Vintage set of the week: Hovercraft

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©1977 LEGO Group

This week's vintage set is 663 Hovercraft, released during 1977. It's one of 14 LEGOLAND sets produced that year. It contains 60 pieces.

It's owned by 470 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you might find it for sale at BrickLink or eBay.

36 comments on this article

By in United States,

I really prefer 8824.

By in United Kingdom,

this is the 100th VSOTW!

By in United States,

In case you didn’t know what it is it says “Hovercraft” on the side.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave: I'm with you, but the Bricklink prices shown for a new copy would seem to indicate that we're in the minority.

By in United States,

Not much of a hovercraft if it needs wheels...

Don't believe me? Check the inventory and instructions!

By in New Zealand,

hmm, i wonder what it is? I mean the name totally isn't on the side.

By in United States,

That's not a hovercraft. THIS is a hovercraft!! 70006

(delivered in outrageously bad faux-Aussie accent)

By in Canada,

I like this.

By in United States,

My favorite hovercraft is that one with the shark on the side.


It’s got a shark on the side. I’m not sure why I bought two, but I did!

By in United States,

@StyleCounselor said:
"That's not a hovercraft. THIS is a hovercraft!! 70006

(delivered in outrageously bad faux-Aussie accent)"

Pffft. That's just an overblown swamp boat. It's got a rigid hull, not a flexible air skirt!

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
" @StyleCounselor said:
"That's not a hovercraft. THIS is a hovercraft!! 70006

(delivered in outrageously bad faux-Aussie accent)"

Pffft. That's just an overblown swamp boat. It's got a rigid hull, not a flexible air skirt!"

I knew you'd catch that.

By in Turkey,

This looks decent for its age, I like it. Having said that, my favorite hovercraft is 6473.

By in United Kingdom,

I remember getting this set from my grandparents after travelling on an SRN6 (which might be what this design is based on) to the Isle of Wight when I was a kid.
You could sit right up behind the pilot inside.

By in Netherlands,

The shape is quite well done for the time

Although I like the 6473 style more

By in Netherlands,

All hovercraft are equal. Some hovercraft are just more equal than others.

By in United States,

My hovercraft is full of eels.

By in Spain,

I really like it tbh. Simple, but efective. It even says what it is in case you're confused!

By in Germany,


I remember having a Matchbox hovercraft which also had hidden wheels. You needed them for playing (and not scratching the table).

By in United States,

This is a surprisingly non-vintage-looking VSOTD, but if we're all just voting on favourite LEGO hovercraft, count me as another vote for 6473.

By in United States,

@TheOtherMike said:
" @TeaWeevil : I will not buy this record, it is scratched."

That sketch was based on a famous (purposefully bad) phrase book written by Mark Twain in the 1800's. I think it was a best seller for a while too, but not for phrase books of course!

By in United States,

I don't see the appropriate eels in the part list

That said, I still play with 6473 regularly

By in United Kingdom,

Interestingly, the deeds to my parents house specify that they are not allowed to own a hovercraft. One of the small consequences of living in the village they were invented I suppose XD

By in United States,

Since we’re listing favorites, mine is 60071. One of the only hovercrafts that stands out to me in memory haha

By in Netherlands,

@StyleCounselor said:
"That's not a hovercraft. THIS is a hovercraft!! 70006

(delivered in outrageously bad faux-Aussie accent)"

I prefer THIS one 72001 : Lance's Hover Jouster.

It has 8 "hidden" wheels that can rotate but plays so well on a smooth floor.

By in United States,

@PurpleDave said:
"I really prefer 8824."

If that's how we're going to be, I really prefer 6875. There's also 1648.

By in United Kingdom,

@UProbeck said:

I remember having a Matchbox hovercraft which also had hidden wheels. You needed them for playing (and not scratching the table).


Yes, many die cast ships also had wheels for play. Modern (and old but not vintage) lego sets have boat studs for this purpose now.

By in United Kingdom,

As for the I prefer game, I guess I prefer 75341 and even 8092.

By in United States,

@CCC: I wondered if someone was going to bring landspeeders into this. I'd prefer 75173 or 75271, myself. (The former because I have it, the latter because it's the most recent minifig-scale landspeeder, and I love the way they did the left engine.)

By in France,

I remember having 2 of these when I was very young. These roof slopes were so precious for my houses at the time :), and the grey tails and propellers were great !
I was 2 years old when it was released, I wonder how old I was when my brother and I received these nice vehicles.
A cool hovercraft for me is the Technic 8824 with the rubber skirt around. not the nicest, but these parts are awesome

By in Netherlands,

Hovercrafts (unfortunately often pronounced as Hoovercraft by the Dutch) are definitely one of the coolest means of transport imho. The SRN4 beaching in Calais and Dover was a sight to behold!
I did feel the wheels on this 663 were a bit of a compromise at the time.

By in United States,

@Wrecknbuild said:
"Hovercrafts (unfortunately often pronounced as Hoovercraft by the Dutch)..."

I'm pretty sure Hoovercrafts work on the opposite principle, but do a good job of tidying up wherever they go.

By in Germany,

May favourite is the alternate build from 4997. I always had a thing for models with plenty of indoor space. Started with 6985.

By in United States,

@desser1 said:
"May favourite is the alternate build from 4997. I always had a thing for models with plenty of indoor space. Started with 6985."
One major reason I like 5974.

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