Review: 30497 First Order Heavy Assault Walker

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A selection of sets based on Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be available from the 1st of September but 30497 First Order Heavy Assault Walker has been released slightly early in a few Canadian Wal-Mart stores. This 54-piece model depicts the AT-M6, a new kind of attack walker deployed by the First Order which first appeared in the teaser trailer for the upcoming film.

A larger version of the AT-M6 is also among the first wave of Star Wars: The Last Jedi sets and several other companies are producing toys based on the vehicle. It therefore seems likely that it will occupy a significant role in the movie, presumably in a pivotal action scene set on the mineral-rich planet of Crait.

The Completed Model

The AT-M6 stands on four legs and is controlled from an articulated cockpit section so is bound to draw comparison with the Imperial AT-AT. They are fairly similar at first glance but the new vehicle features a distinctive leg configuration which has inspired the nickname 'Gorilla Walker' because the forward shoulders are set above those at the rear. This is reflected in the model as the legs are mounted at different heights using Technic pins so can be articulated individually.

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Each foreleg also features joints at the knees and ankles, although the movement in the ankles is limited by a dark bluish grey slope. I cannot envisage how this could have been avoided at such a small scale but it is slightly bothersome. Nevertheless, you can create some fairly realistic poses and the ball-jointed head looks superb, as does the heavy laser cannon mounted just above the neck.

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The shaping of the body seems reasonably accurate based on what we have seen of the vehicle so far. I like the black clips which are fitted at an angle, representing a stack of cannisters stored towards the rear of the walker in the film. This presents a pleasant contrast with the grey armour plating and the trans-red cockpit is a pleasing detail too.

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Star Wars polybags have been excellent in recent years and this small model maintains the high standard we have come to expect. The unusual stance and proportions of the AT-M6 have been rendered nicely and I am very satisfied with the range of articulation in the legs and head. A wider range of motion in the ankles would have been ideal but the 1x1 slopes are necessary for the sake of accuracy so this is excusable in my opinion.

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I would certainly recommend this polybag, although its availability is currently very limited. Hopefully the set will soon be more widely released around the world as it would be nice to assemble an entire fleet of walkers like that in the trailer. I look forward to seeing the AT-M6 in action against the Resistance in the movie!

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your thoughts on the set in the comments below. We will be publishing reviews of the entire Star Wars: The Last Jedi range as soon as we are able to acquire the sets.

18 comments on this article

By in United Kingdom,

This will go nice with my Star Wars micro wars !!

By in Puerto Rico,

The only TLJ set I'll buy most likely, the fact that the Empire and New Republic vehicles are familiar it's because in the SW Afthermath novels (adult/late teens audience) it's explained that the companies that fabricated their equipment actually are the same ones that worked for both military movements during the OT (the Empire established secret factories before the Battle of Endor on the Outer Rim and unknown space).

By in United States,

This is (sadly) probably the best set in the whole line.

By in Germany,

See headline, get excited, scroll down... "oh".

By in United States,

I still think this thing looks weird.

By in United Kingdom,

I want a look at the other sets. But guys, I can't believe I STILL haven't seen TFA. It drives me nuts!

By in United States,

^ You aren't missing anything. Just watch A New Hope and picture everyone old.

The prequels might be horrible but at least they had some unique ships in them.

By in United States,

^ It's not that bad, it definitely mirrors A New Hope, but it's still worth the watch. ;)

By in United States,

Can't wait to see this in action in The Last Jedi!

By in Hungary,

TFA was a complete copy of New Hope, that is why I did not like it at all. It seems to me the Last Jedi will be a remake of the Empire Strike Back. A Jedi Master teaching a newly discovered force sensitive padawan, ground battle with assault walkers, etc.

I am so sad, what a missed opportunity to create something original...

(I am sure that they will attack the new ATATs with the good old cable attack, but now they will stand up again, thanks to their modified front legs. Blah...)

By in United States,

This looks just bizarre, which is too bad... I do quite like the larger version. Not planning on buying it because it's $149.99, but that is a pretty cool design. I don't think it translates very well to this scale.

By in United States,

^ Disney. The company who *somehow* even managed to make Star Wars unexciting.

By in United Kingdom,

Nobody will ever convince me that this is somehow an improvement on the original AT-AT walkers in TESB.
This knuckle dragging 'new' thing - sucks at whatever scale it is.

By in Austria,

Using the "MakingStarWars" leaked drawings and the big Lego set as reference - yeah, I don't understand how anyone over the age of 14 could think this walker looks good...

This year, I read both "Shadows of Mindor" by Matthew Stover (10/10) and the Black Fleet Trilogy by Michael McDowell (7/10) and both were a lot more entertaining than TFA.

IMO they've done too much stupid sh*t with the universe in TFA..for me, that can't be fixed in TLJ and IX.. Han is dead, the Jedi are dead, the Republic is dead, Leia is not a Jedi, Luke is a recluse.
(and please, nobody pull the "it rhymes" crap)
When they canned the old canon, I at least expected something new.

By in United Kingdom,

Looks like someone was trying to copy the design of the Future Predator from Primeval.

By in United States,

I like this model of the walker, but those black clips look so bizarre on the back.

By in United States,

It's funny to think that everyone bashing TFA and calling TLJ a remake is still going to see the movies anyways. Also Rouge One was original and unexpected.

By in United States,

This gets me sooo excited for them in the movie. (' )_(' )
I'm not saying that as a model this is bad, but it looks a little silly no matter the scale.
I'm still not sold on this Sequel Trilogy, but there's enough bashing of the movies already in the comments. I shouldn't have even made this one, but old habits and whatnot.

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