Random set of the day: Super Star Destroyer

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Super Star Destroyer

Super Star Destroyer

©2011 LEGO Group

Today's random set is 10221 Super Star Destroyer , released during 2011. It's one of 32 Star Wars sets produced that year. It contains 3152 pieces and 5 minifigs, and its retail price was US$399.99/£349.99.

It's owned by 7,747 Brickset members. If you want to add it to your collection you should find it for sale at BrickLink, where new ones sell for around $1,135.40, or eBay.

38 comments on this article

By in United States,

Overpriced Bounty Hunter Battle Pack.

By in Canada,

One of the only (I think) battleship UCS sets to have a bit of an interior, pretty cool

By in United States,

Very cool, but the midi-scale version releasing this year just is more practical for me.

Feels like a set Lego might try remaking in the not too distant future as a ~$1000 abomination that requires an entire side of a room just to display.

By in New Zealand,

Ahh, yes the SUPER star destroyer. Such an interesting ship. Due for a UCS remake i reckon. Fun fact this ship was 19 kms long!

By in United States,

Been trying to find this for years but the prices are just insane, even for used sets.

By in United States,

One of the best Lego Star Wars sets of all time. IMHO
Just iconic. The engine section build and upside down installation
was designers going into beast mode back in the day.
I'll never forget it. It has been collecting dust on a shelf for the
past 1,000 years in my house so...
heck yes I am all for the "let's re release this sucker as a UCS million-dollar abomination"
comment from earlier. I'll be the first in line. No shame.

By in Canada,

@Celldweller said:
"Been trying to find this for years but the prices are just insane, even for used sets. "

I got mine without manual or plaque in a moving sale lot that included the UCS Sandcrawler and OG Death Star, among other non-UCS sets (all missing manuals) for $1000. I was told most of the figs in all the sets (except the Crawler) were missing but I opened up this guy and there were the ones for this set! Shame about the manuals and plaque, but I figure I can replace them in time.

It takes up an entire 30” Ivar shelf and then some. It’s more of an elegant longsword to me compared to the daggers and blunt weapons the other ships of the line (I think) represent.

By in United States,

For a Star Wars LEGO set, this one really takes me back! After missing out on the original UCS Imperial Star Destroyer, I knew I didn't want to pass up LEGO's next take on a Star Destroyer. This set came out right as I was graduating college. However, I wasn't going to start working full-time until August of that year. My best friend also graduated college, but he was getting married that summer and didn't have a job lined up yet. He too wanted the Super Star Destroyer. He was just starting to get back into LEGO after going into a "Dark Age" at some point in high school. Anyway, for both of us, long-time Star Wars fans, we didn't have $400 to spare at the time of release. That price seemed astronomical at the time.

Once I hit the ground running with work in August, I almost forgot about the SSD as I spent a considerable amount of money on food and clothing. The company paid for hotels and travel expenses, but nothing was particularly comfortable. Worse, I was away from home so much, I didn't have time nor place to shop for LEGO, lest I wanted to lug sets around in my car for weeks on end. Still, towards the end of the year, I started buying certain sets and mailing them home, knowing I would see them eventually. In this same timeframe, my best friend found work around the city he and his wife moved to for her to attend medical school, and he started to earn enough to keep the both of them fed, clothed, and in a nice apartment. Just the bare essentials, however, and certainly no money to splurge on LEGO yet.

When Christmas rolled around, I was actually in one place for 9 weeks for some extensive training. In the city, I was able to take weekend trips to the LEGO store and peruse the sets. I finally had the money to buy the UCS SSD outright, but I hesitated. I thought of my friend, and knowing he wanted to have the satisfaction of buying one himself, opted to buy a LEGO giftcard for $400, knowing he'd put it to good use. And that was all I bought that day.

When my best friend's birthday rolled around in January, I went out to dinner with him and his wife, where I presented him with the little LEGO box that held the gift card. He was shocked at the amount on the card, but elated because he knew exactly what he'd get with it. It made me happy to see him taking that step back into LEGO, one of the things that brought us together as friends back in middle school. Of course, I bought a UCS SSD of my own just in time for the May the Fourth promo in 2012 and nabbed that chrome TC-14 polybag. What a time to be a LEGO fan and to be close to a LEGO store!

The story would end there, because that set stayed sealed ever since. But things are moving towards me finally getting to build it. I have the space, and soon, my display case for the SSD will arrive in the mail. I felt it was necessary to get since I've seen my best friend's SSD slowly gather all sorts of dust over the years in his various homes. He is planning to invest in proper display solutions now that he has many UCS Star Wars sets like me!

By in Brazil,

My number one dream set ever since its release. Will only change if Lego ever makes a new UCS for the ship.

By in Turkey,

Impressive size and build, both the set and the movie ship. I'm a fan of this ship since the day I saw it in the movie. It didn't have much screen time, and (Spoilers alert) destroyed almos immediately. I don't have this set because I have the 10030 Star Destroyer, and I do not have the space to accomodate more than one super set.

By in United States,

Ugh... I got this in a used lot almost 3 years ago and haven't had time to build it yet. I want to, but the modular line and my Bricklink store have taken up all my Lego time.

By in United States,

GREAT incredible legendary model kit.
Looks great on display. The details are excellent all around.
Very pricey on the aftermarket for sure.
Found a bigger Mould King version at a very reasonable price that's a HUGE model.
Needs tweaks unlike the Lego official version but impressive nonetheless.

By in United States,

I was able to get this for 30% off, shortly before they did away with the convention discount.

@Maxbricks14 said:
"Ahh, yes the SUPER star destroyer. Such an interesting ship. Due for a UCS remake i reckon. Fun fact this ship was 19 kms long!"

Not-so-fun fact: for years, WEG had people convinced it was only 5x as long as an ISD, even though there’s a shot where a tiny ISD flies right in front of it and this thing absolutely dwarfed it. Those of us who didn’t treat WEG source books as gospel long figured that the bridge tower on the SSD was identical to the ISD version, and that this should prove how much longer the SSD really was.

It lasts most of the way through two films, which covers a span of at least a year in-story.

By in United Kingdom,

Well this is...... Super :)

By in United Kingdom,

I can see why other people are drooling over this one, but it’s just never hit that spot for me; it looks like the build would be repetition more than anything and once it was finished it would be too big and unwieldy to be swooshable and too flare and monochromatic to really be good on display. And given those prices I’m considering it for the best I’ve got no interest, yikes

By in United States,

@Lego_lord and @PurpleDave Yeah, it definitely got more time than the Sequel Trilogy's Supremacy. There's a ship that'll be unbelievably lucky to get a set,

By in Netherlands,

It’s an insult to call the Executor random

By in Poland,

Minifig scale when

By in United States,

@Brickodillo said:
"It’s an insult to call the Executor random"

Nobody expects the Spanish Exe…*ahem*. Sorry. Wrong movie. Move along; this is not the comment you’re looking for.

By in Netherlands,

Over the 30 years that followed, we would constantly get annual "update-patches", basically forcing us to buy a new model every year. After the Super Star Destroyer came the Super Star Destroyer Turbo, Star Destroyer Alpha: Warriors' Dreams, Star Destroyer EX et cetera, allll the way up to the Hyper Star Destroyer: Anniversary Edition.

Darth Vader is still considered grossly overpowered, and remains banned from official tournament-play.

We don't talk about Star Destroyer: The Movie: The Game. Yuck.

By in Australia,

honestly wish more ucs sets had minifig scale interior like this one. its just a cool little detail, but it elevates the set a lot for me

By in United States,

My white whale ??. I remember seeing it selling for not much over RRP, and thinking it was insane.

By in United States,

This is the one that brought me in from my quarter-century Dark Age.

By in United States,

One of my favorite UCS Star Wars sets. The only think I dislike is the clone trooper on the box

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14: That's why I said it was overpriced. 75167 and 75243 will get you all the bounty hunters from that scene, and for cheaper than this set. You could buy multiples of both for the same price as this set. Granted, those took years to com out.

@NotProfessorWhymzi: A few variations:
This one is particularly appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrM1pdW-Y7k

@Billbuilds: You must have loved 75331, then.

By in United Kingdom,

It's incredibly impressive when finished, but I didn't enjoy building it very much. There's an awful lot of repetition. And not just because of the colours. I had it and built it a couple of times but there are way more enjoyable sets that are almost as impressive but a lot more fun, and way less money.

The thing is, for those that say it's too expensive etc. If you can afford the outlay then buy it, build it, keep it a couple of months and sell it again. You'll lose out on some fees if you use eBay but at least you can say you've had it, built it and can judge it for yourself. It's Lego, it isn't going to suddenly lose a huge amount of value overnight.

By in United States,

It will forever be the set I can never get. Well, I've got a few of those, but the Super Star Destroyer is my favorite Star Wars ship, but I just didn't have the money at the time (or maybe I thought it was too expensive at the time (imagine thinking $100 above standard PPP as too expensive these days) and was hoping it would stick around longer than 3 years), and I certainly don't have it now with the aftermarket. I've thought about getting 75356 , but it just wouldn't feel the same despite saving on space. Not to mention I'm saving up for that UCS Venator that will likely look better against my 10030 and Darth Maul mural of the 2012 box art from 3 of 31200 Sith Art sets. It ain't over till it's over, but yeah, I'll probably never get this UCS Super Star Destroyer.

By in Belgium,

One of my first big purchases after the end of my dark ages… Now collecting dust at my brother's house — I don't know where I'd put it if I had to bring it back…

By in United Kingdom,

Got this from my parents for my 40th!
I love it. Definitely one of my favourites.
Very carefully bagged and boxed. I’ve built it a few times over the years and every time it proves very enjoyable and satisfying.

It’s definitely one set I am proud to have, and will continue to be

By in Netherlands,

Apparently it takes size to destroy Super Stars.

I remember seeing this one and the B-Wing in the store in London back in the day. Although they were impressive... I can't imagine the numbness of the build, especially in this one. The B-Wing at least has multiple unique sections, this one is just frame, huge panels, engines and a TON of greebling on top.
I miss the days where sets of this size were special though. Seeing that HUGE box was an event. Now the local toyshop has a whole isle of them.

By in Germany,

Ahh, this is where the trend of including minifigs in non-minifig-scale UCS sets started. A day that will live in infamy.

By in Poland,

@Arnoldos said:
"Minifig scale when"

Sure, you just need some not so densely populated areas of land where LEGO fans could build this model easily on minifig scale on a few square km2.

By in United States,

@Binnekamp said:
I miss the days where sets of this size were special though. Seeing that HUGE box was an event. Now the local toyshop has a whole isle of them."

Yeah I am feeling that... When every aisle of LEGO is full of a dozen giant sets it makes them feel less special. I wish the pace of big sets would actually slow down a bit, but obviously people are buying them since LEGO keeps pumping them out so quickly.

I am glad though that LEGO is still doing good at basic entry level sets ($10-$35 range) though. I am in the model train hobby and I've watched Lionel price themselves out of being a popular toy & scale by focusing so much on collector's items that a basic locomotive is now $1100 a piece. The full expectation is that once the boomers who keep supporting Lionel's practices die out that the storied toy train brand will follow them to the grave. As long as LEGO keeps their entry level and mid-market sets decent, they can avoid the problem

By in United States,

@Maxbricks14 said:
" @TheOtherMike said:
"Overpriced Bounty Hunter Battle Pack."

Well a cheaper alternative is: 75167"

I agree with you both, here. This was too expensive, so it was one of the only times I sought out the figs and got them separately.
...then the actual bounty hunter pack came out and I got two of those as well.

By in Poland,

@SwingTop said:
" @Arnoldos said:
"Minifig scale when"

Sure, you just need some not so densely populated areas of land where LEGO fans could build this model easily on minifig scale on a few square km2."

Assuming minifig height is 180 cm, then this 19 km long ship in minifig scale would be nearly 450 m long.

By in United States,

@Binnekamp said:
"Apparently it takes size to destroy Super Stars."

Super Stars must be a lot weaker than Death Stars, because they sure didn’t accomplish much when they rammed the latter in Ep6.

By in United States,

So many studs.

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