Review: 75378 BARC Speeder Escape

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The circumstances of Grogu's rescue from the Jedi Temple were revealed in The Mandalorian season three and are portrayed in 75378 BARC Speeder Escape. Some superb minifigures are included here, notably featuring swordmaster Kelleran Beq.

However, as so often seems to be the case currently, the price is reason for concern. £24.99, $29.99 or €29.99 feels expensive for a set containing a mere BARC speeder, even one with a sidecar, but perhaps the minifigures will justify the price.


75378 BARC Speeder Escape , 221 pieces.
£24.99 / $29.99 / €29.99 | 11.3p/13.6c/13.6c per piece.
Buy at »

The minifigures are appealing; the speeder bike is reasonable; the price is poor

  • Very desirable minifigures
  • Good BARC speeder design
  • Grogu and Beq look great on board
  • No accessory storage or pedals
  • Useless light fixture
  • Quite expensive

The set was provided for review by LEGO. All opinions expressed are those of the author.


Kelleran Beq was introduced in the short-lived Jedi Temple Challenge game show, played by Jar-Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best. As a teacher of Jedi initiates and a talented duellist, Beq was an ideal, although unexpected, candidate to rescue Grogu during Order 66 and looks excellent in minifigure form.

The combination of dark tan robes and a dark brown cape is accurate to the series and I love the metallic gold adornment around Beq's neckline, separating him from other Jedi. Moreover, his belt is nicely detailed and the printed facial hair matches his onscreen appearance, but this minifigure lacks an alternative expression because he is bald.

Master Beq is known as the 'Sabered Hand', such are his lightsaber skills. He thus acquires a second lightsaber to defend against arriving Clone Troopers during Order 66, in addition to his usual green-bladed weapon, so both are supplied with this character. Sadly, there is nowhere to store them on the bike.

Remarkably, this is already the tenth set containing Grogu, which is testament to his instant popularity! The standard figure has remained unchanged since 2020, consisting of a rubbery sand green head and the body component used for many LEGO babies. The torso decoration could be improved, only covering a circle in the middle, but this figure otherwise looks good.

Grogu's pram is provided too, assembled similarly to the examples in 75307 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar and 75331 The Razor Crest. This design differs only in the absence of a 1x2 tile or ingot on the front, so it fits easily aboard the BARC speeder. Also, the dark red highlights are unique, but room remains to place Grogu inside.

The elite 501st Legion was famously tasked with seizing the Jedi Temple and two 501st Clone Troopers are present here. These minifigures bear a close resemblance to those produced for 75280 501st Legion Clone Troopers, featuring the same torso and legs, while the helmet earlier appeared in 75345 501st Clone Troopers Battle Pack, albeit then with helmet attachments.

As normal, the holes for those accessories affect the helmet's shape, particularly when viewed from the front, so the previous helmets without holes remain more accurate. Nevertheless, the printing is attractive and I like the continued blue designs across the torso and legs, as well as the standard Clone Trooper head shared by these figures. Both are equipped with blaster rifles.

The Completed Model

BARC speeders have appeared in multiple sets, commonly based around one of two designs. This version is the larger of the two, originating with 75012 BARC Speeder with Sidecar, while the smaller bike arrived with 7913 Clone Trooper Battle Pack. The speeder therefore measures almost 20cm long, which is far above minifigure scale, but understandably so, in this instance.

Despite their similar subjects and size, the new BARC speeder and sidecar shares surprisingly little with its predecessor. The original design includes a bulkier sidecar, supported by a strong Technic structure and able to rotate backwards, whereas the new sidecar is static, so requires only click hinges connecting it to the bike.

The front has undergone the fewest changes since the BARC speeder last appeared in 75314 The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle, with the same stud shooters, armour panels and intake shape. I am glad the 2x2 curved wedge slope beneath the intake has been replaced though, as that was much too sharp and a simple 1x2 slope looks better, in my opinion.

By contrast, the sidecar is completely different to its counterpart from 2013, putting 3x3 quarter domes to impressive use at the back, while the forward armour includes a sticker. The seat is primarily designed for Grogu's pram, although you can also place a minifigure on board. This option is welcome, but the excessive legroom looks unavoidably awkward.

The driver's seat, on the other hand, is perfectly shaped for a minifigure and Kelleran Beq fits neatly behind the handlebars. The black padding here and on the sidecar is effective, but the BARC speeder lacks pedals, unlike 74-Z speeder bikes produced lately. While they would be out of reach for minifigures, I wish pedals were included, especially with vacant studs on each side.

Grogu looks nice in the sidecar as well, although the base of this assembly seems needlessly thick, comprising layers of dark bluish grey plates. Also, there should be a small windscreen in front of the young Jedi, perhaps represented by a trans-clear 1x2 slope. Even so, I am satisfied with the overall design of the sidecar, comfortably accommodating the pram.

Three more stickers are applied across the back of the BARC speeder, but only the stripes on the front of the sidecar were necessary. The handle on the left side is particularly odd because it could easily have been brick-built. However, such attention to detail is laudable and the colour combination of white and dark red looks lovely.

LEGO sets occasionally contain superfluous items, seemingly included to inflate piece counts, but few are as bizarre as this light fixture. Even though its shape corresponds with lights along the Jedi Temple's balconies, this provides basically no value as scenery, nor for play. I suppose this is better than nothing, but another minifigure would be infinitely preferred.


I am pleased with 75378 BARC Speeder Escape, on the whole. The selection of minifigures is superb and Kelleran Beq stands out, as expected, while the BARC speeder and its sidecar are well-designed. I would usually be critical of the speeder's size, but that was necessary to create space for Grogu's pram, in this case.

While the size and design of the BARC speeder are reasonable, the price is not. The set feels insubstantial for its price of £24.99, $29.99 or €29.99 and the light fixture's presence somehow makes it worse, suggesting the designer was aware that the bike alone was insufficient, so they needed to add something else. Once discounted though, I think this is a worthwhile purchase.

109 comments on this article

By in Germany,

I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless.

By in United States,

Never been this early to comment! Decent set! Probably won’t get it.

By in United States,

@jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

Inflation. =*(

By in Brazil,

The light fixture would be decent in a Advent Calendar, but not in this $30 set. Better invest in 75280.

By in United Kingdom,

@jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.

By in Netherlands,

Replace the light fixture with a youngling and let your kid decide who will survive the onslaught.

By in United Kingdom,

@jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

Realistically, this is worth more than $15. I think $20 would have been fair, probably without the light fixture.

By in United States,

“A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.” Never expected this review this early, thanks Capn!

By in United Kingdom,

The light is there to bulk up the set to justify the RRP. The designers have admitted that a price is decided before a set is designed.

But I do feel that Lego now price their sets knowing full well that Amazon et al will discount the sets.

By in Canada,

I heard a rumour that many Lego SW fans are upset about the helmet holes. Can't confirm online if it's true, though.

By in United States,

They should give the Clone Troopers something extra to make this a $25 - $30 set.

By in United States,

Remember when sets this small were ten dollars? Ah the good old days (2019)

By in United Kingdom,

What are the chances of a Jedi temple Master Builder style set that this lamp fits neatly into?

By in United States,

In all honesty this set doesn't seem that overpriced to me. Sure, $25 would've been preferable, but the amount of stuff here is pretty decent. And with two clone troopers and a BARC speeder, it's a decent army builder as well (if you don't mind selling off a few extra Grogus and Beqs)!

By in Puerto Rico,

Yeah LEGO is pushing me put of the hobby.

By in United Kingdom,

@jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

You're obviously not paying attention to Lego Star Wars pricing these days. 75359 Ahsoka Troopers Battle Pack is also four minifigures with a much smaller speeder and that is £20.

By in United Kingdom,

Honestly, looking at it compared to 75012 it has 5 less pieces, and retails for the same price (in the UK at least) with the same number of figures.
Now admittedly the second speeder is preferable over a lamp, but otherwise the BARCs are essentially the same, and considering the 11 year time gap between them, it doesn't seem as bad of a deal as you first think.

By in United States,

@Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :)

By in Hungary,

It's still cheap as chips compared to 75383

By in United States,

@deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


It's probably a mix of all three.

Personally, I'm just tired of Grogu in everything. I get Disney knows he will sell well, and both LEGO and Disney are in the business of making money, and some things are timeless like X-Wings, TIE Fighters, speeders, etc. Those are the police cars and ambulances of City sets, you just make a new one every few years for kids.

I just wish they'd get a little more daring with sets (mainly from Legends) that are more obscure vehicles or locations. Then I'd probably more than one SW set a year.

By in United States,

Nightlight-Leftovers Battlepack.

Another 501st set??!!!

Lame-o (oops, I mean Lego) is showing us the true power of Vader's Fist. They won't leave until they BORE you to death.

Lame-o refused to produce a 501st set for the better part of a decade. Now, they refuse to produce anything but! Let me help. Yes, we want more clone troopers THAT ARE DIFFERENT!

Thanks to Cap'n Rex for the great review. He says more with bored sadness than I could hyperbolic hysteria. My favorites: "few are as bizarre as this light fixture... suppose this is better than nothing..."

"Despite their similar subjects and size, the new BARC speeder and sidecar shares surprisingly little with its predecessor."

Imagine all the interesting Jedi Temple or 501st characters that Lame-o could have put in this set. Remember, getting Phase II Captain Rex in a cool, little set?

Well, Jedi Jar-Jar, a space nightlight, and moldy old leftovers will have to do. For $30.

By in United States,

*Is* there actually room for improvement on Grogu's torso? Like, in a literal sense? I haven't seen the machines inside a LEGO factory, but it seems like the printing on baby torsos is limited to a relatively small area consistently enough to suggest that it's because of physical limitations on the printing process.

By in Poland,

@CapnRex101 I'm still waiting for R2-D2 set review (with Darth Malak of course)

By in United States,

I just assumed that the base of the light would open and have a space for small items like the blasters. Seems like an easy addition.

By in United States,

I'd like to say it's nice, minifigures are great. As for the price, this should have been 20 bucks, tops.

By in United States,

No, the street lamp isn't pointless; LEGO is just prepping for the UCS Street Lamp!

By in Netherlands,

I recently learned of the existence of BARC Speeders, and they are not, as I initially thought, Lego's first attempt at recreating the Starcraft Vulture (although they're not exactly a million miles off).

I like the one in 7913 better though. Based on the few images I have to go off on, the version here seems kind of huge? Like, massively so? Like it's the Orange County Chopper version of the BARC.

Which might well exist, for all I know.

By in United Kingdom,

My reflections is it's now pointless trying to align different Lego star wars sets (or indeed Lego as a whole) with the 'this set costs/comes with X figures' as clearly it's as redundant as 10 price per piece measurement. Some sets are loss leaders, some are over priced yet desirable, some are just testing how much people will pay.

It's an ok set and slightly overpriced but not ridiculous. I'll buy as it's unique and can afford it but many other sets already known I won't either because of interest, lack of space or cost. But not because I'm attempting to make some indefinable comparison between differently priced/size sets

By in United States,

@deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


I "accept" by not buying. The prices have changed a lot but our incomes have changed far less.

If you can afford these then good for you, but the rest of us have to be more discerning with our purchases these days.

By in Brazil,

I honestly don’t find it that expensive for what we get. I, for one, have loved what Disney did with Ahmed Best, and am really glad Lego has decided to give us his minifigure.
Also, as for people who are saying Lego isn’t daring or novel enough: Yavin 4 base, Police Gunship, Ahsoka’s T-6, Mandalorian Forge, the new Mandalorian Battle Packs and the Battle of Peridea sets… those all seem pretty “out-of-the-box” to me.

By in United States,

@bealegopro said:
"No, the street lamp isn't pointless; LEGO is just prepping for the UCS Street Lamp!"

Yes! This!!!

Can't wait to pay $600 to get it. Of course, it will indubitably come with a GWP of cool patches illustrating the particle-wave nature of light.

Seriously, JANG proposed that the nightlight could actually be a stand for the speeder in disguise. I suppose that's something?

By in United Kingdom,

Is the street lamp a stand for the speeder?

It looks like it could be.

By in United States,

Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds.

By in New Zealand,

A very good set, I will definitely be picking it up.

Also, I've seen a lot of Reddit memes being made about the lamp post!

By in Canada,

Isn't the Grogu tax at least $5 for any set that contains this Minifig

By in Germany,

@deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


I took that into account. Fifteen is how much I would pay for this. It's a small speeder. Of course, a RRP of 20 would be okay; I'd wait for an Amzon-discount, then.

By in United States,

If Lego had included a Naboo security guard, it would have made the $30 price tag much more palatable.

By in United Kingdom,

@Plisskin82 said:
"What are the chances of a Jedi temple Master Builder style set that this lamp fits neatly into?"

Approximately 3,720 to one!

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @bealegopro said:
"No, the street lamp isn't pointless; LEGO is just prepping for the UCS Street Lamp!"

Yes! This!!!

Can't wait to pay $600 to get it. Of course, it will indubitably come with a GWP of cool patches illustrating the particle-wave nature of light.

Seriously, JANG proposed that the nightlight could actually be a stand for the speeder in disguise. I suppose that's something?"

I mean, if that were true, that's a stand that a) doesn't look good, b) doesn't fit in with the other Star Wars UCS stands, and c) doesn't look like it would support the weight of the speeder. Plus, there would need to be an stud on the speeder to attach it to, which seems really unlikely.

By in United Kingdom,

I like it and I'm gonna buy it. I liked the scene, I like Ahmed Best and you know what? I like Jar Jar too.

By in United States,

@Binary_Code said:
"Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds."

James saying something a week ago does not discount all the previous input we have received from LEGO designers and insiders. And the "map out an organic play space" was a weak revisionist rationalization anyway, imho. I unequivocally support the theory here that this feels like a superfluous late add.

By in United States,

@bealegopro said:
"No, the street lamp isn't pointless; LEGO is just prepping for the UCS Street Lamp!"

I believe you are referring to 21347. :o)

By in New Zealand,

I own 7913, so I'll be able to compare the two speeders once I get this set in hand.

By in United Kingdom,

@Troncity1 said:
"Is the street lamp a stand for the speeder?

It looks like it could be."

Nice idea, but is much too thin and fragile to support the speeder.

@Binary_Code said:
"Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds."

It is not an accusation because designers have stated they sometimes add small things at the end of development because more remains in the budget. In many cases, they are items that add value to a set overall, even if only a small amount. For example, there have been several Star Wars starfighters accompanied by loading carts and that kind of thing, which I suspect were often added at a late stage, but do serve a limited purpose for play.

This light fixture, on the other hand, is essentially useless, in my opinion. It provides no play value, nor is it really valuable as scenery.

By in Germany,

@CapnRex101 said:
" @Troncity1 said:
"Is the street lamp a stand for the speeder?

It looks like it could be."

Nice idea, but is much too thin and fragile to support the speeder.

@Binary_Code said:
"Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds."

It is not an accusation because designers have stated they sometimes add small things at the end of development because more remains in the budget. In many cases, they are items that add value to a set overall, even if only a small amount. For example, there have been several Star Wars starfighters accompanied by loading carts and that kind of thing, which I suspect were often added at a late stage, but do serve a limited purpose for play.

This light fixture, on the other hand, is essentially useless, in my opinion. It provides no play value, nor is it really valuable as scenery."

Another clone would be a better deal for most collectors. And be, price-wise, more agreeable. We know that minifigs aren't THAT expensive.

By in United States,

@yellowcastle said:
" @Binary_Code said:
"Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds."

James saying something a week ago does not discount all the previous input we have received from LEGO designers and insiders. And the "map out an organic play space" was a weak revisionist rationalization anyway, imho. I unequivocally support the theory here that this feels like a superfluous late add."

Ah, I didn't realize designers had provided different explanations previously, thanks for pointing that out. I'm not sure I understand why you reject James's explanation outright though, it certainly seems plausible that throwaway builds could be included to satisfy multiple objectives during the design process. Given the context of the article, I would interpret his statement as adding to rather than contradicting other explanations that have been given previously.

By in United States,

@Binary_Code said:
" @yellowcastle said:
" @Binary_Code said:
"Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds."

James saying something a week ago does not discount all the previous input we have received from LEGO designers and insiders. And the "map out an organic play space" was a weak revisionist rationalization anyway, imho. I unequivocally support the theory here that this feels like a superfluous late add."

Ah, I didn't realize designers had provided different explanations previously, thanks for pointing that out. I'm not sure I understand why you reject James's explanation outright though, it certainly seems plausible that throwaway builds could be included to satisfy multiple objectives during the design process. Given the context of the article, I would interpret his statement as adding to rather than contradicting other explanations that have been given previously."

Both things can indeed be true. I'm all about including a tree with a firefighting vehicle or a transport cart with a star wars fighter, etc. In this situation, it appears that the designer was possibly provided a price point and not a lot else to work with. So outside of duplicating one of the figures, the only other option was probably the random street lamp. I don't blame the designers (unlike my sloshy friend), I blame LEGO, Disney, and their process in play here.

By in United States,

Still a better set than that weird general grevious speeder 75199 from a few years ago.

By in United States,

@KotZ said:
" @deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


It's probably a mix of all three.

Personally, I'm just tired of Grogu in everything. I get Disney knows he will sell well, and both LEGO and Disney are in the business of making money, and some things are timeless like X-Wings, TIE Fighters, speeders, etc. Those are the police cars and ambulances of City sets, you just make a new one every few years for kids.

I just wish they'd get a little more daring with sets (mainly from Legends) that are more obscure vehicles or locations. Then I'd probably more than one SW set a year."

He’s also a key character who appears in every episode, if only briefly, if memory serves. The majority of Mandalorian concepts that are interesting enough to be made into set form are liable to include Grogu.

I think the key problem with that second proposal is the “obscure” part. The only Legends content we’ve ever gotten to my knowledge is from video games, and even that’s been pretty limited. I assume that Lego wants sets to appeal to as many fans as possible, and they evidently don’t see the point in catering to that niche beyond a certain point. Hence why Darth Malak is in an R2-D2 set; presumably, Lego figures fans will like one or the other if not both enough to purchase it.

By in United States,

@MrGurt said:
"Still a better set than that weird general grevious speeder 75199 from a few years ago."

I could be wrong, but I think that was from the 2003 Clone Wars show.

By in Poland,

I despise oversized speeders.

By in Italy,

@yellowcastle said:
" @Binary_Code said:
"Regarding the "superfluous" lamp, we actually just got an explanation for side builds such as this in James May's "What's Up With That" article.

"This is one reason why side builds are important, especially in sets for children, as that helps to map out the play space organically"

I suspect that this review was probably drafted prior to James's Brickset article, but I find the part count padding accusation unwarranted seeing as we just got an explanation for these often unappreciated "throwaway" builds."

James saying something a week ago does not discount all the previous input we have received from LEGO designers and insiders. And the "map out an organic play space" was a weak revisionist rationalization anyway, imho. I unequivocally support the theory here that this feels like a superfluous late add."

Imho that's how it went:
Designer: I have designed the vehicle.
Product Developer: Good, pretty cool. how many pieces?
Designer: 200
Product Developer: Ok the retail price for 200 pieces accordingly to sum of the pieces should be 26eu
Sales manager: we don't have a 26eu price range.
Product Developer: can we round it up to 25eu?
Sales manager: No way.
Designer: I can redesign it icluding the pieces in the vehicle...
Sales manager: Don't waste your time, add 21 pieces-something to the set and let's have it at 29eu, then if someone is complaing, we can say it's a crucial feature for kids playability

By in United Kingdom,

I think the lamp wouldn’t be so head-scratching if there was some way of including it more with the other set elements; have it as something that be shot down by the speeder or clones, or have it as a mooring point for the speeder to represent it being parked or in flight. But it’s got too much stability for the former and not enough for the latter…

By in United States,

@yellowcastle said:
" @bealegopro said:
"No, the street lamp isn't pointless; LEGO is just prepping for the UCS Street Lamp!"

I believe you are referring to 21347 . :o)"

Not UCS enough of course for Star Wars!

By in Hungary,

I don't think the price is that big of a problem, at least here in Hungary it's cheaper to buy a lego set almost anywhere than in lego's own store. Even if not on release day, but by summer this set will be around 20 euros and almost every month there are 20-30% sales in the bigger stores. For example, the January Battlepack was 20 euros before Easter in several stores.

By in United States,

@Krisz said:
"I don't think the price is that big of a problem, at least here in Hungary it's cheaper to buy a lego set almost anywhere than in lego's own store. Even if not on release day, but by summer this set will be around 20 euros and almost every month there are 20-30% sales in the bigger stores. For example, the January Battlepack was 20 euros before Easter in several stores. "

Unfortunately, the discounts and sales seen by the UK and EU can be very much different than the rest of the world, U.S. included.

By in United States,

@Andrusi said:
"*Is* there actually room for improvement on Grogu's torso? Like, in a literal sense? I haven't seen the machines inside a LEGO factory, but it seems like the printing on baby torsos is limited to a relatively small area consistently enough to suggest that it's because of physical limitations on the printing process."

You are correct.

@MisterBrickster said:" @Plisskin82 said:"What are the chances of a Jedi temple Master Builder style set that this lamp fits neatly into?"

Approximately 3,720 to one!"

Never tell me the odds!

By in United States,

@Murdoch17 said:
" @MrGurt said:
"Still a better set than that weird general grevious speeder 75199 from a few years ago."

I could be wrong, but I think that was from the 2003 Clone Wars show."

Apparently it's from the CGI Clone Wars, only showed up in one episode, and was in an unfinished one as well as appearing in the Clone Wars Adventures game, most of the search results are just the set.
Not saying that Obscure or even original vehicles are bad, I know I was excited for that one empire battlepack that was remade like 10 years later.

But that level of a obscure vehicle is just worse in comparison to a more iconic vehicle with more characters, more play options like having the clones be good or bad, or the clones using the speeder. All for the same price. My point is that this is a good set in comparison to that thing, in general LSW has been better than it was a couple of years ago really.

By in United States,

@MrGurt said:
" @Murdoch17 said:
" @MrGurt said:
"Still a better set than that weird general grevious speeder 75199 from a few years ago."

I could be wrong, but I think that was from the 2003 Clone Wars show."

Apparently it's from the CGI Clone Wars, only showed up in one episode, and was in an unfinished one as well as appearing in the Clone Wars Adventures game, most of the search results are just the set.
Not saying that Obscure or even original vehicles are bad, I know I was excited for that one empire battlepack that was remade like 10 years later.

But that level of a obscure vehicle is just worse in comparison to a more iconic vehicle with more characters, more play options like having the clones be good or bad, or the clones using the speeder. All for the same price. My point is that this is a good set in comparison to that thing, in general LSW has been better than it was a couple of years ago really."

That's a decent point given that 2018 was also the year of the dreaded/dreadful half-a-walker. 75201 One of the worst SW sets of all time.

Yet, there was a lot of good stuff that year: white Falcon, AT Hauler, space train, sandspeeder, and the best X-wings and Tie Fighters that Lego has made.

By in United States,

I guess I am in the minority but I like this set and will buy it. Sorry guys.

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @MrGurt said:
" @Murdoch17 said:
" @MrGurt said:
"Still a better set than that weird general grevious speeder 75199 from a few years ago."

I could be wrong, but I think that was from the 2003 Clone Wars show."

Apparently it's from the CGI Clone Wars, only showed up in one episode, and was in an unfinished one as well as appearing in the Clone Wars Adventures game, most of the search results are just the set.
Not saying that Obscure or even original vehicles are bad, I know I was excited for that one empire battlepack that was remade like 10 years later.

But that level of a obscure vehicle is just worse in comparison to a more iconic vehicle with more characters, more play options like having the clones be good or bad, or the clones using the speeder. All for the same price. My point is that this is a good set in comparison to that thing, in general LSW has been better than it was a couple of years ago really."

That's a decent point given that 2018 was also the year of the dreaded/dreadful half-a-walker. 75201 One of the worst SW sets of all time.

Yet, there was a lot of good stuff that year: white Falcon, AT Hauler, space train, sandspeeder, and the best X-wings and Tie Fighters that Lego has made."

You have summoned the 75201 demon! We are all doomed to suffer it's presence in this thread now! Do you hear me? DOOOOOMED!

By in United States,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
"Remember when sets this small were ten dollars? Ah the good old days (2019)"

What 200+ piece LSW set were you buying for $10 in 2019?

By in United States,

The speeder is too big.

By in United States,

@JVM said:
"I guess I am in the minority but I like this set and will buy it. Sorry guys."

Oh, I'm too close to a completionist, and I need Jedi Jar-Jar.

So, I will buy it too. But, I won't like it!! ;)

That's why I complain so much. I WISH it was sooooooo much better. But, I buy the crap anyway. I just wish, wish, wish the people running SW Lego were fans. It is soooooo patently obvious they aren't.

By in United States,

@Murdoch17 said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @MrGurt said:
" @Murdoch17 said:
" @MrGurt said:
"Still a better set than that weird general grevious speeder 75199 from a few years ago."

I could be wrong, but I think that was from the 2003 Clone Wars show."

Apparently it's from the CGI Clone Wars, only showed up in one episode, and was in an unfinished one as well as appearing in the Clone Wars Adventures game, most of the search results are just the set.
Not saying that Obscure or even original vehicles are bad, I know I was excited for that one empire battlepack that was remade like 10 years later.

But that level of a obscure vehicle is just worse in comparison to a more iconic vehicle with more characters, more play options like having the clones be good or bad, or the clones using the speeder. All for the same price. My point is that this is a good set in comparison to that thing, in general LSW has been better than it was a couple of years ago really."

That's a decent point given that 2018 was also the year of the dreaded/dreadful half-a-walker. 75201 One of the worst SW sets of all time.

Yet, there was a lot of good stuff that year: white Falcon, AT Hauler, space train, sandspeeder, and the best X-wings and Tie Fighters that Lego has made."

You have summoned the 75201 demon! We are all doomed to suffer it's presence in this thread now! Do you hear me? DOOOOOMED!"

Sorry.... I am REALLY sorry.

Now, we'll have to spend eternity in Space Vegas learning important lessons about opulence, war profiteering, animal rights, and child labor whilst looking for- but never finding- the guy with the red plom bloom.

By in United States,

@DefaultOption said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
"Remember when sets this small were ten dollars? Ah the good old days (2019)"

What 200+ piece LSW set were you buying for $10 in 2019?"

I don't remember saying anything about peice count in my post...

By in United States,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
" @DefaultOption said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
"Remember when sets this small were ten dollars? Ah the good old days (2019)"

What 200+ piece LSW set were you buying for $10 in 2019?"

I don't remember saying anything about peice count in my post..."

I think “this small” was correctly interpreted as piece count.

By in United States,

Only 10 sets with Grogu??

By in United States,

@yellowcastle said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @DefaultOption said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
"Remember when sets this small were ten dollars? Ah the good old days (2019)"

What 200+ piece LSW set were you buying for $10 in 2019?"

I don't remember saying anything about peice count in my post..."

I think “this small” was correctly interpreted as piece count."

But peice count doesn't always mean size, for example I'd say that 75225 Elite Praetorian Guard Battle Pack is a very similar sized set to this from 2019 priced at 15 dollars so I was a little off but not by too far

By in Croatia,

A fair comparison would be with 75012 (BARC speeder with side car) from 2008. Both have similar piece counts and consist of a big speeder with another thing (2008 another speeder, 2024 a lamp post...).

The 2008 speeder retailed for 25 $...

I therefore can't see an outrageous price spike. LEGO has always been expensive.

By in United Kingdom,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Another Star Wars geek here, chiming in for posterity just in case someone reads these comments in the future and assumes all Star Wars geeks are a little petulant.

At least for myself, I very much cared about this Jedi and was rooting for him during the escape. It was great to get another perspective on the Jedi Temple massacre!

True, we had never heard of him before, but, if one thinks about it, we hadn't heard of any character until they were mentioned or appeared in any form of media at all. We've heard of him now though, and he certainly made a name for himself! It was even better when he was played by an actor who'd been in Star Wars before; a real Snoke\Kino Loy moment!

Edit: having said all that, and as much as I like the two Jedi here, I won't be buying this set; for £25 I want a SPACESHIP.

By in United Kingdom,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

I care.

By in Netherlands,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

I don't even know this show, but I do know this Jedi. From what I gather, he was written into existence after rabid (and possibly panting) 'fans' came down en masse on some poor actor, urging him to kill himself just because he played an unpopular character in some movie, claiming that he'd RUINED a very good franchise.

Not exactly the kind of people I'd choose to associate with. I'm glad that actor made it out, and that he now gets to play something that matches his acting-chops. The story has a happy ending!

I kind of want this set.

By in Germany,

@GBP_Chris said:
" @deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


I "accept" by not buying. The prices have changed a lot but our incomes have changed far less.

If you can afford these then good for you, but the rest of us have to be more discerning with our purchases these days."


I have made a conscious choice to basically let go of LEGO as a hobby since I don't accept these prices anymore. Many sets nowadays feel overpriced even at the typical 30+ percent off they usually get.

Of course it helps that I have way too much LEGO already anyway. If I was new to the hobby I might not stick with it for very long these days. There are by far more worthwhile purchases imho. And by that I don't mean alternative manufacturers' products, but not brick related at all.

By in United States,

Kelleran Beq is not totally bald, his hair is just extremely short but I guess there's no way to portray that because of the stud on top.

By in Germany,

@jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

It would be if the vehicle were scaled correctly.

By in Croatia,

@AustinPowers said:
" @GBP_Chris said:
" @deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


I "accept" by not buying. The prices have changed a lot but our incomes have changed far less.

If you can afford these then good for you, but the rest of us have to be more discerning with our purchases these days."


I have made a conscious choice to basically let go of LEGO as a hobby since I don't accept these prices anymore. Many sets nowadays feel overpriced even at the typical 30+ percent off they usually get.

Of course it helps that I have way too much LEGO already anyway. If I was new to the hobby I might not stick with it for very long these days. There are by far more worthwhile purchases imho. And by that I don't mean alternative manufacturers' products, but not brick related at all. "

Again, I do understand the need/desire to cut ones expenses. But what is the difference between a 25$ speeder with sidecar plus sidebuild set with 226 pieces in the so called "golden age of LEGO Star Wars" ( 75012 , came out 2008) and a 30$ speeder with sidecar plus sidebuild set with 221 pieces in 2024 - sixteen years later?
Yes, both feel expensive for what you get - but for Star Wars that has almost always been the case!

But then again: I am no LEGO "collector". When I see a set that interests me, I look at the price. If it still interests me after that, I buy it. If it doesn't - well, it's a bummer for me and LEGO doesn't get my money.
I don't however feel personally insulted by this evil, greedy company like some people here (and on other platforms) seem to be.

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

I don't even know this show, but I do know this Jedi. From what I gather, he was written into existence after rabid (and possibly panting) 'fans' came down en masse on some poor actor, urging him to kill himself just because he played an unpopular character in some movie, claiming that he'd RUINED a very good franchise.

Not exactly the kind of people I'd choose to associate with. I'm glad that actor made it out, and that he now gets to play something that matches his acting-chops. The story has a happy ending!

I kind of want this set."

Right? It's funny to think that people who have never heard of a canonical Jedi introduced in 2020, three years before his appearance in The Mandalorian, consider themselves nerd experts and the official gatekeepers to Star Wars. May the Force be with them!

By in Germany,

@TheRichrocker said:
"When I see a set that interests me, I look at the price. If it still interests me after that, I buy it. If it doesn't - well, it's a bummer for me and LEGO doesn't get my money.
I don't however feel personally insulted by this evil, greedy company like some people here (and on other platforms) seem to be."

I don't think anyone mentioned being personally insulted.
The fact is that on average LEGO prices (at least over here) have risen far more than inflation in general, and many sets now feel like very bad value for money.
And like you said, one looks at the set one is interested in, then at the price, and if the price seems to be fair one buys the set. If not, then there's other ways to spend (or save) the money.

By in United States,

@TheRichrocker said:
"A fair comparison would be with 75012 (BARC speeder with side car) from 2008. Both have similar piece counts and consist of a big speeder with another thing (2008 another speeder, 2024 a lamp post...).

The 2008 speeder retailed for 25 $...

I therefore can't see an outrageous price spike. LEGO has always been expensive."

Well to me that set seems larger and I would compare this set to the one I linked. Agree to disagree I guess

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

I don't even know this show, but I do know this Jedi. From what I gather, he was written into existence after rabid (and possibly panting) 'fans' came down en masse on some poor actor, urging him to kill himself just because he played an unpopular character in some movie, claiming that he'd RUINED a very good franchise.

Not exactly the kind of people I'd choose to associate with. I'm glad that actor made it out, and that he now gets to play something that matches his acting-chops. The story has a happy ending!

I kind of want this set."

Oh i Honestly did not know that, now I feel like i should get the set lol. why do people have to be like that? I mean I didn't like rose in the sequels but I had no issues with the actress, same thing with jar jar, but for some reason people can't separate those two things :(
you can hate the character not the actor.

By in United States,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Ridgeheart said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

I don't even know this show, but I do know this Jedi. From what I gather, he was written into existence after rabid (and possibly panting) 'fans' came down en masse on some poor actor, urging him to kill himself just because he played an unpopular character in some movie, claiming that he'd RUINED a very good franchise.

Not exactly the kind of people I'd choose to associate with. I'm glad that actor made it out, and that he now gets to play something that matches his acting-chops. The story has a happy ending!

I kind of want this set."

Oh i Honestly did not know that, now I feel like i should get the set lol. why do people have to be like that? I mean I didn't like rose in the sequels but I had no issues with the actress, same thing with jar jar, but for some reason people can't separate those two things :(
you can hate the character not the actor."

That’s the way I feel about @StyleCounselor. Lol

By in United States,

@TheRichrocker said:
" @AustinPowers said:
" @GBP_Chris said:
" @deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


I "accept" by not buying. The prices have changed a lot but our incomes have changed far less.

If you can afford these then good for you, but the rest of us have to be more discerning with our purchases these days."


I have made a conscious choice to basically let go of LEGO as a hobby since I don't accept these prices anymore. Many sets nowadays feel overpriced even at the typical 30+ percent off they usually get.

Of course it helps that I have way too much LEGO already anyway. If I was new to the hobby I might not stick with it for very long these days. There are by far more worthwhile purchases imho. And by that I don't mean alternative manufacturers' products, but not brick related at all. "

Again, I do understand the need/desire to cut ones expenses. But what is the difference between a 25$ speeder with sidecar plus sidebuild set with 226 pieces in the so called "golden age of LEGO Star Wars" ( 75012 , came out 2008) and a 30$ speeder with sidecar plus sidebuild set with 221 pieces in 2024 - sixteen years later?
Yes, both feel expensive for what you get - but for Star Wars that has almost always been the case!

But then again: I am no LEGO "collector". When I see a set that interests me, I look at the price. If it still interests me after that, I buy it. If it doesn't - well, it's a bummer for me and LEGO doesn't get my money.
I don't however feel personally insulted by this evil, greedy company like some people here (and on other platforms) seem to be."

That previous BARC you have referred to multiple times now, and linked to the page of, came out in 2013, not sure where 2008 keeps coming from.

By in United States,

@yellowcastle said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Ridgeheart said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

I don't even know this show, but I do know this Jedi. From what I gather, he was written into existence after rabid (and possibly panting) 'fans' came down en masse on some poor actor, urging him to kill himself just because he played an unpopular character in some movie, claiming that he'd RUINED a very good franchise.

Not exactly the kind of people I'd choose to associate with. I'm glad that actor made it out, and that he now gets to play something that matches his acting-chops. The story has a happy ending!

I kind of want this set."

Oh i Honestly did not know that, now I feel like i should get the set lol. why do people have to be like that? I mean I didn't like rose in the sequels but I had no issues with the actress, same thing with jar jar, but for some reason people can't separate those two things :(
you can hate the character not the actor."

That’s the way I feel about @StyleCounselor. Lol

Exsqueeeeeze me?

By in Japan,

It’s alright, definitely quite expensive. Far too much for me, since the yen is really down against the dollar right now.

By in United States,

@Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it.

By in United States,

@ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

I interpreted “”Lame-O” as tongue in cheek from our resident frustrated, sloshy, definitely not a kid Stars Wars fan. Also, wanting interesting, affordable, good value sets is not only for those who make less money. We all want that. Lastly, I’m not sure how the future aftermarket value of sets that most of us would never sell has any bearing here.

By in Netherlands,

When a lot of consumers are reluctant in buying smaller sets now because of pricing, TLG will lose sales, and loyalty. It’s already happened to me. What a shame.

By in United States,

@yellowcastle said:
" @ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

I interpreted “”Lame-O” as tongue in cheek from our resident frustrated, sloshy, definitely not a kid Stars Wars fan. Also, wanting interesting, affordable, good value sets is not only for those who make less money. We all want that. Lastly, I’m not sure how the future aftermarket value of sets that most of us would never sell has any bearing here.

Calm down. All comments made by the StyleCounselor are intended first, foremost, and always for people (especially the young, frail, or the awesome, regular BS commentators) to have fun.

My 'Lame-o' hot take is not to hurt anyone's feelings. As stated above, I will probably buy two copies of this set. Isn't that what Lame-o wants? (Oops, I did it again).

Seriously, SW Lego is lame. They produce sets and figures time after time which show that they only really care about doing the bare minimum to make a buck.

I know they're a company, and that's their prerogative. If they were consistently lame, that would be great. I could be an adult, and leave toys to the kids.

But, they used to be great! In fact, they are often still great now: 75336, 75331, 75313, 75290, 75292, 75280, and 75267.

SW Lego pulled me in from my blessed Dark Ages with Lego awesomeness. If they choose to stray from that path, it is my choice to criticize them in the most interesting, viciously hyperbolic,
sardonic manner I can imagine.

Hopefully, this will make at least one other person laugh.

Otherwise, if you really take these toys that seriously, you can bite my Banther boodoo.

By in Netherlands,

@ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

You had me at defending Ahmed Best. I appreciate that level of empathy. Mind you, you lost me at "I make $30 bucks an hour, this is pocket-change". I can't much appreciate that lack of empathy.

I am inscrutable. I will not be scruted.

By in United States,

I waited a decade for Phase 2 Clone Troopers to have helmet holes, and I cannot believe the anger this has instilled in fans and even toy reviewers. More for me, I guess. Cause I like them and understand their placement.

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor: By "BS commentators," you did mean Brickset, not the other, more widespread meaning of BS, right? I don't know how many people actually laughed at your comment, but considering that at the moment it has three upvotes (one of which is my own), at least someone liked it.

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @StyleCounselor: By "BS commentators," you did mean Brickset, not the other, more widespread meaning of BS, right? I don't know how many people actually laughed at your comment, but considering that at the moment it has three upvotes (one of which is my own), at least someone liked it."
Misclick, apologies.

By in United States,

@Emmafofemma said:
"I waited a decade for Phase 2 Clone Troopers to have helmet holes, and I cannot believe the anger this has instilled in fans and even toy reviewers. More for me, I guess. Cause I like them and understand their placement.


Yeah, I'm kind of with you on that. I still don't like some of the helmet printing, but I really like the ability to add attachments for my MOCs. It's a shame they didn't introduce the p2 helmet with holes though since one of their first clones they made was Rex. It was incredibly poor foresight.

By in United States,

@Ridgeheart said:
" @ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

You had me at defending Ahmed Best. I appreciate that level of empathy. Mind you, you lost me at "I make $30 bucks an hour, this is pocket-change". I can't much appreciate that lack of empathy.

I am inscrutable. I will not be scruted."

Look, I get it. Maybe I could have worded my comment differently, but seriously $30 is just not a lot of money anymore. I don't believe for a moment that it will keep an adult Lego fan from buying this set, so why all the kneejerk reactions? It's not worth complaining about. This price bracket is unfortunately, I agree, now one of the lowest for Lego Star Wars sets with figures, and I have no control over that. It's also one of the cheapest ways to get Grogu for those who do not own him.

I knew something was up with Lego's pricing when 7959 Geonosian Fighter was released in 2011 for $30 with 3 figs and 155 pieces. This brand new 2024 set is NOT worse than that.

Anyway, the main takeaway from my comment should have been that no one should have the gall to say that Star Wars fans don't care about Ahmed's work as Kelleren Beq. The man's a hero Jedi now for eternity and he deserves it. I never hated Jar Jar.

By in United States,

@yellowcastle said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
" @StyleCounselor: By "BS commentators," you did mean Brickset, not the other, more widespread meaning of BS, right? I don't know how many people actually laughed at your comment, but considering that at the moment it has three upvotes (one of which is my own), at least someone liked it."
Misclick, apologies.

Thanks, my friends. Always appreciate your comments.

Double entendre.

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @yellowcastle said:
" @ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

I interpreted “”Lame-O” as tongue in cheek from our resident frustrated, sloshy, definitely not a kid Stars Wars fan. Also, wanting interesting, affordable, good value sets is not only for those who make less money. We all want that. Lastly, I’m not sure how the future aftermarket value of sets that most of us would never sell has any bearing here.

Calm down. All comments made by the StyleCounselor are intended first, foremost, and always for people (especially the young, frail, or the awesome, regular BS commentators) to have fun.

My 'Lame-o' hot take is not to hurt anyone's feelings. As stated above, I will probably buy two copies of this set. Isn't that what Lame-o wants? (Oops, I did it again).

Seriously, SW Lego is lame. They produce sets and figures time after time which show that they only really care about doing the bare minimum to make a buck.

I know they're a company, and that's their prerogative. If they were consistently lame, that would be great. I could be an adult, and leave toys to the kids.

But, they used to be great! In fact, they are often still great now: 75336, 75331, 75313, 75290, 75292, 75280, and 75267.

SW Lego pulled me in from my blessed Dark Ages with Lego awesomeness. If they choose to stray from that path, it is my choice to criticize them in the most interesting, viciously hyperbolic,
sardonic manner I can imagine.

Hopefully, this will make at least one other person laugh.

Otherwise, if you really take these toys that seriously, you can bite my Banther boodoo."

* Bantha ;)

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @yellowcastle said:
" @ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

I interpreted “”Lame-O” as tongue in cheek from our resident frustrated, sloshy, definitely not a kid Stars Wars fan. Also, wanting interesting, affordable, good value sets is not only for those who make less money. We all want that. Lastly, I’m not sure how the future aftermarket value of sets that most of us would never sell has any bearing here.

Calm down. All comments made by the StyleCounselor are intended first, foremost, and always for people (especially the young, frail, or the awesome, regular BS commentators) to have fun.

My 'Lame-o' hot take is not to hurt anyone's feelings. As stated above, I will probably buy two copies of this set. Isn't that what Lame-o wants? (Oops, I did it again).

Seriously, SW Lego is lame. They produce sets and figures time after time which show that they only really care about doing the bare minimum to make a buck.

I know they're a company, and that's their prerogative. If they were consistently lame, that would be great. I could be an adult, and leave toys to the kids.

But, they used to be great! In fact, they are often still great now: 75336, 75331, 75313, 75290, 75292, 75280, and 75267.

SW Lego pulled me in from my blessed Dark Ages with Lego awesomeness. If they choose to stray from that path, it is my choice to criticize them in the most interesting, viciously hyperbolic,
sardonic manner I can imagine.

Hopefully, this will make at least one other person laugh.

Otherwise, if you really take these toys that seriously, you can bite my Banther boodoo."

* Bantha ;)"

So you caught that, but missed that it should be "poodoo?"

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
" @yellowcastle said:
" @ItsTwentyBelow said:
" @Fatsochillyfries said:
" @Zink said:
"This light is so funny - what were they thinking hahaha well they know their audience. Star Wars geeks are gonna buy it anyways, right?"

Hello! Star wars geek here, and I can say at least for myself that I will NOT be buying this ridiculously upcharged set featuring a jedi nobody cares about or has ever heard about, From a season that RUINED a very good show. (Panting) sorry just need to get that off my chest :) "

Nope, this is the main problem here: attitudes like this one. Don't be so disingenuous. You say you're a Star Wars fan, but that isn't what I just read. I know Star Wars very well, and it was objectively a GREAT thing to see Ahmed Best step in as the heroic Jedi who made sure that Grogu got out alive, both for the story and for the actor himself. Important character from the get-go, and now Kelleren is immortalized in Lego form, too. I'm sure that even you felt that way when you watched Season 3, so I'm not sure what you're posting here. There was nothing about Season 3 that ruined anything, if we're being realistic here. It's just popular to say on the internet, I think.

I'm also reading comments here that use the term "Lame-o" to insult Lego multiple times in regards to this set. What? I know a lot of commenters here are just kids, but grow up.

I don't know what people were expecting would be in this set, maybe the whole platform and a gunship too? I make over $30 an hour, so the price is absolutely trivial. This is pocket change anymore, that's the world we live in. Do I think this set will appreciate in value like all the other Star Wars sets and eventually become worth way more than $30, even after I build it and recycle the box? Yes, I fully expect that. I don't see a problem here, and we will also all be able to find this for $25 or less if we're patient anyway. You can bet on it."

I interpreted “”Lame-O” as tongue in cheek from our resident frustrated, sloshy, definitely not a kid Stars Wars fan. Also, wanting interesting, affordable, good value sets is not only for those who make less money. We all want that. Lastly, I’m not sure how the future aftermarket value of sets that most of us would never sell has any bearing here.

Calm down. All comments made by the StyleCounselor are intended first, foremost, and always for people (especially the young, frail, or the awesome, regular BS commentators) to have fun.

My 'Lame-o' hot take is not to hurt anyone's feelings. As stated above, I will probably buy two copies of this set. Isn't that what Lame-o wants? (Oops, I did it again).

Seriously, SW Lego is lame. They produce sets and figures time after time which show that they only really care about doing the bare minimum to make a buck.

I know they're a company, and that's their prerogative. If they were consistently lame, that would be great. I could be an adult, and leave toys to the kids.

But, they used to be great! In fact, they are often still great now: 75336, 75331, 75313, 75290, 75292, 75280, and 75267.

SW Lego pulled me in from my blessed Dark Ages with Lego awesomeness. If they choose to stray from that path, it is my choice to criticize them in the most interesting, viciously hyperbolic,
sardonic manner I can imagine.

Hopefully, this will make at least one other person laugh.

Otherwise, if you really take these toys that seriously, you can bite my Banther boodoo."

* Bantha ;)"

So you caught that, but missed that it should be "poodoo?"

Artistic alliteration. I have a license for that.

By in United States,

Counselor. Style Counselor. Licensed to shill.

By in Australia,

Ahmed Best, nothing more needs to be said really.

By in United States,

@Emmafofemma said:
"I waited a decade for Phase 2 Clone Troopers to have helmet holes, and I cannot believe the anger this has instilled in fans and even toy reviewers. More for me, I guess. Cause I like them and understand their placement.


Admittedly, the helmet holes are a very difficult predicament. For the most part, I'm in the same boat, as I think customization was one of the most fun-parts of Phase-I Clone Troopers and Mandalorians. Regarding their decision of the placement, I think for the most part, it made sense, as I feel like if they put the holes in the "correct" spot, it would make the visors and micro-binoculars look weird, although this comes at a bit of a cost to the rangefinder. So, at least on that end, I think this was the best solution without drastically designing a new mold for the helmet, as well as the accessories. Supposedly, the printing often comes out a little worse, although I feel that Clone-troopers since 2020 have had this kind of problem, although I don't have the new helmet with holes to compare to the 2020 and 2015 Phase II helmets, so my opinion might be moot.

By in Japan,

@deak_starkiller said:
" @jkb said:
"I just see a 15 buck set. It's hopeless."

There is a point at which we all have to accept that the pricing of Lego sets has changed. Adjusted for inflation, for License fees, or just because Lego is more popular and they can charge more. Whatever the reason, it is tiresome to see so much of the discourse around Lego sets to be related to their value or the perceived lack of it, not just here, but on Youtube / Twitter / Basically everywhere.


Might be folk are on to something. But as long as the wallets fly open, we lose the fight.

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