly,) this...thing just seems like another ostensibly cute character for Disney to print money with.

By in United Kingdom,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @Slobrojoe - Garden? The photo was taken on location on Kef Bir!"

I'm just messing with you Capn!

By in United States,

The D-O looks like a rip-off of the Dodo from Looney Tunes.

By in United Kingdom,

Great review, thank you. Don’t think I will be purchasing though. The wheel construction looks interesting, but not really into these type of sets.

By in Australia,

This must be the winner for most-overpriced Lego set of all time!!
It’s small, ugly, not many pieces, 95% of Star Wars fans hold zero affection for it .....and it’s selling for US$70 ?!?!
That’s just ridiculous. Lego can keep it!
A TERRIBLE choice for a UCS set, even if it has some interesting pieces and techniques!
And they won’t give us a UCS AT-AT or Mon Calamari Cruiser!

By in Austria,

This is definitely one of those sets that's only worth getting on discount or double VIP.
I have a feeling it was just made because Disney told LEGO "this will be the new BB-8, do it" and they went along with it.

By in United States,

I can't get over how perfect and shiny the cone head is.

By in United Kingdom,


It might have a plaque, but I don't think anyone's calling this a UCS set.

By in United States,

I like the build well enough, but I wish it was either to scale with the BB-8 set or life-size. It just seems to be an odd scale and overpriced to boot.

By in United States,

I really think the build should have included a functioning wheel. It might take more pieces but then it would be worth closer to the asking price. BB-8 is a great display piece and can also be played with.

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