Review: 30611 R2-D2

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The annual May the Fourth promotion has elicited a brand new polybag every year since 2011 and each one has included a minifigure. However, the 2017 promotion breaks with tradition and offers 30611 R2-D2, a brick-built model of the heroic Astromech droid which has been released to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of Star Wars!

This decision seems to have divided opinion. It is always nice to see a new minifigure, particularly when that character would not have appeared in a standard set, but this little model is quite charming and R2-D2 is a consistently popular character. I have reserved judgement until now and am quite satisfied with this polybag, although it is difficult to ignore the vast roster of characters which have yet to make an appearance in minifigure form.

The Completed Model

R2-D2 stands almost 7cm in height and looks great on the whole, with an appropriate balance between white, dark blue and pearl silver across the entire model. The dome rotates all the way around and the primary legs are individually articulated at the shoulders and ankles while the central one includes an ankle joint so you can pose the figure as you wish. I like the cylindrical body which is constructed using SNOT techniques and the printed 1x2 tile on the front furthers the accuracy of the model.

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The pearl silver dome is printed all over and it looks splendid, with accurate panels and displays on the front and back. This matches the R4-P17 head found in 10215 Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter and I would certainly not be adverse to seeing some more Astromech droids rendered at this scale in future. Unfortunately a mark showing where the element was removed from the mould is visible beneath the processor state indicator which is a little disappointing. Hopefully this issue is not present in every set.

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You can remove the central stabiliser leg to alter the stance of the model. It would have been nice to see a retracting mechanism of some kind but I doubt that would be possible at this small scale and I appreciate that the central leg can be withdrawn. The legs on either side are formed using 5L Technic liftarms. These are very sturdy but appear too wide so the model looks a little awkward from certain angles.

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Nevertheless, I like the dark blue grilles and these can be removed to fit rocket boosters if you wish, although the parts for that are not included. The back of the model offers the least appealing view in my opinion but I like the light bluish grey panel and the printed detail on the dome is excellent.

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I like this little set. The proportions are not perfect but the figure offers considerable play value and will look great on display beside the enormous 10225 R2-D2 from 2012. Furthermore, a model of R2-D2 seems appropriate given that it is the fortieth anniversary of Star Wars and there are few characters from the film which have yet to appear as a minifigure. Aunt Beru and Garindan are the most striking examples but I do not think most children would have great interest in either, particularly when compared with 30611 R2-D2.

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This is undoubtedly a vast improvement over last year's offering and would be worth adding to your collection. It is currently available with Star Wars purchases costing over £60 or €65 in the UK and Europe and a similar promotion will soon be starting in North America too.

Please consider using these links when making any purchases: UK | Germany | France.

35 comments on this article

By in United States,

^ from far away it looks ok.

By in United States,

While I like the printed head (it could go great with any number of large starfighter MOCs) it's just too small for the body. Or perhaps the body is too big for the head. I may end up trying to produce a brick-built head of appropriate scale for this model's body diameter, and vice-versa.

By in Puerto Rico,

Minifigures that would've made for much better 40th Anniversary May the Fourth exclusives:

1. Luke and Leia in their original A New Hope Poster garb. (

2. Updated Biggs Darklighter

3. Updated Dutch Vander/Gold Leader

4. Garven Dreis/Red Leader

5. Aunt Beru (It's about time!)

6. Admiral Motti

7. Any Character in Bespin Garb (Luke, Lando, Leia, etc.)

8. Yoda in Original Trilogy Garb

9. General Dodonna

10. Any of the great number of Cantina Aliens that can be made with existing moulds. (Dr. Cornelius Evazan, Momaw Nadon, Kabe, Lak Sivrak or Arleil Schous/the Wolfmen, etc.)

By in Puerto Rico,

@Matt89190 Yeah. You'd think for a 40th Anniversary promotion they'd give us a better build. The head looks so awkward, the proportions are all wrong.

By in United Kingdom,

Got this yesterday. Nice little set, and much better for the average LEGO fan than a minifig of some obscure Star Wars character....

By in Puerto Rico,

THis is a great figure, but it's sad that the technic pins aren't in white to disguise them.

By in United Kingdom,

Hmm... I think I'll wait and get R3-M2. It's a nice design, but it's just useless to me. I can easily slot R3 into any scene or Starfighter no problem. Although I suppose it could be some kind of memorial to R2-D2, supposing he doesn't survive the sequel trilogy. Also, does anyone have any idea what the threshold will be for R3?

By in United States,

Its a nice little model... I made the dark red version, R4-P17, already using Bricklink. Once built i was slightly disappointed. The model looks nice and all, but I would have been far happier for it to be somewhat bigger so it could match scale to the buildable figures... never the less... I do hope this leads to full collection of droids...

By in United States,

I would have loved to see a polybag of both Triple Zero and BT. They are fan favorite droids.

By in United Kingdom,

I love this wee chap!
Far better than a minifig to me.
They had one on a rotating stand at Westfield London yesterday, which was a fun display :)

By in United States,

Toys R Us is giving away a Princess Leia mini build. It looks horrid.

By in France,

Love it but i don't buy at this may the 4th, i wait june for the newest Star Wars sets :/

By in United Kingdom,

I'd actually quite like to see chopper from rebels rendered at this scale. That could be quite interesting, particularly his middle wheel.

By in United States,

How well does this go with the SW buildable figures? That question has been nagging me since this was announced.

By in United States,

A General Dodonna minifig would have been nice, since he was also seen in Rogue One.

By in United States,

Very excited to get this little set. Thanks for the review!

By in Spain,

It could be considerated like a double-sized minifig scale, similar to UCS X-Wing scale, for example??
I do not like it very much. An exclusive minifig would have been better IMO.

By in Canada,

This is not making me want to order sets on May the 4th. I really hope they bring back the exclusive minifigs for next year.

By in United States,

Ahhh, one of my least favorite Star Wars characters. LOL. It's an okay build, I guess. The shape is a little weird.

By in United Kingdom,

I think the set is very well designed at this scale, though a weird decision it may be. However, it must be saying something that I've bought enough for the threshold every May 4th since 2012 (regretted the shadow ARF), but I'm not even sure I want to make a big purchase this year - perhaps just enough to go over the threshold to hold something back for R3!

By in United States,

I would've preferred a minifigure, but at least it's better than the Hoth Han they gave us a couple years ago...

By in Canada,

I like this set!
I prefer things that can be built, much more than minifig, Minifigs are built, but it's not much challenging; and the parts are rarely used to built other things than the figurine.

@farlander: I own the 7191 UCS x-wing (and the newer too), and I have the impression that R2D2 is too small. When I saw this new set, my first thought was to use it to modify one UCS set. But maybe I'm wrong and a 4x4 'head' is too big.

By in New Zealand,

I would've liked an R2 minifig with a unique print and the number 40 on a star maybe on his front. Its not as if this is just another anniversary. Massive disappointment considering...

By in United States,

I'm in! Unless those mysterious limited quantities deny me!

By in United States,

Still holding out hope that one day LEGO will produce a Bail Organa. A Leia tribute also would have been nice but this is alright - it is free after all

By in United States,

I think they should've done some form or Leia, they could do a little memorial minifigure. I see missed opportunity there.

By in United States,

Cute set. I wish I had the money to get it. Series 17 is taking over my funds. Thanks for the review!

By in United States,

It's OK, but I miss the rare minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

Thanks for the in depth review of the poly it's made me want the R2 even more! The printing on the dome looks great and all the details really come together to make a good looking droid.

As someone who has only just come back to the hobby this is my first May the 4th and to me this is far more tempting then a minifig. I've no problem with minifigs (I've even got a few of the fun looking CMFs I've found cheap on eBay) but the point of Lego to me is to build things and minifigs on their own are dull. Had this offer simply been a minifig I would have skipped the event completely but this R" build is calling to me and I'm trying to justify £60 of spend at way over market price (even at 10% off the kits are more then any toy store I know) just to get it.

By in Hong Kong,

I totally agree with Brickeric that it's far more interesting to build something; this R2-D2 is really cute and I love the scale. I don't live anywhere where I can get my hands on this (at a reasonable price) so apart from the printed dome and front tile, I was able to build one with pieces I already had, albeit with a few colour compromises. A fun little build; I love it!

By in United States,

How is it May 3rd and we still don't know what the May the 4th sales are for the USA???

By in United States,

I like something I can actually build so greatly prefer this to a minifigure anyway. I hope this trend continues; this is really the first May 4 promotion I got excited about.

By in United States,

i really wish that they would have put in a minifig but im buying the set anyway

By in United States,

So sad...I just got an email from Lego saying: The demand for the item(s) listed below has exceeded our expectations and the item(s) are no longer available. We regret to inform you that the order for these item(s) has been cancelled from your order xxxxxxxx.

30611 R2-D2™ V39
Item: 30611

By in United States,

So sad...I just got an email from Lego saying: The demand for the item(s) listed below has exceeded our expectations and the item(s) are no longer available. We regret to inform you that the order for these item(s) has been cancelled from your order xxxxxxxx.

30611 R2-D2™ V39
Item: 30611

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