Review: 75266 Sith Troopers Battle Pack

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Many different troopers have already appeared during the Sequel Trilogy and the imposing Sith Troopers are certainly an interesting addition to that selection. Fortunately, 75266 Sith Troopers Battle Pack provides an opportunity to broaden your forces with relative ease.

The accompanying Sith Jet Troopers seem quite appealing too, featuring the same armour design as the First Order Jet Trooper from 75250 Pasaana Speeder Chase. However, providing two such minifigures beside one standard Sith Trooper seems strange, given their relative prominence. These soldiers look superb though.

Please be aware this review is spoiler free.


75256 Kylo Ren's Shuttle contained one Sith Trooper and another such minifigure appears here. The bright red armour is particularly striking and displays magnificent detail, including printed ridges across the helmet. These intricate designs closely resemble the onscreen troopers, although authentic texture would have been more impressive and the helmet should appear more angular.

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The asymmetrical decoration is similarly appealing, corresponding precisely with the source material and continuing onto the legs. As usual, this figure includes the standard Clone Trooper head beneath his helmet and wields a stud shooter. I would prefer an alternative blaster but the stud shooter shares aspects of its colour scheme with the Sith Troopers' ST-W48 blaster rifles from the movie.

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Two exclusive Sith Jet Troopers accompany their ground-based comrade. These minifigures share various design features with the trooper from 75250 Pasaana Speeder Chase, including the unusual helmet with its pronounced mandible and narrow visor. That shape seems reminiscent of an Imperial Hovertank Driver and ridges are printed above the visor, matching those on the Sith Trooper.

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Similar striations continue across the torso. This decoration is almost identical to the First Order Jet Trooper but appears quite distinctive because of the red colour scheme. I am particularly impressed with the unit markings on their chest armour, recalling Ralph McQuarrie's early concepts for Imperial Snowtroopers. The same designs appear on the jetpacks and these accessories include remarkable texture.

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Officers are available in many modern Battle Packs, despite their relative scarcity during the movies. Nevertheless, the First Order Officer includes an exclusive torso that features an attractive red stripe across the front. In addition, I like the intricate bands on his belt while the metallic silver highlights look superb, corresponding with previous First Order Officers.

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However, this belt buckle features an interesting Sith emblem which also appears on the cap. These consistent details are satisfying, although the head could be improved because because this piece is extremely common. Like his troops, the First Order Officer carries a stud shooter but this weapon has an extended stock and is designed to connect with the vehicle, as exhibited below.

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The Completed Model

Battle Packs traditionally contain vehicles which have been invented by their designer. However, this combat speeder is inspired by the First Order Snowspeeder, albeit now featuring sand blue highlights which complement the grey armour. The vessel measures 10cm in length and is therefore significantly smaller than 75100 First Order Snowspeeder, although this scale is more faithful to the movie.

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The aforementioned stud shooter can be situated towards the prow, occupying the space where the FWMB-10 repeating blaster appears onscreen. This weapon can rotate and there is adequate space for a gunner to stand inside the speeder. Grille tiles have been used to good effect beside the blaster but some texture would have been welcome along the flanks.

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Furthermore, two minifigures can sit near the back of the speeder, corresponding with the craft from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The controls and protective windscreen appear extremely basic but fulfil an important purpose and I like the radiator grille behind these seats too. Moreover, the engines are nicely constructed, integrating black fez elements which are usually found in larger sets.

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75266 Sith Troopers Battle Pack contains an appealing selection of minifigures and should therefore prove quite popular. Despite their similarity to normal First Order Stormtroopers, the Sith Troopers do appear menacing and the minifigure includes magnificent detail. The fearsome Sith Jet Troopers look similarly striking in my opinion and I love their textured helmet components.

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However, choosing to provide one Sith Trooper and two Sith Jet Troopers is completely inexplicable. Ground troopers are much more common than airborne soldiers and I think two Sith Troopers should have accompanied one Jet Trooper. This remains an enjoyable set though so I would suggest adding these minifigures to your collection, in spite of their strange distribution.

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This set was provided for review by The LEGO Group but the review is an expression of my own opinions.

24 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the detailed review!

Imagine a dream future where we get four identical troops in one set...

By in United Kingdom,

Might be the first wave which I get all the Star Wars battle packs, got the Mandalorian one yesterday and will get this when I see it at a reasonable price

By in Mauritius,

Yawn, vehicle based on the dumb 'snowspeeder' doesn't cut it for me and Sith Troopers are essentially underwhelming recolours that exist solely for cheap marketing. Mandalorian BP blows this one out of the water. The fact you get an officer and two jet troopers with just one standard trooper doesn't help.

By in United States,

@bananaworld— I too look to a future where we get four identical troopers in one looking to the past! 75078 is my favorite battle pack ever! It was the set that brought me out of my dark ages and I still get one now and then off bricklink or eBay.

This set is good. I liked the Sith uniforms from the film and look forward to building a small group of them.

By in United States,

I mean officers aren't exactly uncommon, but they're just not actually doing anything when they are seen in the movies. They're just kinda standing there.

By in United Kingdom,

I like the speeder, and all the figures are good. All I'd change is having two regular troops rather than two specialist jet troopers, and maybe something to launch the jet troopers into the air.

By in France,

As for Mandalorian battle pack, this one is a day one purchase for me. Four great,new and exclusive minifigs for this price, how could it be otherwise? It renews my interest in SW sets, which has declined a bit during the past year, my last really exciting purchase in the range being Vader's Castle.

By in Hungary,

Would've been better to get 2 ground troopers and one jetpack trooper. Or just ditch the officier altogether.

By in Czechia,

I would prefer new helmet with structure like praetorian guards have, this looks a little bit weird. But still, this is must-have for me, maybe I'll get two...

By in United States,

Am I crazy, or were these guys not really in the movie in any meaningful way?

By in United States,

“Red stormtrooper” is like a parody of how SW recolors troops just for merchandising purposes.

By in United States,

Not a fan of studshooters at all. So much so that they are a deal breaker in any set I buy.

By in Netherlands,

It's a great battlepack but they should've included 2 Sith Troopers and 1 Sith Jettrooper instead of the other way around

By in Puerto Rico,

Given what we see in the film this F-Order should have come with two regular troopers and one female officer (unless it is based on "that" officer).

By in Canada,

Sooooo, will the parts be available on BnP? I have a feeling a lot of us will want to buy extra Sith Troopers without buying multiples of this set. Really inexplicable to provide two Jet Troopers here, at least give us five Minifigures in the Battle Pack, one Officer and two of each Troopers. I mean it would make more sense. Especially at the ludicrous prices these things amount to these days.

By in United States,

@WemWem said:
"“Red stormtrooper” is like a parody of how SW recolors troops just for merchandising purposes."

Actually SW repurposed helmets and gear to save money. They wanted to expand on the story with a relatively small budget back in the early 1980's. The Tie Fighter pilot is just the Storm trooper helmet recolored black.

I, for one, appreciate the hard work of repurposing, if it means we get additional characters who specialize in specific skills... Movie magic is not easy when you have a budget... After all, in a real world example... it would be interesting if our Navy, Airforce, etc all had the same uniform with no distinction right?

As for the Red Coloring has meaning for the movie. My point is that there is more to this than merchandising...

By in United Kingdom,

I'm going to get tons of these battle packs

By in United Kingdom,

Having seen the film I definitely won't be using them for their intended purpose; these would also work great as updated troops for the Fel Dynasty from the comics. I've already managed to nab one copy of this set and made a couple of Imperial Knights, and it fits well enough for me :)

By in Brazil,

Sith troopers, Knights of Ren, Pretorian Guard... Too much merchandising for not doing anything remarkable onscreen. An easy pass along all new trilogy battle packs.

By in Germany,

@Master_Wu said:
"Gosh, lego needs to start making these things better! The point of a battle pack is to include four identical troopers that you can never have to many of. Now they are just a stupid build, and the coolest trooper always comes in a quantity of one, while the other troops are lame. I also can't figure out why lego keeps adding officers and Jedi to these things!"

In my eyes Battle Packs should have been upgraded to 5 or even 6 figures. This way there can be those special/officers but not with as much weight as with 4 figures.

By in United States,

At first, I wanted to get like 3-5 of these, but after seeing the movie I think I'll just get 1 for collecting purposes... Unlike the praetorian guards, these sith troopers were just completely useless in the movie.. Too similar to FO troops to have a cool factor like the Royal guards or Boba fett. Thankfully that means I can get more Mando packs instead of this :D

By in United States,

Is that not a New Order Officer? Which is separate from the First Order?

By in United States,

@Hokierespect said:
"Is that not a New Order Officer? Which is separate from the First Order?"

Right, the reviewer forgot that the figure is actually a Final Order officer (no such thing as "New Order").

By in United States,

@collegefund said:
" @WemWem said:
"“Red stormtrooper” is like a parody of how SW recolors troops just for merchandising purposes."

Actually SW repurposed helmets and gear to save money. They wanted to expand on the story with a relatively small budget back in the early 1980's. The Tie Fighter pilot is just the Storm trooper helmet recolored black.

I, for one, appreciate the hard work of repurposing, if it means we get additional characters who specialize in specific skills... Movie magic is not easy when you have a budget... After all, in a real world example... it would be interesting if our Navy, Airforce, etc all had the same uniform with no distinction right?

As for the Red Coloring has meaning for the movie. My point is that there is more to this than merchandising... "

Actually the TIE pilot helmet is a bit more complex than that, incorporating design elements from both stormtrooper helmets and rebel pilot helmets, with the addition of hoses. This is obvious just by comparing the LEGO molds of those helmets.

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