Review: 75532 Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike

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The integration of models and minifigures is vital to the success of the majority of LEGO products. I have been hoping that the Buildable Figures range would explore similar interaction between vehicles and characters since the first wave was released towards the end of 2015. 75532 Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike is therefore one of the most exciting sets of the summer in my opinion.

BIONICLE and Hero Factory yielded several vehicles which were designed to be piloted by large Constraction figures but attempting to recreate an existing craft such as the 74-Z speeder bike presents an entirely different challenge. The model consists primarily of Technic components which suits the Buildable Figures perfectly and no compromise has been made with regard to the level of detail as a few System parts are used where appropriate.

The Completed Model

The Imperial Scout Trooper, like the vast majority of armoured Star Wars characters, is ideally suited to a Buildable Figure. The lightly armoured design has been rendered very effectively using black shells to represent the fabric and smaller white components which cover the joints, just as in the film. Scout Troopers are able to cover ground with great speed and agility thanks to their lightweight equipment and this figure is similarly articulated so you can create some realistic poses.

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The accuracy of the helmets worn by Buildable Figures is consistently pleasing and this example maintains the high standard we have come to expect from the range. Several small vents are printed on every side of the helmet while the front features an attractive black visor and a grey vocoder, both of which look marvellous. The head is attached using a ball joint and there is plenty of space below the helmet which allows the trooper to look in almost any direction, as one would expect of a scout.

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A standard large shell covers the front of the torso. It is richly decorated with realistic designs and compares very favourably with the source material. I like the shaded line which attempts to recreate the shape of the chest armour in the centre and the fabric details below look great, representing the cummerbund storage belt. This supports two large pouches in the film but here they are attached using a Technic assembly at the back of the figure. A more authentic belt would have been brilliant but I suspect any alternative design would look very bulky so am quite satisfied with the current configuration.

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Buildable Figures often lack detail when viewed from behind but I think the Imperial Scout Trooper looks quite complete from all angles. There are very few gaps left at the back and a thermal detonator is attached below the backpack, just like in the movie. This aspect also reveals some more detailed moulding and printing on the helmet, including a couple of vents which are highlighted in dark bluish grey.

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The backpack is formed using a rounded shoulder armour component. I was slightly hesitant about this design when official images were released but in person its relative size and shape is excellent. The white panels on the arms look great too and they do not hinder the articulation at all, despite stretching across the entirety of the elbow joint. This element was only introduced at the beginning of 2017 and has not appeared in white without printing before so I am pleased to see four included here.

The scout trooper is armed with a tiny EC-17 hold-out blaster pistol which slots into a holster on the side of the knee. This is situated a little lower on the leg in the film but I think it looks great here and allows the trooper to reach down and grab it while piloting his speeder. The pistol is fairly simple in its design but is faithful to the movie weapon and it looks good when held in the hand, unlike that found in last year's 75121 Imperial Death Trooper.

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The figure looks superb when standing beside his 74-Z speeder bike. The scale is absolutely perfect and the contrast between bright white armour and reddish brown bodywork looks fantastic. It is quite tempting to display the set like this as it shows off the full height and detail of the Imperial Scout Trooper which is more than a match for most of the other armoured Buildable Figures in my opinion.

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However, the set looks even better with the scout trooper seated at the controls. Four Technic pins secure the figure and the exceptional articulation allows him to sit in a realistic posture with his feet on the pedals and hands on the handlebars. You can adjust each joint to yield a very low body position which looks marvellous and gives the impression of speed, as shown in the image below.

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A small control panel is located between the handlebars and you can pose the figure as though he is making adjustments to the sensor settings. I remain hopeful that we might one day see some more poseable fingers so that poses like this one would look a little more realistic, although the standard hands are ideal for holding the hand grips.

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The figure remains very stable even when only holding one handlebar so he can reach down for the blaster pistol. It is also possible to lean the figure to the side and shift its weight during turns, just as the biker scouts do in the film. I am a little disappointed that the speeder bike itself cannot bank to reflect the position of the driver but this might have compromised the structural integrity of the display stand.

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The steering vanes are represented using four curved Technic panels. They look great and I appreciate that you can swivel the uppermost fins to recreate the steering mechanism, although there is a little less friction that I would like. It is therefore very easy to knock the vanes accidentally. On the other hand, the sticker on each external surface adds some welcome detail and the sensor array in the centre is accurate to the source material.

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Dark bluish grey masts are used to form the outriggers. They look splendid and provide very strong support for the steering assembly at the front, as one might expect. A single blaster cannon is slung beneath the speeder and this hides a spring-loaded shooter inside the barrel. The trigger is located alongside a sturdy handle which consists entirely of Technic elements so you can guarantee that the model will not come apart during even the most enthusiastic of swooshing!

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This Technic assembly also serves as a display stand which supports the entire weight of the model at a slight upward angle. It would have been nice to see some means of adjusting the angle but I think the speeder looks alright in its current configuration. I would also have liked to be able to remove the stand with ease but this requires some considerable disassembly and a few extra pieces will be required to replace those which form part of the stand. Nevertheless, it is pleasing to see the stand included and its role as a grip is equally useful.

A black power cell is fitted to the other side of the speeder bike, with a black hose connecting it and the engine. I really appreciate asymmetrical details like this one and the continuing authenticity of the design is thoroughly impressive, as are many of the mechanical features which are often only visible from certain angles.

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Some tan liftarms represent the folded tarp on the back of the speeder bike and additional stickers form the rows of bolts on the repulsor deflectors. These are mounted on hinges so can be opened to reveal the thrust array inside which is a welcome feature, although I wonder whether this mechanism might have been linked with the foot pedals so that moving those would cause the air brakes to open and close.

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The repulsor projector arrays are represented using dark bluish grey and trans-red dishes of differing diameters. They look fine but I think some fan components would have been more appropriate in this instance as a pair of rotating turbines are visible whenever the air brakes open during the film.

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The handlebar supports are fixed in place but you can adjust the angle of the upper sections if you wish. Unfortunately, the grips are represented using blue Technic pins which look completely out of place among the muted shades of the bodywork. This is probably the weakest aspect of the set but it is difficult to envisage how it might have been improved as the pins are colour locked at the moment.

A black Technic corner panel depicts the angled seat cushion which looks marvellous. Its size is ideally suited to the Buildable Figure and the shaping of the bodywork around it is superb, making excellent use of varying curved Technic panels which tessellate remarkably well and form a cohesive structure. This is especially apparent towards the rear where the thrust array housing is angled to create an aerodynamic shape, much like that in the movie.

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I have been very much looking forward to the release of 75532 Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike and it does not disappoint! The bike is extraordinarily detailed and looks brilliant when compared with the source material, as does its armoured rider. I love the design of the helmet and the lightweight armour has been rendered very nicely. Not only is it faithful to the design of the troopers in Return of the Jedi but the absence of substantial armoured sections also permits a very satisfying range of motion at every joint.

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This extensive articulation is probably the most significant aspect of the entire set in my view. While the Imperial Scout Trooper and the 74-Z speeder bike are worthy of display as individual models, they look even more impressive when combined. Creating realistic poses is thoroughly enjoyable and the structural integrity of the speeder is perfect for play, as are the simple functions included. Furthermore, the vehicle measures over 40cm in length so offers reasonable value at a price of £49.99 or $54.99. On that basis I absolutely recommend it, even if you have avoided the Buildable Figures in the past.

30 comments on this article

By in United States,

Awesome bike, man! Great pics and excellently-written review. This might make me buy my first buildable figure. Love the inclusion of Luke at the end!

By in United States,

Great review! Love the last photo.

By in United States,

Thanks for the awesome review. I've been avoiding buildable figures but after your write up and the pics, I think I'll dive in on this one. Thanks!

By in United States,

I've been waiting for this Speeder Bike for 20 years. I'm so excited about it. 16 inches, and a Trooper.

By in United Kingdom,

I'm wondering if it's possible to replace the lift arms of the stand with trans-clear ones instead to give the impression the bike is actually floating on its repulsors. At least the alright ones (15 hole) are available in trans-clear, although I'm not aware if the pieces making up the bottom of the stand are.

Looks great either way - I have argos vouchers so I'm just waiting for it to turn up there.

By in United Kingdom,

Lol I love your last photo and this set looks amazing, this might even be my new favourite figure from this series. Also this would team perfectly with the new stormtrooper commander.

By in United Kingdom,

Also I might be the only one but I quite like the blaster pistol in the death trooper set, maybe there is a way to modify it though.

By in Philippines,

Being more of an OT fan, this set looks great. Though I really prefer the General Grievous buildable figure among these sets, I can add this to my collection. Makes me wonder how many pieces it would take to make Grievous' wheel bike...

By in United States,

I've heard this before, but this feels like it could be worthy of a UCS label! I'm in love with this, the moment I heard rumors of this set, I was excited. I have to have this, I only wish we had an Endor variant of Luke and an Endor Leia to match this! If they make a Boba Fett and a Darth Maul, my wishlist of figures will be complete! Thank you so much for the review, very well done!

By in United Kingdom,

I've left constraction so far but this has changed my mind. I'll pick up the death trooper and the scarif stormtrooper while they're still £13 on Amazon. I'll then get the stormtrooper commander when it's reduced. But this is good enough to warrant a full-price purchase. I think it's absolutely perfect. Amazing work chaps! What else can be replicated at this scale? Rey or Luke's speeder? Maul's speeder? A BARC speeder? A STAP? Who knows!

By in United Kingdom,

This makes me wish they had a Dark Knight figure that could sit on the Batpod...

By in United States,

I think this is the coolest looking constraction set so far.

By in United States,

It's great! Thank you for the pictures and insight.

By in United Kingdom,

@speedchampionsfan - I'd actually be really up for a STAP with a battle droid! I watched TPM for the first time in years this morning and is forgotten how cool they were.

By in United States,

Really don't want the speeder bike so hopefully I can snatch the figure on it's own for a reasonable price.

By in Puerto Rico,

Awesome review work man, the photos are also great (specially the one with Luke). Do you think we will get an X-Wing?

By in United States,

Picked one up during the 20% off SW promo at Target (US) yesterday ($44) and used free GCs to bring the total to $30 after tax (so 50% off) :)

My son built the set and boy is it great! Definite must buy for fans of SW, Constractibles or both :)

By in Australia,

I have the Darth Vader buildable figure as I am Darth Vader obsessed
But besides that I have had no interest in any other buildable figures....but this one is quite different and will hopefully pick it up when it is on sale

By in United Kingdom,

I never thought I'd find a reason to want Luke Skywalker but that last photo makes a strong case. Awesome!

Anyway, the actual set looks great so I'll definitely be picking it up on the 1st.

By in United Kingdom,

I've avoided the buildable figures, but I really want this set! But I know if I get it, I'm going to have to get them all... im not sure I want to open that box!

By in United Kingdom,

I've never been even vaguely interested in the Lego action figures before (going all the way back to the original Bionicle) but this one looks superb on the bike. Seriously considering picking it up, especially if it ends up with the sort of discounts the range has had recently.

By in Australia,

@Dreamfall31: maybe you can buy a set and sell the bike to someone who wants one for Luke Skywalker to ride.

By in Hungary,

Just in time LEGO realized the possibilities of buildable figures.
My son plays with this set:D

By in United States,

Awesome set!

By in United Kingdom,

I think this set is absolutely fabulous it is very clever of Lego to add the speeder bike, I hope this becomes the norm, as the inclusion makes the figure much more interesting. This set should raise the profile for many who have avoided the figures up to now. Also fantastic review, you have covered everything raising my desire to own it even further. Thank you

By in United Kingdom,

A good review, and it's certainly made the bike look more interesting to me. I want this set because I think Scout Trooper armour is the best from the original trilogy, and it looks like a good display piece.

I just can't get over the price, though. £50 seems a lot for it, and in my head I split the price between the figure and the bike. After building K-2SO, I can't see that figure being £20 (mind you - Jyn Erso was that price and I loved that figure too), and even at a more conservative £15, I'm struggling to see the bike as being £30-35 worth of parts and building. The £25 42048 Race Kart seems a good comparison to the bike - it's a relatively large set, it has about the same number of pieces (subtracting around 90 for the scout figure), but it's a more interesting build. I just don't see how the bike aspect can justify such a larger price.

But if it comes down in price, I think it will definitely be a must-get set.

By in United States,

Thanks for the terrific review.
As with most comments, I too have steered away from the Constraction sets as they just don't seem like LEGO, but as a Star Wars fan (who is old enough to have seen them when they were first released) and a motorcyclist, this appeals a LOT!
I'll see what the Australia Tax is before I commit to buying. If it is under $100, I'll give it serious thought. It over, it stays on the shelf unfortunately

By in United Kingdom,

I thought the blaster looks a little awkward in the troopers hand but I can't put my finger on why. Still a definite Christmas purchase to pick up the free Christmas goodie.

But surely, TLG know they are missing a fortune by not doing Boba. They even have all the pieces just need different colours and a cloak!

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