9499 Gungan Sub, part 1

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9499 Gungan SubThis morning's Desert Skiff review was a bit brief, for which I apologise. It had slipped my mind that the summer SW sets are not yet out in the US, so many of you are eager to know more about them before their release so you can make informed purchasing decisions. So I'll take my time with them\ reviews from now on...

Next up then, is 9499-1 Gungan Sub. This is one of the more iconic vehicles in Episode 1, and this has obviously been released to coincide with the 3D version of the movie hitting the theatres this year.

The set also contains one of the most iconic characters from Episode 1: Queen Amidala. A minifig version of her in full ceremonial regalia has been anticipated since the original release of the Episode 1 sets in 1999.

It's likely then, that you'll want to buy this set...

9499 Gungan SubThis is the second Gungan Sub to be made, the first one being 7161 from 1999. It looks very crude in comparison to the new version. One definite improvement you can see straight away, is that the three minfigs all fit in the cockpit, which wasn't the case for the old one.

Here's the back of the box showing the craft and the minifigures.

9499 Gungan SubInside the box you'll find five numbered bags, two instruction books, and four lengths of blue flex. The instructions are regular-quality and not printed on the thick glossy paper found in the Desert Skiff.

The sticker sheet is not shown in the picture. Unfortunately it's printed on white backing plastic so the stickers are likely to peel over time. I won't therefore be applying them.

9499 Gungan SubHere's the contents of bag 1: the rear propulsion unit that detaches from the main ship, a couple of crates and what is probably a mine or something...

9499 Gungan SubAnd let's not forget, everyone's favourite Gungan: Jar Jar Binks!

This is the same as the one that appeared in 7929 Battle of Naboo, from last year.

In the next installment I'll open bag 2, which contains Queen Amidala, so stay tuned...

19 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

Great review again Huw. I would put a link here but I have not reviewed this one yet (nor have I built it!)

By in United States,


By in United Kingdom,

Yoosa thinkin' yoosa people ganna buy? (I'm so sorry).

By in United States,

^^ British English tends to prefer the 's', rather than a 'z'

@HUW - I see what you did there. Don't worry, we'll all tune back in for the Queen. Too many of us have been waiting entirely way too long for her, so we can wait a bit more =)

By in United States,

Wow, looks like a fun build! Amidala is just icing on the cake! Thanks for the great review Huw!

By in United States,

@ Goldmatt - That's the UK way of spelling it.

On a side note, I'm not sure the Gungan sub is all that iconic. If I had to list iconic Phantom Menace vehicles, it would include a pod racer, Naboo fighter, Naboo royal starship, and Sith infiltrator. I mostly try to forget anything Gungan.

Including the prized Queen Amidala with this set is an interesting choice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the movie she was never in the sub at all, much less in this outfit, right? I guess Lego figured this would be one of their worst sellers so they needed to add her to the set to help.

Almost forgot...I really enjoy these new photo-intensive reviews, Huw. Thanks for doing them!

By in United Kingdom,

Good review Huw.....even if it was a bit long.

By in Croatia,

I hate Jar Jar Binks he ruined star wars !!!

By in United Kingdom,

@goldmatt, we use the Queen's English here at Brickset, not the more correct Americanised version, although you'll notice I did make some much needed concessions, calling a film a 'movie' and cinema a 'theater' :-)

Update: Edited for Accuracy by Yellowcastle 6-13-12 ;o)

By in United States,

Americanised? ;-) I wonder if that's the kind of word that should always have a Z...

But about the set, I think it's pretty good even without a random unrelated minifgure, which makes it even better.

By in United States,

@Huw I aplogise and thank you for explaining but perhaps you mean yankee dialect? : )

By in United States,

Is that a new blue? There are so many shades now...

By in United States,

Hey why no close ups of the most important part in this awesome new set, the bubble canopy?

It's worth it just for those three items alone. But it also has a ton of those new double slope parts. I was sold on this thing when it first leaked!

By in United States,

It's a shame this set is RIDICULOUSLY overpriced. Thought the LotR's Weather top set was overpriced?? Well wait till you see the price on this. 15 cents/piece on this set. 70 BUCKS! (USD). No way man. Skipping this for sure.

By in United States,

Very nice. I'm looking forward to part two of the review and pics of Queen Amidala.

By in United Kingdom,

I wish jar jar binks could have a more happier face!

By in United Kingdom,

could you put a comparrisson picture of both sets, old and new ?

By in United States,

cant wait for this set to come out espicially because of the new minifigs

By in United States,

My favorite gungan is a dead one.

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