Review: 75173 Luke's Landspeeder

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Luke Skywalker's X-34 Landspeeder was among the first LEGO Star Wars sets released in 1999 and has appeared a total of six times at minifigure scale. 75173 Luke's Landspeeder is the most recent edition and one could be forgiven for thinking that no changes have been made since 2014's 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina as this model looks very similar to its immediate predecessor at first glance, with a near-identical shape and colour scheme.

However, there are a surprising number of alterations to be discovered and I think this is the best version of the Landspeeder to date, due in no small part to the relatively low price point of £19.99 or $24.99 and the impressive minifigure selection.


Luke Skywalker wears a simple white tunic in this set, held in place by a belt with a dark bluish grey buckle. Some wrapping is printed around the top of his boots while the head includes a smile on one side and a grimace on the other. This hair piece was introduced in 2011 and it looks splendid in relation to the movie, with detailed texturing and an appropriate tan colour. Luke has rarely appeared in such an inexpensive set and this exact version has only previously been seen in 75159 Death Star so will likely be new to many potential buyers.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

This Obi-Wan Kenobi minifigure also appears in 75159 Death Star and is only otherwise available in 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina so I am glad to see him again. The figure looks great on the whole, with a detailed design on the head, torso and legs which closely resembles the source material. It would have been nice to see a textured hair piece but none of the existing elements are any better than this classic component. I am a little disappointed by the drab colour of the tan robes on the torso and hope that thicker printing will be used in future to resolve such issues. Obi-Wan comes complete with his blue lightsaber while Luke is equipped with a pair of macrobinoculars.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

Protocol Droid minifigures underwent a considerable update in 2012 and the design of C-3PO has been revised on a couple of occasions since then. This figure appeared twice in 2016 and includes detailed torso printing on the front and back as well as yellow highlights to represent the eyes. I like the colourful powerbus cables which are visible between the golden panels on his chest and the mount for a restraining bolt is a nice detail.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

The printing continues onto the legs where Threepio's silver shin covering is represented by an area of pearl silver. The edge of this design is cut off rather abruptly which is a shame, although it can be attributed to the limitations of LEGO's current printing technology and will hopefully be improved in future. I would have liked to see R2-D2 included as well but I think four minifigures is already quite generous for such a small set.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

Tusken Raiders are a relatively rare sight in Star Wars sets, having only appeared twice before. This version was last included in 75081 T-16 Skyhopper and looks tremendous, with a unique head sculpt which features detailed texturing to represent layered rags and a reddish brown breathing filter. The front and back of the torso is printed with wrinkled fabric as well as two bandoleers and a rusting moisture trap hangs just below the neck of the minifigure.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

The ragged clothing continues onto the hips and legs, effectively recreating the long robes worn by Tusken Raiders in the films. He is armed with a reddish brown gaderffii and this weapon incorporates a light bluish grey ice cream cone element which is new for 2017 in this colour.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

The Completed Model

Luke's Landspeeder measures 14cm in length so feels a little smaller than most sets of this size, although this is accounted for by the number of minifigures included and I would not want the model to be any larger to ensure appropriate scaling with those figures. I think it looks marvellous on the whole, with an accurate colour scheme achieved using a combination of grey, dark red and flesh elements as well as some nice mechanical details which are represented by stickers.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

The front of the model incorporates a pair of light bluish grey hoses which are bent to follow the curved profile of the Landspeeder and represent the repulsor vents. This is a great technique and has been in use since 2004's 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina while the details on top have been present since 2010 but have been revised to include a couple of dark red macaroni tiles on this occasion. A dark bluish grey grille replicates the exposed power circuits towards the left of the windscreen and this looks quite effective, although a sticker could have been used as a more accurate alternative as it was on the previous version.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

Three turbine engines are mounted behind the cockpit and these are each decorated with a sticker to replicate the painted details in the film. The engine cowling is missing from the nacelle on the left, just as it is in the movie, and two more radiators are found at the back of the model for cooling the thrusters. The central engine has been attached using a Technic assembly in past Landspeeder sets and this design always allowed it to be angled very slightly towards the left or right. That minor issue has now been resolved as click hinges are used instead and these provide a totally secure fastening.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

Removing the dorsal engine nacelle reveals storage space for a few accessories. Two minifigures can sit in the cockpit and a sticker forms a control panel in the centre while the driver has a wheel to steer the craft. Six trans-clear sliders are fitted underneath to elevate the Landspeeder and they give the illusion of hovering while also serving to strengthen the model.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

At first glance this model looks almost identical to that from 2014 but there are a number of subtle alterations. The engines are the primary focus of these changes as the dorsal nacelle is fitted more securely using clips and each one is finished with a dark red Astromech Droid head to match the design of the vehicle in the film. Furthermore, some new 2x2 macaroni tiles are used to form a curved pattern on top of the hull. I think the only remaining improvement which could realistically be made is the introduction of a new, more accurate windscreen element. That would have been a thoroughly impressive inclusion but the present piece looks great in my opinion so I am not desperately keen to see it updated.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

I should also mention that a light bluish grey rat is included to represent a Womp Rat. It is not particularly successful in that regard as Womp Rats are supposed to look more like a large hyena but I suppose it might add a bit of play value for some buyers.


I was disappointed to see another model of Luke's Landspeeder among the new Star Wars sets as I own several of the previous models and doubted that there was much room for improvement. However, this set has proved to be a very pleasant surprise! All of the changes which have been made are certainly for the better and the minifigure selection is impressive, particularly given the price of £19.99 or $24.99.

75173 Luke's Landspeeder

This set offers little to a seasoned LEGO Star Wars collector but I would highly recommend it if you do not own 75052 Mos Eisley Cantina and it is ideal for younger fans, with a splendid range of major characters and an excellent model of a popular vehicle. Of the three new sets at this price point, 75173 Luke's Landspeeder is my favourite.

I hope you have found this review informative. Let us know by liking this article and share your thoughts on the set in the comments below.

49 comments on this article

By in United States,

I think the way to resolve the 3PO leg problem is to dual-mold the one leg in both pearl silver and pearl gold. But I can see why TLG probably won't as it would be quite difficult and would definitely jack the price up to cover the cost of the new part. And also when TLG does dual-mold, it's usually on both legs, not one or the other.

By in United Kingdom,

This was the first 2017 set I got and my first model of Luke's landspeeder, and I was impressed at the detail of such a small set.

By in United States,

I have never had a Lego model of the landspeeder, but my Grandparents used to have an action figure size Landspeeder toy at their house which this reminds me of. Might be worth finally getting for nostalgia alone! ;)

Also I find it funny when reviews like this say "a seasoned collector might find this repetitive." I have been collecting Lego Star Wars since 1999/2000 and still don't have sets representing most of the vehicles in film. Of course I was just a kid back then, and now I am a college student; so my budget has always been limited so I can only get a handful of sets each year. My point being though, don't assume every Lego Star Wars fan who has stuck around since the beginning of the license, has bought every set previously released!

By in United States,

In the comparison shot above, the new build is on the left and the 75052 version is on the right. The windscreen on the left is correct, and on the right it's one stud too far forward. Both should have 9 studs in front of them.

By in Ireland,

That somehow translates to EUR 29.99

By in United Kingdom,

@TitanArch - Right you are, thanks. I will alter that when I get a chance.

By in Sweden,

It looks like a great set for us who missed out on the Cantina set, but the price of 40 bucks is way too much in Sweden. I´d buy for the US/UK retail price but this is too much, even for a set with amazing minifigs. If it goes down to 30 I will buy it.

By in Ireland,

@gunther yeah this should definitely be priced closer to €24.99, due to the brexit-impacted sterling at the moment, but the previous stand-alone version was €29.99 and I suppose they can get away with charging us the same again. :( But I am glad to see my favourite car on the shelves again. ;)

By in United Kingdom,

Wow a spectacular model, and a very reasonable UK price too. A great opportunity for people like me who don't own a landspeeder to get one.

By in United Kingdom,

Also I would also like to thank you CapnRex101 for your excellent reviews they make a great read.

By in United States,

Great review Captain; there are more differences/improvements than I had noticed on first glance. However, I'll probably pass up this set unless it's available at a good discount. I just can't justify the need for a 3rd Landspeeder, or adding to my legion of Luke, Obi-Wan, or C-3PO minifigures. I would like another (like 10!) Tusken Raider, but will just pick some up on Bricklink or ebay. Does anyone know when this newest Star Wars wave will be released in the US?

By in United States,

Okay, so I haven't gotten a version since 2004, but you know what this set could use? R2-D2 in a little brick-built cave. That way, you can have a complete scene.

By in United Kingdom,

This reminds me that I've "lost" my Mos Eisley version in a box somewhere... I best go find it. Although I remember I replaced the horrible salmon pink (nougat?) plates with dark tan.

By in United States,

Very nice review. I own two past models of the Landspeeder. This is a very tempting purchase for me. I like the improved left nacelle and the minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

Will we get an a-wing review at some point? Please?

By in Puerto Rico,

As I still have the landspeedeer on the Mos Eisley Cantina set Inwill hold on buying this baby (so sad that that Tusken Raider is all alone and not with some Banthas).

By in France,

I hesitate to buy this or the Phantom II but i buy the last one. Only disappointed by the price of this landspeeder which is 30€ (=30$) , its too much for the 193 pieces.

By in Ireland,

Captain, on this occasion I couldn't disagree more. The changes from the landspeeder in 75052 (which wasn't much different from 8092) are so subtle you need to see them side-by-side. Even the stickers are almost identical!
The droid heads give the engines a nice shape from the outside but they also close the air intakes. I prefer the engines in 8092 that don't rely on stickers. You don't like the grille under the windscreen replacing a sticker, I think that's the second best change (after the macaroni tiles).
In euro this set is madly over-priced and for the movie scenes it refers to (having Obi Wan and the Tusken raider) leaving out R2-D2 is unforgivable.

By in United States,

It looks nice and I will likely pick up yet another version of the speeder. I am still a little partial to the sand red color used in set number 4501. Perhaps I'll replace the orange with the sand red to see how that looks. Now we just need the new SW sets in the U.S.

By in United States,

Look on the bright side, it comes with a mouse! I think THAT is pretty rare!

By in United Kingdom,

@LegoSolo77 - The Star Wars sets will be released on the 1st of March in North America.

@VaderFan2187 - Yes, that will be the next Star Wars review, although we might be publishing a couple from other themes before that one.

@Speed champions fan - I am intending to publish a review of the A-wing Starfighter quite soon.

By in Germany,

A great review, thanks a lot! This is an amazing set but owning the Cantina playset, there is no reason for me to get this one, they are just too similiar..

By in United States,

CapnRex101, great review. I think it's great to get more of the Death Star minifigures in cheaper sets.

By in Germany,

It looks nice enough but the price in Euro is (again) "positively bonkers" ;-).

By in Australia,

Waiting for either double VIP points or discount to buy both; The Phantom (75170) and Y-Wing (75172)

Contemplating whether to buy either this or the Desert Skiff (75174)

By in Sweden,

If you thought the Euro price was bad, come to Sweden where it costs the equivalent of £32, $39 or €36. Prices here are higher than average, but even so for such a small set that's just outrageous. It'd probably be cheaper to buy it brand new from a cheaper country on Bricklink than buying it in a local store.

By in United Kingdom,

Didn't want it. Wasn't gonna buy it. Saw those macaroni plates. Now in need it.

Or maybe just pick the plates up on briclink and update the one I have ??

By in United States,

Great review, thx! Is this another set we Americans must wait till March for, again for no clear reason?

By in United States,

What is the mouse there to represent??

By in Germany,

Hah, 30€ for a marginally improved landspeeder. Big "nope" from me.

By in United States,

@bbeck018 Probably a womp rat. They nest in the deserts of Tatooine, but the size of this one would suggest an adolescent opposed to an adult womp rat (average length larger than 2 meters, roughly 6 feet).

By in United States,

$25 and not even an R2D2. Come on! Tusken Raider is a sweet figure though... if this goes on sale I might buy it, but I think it's one of the least interesting new Star Wars sets.

By in United States,

"Luke has not appeared in such an inexpensive set since 2004"

Not entirely true, at least outside the UK. While the UK price was a bit weird, Desert Skiff (9496) in 2012 was priced the same in Euros and USD and featured Luke.

By in Germany,

Not to mention the very similar landspeeder set from 2010 (8092). A cheaper Euro price actually, and five minifigs.

By in United Kingdom,

Although I love the detail and I admire the depth of the review to study the (very subtle) changes, it just serves to show that owning the Mos Eisley Cantina set from 2014 totally negates needing this at all.

On the bright side, at least this should push down the price of 'newer' Luke from the Death Star on Bricklink, which is the only figure I'd be interested in here

By in United States,

I wish the older landspeeder included a tusken raider...

By in Canada,

I still don't get why they gave the Tusken Raiders specially molded heads. They were just fine with regular heads. If anything, maybe give them Zabrak (Maul) horns or something.

By in United States,

I am happy with no R2 in this one. He's only been in 1 of the 6 sets with Luke's landspeeder. He is also one of the most prolific individual minifig characters at 37 sets if I read correctly. Only 3 sets with Tusken Raiders and this is only the second set with the new molded head - I'll take the Raider instead of my 33rd R2. Yoda's Jedi Starfighter comes with R2 for those who need yet another one.

By in United States,

Can't wait to grab this

By in United Kingdom,

Thank you for the great review. When I saw this on the release schedule I just had to have it. Normally I wait until Amazon drops the price but not this time. I didn't have a landspeeder before this so I can't compare but I love it.

I'll also be going for the desert skiff at some point when funds allow. I tend to focus on original trilogy ships and vehicles. I hope there are more in the pipeline.

By in United Kingdom,

the landspeeder included in the cantina set looks better, this one is just cheaper.

By in Switzerland,

It's a good model, if I wouldn't have picked up the cantina set just before it was discontinued, I'd definitely go for it.
THe only thing I don't think is an improvement is the steering and controls, the speeder doesn't have a wheel and gear lever, it's just kind of odd.

By in Netherlands,

I'd probably buy the macaroni plates to update the version from Mos Eisley Cantina, as those do improve the look, but the old engines are ok for me.

By in United States,

Seeing as I have both the 2010 version (my first Star Wars set!) and the 2014 Mos Eisely version, I have no reason to buy this one.

By in United Kingdom,

I have the Mos Eisley one and 7110 but will definitely buy this when it's discounted.

By in Czechia,

£19,99, now that sounds like a pretty good deal. *checks Norwegian price* £33,67

Lego company WTF :(

By in Germany,

Just way too expensive for what it is...

By in United States,

Have the prices been confirmed? I was under the impression that this would be a $19.99 kit judging by the box size, like Kanans bike or Rey's speeder.

By in United States,

As someone who did not have the chance to but any of the previous landspeeders, I am very pleased with this set and it does not disappoint.

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