Random set of the day: Imperial AT-ST

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Imperial AT-ST

Imperial AT-ST

©2001 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 7127 Imperial AT-ST, released in 2001. It's one of 10 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 107 pieces and 1 minifig, and its retail price was US$10/£8.99.

It's owned by 6962 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

26 comments on this article

By in United States,

Those feet are... Early 2000s, all right.

By in United States,

This shuffling walking feature was all the rage in mech sets of that era before eventually vanishing as articulation started being prioritized over it. Kind of weird to see how quickly a once common set feature can go the way of the dodo, even when it doesn't rely on any sort of retired parts.

By in United States,

I miss these old sets a lot. The new ones are good for accuracy, but these early ones went big for playability and didn’t worry about tacking on extra pieces unnecessarily. Sure, we’ve had other AT-STs that look more like one than this did. But consider how many of them can’t walk as effectively as this one could, or which didn’t use such a neat and unique workaround for the cockpit etc. This set just truly embodies the fun and creative side of LEGO at an affordable price, and I miss the hell out of it.

By in United States,

Do the hips look like blasters or sonar weapons to anyone else? Or is it just my imagination.

By in United States,

I always enjoy seeing sets I had/have pop up. I enjoyed this in its day.

By in United Kingdom,

i remember when i played lego star wars and those things were the most annoying enemy in the whole game. enemies would always knock you out of it if you got in one

By in United States,

I always wanted this one. Boy, those legs sure are skinny.

By in United States,

This was the set that took me out of my "dark ages" and when I discovered on the internet you could order Lego from a catalogue and have it sent to you!

By in New Zealand,

Nice Moai feel to this one.

By in United States,

I miss these old cheap sets. Clunky, yes, but at the time these things were the S.

By in Turkey,

I'm glad I have this because I cannot afford to buy the new ones. Scale and the details sure makes the model look better but this one is Lego first, SW later.

By in United Kingdom,

given how many iteration of the AT-ST there have been, do you think there could be an article showing its evolution?

also, was this the first set you could get Chewbacca in? I forget whether this came before the first Millennium Falcon or after

By in Belgium,

I'm sure Director Krennic would have said: "Oh, it's beautiful."

By in Germany,

It's old, it's basic, it's...


I love those kinds of sets. Simple mechanisms, great playability, affordable price. So what if it isn't perfect in every detail? At that size and with the kinds of pieces available at the time I think the designer did an admirable job. It's instantly recognizable too.

By in United States,

@Brickalili: The Falcon came first. This set was, however, the cheapest way to get Chewbacca for a while.

By in Singapore,

@Lyichir: Indeed, one look and I instantly recognized the Granite Grinder's walking mechanism in this model!

By in United Kingdom,

Forgetting inflation, to think you that could buy a major and popular vehicle with a key minifig for less than a battle pack costs today. OK, so the scale and design is inaccurate to source material but, hell, what a fun little set for such a low piece count.

By in Portugal,

One of my Star wars early 2000's sets, absolutely love it! Chewie fits well on the cabin, the structure is quite sturdy, nice colour scheme! Nostalgic!

By in United Kingdom,

Oh man, this set was THE TOP of my childhood Lego wishlist. Perhaps that's due to the fact that Return of the Jedi was the first Star Wars movie I ever saw, so things relating to it often hold a special place with me, or perhaps due to that Chewie minfigure... or the fact that it's instantly recognisable as what it's meant to be. Never did get it, though; I guess it was just one of those sets that eluded me.

I got a Chewie minifigure from 7260 several years later, though, so I didn't miss out on him, at least ^^

By in United States,

I follow Brickset somewhat so I may have missed this. But for the youngsters in particular, you have to know that we collectors of the 70s, 80s, and 90s had a large range of emotions when Star Wars sets came out in 99... I was 19 and had a huge Lego collection but sadly grew up during the SW dark ages. Most of us were in love.

We settled and enjoyed these blocky originals because that was the context of the times and the parts available. But mainly, we were not used to licensed Lego sets and the talk of the time was that we had to collect as many as we could because the license was always about to "run out". If we would have known that Lego Star Wars would continue 20 years on with 7 different variations of each SW set, then we probably wouldn't have loaded up on so many of those blocky, awkward A-Wings or of this set... but they did the job back then and they are a neat part of Lego history. And it was always nice to get many of the vehicles for around $20 then.

By in Puerto Rico,

I love it, it is on pieces but it's articulation hasn't been surpassed.

By in United States,

Ha ha... Just ordered 75153 on Ebay this morning, then I got on Brickset and ta-da! Way-back throwback AT-ST! So great!

By in United States,

I love seeing people speak highly of this set. It's one of my favorites from back in the day. And to this day, I will maintain that Old Brown Chewbacca is the best Chewbacca.

By in Germany,

I stumbled across the first LSW sets in a shop and was amazed, my girlfriend back then gave this set to me for xmas gift and it all started from there.. again.

By in United States,

In the Lego Star Wars Videogames this set had all the brown parts recolored in gray and looked pretty nice actually. Also a rare cockpit canopy extension piece is used in exclusive light gray to form the back of the head.

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