Review: 40298 DJ

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LEGO has produced almost a thousand unique Star Wars minifigures since 1999 but numerous prominent characters from throughout the saga remain absent. Fortunately, a selection of new polybags have begun to fill those gaps, each containing an exclusive minifigure with a matching display stand.

40298 DJ is the third such polybag. I have been looking forward to adding this amoral character to my collection as he plays an important, but controversial, role in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.


DJ does not appear in any of the standard Star Wars: The Last Jedi sets, despite his prominent role in the movie. It is therefore very pleasing to see him in this polybag and I think the minifigure looks great when compared with his onscreen counterpart, sporting a scruffy leather jacket which appears suitably drab in reddish brown and black. Nevertheless, the graphic designer has captured excellent detail and I like the patterned collar in particular.

40298 DJ

The minifigure features a dark brown hair piece which looks rather unkempt so suits the character well, although a new element representing DJ's hat and hair would have been wonderful. I like the shabby facial hair, scarring and enigmatic expression printed on the head but was somewhat disappointed to find no alternative face on the reverse side. That would certainly have been appropriate for somebody of questionable allegiance, like DJ.

40298 DJ

The Completed Model

DJ is displayed on an attractive stand with Technic pin holes on either side, allowing it to connect with both 40268 R3-M2 and 40176 Scarif Stormtrooper. The three display stands look brilliant together as their design is fairly consistent, consisting of a black base and a sticker identifying each character which is applied to a 1x4 tile. A printed element would have been preferable but I like the name plaque even with a sticker.

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The minifigure stands against a flexible plastic sheet which shows the interior of the Libertine. This is fitted using two Technic axles and looks rather nice, although there is very little contrast between DJ and the dark backdrop. However, I appreciate that the requisite copyright information has now been moved to the bottom edge of the sheet so it is obscured by the base, marking an improvement over past polybags.

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Astromech droids and specialised troopers are undoubtedly collectable but important characters from the movies, particularly those who do not appear in other sets, are perhaps even more appealing. I am therefore very satisfied with 40298 DJ. The figure looks superb in relation to the source material and includes impressive printed detail, although an alternative expression would have been a welcome addition.
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The stand is also well designed and I think the three minifigures look quite impressive when placed side by side, as shown above. Hopefully this series will continue, in which case I look forward to finding out who will appear in the next polybag!

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42 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

I love these figures, I just wish they were easier to get hold of in the UK. I manged to get R3-M2 but there's been no sign of the other two.

By in Austria,

Haven't seen it here in Vienna either. For DJ, the "Elvis" hairpiece from the Collectible Minifigs and the Downtown Diner would've been better IMO.

By in Mauritius,

Dull fig, dull set. Guy should've been called DW (Don't Watch), would've covered the gist of Disney SW better.

By in United Kingdom,

This sub-theme of minifigs on bases seems to have been a little half-hearted in its deployment by Lego, is it going to be the standard way SW minifigs appear in poybags from now on? I.e a progression from the 5004408 A-wing pilot and 5002938 Stormtrooper Sergeant promotions. Would love to get my hands on a couple of Scarif troopers and DJ’s pretty cool.

By in Netherlands,

How do I get my hands on one of these? There doesn't seem to be a clear way to get these polybag minifigs in mainland Europe.

By in United States,

Really enjoyed this character in the film. Fascinating addition to Star Wars. Wanted to see more of him, actually - I hope he survived that ship getting cleaved in two.

They should have released a DJ-in-disguise variant in 75201 - would have made that set less of a flop, provided more value and ability to re-create more scenes, and included DJ in a main set rather than a side poly bag.

By in United States,

I entered Toys R Us to get this figure, one of two times this year I went there before the liquidation began. Fun figure, but not the highlight of my Sequel collection. Probably would have made sense to include him as part of a normal set alongside Finn & Rose; and instead release something like a General Leia, Resistance Pilot, a BB Droid variant, Crait Luke, or something more in demand as a collectible figure.

By in United States,

I enjoyed his character and the movies and his minifigure is pretty spot-on except for the hair piece.

By in United Kingdom,

@JonMarten - Shoretrooper was a GWP from the Lego shop, DJ is going to be/already is (depending where you live) available in Tesco - free with any SW purchase

By in United States,

I picked him up at Toys R Us in January. I like the minifig and the detail on the cloak is amazing. I wish he had some accessory more than an alternate expression.

By in Netherlands,

I am not a fan of the sequel trilogy, and TLJ is without a doubt the worst SW film made, but I do like this minifigure. These minifigures are hard to come by in The Netherlands, but I somehow managed to collect the previous two 'display stand SW polybags', and very much hope to add this one too to my collection of SW minifigures.
I do think that they should have given this minifig a different hairpiece that matches Benicio Del Toro's looks closer, as well as an accessory to put in his hands, such as some shiny golden coins or bullion bar, since DJ is all about 'the money'.

By in Norway,

DJ was perhaps the best thing about The Last Jedi, certainly the only good thing about Finn and Rose's side quest, but this figure looks nothing like him... Extremely dull.

By in Canada,

DJ looks too simple compared to other figs. Would have liked another more detailed fig in a polybag and DJ in a set

By in United States,

My brother really wants him but we can’t find him anywhere since the Toys R Us near us started liquidating.

By in United Kingdom,

He's in Tesco stores in the UK if anyones wondering. I believe i payed £4 for mine or is free with any lego star wars purchase. They seem to be around the big stores, not the local high street ones

By in Germany,

What a spectacularly unspectacular figure.

By in United Kingdom,

I wish he looked more like Benicio del Toro. He has quite a unique face that the figure doesn't capture. And the hair piece probably wasnt the best choice for his appearance in TLJ

By in United States,

This is what LEGO should give away every year, a minifigure on a base instead of the weird things we have been getting.

By in Canada,

It's weird that these display stand minifigures went from generic variants to an exclusive supporting character.

By in United States,

Ah yes, the polybag that was so nice I had to buy it twice. Actually, I had to buy a second one because the first one got lost. That's what I get for trying to build at work. I had this and several Batman Collectible Series 2 minifigures in a bag that must have slipped out of my pocket on the way to the car... hopefully they ended up in the hands of some lucky kid :)

By in United Kingdom,

Everyone in the UK asking where to get these - they're in Tesco right now. £4 for just the figure, or free with any star wars set.

By in United Kingdom,

^ I paid £8 each from eBay.. whatamistakeatomaker

By in Romania,

CapnRex101. I wanted longtime ago to give you this one as a gift, but you didn't answer to my message. I happy you got it now.
Others complaining about rarity of some LEGO products, have them on Brickset "wanted list" but don't have the contact option on their account . And we believe the passion for LEGO is connecting us....

By in United States,

Spartan Ghost, thank you for saying everything I wanted to say but don't dare say so!!! I actually quit using Eurobricks a month ago as those forums degenerated into "*blegh* I hate everything disney has done with star Wars and all you who like the new stuff sucks!!!!!" I decided I could either rage everytime I got on that site, or just quit using it. Model Railroader Forums are much less complaining for my tastes!

By in United Kingdom,

@Felix Mezei - I cannot find any record of that email, otherwise I would certainly have taken you up on your kind offer! Many thanks for thinking of me though.

By in Germany,

I haven't seen any of the latest Star Wars films or any other Star Wars related material other than Episodes IV to VI and I to III. So I am neither for nor against the new films, but I do enjoy good minifigs, and this one seems quite nice actually. Not knowing anything about this character, I still immediately got the impression that he was a bad guy. So much for character guessing ;-)

By in United States,

Yay for the Lando redux. No reason to care, though. It's all machines anyway. ;)

By in United States,

They way the technic pin on the far right does not symmetrically match the pin hole on the left is driving me insane! If only LEGO would go back to the old one-piece stands.

By in Germany,

@logeybear: the Modulars must therefor drive you insane too.
OCD can be a real nuisance sometimes ;-)

By in United States,

Might be the worst Lego Star Wars minifigure ever.
(tryin' not to channel Comic Book Guy ;)
Hair doesn't seem right (another poster above mentioned a different hair piece, probably alot better), face is goofy. And from watching the movie a forgettable and not iconic character.
I do like the jacket printing. Besides another hairpiece, kinda' needed a small cloth collar to attach at the neck to flair out. Help to build up the jacket more like in the movie.
Benicio, you deserved better mi amigo ;)

By in Puerto Rico,

I managed to buy this last year on a Toys R Us.

By in United Kingdom,

Can confirm that this is indeed in Tesco Extra in the UK right now. I popped down to my local as a result of the comments here, so many thanks indeed for everyone that mentioned it :)

By in New Zealand,

Doesn’t the inconsistency in the label text of all of them lined up together look so awful. It pains the eyes. Boo!

By in United Kingdom,

Does anyone know where these can be found in the Manchester area. I have been to 3 large Tescos and no dice. Not even any "Lego Star Wars offer" information.

By in United Kingdom,

I have been to Failsworth and Gorton, both Tesco Extras, and Cheetham Hill. What about you?

By in United Kingdom,

Thank you Piers482482. Although you can buy 1 for £4 the supervisor I spoke to had no knowledge of the gift with purchase offer, even after asking someone on the toy dept. Nothing was taken off at checkout either. There was no signage for a promotion but on the shelf edge label next to the price it did say “GWP”. The supervisor just said that could mean anything.

By in United Kingdom,

Also none at Middleton.

By in United Kingdom,

The Tesco Extra in Long Eaton near Nottingham/Derby has them too.

By in United Kingdom,

ill check some of the east london ones, the main tesco doesnt stock any toys of any kind,

By in United Kingdom,

so does this mean that Tesco is the exclusive for UK for this minifig?

By in United States,

Epic fail on his hair piece - nothing like him in the movie.

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