75278 D-O revealed at New York Toy Fair!

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The annual New York Toy Fair commences today and information from the event is beginning to arrive.

Zusammengebaut has published images of 75278 D-O. The set includes 519 parts, costs $69.99 in the US and will be released on the 19th of April.

You can view another image of this set, outside its box, after the break...

Are you impressed with this rendition of D-O? Let us know in the comments. I am looking forward to seeing how the round wheel has been constructed!

51 comments on this article

By in United States,

Doesn't look too bad, but way overpriced.

By in United States,

Done well. I didn’t care much for the character. And the price isn’t nice.

By in United Kingdom,

It looks pretty good, but it'll be interesting to see how it sells. He was barely in a movie that I doubt many people will have a lot of emotional attachment to.

By in United States,

D-0, the world’s cutest ptsd droid. I love him!!!

I have the Bb-8 UCS/replica ( I never understood why BB wasn’t UCS, it’s a collector set that isn’t based around figs so it doesn’t fall under the new play series like Cloud Coty), so I may have to get this one.

It looks a bit overpriced though... if I find it on sale, I’ll definitely get it.

By in United States,

The wheel looks a bit too small, I think.

By in United Kingdom,

The wheel is too small in comparison to the one screen droid, and given that D-0 was something of a pointless 'cash in on the cute' character in the movie, this really isn't for me.

By in United States,

Will definitely buy this and put it up with BB8 and Yoda. Porg - nope.

By in United States,

For the large scale Star Wars models, BB-8 was done well, the Porg was done poorly, and D-O here seems better than the BB-8 one! Lovely

By in United Kingdom,

Looks neat, I liked the Porg they did. Too much, but definitely something for which there's a right price. What %age off, I'll find out at some point.

Also, I agree that the box art is a bit bleak. I think it's intended to be the other moon of Endor (why they didn't just give the forest moon an ocean I do not know, but whatever at this point).

By in United States,

Nice overall, though the price is too high.

By in Netherlands,

It looks very good, I love it. I wasn't interested in the larger droid models, but this one is spot on and I might get this one, especially since it has a decent price.

By in United States,

It does look nice. I do think the wheel should be a bit wider. A bit overpriced imho, but like most other Star Wars sets I’m sure it’ll be 30% of by next year. I’d give it a solid B. I think BB-8 is still the best looking of the Buildable droids.

By in Brazil,

I'm not much into UCS sets, most for the price. And though this is way cheaper than most UCS sets it's really overpriced. If it was at least 50 or 60 dollars I'd buy it

By in United States,

This looks better than the brick built bb8. I'm impressed

By in Brazil,

At first i didn't realize it, but yeah, it's too small. Poorly designed. There's a youtuber who made a MOC of D-0, and it looks much better and much more accurate.

By in Venezuela,

Way too expensive

By in United States,

This looks cute and like it's actually really well designed but the price is way too high and honestly, considering this character has a tiny part in a thoroughly mediocre movie, I don't really understand why they made this.

By in Puerto Rico,

It was to be expected but it will not be in my home.

By in United States,

@PicnicBasketSam said:
"This looks cute and like it's actually really well designed but the price is way too high and honestly, considering this character has a tiny part in a thoroughly mediocre movie, I don't really understand why they made this."

To add insult to injury the droid is actually JJ Abrams

Now I haven’t ever touched the game but that backpack chicken from the fallen order game seems like it would be a cooler piece to get.

By in Germany,

Ok looks fine to me and fits to bb8, pork and Yoda....
But..... There's always a but...

Bb8 100€, 1100 bricks, 0.09€ per part
Pork 70€, 811 bricks, 0.08€ per part
Ok we are on the right way!
Yoda 100€, 1771 bricks, 0.056€ per part
Everybody so "yeah many bricks, good price" we'll yeah this is the right way
Then Lego "ok, star wars getting to cheap, we need a new at-st"
D-O 70(€?) 519 bricks.....

Yeah..... We say "läuft bei euch" in Germany.....

By in France,

Not bad. Better than the porg thing

By in United States,

Love it. Definite get, although I’ll probably wait for a sale.

By in United Kingdom,

Cool droid, I want Black BB8 next..

By in Germany,

Dull movie. Dull robot. Dull price.

By in United States,

Just like the rest of these kinds of builds, pass for me.

By in United States,

I don’t typically get sets that aren’t minifigure-scale so I’m probably not getting this one. I agree with many other commenters, I was surprised at how little D-O did in the film with how much they marketed him, and the price could’ve been reduced quite a bit (especially when you compare this to the Yoda from last year that was only $30 more). I’ll give credit where credit is due; this looks a lot like the droid in the film.

It’s kind of funny (or kind of sad) that the set’s page says “0 people want this set” right now.

By in United States,

A bit pricey but cute!

By in United States,

Good looking set, but I completely forgot D-O exists. I might get it when it goes to half off like the other buildable figures.

By in United Kingdom,

Wow! and not in a good way ??

By in United States,

Should’ve been Babu Frik

By in Netherlands,

Day one buy, no question.

By in Denmark,

Looks very good, nice to see a new never before released Star Wars set for once.

Is that green nose-thing, a metallic cone...?

By in Australia,

I like it, but I haven’t really cared for these type of sets.

By in Spain,

Could someone explain where are the 519 parts?!

By in United Kingdom,

IMO the only reason Disney added this character was to sell more toys!

By in Russian Federation,


wait... what is that thing?

By in United States,

Good, but doesn't live up to the standards BB8 and Porg set.

By in United States,

That's an excellent model!

By in United States,

Looks awesome!

Should call it “Dee-OHHH-ly CRAP 6-D dollars?”

By in France,

This is the one I will order in April and build so that I can wait 1st September and Razor Crest. Wait... 70 US$, I hope it won't be 90 € here.

By in United Kingdom,

@Astrobricks said:
"Love it. Definite get, although I’ll probably wait for a sale."

Me too maybe May 4 next year with the Razor Crest for me

By in United States,

I loved D-0 way more than I ever did BB-8, I wouldn't mind buying this set on sale

By in Germany,

I don't see a set worth 70$.

By in United States,

to me, the wheel looks too small

By in Germany,

Is TLG serious about the price? Don't know what it will be in Euro, but if other recent sets are anything to go by, it doesn't seem likely to be less than 70 Euro.
Honestly, from that image this to me looks like 30 Euro worth of "LEGO stuff", as Jang always likes to call it. 30 Euro max that is. Even if it is 519 pieces, it doesn't look like it. And even if, an RRP of 50 Euro would be generous. 70 though? They must be out of their minds - like with many suggested RRPs recently. If that trend continues then 2019 will have been the last year I bought new LEGO sets. And I totally mean it.

By in United States,

It's funny because there is no way that set actually costs $69.99! haha, What an early April fool's LEGO. You almost got me! This set really costs $39.99, which is totally what it should be.
$69.99, haha. You really made the joke obvious LEGO by putting such an unrealistic price. Hopefully, you fooled a couple of people with your prank!

By in Netherlands,

Do was cute but not very interesting. Either visually or character wise. The build looks fantastic, but it's way overpriced.

By in Germany,

Seriously, just counting what I see I get around 200 pieces. Lets be generous and say I have overlooked another 100. That still leaves supposedly more than 200 more pieces hidden somewhere. This thing must be made up of one hell of an interior. I mean, is the head filled with 1x1s to rattle around?

By in United Kingdom,

I like the box art, but this is insanely overpriced even for Star Wars, looks interesting, but not for me

By in Canada,

Product Droid was a pointless thing in a terrible movie but I actually quite like how it looks in Lego.

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