Review: 75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback MicroFighters

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Microfighters have been a great component of the LEGO Star Wars theme since 2014 and I am particularly excited about 75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters. This set includes a nice model of a Dewback which complements other Microfighters but might similarly be integrated with standard sets.

Furthermore, the adorable Dewback is ridden by an exclusive Sandtrooper that incorporates a new helmet, matching the updated Stormtroopers found in other 2019 sets. The cylindrical escape pod carrying C-3PO and R2-D2 is probably less appealing for adults but offers a great opportunity for younger fans to add these popular droids to their minifigure collection!


LEGO designed a unique head for C-3PO in 2000 and this component remains identical today, albeit now featuring printed yellow eyes. It looks brilliant though and I am similarly impressed with the torso design. The powerbus cables certainly stand out against the surrounding pearl gold plating and I like how subtle highlights have created textured detail.

75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters

C-3PO's right leg is decorated with some metallic silver printing, reflecting his worn appearance during the Original Trilogy. However, this does not cover the droid's entire lower leg so looks slightly awkward in my opinion. A dual-moulded element would have been perfect here and I hope that will be available on future versions of this important character.

75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters

R2-D2 is the only Star Wars character to appear during every year since 1999 and he looks superb in LEGO form, featuring a pearl silver dome and a cylindrical body. Both components are decorated with dark blue panels but there is no printing on the back, unfortunately. An auxiliary central leg could have been included as well, corresponding with Bucket from 75240 Major Vonreg's TIE Fighter.

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An entirely new helmet has been introduced for Imperial Stormtroopers this year and the same helmet is worn by the Sandtrooper. This element has proven controversial and I tend to agree that an update was unnecessary as the earlier piece was effective. However, I think the new design looks magnificent too, featuring dual-moulding that forms crisp lines around the black lenses and the vocoder.

75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters

Sand is printed on the helmet and continues across the torso and legs. These elements appeared on the Sandtrooper minifigures released during 2018 and the sandy residue looks remarkably realistic. In addition, the armour underneath is very detailed and I like the ammunition pouch on his chest. He also wears a survival backpack and an orange pauldron, denoting the rank of squad commander.

75228 Escape Pod vs. Dewback Microfighters

Removing the helmet reveals a standard Clone Trooper head underneath. An alternative head would be preferable as this design is rather common, although I imagine the Sandtrooper would generally be displayed with his helmet on. This minifigure carries a pair of white macrobinoculars, a blaster rifle and a prod for directing the Dewback.

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The Completed Model

C-3PO and R2-D2 abscond from the Tantive IV aboard an escape pod. Occupants of these craft have limited control so this Microfighter does not feel entirely consistent with the others, although I think the model looks surprisingly impressive! Its cylindrical shape has certainly been captured accurately and I appreciate the inclusion of a smooth 2x4 tile underneath, allowing you to display the model easily.

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There is room to seat C-3PO inside the escape pod but R2-D2 must ride on the exterior, connected to the 1x2 jumper plate which is visible below. He does look slightly awkward when placed here but I find that charming and am pleased the designer included connection points for both droids. Of course, you can modify the model to remove the jumper plate, if you prefer.

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Four powerful engines propel the escape pod away from danger and it can then be positioned using smaller thrusters around the side. These closely resemble the engines found on 75136 Droid Escape Pod, although the larger version only includes three manoeuvring jets which is more faithful to the film. Nevertheless, this fun Microfighter has undoubtedly exceeded my expectations.

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Dewbacks have previously appeared in 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina and 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina but the new rendition is unique, consisting primarily of standard bricks and plates rather than specialised pieces. The resultant animal looks fantastic! Olive green would probably be the most accurate colour but sand green is a reasonable alternative and I love the exposed studs which replicate its scaly skin texture.

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The head includes a pair of printed eyes which are exclusively available here and may prove useful on other models. Dewbacks have much smaller eyes in the movie but their exaggerated appearance suits a Microfighter version and I like the prominent nostrils which are formed by two hollow studs. Moreover, a ball joint connects the head to the body, permitting an excellent range of motion.

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Each leg is fixed in place but you can adjust the angle of the feet or reassemble the model with its legs in different positions. The saddle is distinguished by its reddish brown colour scheme and features four studs for the Sandtrooper. He does appear too large when placed on the Dewback, although not to the extent that he looks ridiculous so I believe this animal could be integrated with any Tatooine creation.

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Furthermore, there are clips for two accessories on the flanks and a simple 1x2 grille tile depicts some more equipment on the creature's back. Its tail is also joined to the body using a small ball joint so can move around freely. The only area that might be improved are the tan claws as they stand out against the neighbouring sand green parts, although that contrast is not unwelcome from my perspective.

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75228 Escape Pod vs Dewback Microfighters is probably my favourite set from the whole Microfighters subtheme! I was looking forward to building the Dewback and it has certainly satisfied my expectations, capturing the lumbering gait of these creatures with remarkably accuracy. The escape pod is faithful to its source material too, although I can imagine its lack of weapons might lessen the play value.

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The minifigure selection is equally appealing. R2-D2 and C-3PO are very common but I am pleased to see them together in a fairly inexpensive set, especially for younger Star Wars collectors. The updated Sandtrooper is outstanding as well. For those reasons, I would absolutely recommend this set and the price of £17.99 or $19.99 seems quite reasonable.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your thoughts on the set in the comments below.

30 comments on this article

By in United States,

I think the escape pod looks great!

By in United Kingdom,

It's a good set for newcomers & youngsters, possibly collectors
Not sure it holds much appeal for others but I don't feel it's aimed at them

Personally, it's a pass, much like the rest of this wave but I'm okay with that

By in United States,

That escape pod is surprisingly detailed. Love the boosters in the back and the roller skates on the side.

The dewback looks like an overgrown tadpole.

By in United Kingdom,

You know... I still have 7106 from back in the day, the original Droid Escape pod.

I think there's absolutely no question at all that this design, despite being a microfighter, surpasses it in literally every way imaginable. Lego's certainly come a long way since 2001 xD

As always, thanks for the great review! ^^

By in United Kingdom,

good review

By in United States,

i wuv the dewback

By in United States,

Has a Microfighter set ever come with more minifigures than models before? (Three figs, two builds.) If so that's pretty cool, especially since R2 and 3PO are practically inseparable.

By in Norway,

It wouldn't have made sense to include a third leg for R2 in this set, as he is supposed to be sitting, but thanks for pointing out the design on Bucket so we can make those legs ourselves. Good review of a very fun set! The most inspired Star Wars set in years

By in Netherlands,

It's pretty adorable. Still, I already have all the minifigs, so I'm still pondering wether or not to get it.

By in United Kingdom,

I’m OK with Stormtrooper helmet evolution, but lets hope we can get them in decent numbers to form separate squads. I don’t think my OCD tendencies would allow a mass Stormtrooper army with differing helmet designs, helmet printing and colours, and torso/leg designs! I much prefer to separate them into different units, often with modded weaponry, to illustrate a planned unique-ness.

However, I can see that any change to such an established mold will grate a little at first, but we’ll get used to it.

By in United Kingdom,

Nice set and a cheaper way to get Both Droids and a Sandtrooper:

Move along move along.. Lol

By in United States,

dewback is goofy lookin' but cute, a must have. then perhaps i can scale him up to a "normal" size with more sand green parts

By in Australia,

"He does appear too large when placed on the Dewback", um, the whole Microfighters range is made that way. Do you think Chewie and the Falcon are to scale as well? Sometimes these reviews get too pedantic.

As for the Stormtrooper helmet redesigns, I think they look ridiculous. It gives them droopy looking faces to the point they look like they've been sitting in the sun and melted.

By in United States,

@shokwave2, geez man, get a grip. It's just a review, and since @CapnRex101 obviously loves the set and thinks it's one of the best microfighter sets ever, your complaint is misguided.

Also, your use of the word pedantic isn't entirely appropriate in this instance.

By in United States,

This set is seriously adorable.

By in Canada,

Is Escape Pod here the first two-seater?

By in United Kingdom,

@shokwave2 - As stated in the review, I was referring to the Sandtrooper being slightly oversized in relation to the Dewback when compared with standard models. I am aware that Microfighters are designed at a smaller scale than their respective minifigures but that is less apparent with the Dewback than with other sets.

With regard to reviews being pedantic, we try to discuss every positive and negative aspect of a set in our articles. It is for the reader to decide whether they consider those points to be important to them, or whether they agree with our opinion.

@ArielHairRaph - The escape pod is indeed the first two-seater Microfighter.

By in Australia,

I don't normally buy Star Wars sets (in Australia, this set retails for between $25 and $30, which -- for what you get -- is, in my eyes, utterly absurd), but I liked this set just because the dewback (with his big Brickheadz eyes) was so darn adorable. It's very cute.

By in United States,

The dewback is so cute!

By in United Kingdom,

£17.99!!! normally they are £16.99. but that extra £1.00 must be R2-D2. buying 2 Microfighters would be £17.98. but buy 2 pack and it would be £16.99(or £17.99). £1.00 cheaper

By in Puerto Rico,

If I could I wpuld buy this set just for the Dewbavk alone pluse the figures, have fun.

By in Canada,

Shouldn't C-3PO's entire lower right leg be silver?

By in United States,

I bought this set for the escape pod and the minifigs, and then used parts from the dewback to modify my Statue of Liberty.

By in United States,

I find it interesting that this set of Microfighters breaks a lot of standards set by the Microfighter line: the escape pod holds 2 minifigs rather than just 1, and neither of these have a shooting mechanism like stud shooters or flick-fire missiles. Funny how it ends up being one of the best MicroFighters LEGO has released!

By in United States,

Only a casual SW fan but love the dewback enough to buy my first SW set since 2016.

By in United States,

@lamby750 -- Your valid concern is one of the reasons many aren't in favor. Army-building has become a little more complex with LEGO updating the Stormtrooper and Sandtrooper by extension every 2-3 years. This was also complicated by the Rebels Stormtroopers, too.

I think one of the shifts is that in the older sets it seemed as if LEGO would radically alter a design after a longer period, similar to what we've seen with Chewie and R2 more recently, whereas now there is a more piecemeal effort... changing the body printing one year, adding leg printing later, the helmet printing a few later, and then the helmet mold itself, resulting in a lot of similar but not quite identical minifigs. Four variations where perhaps there could have been two each with unique parts.

All that said, I myself will be OK with a new helmet if it allows the head to turn, adding a new function to the minifigure.

I'm reserving my OWN judgement until I have one of these new troopers in hand to compare, but I'm not forseeing army-building them too soon personally.

By in United Kingdom,

@JVM, very much agree with your point about the piecemeal method of updating figures, so much better if all elements that form the fig were updated in a new wave of sets and frozen for a period. What I neglected from my earlier post was that I’ m keen to see how the 2-part molding process works in the new helmet. With the Stormie helmet being essentially black/white, using plastics of these 2 colours seems a natural fit. But I haven’t got my mits on one yet to really scrutinise it. Also, hooray for the blaster rifle and no stud shooter!

By in Poland,

Buing this just for a Dewback and many cool pieces in pod

By in United States,

Everyone complains about no printing on the back of LEGO R2D2, but I believe that the droid actually has no printing on its back in the movies. I may be wrong and I refer to the authority of Captain Rex

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