Review: 75917 Raptor Rampage

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Of the six Jurassic World sets I saw at the London Toy Fair, this one stood out as my favourite. However, as images gradually emerged and I had an opportunity to compare the truck with the vehicle we will see in the movie I became gradually less impressed. Now that I actually own 75917 Raptor Rampage I am disappointed.

The set is priced at £49.99 or $49.99 and contains 324 pieces so immediately it appears to represent pretty poor value, although it includes two Velociraptors which make up for some of the discrepancy in cost. I like these Velociraptors very much and I am also delighted with the minifigure selection, but the rest of the set is a let down in my opinion.

Box and Contents

The box certainly doesn't feel like it belongs to a set at this price point. The artwork is nevertheless attractive on the front and back, displaying the truck fully equipped on the front and unloaded on the back. Inside are two instruction manuals and three numbered bags, as well as a fairly large sticker sheet. Unfortunately this is not cardboard backed so there is a risk of it being damaged.

The end of the second instruction manual includes a single page comic strip showing the Indominus Rex escaping and subsequently being recaptured. Something tells me that it won't be that easy to halt her rampage in the movie.


The three minifigures included are one of the highlights of the set. The ACU Officer is similar to those which appear in the other sets with a detailed torso and legs as well as a printed flack jacket. This piece first appeared in last year's LEGO Movie sets but is new in sand blue and looks great, particularly with the 'ACU' printing on the front. He is armed with a tranquiliser gun.

75917 Raptor Rampage

Owen Grady and Claire Dearing are far more interesting minifigures as they are main characters in Jurassic World. Both figures are exclusive to this set, which is rather surprising considering their importance to the plot. This is Chris Pratt's third outing as a minifigure and the head and hair piece for Owen are therefore the same as that of Star Lord from last year's Guardians of the Galaxy sets. The torso is printed with a brown leather jacket on the front and back, which also includes the sheathed knife we see in the trailer.

75917 Raptor Rampage

Claire wears a white jacket which looks very faithful to the movie. The torso printing extends onto the hips but the legs are otherwise not printed which looks a little odd in my opinion. The head features a smile on one side and a grimace on the other, while her hair piece is new in dark orange and a tile printed with a mobile phone design comes as an accessory. I first encountered this useful piece in 71016 Kwik-E-Mart although it previously appeared a few Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sets. It is certainly something I would like to get a few more of.

75917 Raptor Rampage

The Completed Model

The build is over remarkably quickly considering the price point of the set, taking only about half an hour. The two Velociraptors look fantastic, with fairly intricate designs printed on each. Blue features a striking dark blue stripe running across his body and up onto his head, which contrasts nicely with the olive and dark green which makes up the rest of the design. The blotches on his head look great. Delta is a little less interesting in my opinion as the colours are not as impressive, but he nevertheless looks quite realistic and well detailed.

75917 Raptor Rampage

The mould used for the components of these dinosaurs has not changed since 2012 which I think is a good choice. As far as I can see the design is spot on, so I am quite happy for the shape to remain the same. Their legs, arms and head are all poseable so you can display them brilliantly, although they can be difficult to balance so a studded base will allow for more options. Two head mounted camera harnesses are included which look fine, although personally I think they look better without them.

75917 Raptor Rampage

Owen rides a motorcycle in the Jurassic World trailers and it is included here. This is the first time the 'vintage' motorcycle fairing has been cast in dark green, which looks to be accurate to the film and might be useful for adding some variety to LEGO City models.

75917 Raptor Rampage

The vet truck on the other hand is poor in my opinion. As a toy truck it is not bad, with plenty of ground clearance and a tactile design for the most part, but when compared with the truck which will appear in the film it is not very impressive.

75917 Raptor Rampage

I have included an image of the vet unit in the film so you can make your own comparisons, but to me the proportions of the model look totally wrong. Perhaps I am being too picky, but there are so many errors that I feel the need to list them:

  • The main body of the vehicle is far too high in relation to the tyres.
  • The rear section of the truck is too tall compared with the cab.
  • The 2x8 plates which leave all those exposed studs look awful and are pointless. I had initially assumed that you could mount the Velociraptors feet here so they could climb the truck, but the length of their tails gets in the way of this.
  • The Jurassic World logo is in the wrong place on either side of the cab.
  • The lower blue stripe simply does not exist on the actual vehicle.
  • The wording on the side of the truck is incorrect.

I suspect that some of these issues must be down to design changes made to the film vehicle after the model had been finalised, in which case it cannot be helped. If not then it strikes me as pure laziness on the part of the designer.

75917 Raptor Rampage

There may be some issues with the external appearance of the truck, but there is a lot I like about it too. The radiator grille and side view mirrors look superb, as do the opening rear doors which are complete with hazard striping.

75917 Raptor Rampage

Inside there are two computer consoles showing readouts relating to the Velociraptors, but there is not quite enough space to actually hold a Velociraptor inside. Since this is a vet truck I would assume that will be its role in the movie, but perhaps it simply travels to the site of an ill or injured dinosaur to treat it on site. You can place the firing missile turret on the ground, on top of the vehicle or inside the storage section at the back.

75917 Raptor Rampage


I like elements of this set, but certainly not enough to justify the price. Naturally the minifigures and Velociraptors will be the main selling points but they don't make up for the vet truck which has decent play value, but suffers from poor film accuracy.

75917 Raptor Rampage

If you watch Jurassic World and love the film when it comes out in June, then you will want the Owen and Claire minifigures, but I recommend purchasing them separately. However, if the price is reduced by around 40% at some point then I would recommend this set as it does have some redeeming factors.

75917 Raptor Rampage

We have plenty more reviews on the way, including the rest of the Jurassic World line, a few Summer sets and the Creator Expert Ferris Wheel, so stay tuned for those!

34 comments on this article

By in United States,

I agree, the set looks nothing like the film version, and at the exorbitant price of $50, this set won't be joining my collection any time soon. $40 would be a more realistic price. =(

By in Portugal,

"I have included an image of the vet unit in the film..." have not! Anyway, I'll wait for a 40% discount for this set, I really like those raptors.

By in Germany,

Thanks for the great review! I wonder, besides all those fantastic licensed themes vehicles, like from Indiana Jones or now the Speed Champions, how they came up with the design for the JW trucks. Their design is just overly simplistic. And honestly, even if they were OK, I could never own a set with something like this gun turret. It's just horrible.

By in United Kingdom,

I have bought this for the raptors alone, (I somehow have an obsession with them?) I too think this is way to off scale, but as with a lot of these sets I will change the bits I don't like, like the height and the box unit on the rear. I think we all have to agree that pricing of licensed sets is extreme, but to be honest if you look at all the other ties ins they also have a good mark up, what I will say is remember lego lasts forever, think back a couple of years and look at the price of indy sets now.

By in United Kingdom,

"Both figures are exclusive to this set, which is rather surprising"
Not at that price it's not; it's why the price has been jacked up. This set is aimed at investor collectors or parents who buy their children anything they ask for.

By in United Kingdom,

@eduardo5696 - Thanks, I have added it in now.

@tomchiverton - I agree, but previous 'one and done' licensed themes have not kept the main character isolated to one set. In that regard it is surprising.

By in United States,

5884: Raptor Chase was $30 and had one less raptor, one less minifig and 65 less pieces than this set. Given that this set is licensed, I think $40 would be a little unreasonable to expect (given Lego prices increases over the last few years). About $45 would be a fair price, I think, although that is an uncommon price point. Although I love dinosaurs, I'm glad that I can skip most of this theme since I collected the full set of the last Dino theme and so got most of the molds.

By in United States,

From the images I've seen of the Jurassic World sets thus far, I think they all look like crap, and I personally do not plan on buying any of them. They all seem to be lazily designed.

By in United States,

The raptors are in every film, so this is a fairly important set. Well, not THOSE raptors in particular, but you know what I mean. I'm torn between this one and the one with the gyroball and the jeep. I don't like the dinosaur in that one, and the SUV isn't too much better than the MVU in this set, but I would prefer that. However, I really want Owen and his motorcycle and apparently trained raptors, but I also want a gyroball, and I don't want to buy two sets. :/
On another note, when will we be getting some compys? They have killed someone in every other film( well, maybe not the third one, but we saw them briefly) and so they must be in Jurassic World. They are too small to effectively build them with bricks, so they need a piece of their own. They deserve a mold almost as much as the other ones.

By in United States,

^The Gallimimus Trap polybag has a very nice, if mislabeled, compy in it. And I would go with the Dilophosaurus Ambush and then buy the Dimensions starter pack with Owen.

Wow, when you compare the truck to the one in the movie... a redeemable bit of vehicle that has some potential now looks like a load of crap. A $20 price hike doesn't really justify two raptors and (pointlessly) exclusive figures... especially looking at Raptor Escape, which has one fewer figure, two raptors, 80 more pieces, and it costs like $10 less! Insanity. I really hate pricing discrepancies like this, even though making a pair of similar sets with two raptors each, one of which has two exclusive and important figures plus a big truck and the other with one exclusive and important figure and a base and then giving one a huge price hike and a terrible build knowing it will sell anyway makes me displeased with LEGO's selling strategies. Would more people buy it if it was cheaper and the truck look better? Heck yes. Will loads of people buy it anyway? YUP!

Sorry about the rant... but this set is a real letdown. Can you review the Indominus rex Breakout next?

By in United Kingdom,

Rip off.
£35 would be reasonably equal but still too much.

By in Puerto Rico,

Okay, the list of sets I will buy in July aré: Dilophosaurus Ambush, Pteranodon Capture, Indominux Rex, Raptor Escape. I will buy this set but after it has received a discount.

By in United States,

Do you actually have the Ferris Wheel in-hand yet?

By in Australia,

The sad age of over-pricing Lego licensed sets continues...

I love Owen and his motorcycle (and obviously the two Raptors) but I think I'll just bricklink them.

However ...

What I do like are seeing two of those train doors (one in left and one in right). I daresay because of their exclusivity (in this one set) that they'll be expensive to pick up on the resale market, but Lego's standard passenger trains never have doors, anymore, so any time I see those pieces, it makes me happy.

By in Belgium,

Yeah the raptors are cool but the truck is butt-ugly. Suffers from the overclearance that the trucks from the LEGO Movie sets suffer from. Modified easily enough, I suppose, but the price is discouraging.

Good pictures and good review though, thanks as always.

By in United States,

I saw this set at Walmart tonight and it was priced at $39.63. The price caught my attention because it does not really follow the normal walmart pricing convention. I didn't realize at the time that this was the $50 set, but even at the price they had it for it did not seem to be a great value.

Check your local walmart if you are interested in this set and you might get lucky.

By in Indonesia,

Raptors look cool, but set is no value for money at all in my view.

To anyone interested in this set because of those raptors only: they are already for sale on Bricklink and prices usually come down in a couple of weeks/months time!

By in Finland,

Not interested at all about this set and all over JW ones. I might pick some minifigs later or but the rest.... The color schemes are bad to my opinion.

By in Germany,

I think Owen will be part of the Jurassic World addon for Lego Dimensions, so that will be another way to get him.

By in Germany,

If I ignore the original truck used in the movie (I'm not interested in the movie anyway) I kind of like the truck in this set. I won't buy it at this price obviously, but I think the truck has some potential outside the JW setting...

By in United Kingdom,

I think if you look at the truck from a child's point of view it's close enough to the film version - the basic shape and colour scheme is there. I think you have to remember that TLG were probably working from a small number of reference images that might have changed too.

By in United Kingdom,

£50 for a mediocre set is just too much in my books. Apart from the figures, this does look quite a disappointing set and should be priced at £35 max.

By in United States,

^I think it's supposed to mount that turret thing on top. Either that, or they had to raise the roof with plates on the edges so a fig could stand in there...

Or they're just trying to pad the part count. *shrug*

By in Indonesia,

Can you do some more of the Age of Ultron set reviews, I've been waiting for it.

By in United Kingdom,

I can see your points about the truck but considering some past licenced film based sets, I think its a miracle that the truck features in the film at all let alone is recognisable!

By in Germany,

At first I was going to buy it, but since it neither looks like the unimog in the film or nice on its own, 50€ are to much. Especially since I do not really care for minifigures and already have a raptor from Dino and do not like them that much.

By in United States,

Maybe the set is based on some concept art and it was to late to change it when the trailer came out? I might pass on these sets, depends if I like the movie.

By in Australia,

I guess you're right about the truck appearing in the film brix, the boat in 76006: Iron Man: Extremis Sea Port Battle doesn't appear in the movie and neither does the Ultimate Showdown set. Now if you're looking for sets with extreme film inaccuracy, look no further then the Iron Man 3 sets!

By in United Kingdom,

£50 ($75 at current exchange) for 324 pieces? That is obscene. I Want the Raptors and would be happy to BL them but the dinosaur figs from a few years ago are still stupid expensive so it's tricky. Licensed pricing so far out again it's just not funny - this will only be a 'heavy-discount' purchase if at all. Bad move Lego.

By in United States,

So how does this Chris Pratt minifig compare to the others? He's got three now... Still for sale?

Starlord would have no problem with raptors and Emmet can follow instructions to a better truck.

By in United States,

I'll be buying one to convert into an ambulance. I'm a fan of Unimogs, especially Unimog emergency vehicles. But, only on clearance or deeply discounted. It's about $20 overpriced!

By in United States,

I feel people are getting irrationally incensed about licensed set pricing. People are jumping at conclusions and completely ignoring the well-documented facts. Here is a brief side-by-side of the Dino (2012) theme vs the Jurassic World theme and you be the judge if we are falling victim to a far-out, unreasonable, sad age of licensed over-pricing:

$20 - 5883: Tower Takedown, 1 fig, 1 dino (pteranodon), 136 pieces
$20 - 75915: Pteranodon Capture, 2 figs, 1 dino (pteranodon), 174 pieces

$30 - 5884: Raptor Chase, 2 figs, 1 dino (raptor), 259 pieces
$30 - 75916: Dilophosaurus Ambush, 2 figs, 1 dino (dilophosaurus), 248 pieces

$35 - 5888: Ocean Interceptor, 2 figs, 1 dino (pteranodon), 222 pieces
$40 - 75920: Raptor Escape, 2 figs, 2 dinos (raptors), 394 pieces
(both these were/are retailer exclusives)

$50 - 5885: Triceratops Trapper, 2 figs, 1 dino (triceratops), 271 pieces
$50 - 75917: Raptor Rampage, 3 figs, 2 dinos (raptors), 324 pieces

$70 - 5886: T-Rex Hunter, 2 figs, 1 dino (t-rex), 480 pieces
$70 - 75918: T-Rex Tracker, 3 figs, 1 dino (t-rex), 520 pieces

$100 - 5887: Dino Defense HQ, 4 figs, 3 dinos (t-rex, raptor, coelophysis), 793 pieces
$130 - 75919: Indominus Rex Breakout, 4 figs, 1 dino (i-rex), 1156 pieces

Taking all this into account Jurassic World is hands down the best Dino theme LEGO has given us. We are literally getting more for less than we have before and it's a licensed theme to boot.

Either way it's LEGO, and they can charge anything they want. $100 a set, $500 a set and people will pay it. Maybe they'll have a "coupon day" or something.

By in Australia,

Cheers ytjedi. I was trying to remember roughly how much I paid for the Dino Defence HQ and remember now the $129 I handed over (Oz prices) as I was thinking the Indominus Rex breakout was way over priced here at $179.99. Will need to steer my son away from these although that gonna be hard as his two favourite things are Lego and Dinosaurs, throw the two together and Ka-Boom!! I dDo like the Dilophosaurus set though so will probably end up stumping up the $50 for just cos of the different mould, unless I can wait for a sale!
Other than that not overly impressed with any of the sets and wil not be going out of my way to get them.

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