Review: 21302 The Big Bang Theory

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The tenth LEGO Ideas set, 21302 The Big Bang Theory, is on display to the public for the first time today at San Diego Comic Con. We've been sent one to review to coincide with this ahead of its release at on 1st August.

The LEGO Ideas project was submitted by Alatariel and Brickset's Ideas correspondent GlenBricker. It was revealed that it had passed review in November 2014. Many observers, including me, were surprised at that decision given that it was based on a TV sitcom that was somewhat obscure outside of the USA, while the model itself consisted of not much more than a couple of walls and a bunch of minifigs.

Eight months later, the set is in my hands and I've still not seen an episode of it so I've enlisted the help of my daughter Alice who's watched every episode countless times when she probably should have been studying at university. This review is therefore a collaborative father-daughter effort.

Box and contents

As is usual for Ideas sets, the box is a higher quality than normal LEGO boxes. At 19x35 cm it's the same size as the Birds and Ghostbusters boxes.

The front shows the room with the seven minifigs sitting round the table -- more on that later.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The rear shows details of the room and the minifigures.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The flapped box can be opened without damage.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

As well as the construction instructions, the 100-page perfect bound manual provides background information about the show and the characters, and a page about GlenBricker and Alatariel.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The sticker sheet contains just two decals.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Parts are divided into bags numbered 1 and 2.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The dark tan baseplates are loose in the box.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Thankfully the majority of the decorated parts are printed, including two whiteboards, takeaway containers and a couple of poster tiles, one of which isn't shown below.

The micro-figs that appeared in the UCS Helicarrier crop up here in blue and dark red and are used as trophies.

21302 The Big Bang Theory


There's no doubting that the minifigures are the highlight of the set so we'll deal with them first.

First, the males, from left to right: Howard, Sheldon, Leonard and Raj. All are printed with an impressive level of detail. Sheldon's arms are fabricated using two colours of plastic, a technique first used for The Simpsons minifigs.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Alice tells me:

  • Sheldon is always wearing his Flash T-shirt, so the minifig looks perfect.
  • Leonard is very often seen wearing his green recycle logo shirt and wears a beige jacket so a good similarity there too.
  • Raj’s outfit is his favourite look from the earlier series, a purple and yellow sweater with a purple jacket over the top.
  • Howard is the least similar of the minifigs. His iconic look is usually an outfit with a matching colour scheme. He is often seen wearing a turtle neck with a cowboy plaid shirt over it, with clashing colour trousers. For example, in episode 23 of season 5 ‘The Launch Acceleration’ he is seen wearing an all blue and green outfit. The minifig's outfit seems too simple compared to his usual attire. He has a large collection of belts with fancy buckles so it's good to see him wearing one here. He's the only male minifig to have a printed leg assembly.

All four are printed on the reverse.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

All four have alternative expressions. Raj is exhibiting his 'selective mutism' face, I'm told. Leonard's hair piece is new in dark brown but the others have all appeared before.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The three females are, left to right, Penny, Amy and Bernadette.

Amy and Bernadette's legs are moulded using two colours of plastic.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Once again Alice sheds light on their outfits:

  • The Amy minifig looks very similar to her character, she usually wears dull old fashioned clothes like the green knitted cardigan seen here.
  • Bernadette’s minifig is quite similar as she is often seen wearing cardigans done up making her look very ‘busty’. I’m assuming her outfit is based on the pink and white dress she is seen wearing on the opening cast shot of season 6 onwards.
  • Penny’s often seen in more skimpy clothing than her minifig is wearing, but she is sometimes seen in a shirt. Her hair is long like her character, before the actress cut it short before the latest series.

They are all printed on the back.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Like the males, they all have alternative expressions, Penny's and Bernadette's appear to be disapproving smirks.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

There's no doubt that a lot of effort has gone into the minifigs and it's great that all seven main characters from the show have been included. I guess fans would not have been happy with anything less.


Bags #1 provide parts for the room's walls and office area which represent part of Leonard and Sheldon's apartment.

Construction is all very straightforward. The two stickers are applied to the door at the back and the door frame at the front. Alice says the one on the door is a boxing ring poster

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The sticker applied to the 1x1x6 brick had Alice stumped for a while but she thinks it's a fuse box or holder or something like that.

The bookcase houses a number of books and what looks like a wireless which is a new printed tile. The books are attached to the sides of the shelves by 1x1 Technic bricks and a stud-pin which unfortunately makes it look like they are floating above the actual shelf.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The back is very plain, I guess it doesn't need to be anything else.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

A computer and lamp adorn the desk.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Bags #2 contain parts for the large bookcase, the seating, rugs, and Sheldon's DNA helix model (the blue and red thing at the back), which Alice says has moved around the apartment a bit but is usually seen in this position.

About the printed tile under the lamp on the wall at the front of the model: Alice thinks it might be the thermostat. A picture would usually be in its place but as Sheldon is very particular when it comes to the room temperature it might have been included as an integral aspect of the show. For example, in Season 3 episode 22, he and Leonard argue as Leonard tries to turn it up but Sheldon states it must be kept at 72 degrees at all times, in accordance to their roommate agreement.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Alice tells me that the items on the top shelf -- Sheldon's green lantern, globe, rocket and glass globe -- are all faithful to the show, as is the picture of the Golden Gate (?) bridge on the wall.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The rug's pattern is very similar to that in the show.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

A whiteboard, and a black chair are built last. The chair looks a bit out of place and unlike those on the show, Alice thinks it's more like a director's chair. Neither fit within the main model and feel a bit superfluous, which is a shame. Note the lipsticks used for marker pens. The illustrations should have been in red to match.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

The completed model

The completed model looks great and captures the sitcom's set -- Leonard's and Sheldon's lounge, where most of the action takes place -- well (compare to these images at Google).

21302 The Big Bang Theory

Although the characters have been seen to be sitting in the positions shown on the box (e.g here) Alice has changed them round: Sheldon remains in his usual spot at the end of the settee near the window, but after Amy, his girlfriend, joined the show she usually sits next to him.

Leonard is often sat in the arm chair with his girlfriend Penny perched next to him or sat on an extra chair. Bernadette usually takes the last spot on the sofa with her husband Howard, taking an extra chair or perching on the side of the sofa. Raj is usually the unlucky one that has to sit on the floor.

The group indulge in takeaways every night. Today it's either Chinese or Thai so we can conclude that it's either a Friday or Monday, because Sheldon's OCD dictates that they eat the same thing on the same night each week.

21302 The Big Bang Theory

We haven't mentioned Raj's beloved dog, Cinnamon, a Yorkshire Terrier, which can be seen in the floor next to him above. Not that it looks much like a Yorkie, but still...

21302 The Big Bang Theory

21302 The Big Bang Theory


So, what do I think of it, as someone who's never seen the show but who's built a fair few LEGO sets in my time?

It's a room, an incomplete one at that. Two walls and some furniture. A group of minifigs sat round a table. Nothing moves, nothing can be played with. Construction is simple, there are no new parts and not many exciting ones. It hasn't got a lot going for it...

Yet somehow I like it very much. I think the main reason is because of the effort that's gone into the design to pack it full with fan-pleasing details, both of the minifigs and the sitcom set. Although the details mean nothing to me I've been able to ask Alice about them and she's known straight away what they are.

It's also very faithful to the original submission, apart from a few colour changes, as you can see by comparing it with the picture below, which also counts in its favour.

(Looking at the picture now, it answers the question about the black chair: it should have been brown and looks much more like it belongs to the set in that colour.)

As a non-fan would I buy it? As a collector of LEGO Ideas sets, yes I definitely would, but if I wasn't one, I'm not sure. At US$60 / €60 and (probably) £50 it's not cheap: better value for money, and more excitement, can be had elsewhere in LEGO's range.

However, there's undoubtedly a lot in it that will appeal to fans and if you are one then it's a no-brainer if you can afford it.

One purpose of LEGO Ideas is to produce sets that LEGO would not normally make and in doing so attract new customers. In this case they will be TBBT fans who might not have played with LEGO since they were kids, of which, given the show's nature, there are likely to be plenty of. There's no doubt that this set will be highly successful in capturing their interest.

And what does mega-fan Alice make of it?

"I really enjoyed building it! I love the attention to detail. When I built it I was like 'oh yeah that's Sheldon's green lantern' and so on. It would have been even better if it had the kitchen set too, though!

"I think it's a great set for TBBT fans that are not already LEGO fans because even I, who hasn't played with LEGO for 10 years, wanted to build it just so I could recreate the set. It was also very cool to see all of the characters in LEGO form. I'd want it for myself because I love the programme, having seen it a 'million' times.

"As I said before Howard's character could've been more alike but other than that the figures are pretty close to their originals.

"Finally, it's a shame there aren't enough takeaway boxes for all of them!"

So, there you have it. 21302 The Big Bang Theory goes on sale on August 1st at and in brand stores priced at $59.99 | €59.99. The UK price is not yet known but it's likely to be around £49.99.

Many thanks to LEGO's CEE and Ideas teams for providing the set for review.

85 comments on this article

By in Germany,

This is defenitly a must buy for me.

By in United States,

I can't wait to get this set. I'm even more tempted to get it than I previously was.

By in United Kingdom,

YES! A must buy for me!

By in United States,

Looks Great! sign me up!

By in Germany,

Love the father/daughter review. Guess your daughter is my age so I would love to see those reviews more. Hell yeah we need more young female AFOLS. Talk her into collecting! ;-)

As for the set: I never understood the fascination about TBBT. I watched season 1 because I felt like I needed too because people told me that Sheldon is a bit like me and rumoured to be Autistic, which I am. A no buy for me. (And 60€ in the LEGO piggy bank for the Ninjago set...)

By in Germany,

Must have.

By in United States,

Nice write up. I have seen the show and do enjoy it but like you said, it's not cheap and better value for your money can be had elsewhere in LEGO's range.

By in United Kingdom,

A definite purchase for me. Do you think there is any chance of it being available early for VIP members?

By in United States,

I believe the red and blue microfigures are supposed to be comic action figures or statues, not trophies.

Also Howard's outfit is pretty spot on. It's true he sometimes wears more flamboyant outfits like the one with the purple jeans, or the blue jeans, but just Google "Big Bang Howard" and that exact Lego minifig outfit comes up a huge number of times.

Lastly the sticker on the 1x1x6 brick is definitely supposed to be an antique fuse holder. Anyhoo, great review. I can't wait to get this set when it is released to the public!

By in United States,

Ouch... $60

By in Canada,

The show is awful, the set is awful. LEGO should not have made such a stupid set.

By in Belgium,

60 dollars or not, I collect lego ideas.
A must have for me.

By in United Kingdom,

"Somewhat obscure outside of the US?" Hardly. I don't have any stats but I'm pretty sure they're some of the highest paid sitcom actors on tv exactly because the tv show is so popular. Nothing is going to be to everyone's taste but the set seems to reflect the characters and main scene accurately enough to be recognisable for fans and a reasonable selection of parts for AFOLs.

By in United States,

I appreciate the pictures and review (Huw) and the insight (Alice). Thank you.

By in United Kingdom,

Not a set for me but I enjoyed the collaborative review!

By in United States,

Great review Huw glad to finally find out what a couple of the builds were suppose to be, Sheldon's dna model stumped me. i'll definitely be picking one up for myself even though i've only seen the show a couple of times.

By in Poland,

Good review of a good set. I watched every episode, so I wil most probably get one.
The only thing done wrong I can think of are Sheldon's and Howard's faces. They are too wrinkled, these guys are under 30 in the show, they shouldn't look like old dudes.

By in United States,

With all these minute details, it seems the design team was pretty familiar with the show. If they're such big fans then it makes sense the project was selected.

Great review! I don't plan to buy it but it's good to get a closer look at it.

By in United States,

Leonard's alt face is really nice, I want it for my sigfig. But the set is still blah in my eyes, and the submission's little details look much better. :/ Good review though.

By in United Kingdom,

Big Bang Theory set being released soon...
Doctor Who Dimensions trailer released showing awesome cyberman minifigure...
Scooby Doo sets on the way too...
All my nerd Lego dreams are being realised

By in United States,

Great review, thanks for all the details.

By in Canada,

Looks like you accidentally built the telescope wrong (swapped the black & white parts)

By in United States,

I am a HUGE BBT fan and i love this set i will be at my local Lego store to get one in early august. so i say thanks LEGO and glenbricker and Alatariel. well done. PS i just might buy more than one.

By in United States,

After looking at the original painting I think the bridge is most likely based on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, not the Golden Gate Bridge. FWIW :-)

By in Australia,

The father/daughter combined review was pretty nifty. I've never watched the show, so I probably won't be buying the set. I do like the sheer details.

By in United States,

Yay.. 60$ for a room and decorations...

By in United States,

We want Friends!!!

By in United States,

Is takeaway how you say takeout in the UK?

By in United States,

I second the thought that the small figures are statues and not trophies.

This is a "camp out at the Lego store on August 1 when it opens" set for me. I think August is going to be an expensive Lego month.

By in United States,

Great father-daughter review. As a semi-fan of the show, who likes IDEAS sets but is not a completist, I am still feeling that while I'd like to have it this one is too little for the money. The printing is great, but I can't rationalize $60 without more on the construction side. It'll probably sell well, though--TBBT is a ratings monster.

The minifig that is the farthest off is Penny, for me. She just looks generic and doesn't capture the clothes or personality. But great set detail overall.

By in Netherlands,

is it only me who has always seen the sticker on the 1x1x6 brick as a cd-holder?

By in United Kingdom,

^ No, I thought that as well. But I have just read on another forum that it's an in/out board, so now I don't know what to think.

I think that the grey sphere on the shelf is reference to the episode in series 1 when Sheldon built the LEGO death star set 10143. Which is a nice kick back to previous links between LEGO and BBT.

By in United Kingdom,

^ The extras on the DVD boxset I have specifically mentions it's a fuse holder.
This is definitely a purchase for me. I'm a big fan of the show and the set looks great. I agree with Huw's daughter: I'd like more takeaway cartons :-)

By in United Kingdom,

Great review.

This will be the first Ideas set I'll be passing on, it holds no interest for me, but I think they've done a great job and I'm sure fans will enjoy it, the details are excellent and it's great they have printed so many elements.

By in United Kingdom,

I like it, but a few parts I will have to buy to bring back 2 or 3 of the original colours from the Idea. Such as the lava lamp, and other minor details.

By in France,

"Somewhat obscure outside of the US" : not in France, at least. The show has been fairly known here, first among geeks and nerds, then it spread to young people (15-25) in general. Its broadcast on a cable channel (a few years after it started in the US) sure helped make it known.
Anyway, as a fan of the show and a fan of Lego, it's a no-brainer for me :-)

By in United Kingdom,

Nah, lots of people tell me I should like the show but I never got on with it, so the set has little interest to me beyond parts and figs. Can't say it's worth it (to me at least) - £50 for a tan room, 7 figs and some printed bits. There is so much more I want this year. Good review though!

By in United Kingdom,

At least 25% of E4 (a UK TV channel) output is BBT!

I guess I could buy the set and sell the figs. I'm sure I could do something with the room.

By in United Kingdom,

Well done for noticing the telescope hadn't been constructed properly. I wondered who'd be first :)

I'll blame Alice, she built bag 2 :)

By in Hungary,

I have'nt seen a single episode of TBBT before about a month ago, I decided to give it a go and see if I like it which would make me able to decide wether to get this set for myself or not.

Well being nearly finished with Season 8 now I can say I'm hooked. Well actually I was hooked in the first couple of episodes. First it was a bit like a nerdy version of Friends but even after 8 Season introducing the characters on a season by season basis and unfolding each original characters background story as the show develops I can safely say it's way better than Friends (saying it as a big fan of that show aswell).

If you have'nt seen the show yet, you like super heroes, Star Trek, Star Wars, maybe into science aswell etc it's basicly every nerds must watch show, IMO.

And to own a LEGO set of the cast and the set of their room is a dream come true, even if it's a dream born for me not of many years of waiting but of the above mentioned simple curiosity, I'm just glad LEGO did this set, and that I find gems like this series even after it's been on for 8 years already.

Some pre-build thoughts of the set, its angled inaccurately as in the door being at the wrong place, I do also feel the kitchen should be also included, so it will serve as a great grounds for doing a MOD and further develope the room onto a 48x48 baseplate. :)

By in United Kingdom,

TBBT is a massive show in the UK also. As said, Penny isn't wearing her typical outfits, but we have to remember this is a set aimed at a large age range, so it needs to be appropriate! Would have been nice to have had a wider view set, for example to include the stair/hall area complete with broken lift and Penny's doorway as many scenes are shot there also.

Taking everything into account, I have made a space for this set already...just hoping VIP members get early access!

By in United States,

Decent review but you can tell it wasn't done by an American. ;-)

I'm definitely getting this set. Maybe two as everyone at work is a fan too. All of the little inaccuracies can be cleaned up pretty easily. Now that we have TBBT and Super Heroes, how long until someone builds the Halloween costume contest? Will also need a Stewart fig and the comic book store. You can already make a Captain sweatpants using a Cap torso. All in all, I think it's a winner for the fans. Might be a tad expensive for non-fans but after selling off the figs, I can see getting the parts for free.

And BTW, Howard wears a dickey, not a turtleneck.

By in United Kingdom,

^ Out of curiosity, how would the review be improved if it were written by an American?

By in United Kingdom,

Must have this, possibly more than one. Perfect BBT set and some excellent new prints.

By in Norway,

*sigh* How they made this boring thing and not that spectacular "Sherlock" set will never stop puzzling me...

By in United Kingdom,

Nice review and nice set. A bit on the expensive side but then I find most ideas sets are.

el_rey95 , you are correct we do tend to say takeaway when referring to takeout food and the Scots complicate things even further by calling it carry-out.

I will be buying it just as a nice display piece

By in United Kingdom,

^ Maybe that was what @Bosstone100 was referring to. That and the extra 'u's everywhere :)

By in Germany,

^ I'm convinced Google translate could solve that problem :)

By in United States,

I also love the father/daughter review. :-)

I'll definitely be getting two of these sets. Of course we all want to get our LEGO as cheap as we can, but with all of those minifigs and unique pieces, $60 isn't bad. I'd bet those two microfigs will be going for nearly $10 each on Bricklink within a year from now.

I think the set does a great job of capturing the show. Congrats to GlenBricker and Alatariel!

By in Philippines,

I got to have those blue and red microfigs...

By in United States,

Actually I can see a parent buying this set for their kid, then the kid asking if they can watch the show the set is based off of, then the parent says yes because it's LEGO and you don't see anything really inappropriate there... yeah.. can I start complaining about them turning down Zelda three times and replaced it with this?

By in United States,

Looks great. I can't wait to pick it up. I had never watched the show either when this set was first being voted on. I didn't start watching the show until after it had been approved. Since then, I've seen the first 3 seasons and it has become one of my newest favorite shows.

The set looks spot on for what one would expect. Sure, the kitchen would be a nice addition, but I believe I'll be MOCing that. Good thing the walls aren't a hard to find color.

I am amazed at how close it was to the submission. Too bad they didn't use the hoses in red/blue for the DNA, but the pieces they did use makes sense for the bonds between the chromosomes.

By in Netherlands,

The whiteboard with the Higgs Boson Particle on it gotta be the best reference in this set.

By in Canada,

I'm pretty sure the trophy pieces are not being used as statues OR trophies, but rather action figures. Good review overall ! I think this set does a good job capturing a lot of the show's most iconic scenery, props, and costumes. Definitely not a must-have in my book (I only watch the show on occasion), but it does what it's designed to do.

By in United States,

@Bosstone100 Howard typically wears an ascot/cravat. A dickey is a false shirtfront.

@DarthWalle there will be two of those dark red nano-figs included in the upcoming Ninjago set 70751 Temple of Airjitsu. With more of that color becoming available I doubt it will command as high a price in a year's time.

@Aanchir Those nano-figs are the Rock 'em Sock 'em robots missing from the closet door poster!

They screwed up on the antique fuse holder. The top 3 banks of 7 fuses should be 6 fuses each instead. Come on TLG, if you're going to bother making a sticker for a set that's strength is based on attention to detail over playability, you better get it right.

Wish they could have included the green headphones. Would of been nice to get those in another new color.

By in United States,

Luckily LEGO has the DC superheroes license, or else we probably wouldn't be getting Sheldon's Flash shirt or green lantern model. Good example of corporate synergy.

By in United Kingdom,

@Lego_Fox do you really think TBBT is "inappropriate" because it features people talking about sex? Just wondering, do you think themes such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are inappropriate too? Y'know, because they feature people being brutally killed, torture and mass slaughter?

By in United States,

Outside of America the only country I know of where this show is really popular is China...

I feel like Howard/Leonard's hair pieces are a bit inaccurate, this based on the 3 or 4 episodes I've watched.
Looks like a good set to get some nice parts.

By in United States,

@BendyBadger - the Scots aren't complicating it, they're simplifying it. Americans use the terms takeout and carryout interchangeably.

By in United States,

Since I'm not a Big Bang Theory fan I won't pick this up and save my money for the Wall-E set instead

By in United States,

I'm not surprised LEGO produced despite the fact the show is primarily popular in the States, but because they decided it was appropriate. They always talk about being a "children's toy" in PR stuff, but TBBT is NOT a show for kids. If the advertisements are any indication of the quality of the humor in the show it's kind of pathetic, disappointing, and not meant for children (but I already know others disagree, so don't bother replying).

If TLG is going to continue to produce these sets that are clearly marketed at adults they should re-evaluate some of their marketing strategies and PR points. They've been making progress lately, but there's still hypocritical overtones to the whole thing IMHO.

By in United Kingdom,

I really wish I hadn't seen this.

By in United States,

Aren't all companies hypocritical?

Many would also argue Simpson's are too adult for children also. Some episodes touch on topics one wouldn't expect, but ultimately it is a suitable show.

As far as TBBT, I'm surprised it won out, but at the same time, I wouldn't be afraid to have my kid watch it. We've avoided her watching GoT due to the violence and sex. That is understandable. TBBT is pretty harmless overall. Granted I've only seen the first 3 seasons, so who knows.

By in Poland,

@Sethro3 - I completely agree with what You said.
I watched The Simpsons as a kid, and as an adult. There were some jokes that i didn't get as a kid, and I still liked it. I think it would be the same with TBBT. Most kids can't get most references and innuendos, and if they can, it's already too late. :-)

By in Russian Federation,

They could have done better. I don't like the original Ideas' project

By in United States,

I'm not really buying this TBBT isn't for kids. It's on CBS and is pretty tame. Always hated people saying The Simpsons isn't appropriate for kids, those people obviously never watched the show.

I personally hate TBBT. The scripts feel like they were written in the 90's IMO. The jokes just seem stale. Some pieces in the set interest me but not sure if it's purchase worthy.

Surprised most here are not upset by the price though. Most of the time any price for any set here is debated about.

By in United States,

I like it....and it is going to make for easy Christmas shopping, too. I'll probably get 4 or 5 sets.

I, too, enjoyed the father/daughter collaboration....and I hope you gave her the set for all her help :)

By in United Kingdom,

feel sorry for people who bought these from eBay after sdcc, as these are not exclusive, will be available on Lego shops this year,

By in United States,

I agree with some of the people here that if they are going to make lego sets that directly target adults rather than their original target audience that they should re-evaluate some of the sets they turned down. I would still like to see that Eve Online Rifter. I know Lego said that the environment isn't what they want for kids but Lego environment isn't Eve Online environment. In addition every human to human interaction that happens in Eve happens in the real world so it isn't like they introduced anything new.

By in United States,

There is a lot more that goes into it than just if the theme is a good fit content wise. Eve Online has less than 1 million active players (the best number I could find puts it at around 300,000). The Big Bang Theory has almost 15 million viewers per episode. Not only that, Lego is able to capture everything in TBBT pretty well with just a single Ideas set. It doesn't require a whole line or even a full wave to get everything important.

As for not having much play value.. umm, that is irrelevant when it has other features. What play value does the birds Idea set have, or the Mars Land Rover? The birds don't even have any articulation afaik, and I doubt many kids are going to roll around the MLR in the dirt when they could buy a City set or something similar for $30 which includes a few vehicles, minifigures, etc. The Ghost Busters and BttF may have a little more play value, but not much since they are just a single vehicle and the figs that ride in them.

Sorry for the rant, I just get so sick of seeing people complain about The Big Bang Theory set stating that it has no play value or brings "nothing" to the table. It's a great display piece, has lots of useful civilian clothing, has decent representations of the characters in the show, and is a nice all around set. If you don't like it, that;s fine, but at least try to be objectionable about it or provide GOOD reasons why you don't?

By in United States,

As an engineer and fan of the show I will buy this. The attention to detail of the scientific instruments is great. My only issue with the set is the layout of the room. The show is iconic for scenes taking place in the living area where the entry door to the apartment is to the left of the couch. I like the inclusion of the study area, and do not mind the half room setup up, but the door should be to the left to be more accurate and not where the kitchen would be. I guess we do not live in a perfect world of, "Gaussian, spherical, chickens."

By in Australia,

A great review thank you !
What I love about Lego is that is has such a broad appeal. I have only watched a few episodes of the show, and unfortunately, I continue to see this as an unfinished room and some mini figures. As such it holds no appeal for me.
Having said that, I think it is great that fans of the show will have the opportunity to purchase such a set !

By in United States,

Needs a blue jay outside the window.

By in United States,

What color is the main floor? Is that dark tan? I want to see if I have matching tiles to pave over the studs.

By in United Kingdom,

What happened to the Dr Who Ideas set ? Any clue as to release dates ?

By in United States,

Nice set! Thanks for the review Huw.

By in United Kingdom,

Yep, the microfigures on the bookcase are meant to be superhero figurines, though the most common one from the series appears to be Han Solo in Stormtrooper disguise. And that is the thermostat, that they have arguments over.

I really think Howard's outift isn't anywhere near garish enough. He does wear a red plaid shirt in some of the promo stills, but it's still a tasteless shade of red over a turtle-neck; plain LEGO red just isn't right.
The Bernadette minifigure is outstanding; Raj and Amy are great and Sheldon is as good as can be expected without moulding a thinner minifig torso! It's just a shame that the figures of Leonard and Penny are so unremarkable. Leonard's hair is wrong for a start - the Sleepy-Head figure hair or the similar Ninjago Kay one would have been slightly better matches, and Penny's outfit is just far too plain for the character.

Presumably the sketches on the whiteboard are a reference to the game of Pictionary played in one episode - though has anyone worked out what the clues actually represent? Or if any of them spring from Sheldon's ludicrously tangential approach to the game?

So, I like the show, but would I buy the set? Not really, not at that price. I'm stuck thinking about what to do with it, other than maybe seed the minifigs in public displays for people to notice. I just don't feel the collecting impulse for the show - maybe it's the characters' own obsessive collections that have put me off!

One subtlety the box art does get right though, is that Raj would never be allowed to bring his dog over to the apartment.

By in Singapore,

I too am trying to figure out what the pictionary white board says. Does anyone know?

By in United Kingdom,

Has anyone found numerous blank pages and missing instructions in the booklet - mines blank on 8 pages!

Re the white board - its Higgs Boson Particle ( Hydrogen Atom + Pigs - P, Bow + Zod in the Phantom 'Zone', Pear + Tickle !! )

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